Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1679 Accident

Chapter 1679 Accident
Xiao Ping is over 40 years old. She started practicing at the age of eight. Now she has perfected her foundation and is only one step away from forming a pill.To reach such a state in just over thirty years shows Xiao Ping's talent.

If she had Xiao Ping's talent and level among various sects, she would have long since become a famous teacher, become a core disciple of the sect, and received respected treatment.It's a pity that she was born in a branch of the Xiao family, and she is destined to be bound by this strict hierarchical family system throughout her life and cannot escape.

Branches of the Xiao family will be branded to serve the main family from birth, and are destined to be enslaved and exploited by the main family.Although this kind of exploitation and slavery is disguised as a warm and affectionate family relationship, in fact, it is more suffocating and more cruel than the exploitation in the sect.

Children born from side branches will be instilled with the concept that "the master's family is heaven" from birth. They will be emphasized over and over again about the difference between superiority and inferiority. They will be told again and again that they are born in a humble place. To get rid of this lowliness, they must make great achievements. Or practice hard and strive to join the glorious master's family...

From a certain point of view, children from a branch of a cultivating family like the Xiao family are even worse than casual cultivators.At least casual cultivators don't have to be enslaved by anyone, let alone be inferior to anyone.

The disciples of the Xiao family with average talents, unless they have made great achievements and are rewarded with a foundation-building pill by their master, or they have to fight for the opportunity themselves, otherwise their qi training period in this life will be over.Those with outstanding talents who have completed their Qi training period before the age of 16 will have the opportunity to join the direct lineage of the master's family, and at the same time, they can be rewarded with a foundation-building pill by the master's family.

This is undoubtedly a road that everyone aspires to for the children of the side branch, but there are always exceptions to everything. There are always some people who do not want to join the direct line of the main family, or are unable to join the main family due to various reasons, such as the great elder Xiao Ping.

Xiao Ping's father was deliberately killed by a direct descendant of the Xiao family during an intra-family competition because of a dispute over interests. Therefore, Xiao Ping has harbored hatred towards the direct descendants of the Xiao family since she was a child.

She is extremely talented and has reached the completion of her Qi training period at the age of 14. It stands to reason that the master should immediately summon her, reward her with the Foundation Establishment Pill, and recruit her.

If the master's family really did this, Xiao Ping would be willing to even put aside the hatred of killing her father and become a dog for the master's family for the sake of her future.

In the face of cruel reality, no matter how fearless the brave man is, he must weigh the pros and cons.

It's a pity that even if she wanted to be a dog for her master's family, they wouldn't do it.

After learning that Xiao Ping was so talented, the direct descendant who killed Xiao Ping's father panicked. He relied on his father's power and position, ignored family rules, refused Xiao Ping to join the master's family, refused to provide her with foundation-building pills, and even He set up a conspiracy to make Xiao Ping disappear unexpectedly.

Xiao Ping escaped the disaster, but because of this she knew that she would only die if she stayed in the Xiao family any longer, so she left the family alone and fled to Jinguyuan.

Three years later, Xiao Ping, who had no idea what she had gone through, returned to her family, went to the Tianxing Sect to meet the sect master, bypassed the head of the main family, and became a direct disciple of an elder of the Tianxing Sect.

This incident shocked the Xiao family for a time. The head of the Xiao family was also a person with a clear sense of right and wrong. He quickly found out the truth of the matter and executed Xiao Ping's father-killing enemy who was in the way. Then he took this person's head and invited Xiao Ping again. Returning to the family, he gave her a shop in the market, and also gave her a lucrative job as the Great Elder of Fenghejian. Such sincerity brought about the reconciliation between Xiao Ping and the family, and Xiao Ping became the only one who was not a direct descendant. The powerful family elder is regarded as a role model and spiritual support by all the children of the branch.

This kind of inspirational story of counterattack from the bottom is actually not uncommon in the world of spiritual practice. Whether these amazing and talented people are stunning for a while or have been evergreen for a lifetime, they all have one thing in common - their heroic qualities.

For heroes, domineering is just their appearance. In fact, what heroes are best at is always weighing the pros and cons and being able to bend and stretch.

A true husband is one who can endure what ordinary people cannot endure.

Xiao Ping is no exception. No one knows what she has sacrificed behind her fame. She can survive to this day not because of her outstanding talent or advanced cultivation, but because of one thing - her mind.

So when she heard the man who broke into her secret practice room and asked her straight to the point about the teleportation formation, she didn't do anything irrational. She immediately clasped her fists respectfully and said, "Senior, there is indeed a star directly connected to the Yuanwu Kingdom in the cave of this junior. Zongfang City’s teleportation array can be activated at any time.”

The reason why she reacted like this was because she judged two things in this very short period of time.

First, the person coming is absolutely invincible!Although her cave cannot be called a dragon's pool or a tiger's den, no one can enter or exit at will.The formations arranged by her Grand Elder Mansion could be blocked by even a pill-forming monk, but this person quietly passed through the formation restrictions and appeared directly in front of her!

How terrible is this?

Secondly, the person came not to kill her, but to seek something.This terrifying existence wanted to borrow his own teleportation array. Xiao Ping immediately thought of the previous family leader Xiao Gong who suddenly issued a family order to temporarily seal off the river stream and not allow anyone to enter or exit. The opening time is to be determined.

These two things must be related.

If a person who is absolutely invincible to you wants something from you, then you should cooperate honestly and satisfy this person's needs, and don't do unnecessary things.

Xiao Ping didn't even dare to raise her head to look at Su Yi, let alone use her spiritual consciousness to sense him.

She was afraid that any outrageous move she made would trigger the other party's desire to silence her.

Xiao Ping's reaction made Su Yi sigh in relief. Behind this seemingly simple question and answer, Su Yi had done enough homework to understand and analyze this person, and then designed such an appearance and opening remarks to achieve a complete shock effect. .

He can indeed kill Xiao Ping, but his purpose is to lead the team to Yuanwu Kingdom, not to kill people. He needs Xiao Ping to cooperate with him honestly and not to have any undue thoughts to satisfy this.

Although She Qing is powerful, She Qing's attacks will definitely hurt people's lives. He is not good at threatening people into submission. The only thing Su Yi can come up with is the Spirit Sacrifice Brand.

The Spirit Sacrifice Brand can be used to scare smooth people like Xiao Zhen, but for people like Xiao Ping who are deeply insecure, a vague threat is very likely to arouse her fighting spirit to fight back, and she may end up in trouble. The end result of the adult fish dying and breaking the net is something no one wants to see.

Therefore, we must shock her, dispel her thoughts of resistance, and let her clearly see hope.

"Very good. A girl named Fu will come to you with a few people later. You don't need to say anything and just take them away from the teleportation array." Su Yi ordered as a matter of course.

"Yes, this junior has taken note of it." Xiao Ping answered simply and without any nonsense, and kept her bowing posture.

"You, a junior, are quite sensible. I hope you will always be sensible and don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have." Su Yi smiled half-heartedly.

"Junior dare not!" Xiao Ping said.

"That's best." Su Yi said calmly, "I'll give you a piece of advice. Although this matter may bring you a little trouble, it's best not to reveal to others that I've been looking for you. If old monster Linghu and the others are... Now that you know it, Tianxing Sect can’t protect you.”

Xiao Ping's pupils shrank suddenly, and she was overwhelmed with emotion. On the outside, she said more respectfully and solemnly: "Thank you, senior. I will take note of this!"

"that's it."

There was a lingering sound, but Su Yi had disappeared.

The evil aura gradually subsided, and Xiao Ping waited for a while before she straightened up and raised her head. Her face was full of solemnity. She immediately took out the formation disk to check the formation. Random eyes were filled with shock!There are no traces of damage or intrusion among the numerous formations and restrictions!

How did that person get in just now?
That person mentioned Old Monster Linghu just now...could he be Old Monster Linghu from Huang Maple Valley?

So, this person is also a Nascent Soul?

This should be the case. If it weren't for Nascent Soul, how could he have such an elusive method?
Xiao Ping's face was uncertain. She paced back and forth, and finally took out a transmission note, whispered a few words, and let it fly.

At the same time, the figures of Wanjia Old Monster and Li Huayuan appeared outside the gate of the Fenghe Stream protective formation.

A middle-aged foundation-building monk with a white face and no beard and a group of foundation-building monks were already waiting at the door to greet him.

Seeing the two men descending, the middle-aged man with a white face and beard immediately stepped forward to greet him with a smile and said: "Xiao Gong, the head of the Xiao family in Fenghe Stream, pays homage to Elder Wan of Huadaowu and Elder Li of Huangfeng Valley! The two seniors came to Fenghe Stream, the Xiao family The basil is shining brightly!"

"Master Nephew Xiao, you're welcome." The person who answered him was the ancestor of the Wan family. The old man waved his hand and asked impatiently: "Master Nephew Xiao, is there anyone in a hurry to leave Fenghe Stream?"

"Yes, but they were all stopped." Xiao Gong said respectfully, "After receiving the message from Senior Wan, I immediately blocked Fenghe Stream. If the person Senior Wan is looking for really comes to Fenghe Stream, then People must be trapped here.”

"Okay! If you find this person, I will be very grateful!" The ancestor of the Wan family was immediately overjoyed.

"Huadaowu and the Xiao family have always been on good terms, so why say thank you for such a trivial matter? Two seniors, please!"

Surrounded by everyone in the Xiao family, the Wan family ancestors and Li Huayuan entered Fenghe Stream together.

Xiao Gong said: "All the casual cultivators who come in and out of my Xiao family are concentrated in the nine important towns, and there are also a few well-informed VIPs in the main city. As for the Eighteen Mining Areas and other areas, our Xiao family has imposed many restrictions, and there are also some Special personnel are on patrol to ensure that no one can sneak in."

"The Xiao family is famous for its formations. What Junior Nephew Xiao said is true." Li Huayuan replied with a smile, then turned to look at the ancestor of the Wan family: "Fellow Taoist Wan, in that case, let's check all the way from here. ? I am accompanied by all the nephews of the Xiao family. If I disturb the guests of the Xiao family, I will just trouble them to explain to avoid misunderstanding."

"Yes, that's what I meant." The ancestor of the Wan family nodded.

When they come to Fenghe Stream to look for someone, they must not be as unscrupulous and unscrupulous as they were in Lanzhou. Although they are targeting casual cultivators, they must search under the witness of the Xiao family and give the Xiao family the minimum respect.

"Even if you two seniors search, many of the people who come to my Xiao family are regular customers. With me waiting, I can prevent you two seniors from wasting time on unnecessary people." Xiao Gong said with a smile.

"Then let's get started!"

The search started here, and Su Yi and his group on the other side lowered the flying magic weapon outside the east gate of the Xiao family's main city, but were stopped and questioned by the monk guarding the gate.

"My surname is Fu. I'm here to visit the eldest elder of the Xiao family, fellow Daoist Xiao Ping. I've made an appointment with her. Please let me know." It was Fu Xiaozhuo who came out to respond. She had a cold look, as if she was rejecting people thousands of miles away.

"The Great Elder's Mansion didn't say..." The monk was confused when he saw a monk who had perfected his Qi practice hurriedly came towards him. With a spring breeze on his face, he bowed respectfully and said, "But Senior Fu in person? The Great Elder specially ordered this junior to come and greet me!"

"Lead the way." Fu Xiaozhuo uttered two words coldly.

"Yes, please, senior!" The monk did not dare to neglect and hurriedly led the way, leading Su Yi and the others towards the Great Elder's Mansion.

Just when everyone was about to enter the city gate, a monk who was leaving the city was suddenly startled, pointed at Qian Huan and shouted in surprise: "Fellow Taoist Qian Huan! Why is it you?"

As soon as these words came out, except for Su Yi, Ning Caichen and others all changed their expressions!
Based on the consideration that disguising themselves or concealing their aura would attract attention, everyone showed their true colors.Except for Qian Huan, no one here has been to Fenghe Stream before, so it doesn't really matter if it's easy or not.

Although Qian Huan came to Fenghe Stream a few years ago and met a descendant of a branch of the Xiao family, he thought that it would be impossible to meet this person again in the vast sea of ​​people by such a coincidence, and the branch of the Xiao family generally did not go in and out of the main city. , Therefore, Qian Huan has nothing to worry about.

Little did I know that things in the world are so wonderful, but something with such a small probability happened just like that!

The children of the Xiao family who Qian Huan met back then happened to meet Qian Huan here unexpectedly!

"Your legs..." The disciples of this branch quickly discovered Qian Huan's abnormality and couldn't help but screamed in surprise again.

Qian Huan's expression changed drastically, and he secretly complained in his heart, but he knew that denying it at this time would arouse suspicion, so he forced a smile and clasped his fists and said: "It's been a long time, fellow Taoist Xiao Kai. I'm going to visit the eldest elder of your family, the Xiao family, with my seniors. If Let’s rekindle our old friendship when we have time.”

Perhaps it was the magic power of the three words "Great Elder". The disciples from the side branch immediately looked solemn, hurriedly gave way and clasped their fists: "Brother Qianhuan, you can come to the old place to find me when you are done."

"Okay." Qian Huan nodded.

After this unexpected episode, Su Yi and others continued to follow the leading monk toward the city. Although the group appeared to be calm, there was a sense of urgency in their hearts.

The disciples of this branch watched Su Yi and the others leave with a look of confusion in their eyes.

A monk wearing armor came over and said with a smile: "Xiao Kai, why are you standing here stupidly?"

Xiao Kai was shocked. Xiao Fan was his direct descendant and he had always been aloof and disdainful of him. Why did he take the initiative to talk to him today?

He did not dare to neglect and hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "Brother Hui, I sent a batch of herbs to the city and didn't stay too long..."

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to ask for guilt." Xiao Fan smiled and waved his hand, "I think you know the person who went in, and you're curious, so I came to ask."

"You mean fellow Taoist Qianhuan?" Xiao Kai didn't dare not tell the truth, "He is a casual cultivator who came to our Fenghe River three years ago. I heard from him that he and several of his friends formed a group called Wu The sect of the Hidden Sect, this person..."

(End of this chapter)

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