Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1672 Jingjing

Chapter 1672 Jingjing
Fu Xiaozhuo and the other three people arrived very quickly. This time there was no accident and the two parties merged smoothly.

But when everyone saw Fu Xiaozhuo for the first time, their eyes almost popped out!
The foundation monk!

Fu Xiaozhuo actually built a foundation!
Unless deliberately concealed, the characteristics of the foundation period are very obvious.

The first is temperament. The physical body of a monk in the foundation-building stage becomes a Tao-based body, and his flesh and blood is soaked in spiritual power. Unless he practices magic or some offbeat skills, generally monks who have successfully built a foundation with the five elements basic skills will have It has an elegant and ethereal "fairy spirit" that even a mortal can clearly see.

Fu Xiaozhuo's temperament was obviously different from before.

Secondly, the aura, especially since Fu Xiaozhuo had just made a breakthrough and was forcibly promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage. He could not fully control the powerful spiritual power that he suddenly obtained. The coercion is very obvious.

Not to mention the others, even Su Yi was surprised.

When she and Fu Xiaozhuo were separated, she was only practicing at the eighth level, but after not seeing each other for such a short time, she actually jumped five levels and crossed a huge realm, directly building the foundation!

This unnatural growth rate is equivalent to seeing a babbling baby in swaddling clothes yesterday. Today he has grown to a height of 1.8 meters. He is holding a bottle of Erguotou and raising his chin at you: "Drink something, uncle?"


The shock brought by Fu Xiaozhuo's foundation building even made everyone ignore that Ning Caichen, who was only at the fourth level of Qi training before, was now at the twelfth level of Qi training.

Up to eight levels in a row!

"Meet Master (Master)!" Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen arrived in front of Su Yi. Both of them looked a little excited and hurriedly saluted Su Yi.

At this time, Su Yi had already realized that the abnormal improvement in the realm of these two people must be related to the immortal girl!

Not to mention anyone else, Su Yi's heart naturally showed a bit of jealousy at this moment.This kind of getting something for nothing is equivalent to winning a lottery ticket, which is really hateful.

But it’s also true to be happy for them.Jealousy is instinct, happiness is character.

"Xiaoqian (Uncle Xiaoqian), Fellow Taoist Qianhuan, Fellow Railway Daoist!" Fu Xiaozhuo and the other two greeted others in turn.

After seeing Qian Huan's lost legs, Iron Dragonfly's temperament changed drastically, and Zhuge Qingyun who was restrained and unable to move, both of them were also very surprised.

Zhuge Qingyun saw that the two of them seemed to have aged instantly, and the look of malice in their eyes made people shudder.

Qian Huan and Tie Dragonfly also figured out how the two people's realms improved. After they were shocked, they both showed complicated expressions.

In order to get the undead girl to help them break through the foundation building level, they tried their best, causing the brothers to turn against each other. They died and were injured, but in the end it was all in vain.

On the contrary, the two prisoners were lucky enough to be favored by fate and easily got what they wanted.

Good luck tricks people.

"It seems that you have a good chance and you are a blessing in disguise." Su Yi smiled, his eyes falling on the small round face that resembled dry grass and looked like gold paper.

The latter was placed in the flying magic weapon, and Fu Xiaozhuo put a palm on her back, still sending spiritual power to her continuously.

"Is she that little girl?" Su Yi looked at Xiao Yuan, who also looked at Su Yi with wide eyes and curiosity, with a bit of fear in his eyes.

"Master, look at her quickly!" Ning Caichen saw so many people together, and he had many doubts in his heart, but now he had no time to ask anything, and his face was full of anxiety, "Little Circle helped me and Uncle Xiao Zhuo improve Realm, but now she is exhausted...Master, you must save her! If it weren't for her, Uncle Xiao Zhuo and I would have died long ago!"

"Master, please save Xiao Yuan!" Fu Xiaozhuo simply knelt down in front of Su Yi.

In fact, they were both a little worried when they came. After all, the cause of such a big disturbance this time was because of the small circle.They were afraid that Su Yi coveted Xiao Yuan's abilities and chose to use her as a tool.

Both of them are kind-hearted people. Xiao Yuan has saved their lives and is willing to help them at all costs. They really don't want to see Xiao Yuan being used by Su Yi.

It's not that they don't believe in Su Yi's human character, on the contrary, if they didn't believe it, they wouldn't have brought Xiao Yuan to Su Yi for treatment.But in the face of huge benefits at your fingertips, who can choose to refuse temptation for the sake of a little compassion?

Small circles can help people break through levels that they may not be able to break through in their lifetime, or help people save decades of hard work. Who can not be crazy about it?

They asked themselves, if they were themselves, they would probably not make the choice to sacrifice the small circle.Maybe Ning Caichen is still a little confused, but Fu Xiaozhuo must not hesitate.

But they still brought the small circle to Su Yi, which shows how good Su Yi's image is in their hearts.A little worry, just like the jealousy Su Yi had before, it is instinctive and normal.

In the world of spiritual practice, strength is respected. Whether it is a major sect or a casual cultivator, once someone breaks through to a great realm, he or she will become a senior or elder. This is an eternal truth.It stands to reason that after Fu Xiaozhuo was promoted to a foundation-building monk, she is now the one with the highest cultivation level among all the people, and she should enjoy the most respected treatment.

But she still regarded herself as a maid, and even knelt down to Su Yi without hesitation. Not only did she feel it was normal, but everyone present took it for granted.

This is because although Su Yi appears to be at the seventh level of Qi training, he has already killed three monks in the foundation-building stage. Who is higher and who is lower, is there any need to say?

"Little Yuan Yuan, who came up with this name? Are you so incompetent?" Su Yi helped Fu Xiaozhuo out of thin air and used a burst of spiritual power to help Fu Xiaozhuo up.Walking up to the small circle, he smiled and said, "Do you like this name?"

Little Circle said with some fear: "I, I don't know."

"Are you afraid of me?" Su Yi asked.

"You are so powerful. You are different from them. I'm scared." Xiao Yuan did not dare to look into Su Yi's eyes.

"What are you afraid of me? Are you afraid that I will kill you?" Su Yi raised an eyebrow, "Are you afraid of death?"

Xiao Yuan shook her head, but nodded again. After thinking about it, she said a little uncertainly: "You can make me never live again!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

Su Yi looked at her deeply, with some caution in his eyes, and said slowly: "Then let's make a promise. As long as you have no ill intentions towards us, I will never kill you."

"Okay, then don't lie to me!" Xiao Yuan smiled happily, and the fear in his eyes immediately disappeared.

She believed Su Yi's words so easily.

Su Yi smiled and said: "I want to take your pulse now and see how your body is doing, but you have to relax, you have to promise me, you have to trust me completely, and believe that I will never harm you. "

"I believe you!" Xiao Yuan nodded weakly, "Also, I don't like the name Xiao Yuan at all now. Can you help me choose a new one?" "Jingjing! Just call it Jingjing!" Su Yi hasn't said it yet. Ning Caichen spoke first.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Ning Caichen was a little surprised and said shyly: "I, I have been thinking about it for a long time. I think this name matches the small circle very well."

This slut is in love again.

Su Yi saw his apprentice's little thoughts at a glance. It was a little funny, but he didn't expose it. He just nodded in agreement and said: "This is a good name! There is the flower of the tree, and its leaves are green. It walks alone. Is there no one else?" Jingjing means dense leaves, Caichen means I hope you will be happy and grow up strong, and I hope you will no longer be alone in the future. Am I right, Caichen?"

"Yes, yes! Master, you are so knowledgeable and knowledgeable." Ning Caichen smiled brightly and gave Su Yi a thumbs up.

"Jingjing...Okay, from now on my name will be Jingjing!" Xiao Yuanyou said with a happy smile.

Su Yi then stretched out his hand to feel his pulse.

Except for Ning Caichen who was too happy to pay attention, Nie Xiaoqian and Fu Xiaozhuo, who knew Su Yi well, could see that Su Yi was tense all over and seemed to be very nervous and wary.

In fact, Su Yi was not only nervous, but as if facing a formidable enemy!

From the time he became She Qing to now, the only one who could make She Qing's soul fearful was the one who planned to become an immortal in five hells but was ruined by Su Yi.Now, the Jingjing in front of me is the second one!

Of course, Jingjing only made Sheqing feel the crisis, and the fear she brought was far less than that of the quasi-Five Hell Immortal, but this is enough to show how terrifying this seemingly harmless little girl is!

Su Yi is now almost more and more certain that Jingjing is the ice phoenix that finally smuggled into the spirit world with Old Demon Han in the original plot of Mortal.

Especially after he sensed the crystal-clear demon pill in Jingjing's body, he no longer had any doubts in his mind.

According to the rules of this world, demon elixirs can only be possessed by at least level five demon beasts. Level five demon beasts are equivalent to the early stages of elixir formation for human monks.If a demon cultivator wants to completely transform into a human form, no longer possess the characteristics of the demon clan, and be completely the same as a human being, he must be at least an eleventh level demon beast, which is equivalent to the early stage of divine transformation for a human cultivator.

Jingjing has a demon elixir, looks exactly like a human being, and doesn't have any demonic energy emanating from her body, so she must be a demon beast in the god-transformation stage.

It is basically impossible for the human world to have two ice phoenixes in the divine transformation stage at the same time, so it can basically be concluded that these are the same creature.How could such a powerful divine beast, Bingfeng, turn into the little girl that even mortals can imprison for bloodletting research?

Su Yi knew that due to the thin spiritual energy in the human world, the activities of monks in the transformation stage were greatly restricted in this world, and some monks in the transformation stage had to rack their brains to circumvent these restrictions or break the restrictions.

Maybe this is the reason why Jingjing is like this?

Or is there something wrong with her own skills?
Su Yi had no way of knowing, he just carefully explored the situation in Jingjing's body and carefully walked around the crystal clear demon pill.

The fear of the Qing Soul comes from this demon pill.

Although it did not emit or wave any aura, as if it was sealed, or there was something wrong with it, Su Yi had no intention of provoking it.

Soon, he finished inspecting Jingjing's body and released his hand.

"Master, how are you?" Ning Caichen asked eagerly.

Su Yi frowned and pondered, but did not speak.

Although Ning Caichen was very anxious, he did not dare to rush. He almost held his breath and looked at Su Yi eagerly.

Finally Su Yi spoke.

"Her physical body is like a decayed corpse." Su Yi said, "The internal organs, blood, bones and flesh, all the organs and tissues are superficial, but in fact they have long since lost their vitality. You can also convey spiritual energy. , even if you give her medicine, her body can't absorb even a bit of it. It's useless to give it a corpse that has no vitality at all. "

"But we can feel that she is absorbing our spiritual energy. Although most of it has dissipated, a small part of it has still been absorbed by her, otherwise she would not be able to survive now!" Ning Caichen said hurriedly.

"The spiritual energy you sensed was absorbed was not absorbed by her physical body, but consumed by her demon elixir." Su Yi couldn't help but said angrily, "I don't know whether to call you ignorant or fearless. My life shouldn’t be cut off!”

Ning Caichen and Fu Xiaozhuo actually dared to send spiritual power to stimulate things that he didn't even dare to touch?
If this demon pill reacts, just a little bit of power can kill the two of them a hundred times.

Ning Caichen and Fu Xiaozhuo looked at each other, neither understanding what Su Yi was talking about.

But Su Yi said "demon pill".

"So, Jingjing is a demon?" Nie Xiaoqian looked at the weak Jingjing in surprise.

The latter was a little flustered and nervous: "I, am I not a human being? I, am I different from you?"

"You are just like us! Jingjing, even if you are really a demon, you must be a good demon!" Ning Caichen said loudly.

But Jingjing was not comforted and still looked very flustered.

Su Yi said: "Just like people are divided into men, women, old and young. In different countries, there are practitioners who cultivate immortals, demons, and ghosts. There are also human beings and other races of intelligent beings in the world. In fact, there is no difference between them. People. You won’t be a higher class, and monsters won’t be a lower class. You should be happy that you are different from us, otherwise you would have died long ago, how could you still be alive to talk to us?”

"Yes, yes, master is absolutely right!" Ning Caichen said excitedly, "Jingjing, please don't feel inferior. No matter what you are, I will never despise you."

Su Yi couldn't help but glance at him, not knowing whether to praise him or complain about him.

"Sir, Jingjing's injury..." Fu Xiaozhuo asked.

Su Yi shook his head and said: "I'm not sure about her physical condition. It stands to reason that her body has already run out of oil and withered away. She is just a talking corpse now. But her body's meridians There is a very strange force, and it is this force that allows her to still be conscious and still be able to barely control this body."

"It's just that this strange power is too weak, causing her to be very weak now and can't even stand up. And..."

"And what?" Ning Caichen asked nervously.

"And this strange power is constantly being consumed every time she speaks, or even does simple actions like blinking her eyes and breathing. When this power is completely consumed, she will be completely dead." Su Yi said.

These words made Ning Caichen turn pale, and Fu Xiaozhuo couldn't help biting his lip.

"B-but, isn't she immortal?" Ning Caichen said tremblingly.

(End of this chapter)

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