Xiao Ping is afraid of the "mysterious old monster" She Qing transforms into, but because of this incident, the family has offended the two major factions of Huang Maple Valley and Huadaowu. Xiao Gong, who has long regarded her as a thorn in his side, will definitely add fuel to the fire and label her as a traitor to the family forever. Turn over!
She was really in a dilemma, no matter what choice she made, it was wrong, so she simply used Xiao Danwang's nail to "prevent" herself from opening the teleportation array. This could not only prove to Su Yi that she had tried her best, but also because she had not caused any losses. Account for the family.

Her wishful thinking was indeed very loud, and if Fu Xiaozhuoruo helped her deal with Xiao Danwang, she would be happy to kill this young man with a borrowed knife.

But by then, the time had almost dragged on long enough for the two ancestors of the Wan family to arrive, and there would be nothing wrong with her here.

But she didn't expect that Su Yi had already analyzed and understood her through other channels, and could see her "snake and mouse" at a glance.

Fu Xiaozhuo was about to step forward to help, but Su Yi stopped her to expose Xiao Ping's disguise and said coldly: "Don't waste time, have a backup plan!"

The secret from Xiao Zhen finally came in handy!

Fu Xiaozhuo also knew that time was urgent. He nodded and said without hesitation: "Xiao Ping, do you recognize Liu Yu?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Danwang had no reaction, but Xiao Ping's expression changed drastically, and she suddenly used her strength to fight off Xiao Danwang, then turned around and stared at Fu Xiaozhuo.

Fu Xiaozhuo said coldly: "There is also Liucheng, do you want me to continue?"

Xiao Ping's eyes glowed fiercely, filled with murderous intent.

The name Liucheng made Xiao Danwang react on the other side. His eyes widened with shock and excitement, and he said in a trembling voice: "Liucheng? Could it be Liucheng, an inner disciple of the Yuling Sect? Xiao Ping , are you related to the mortal enemy of the Xiao family? Could it be that..."

He thought he had grasped Xiao Ping's secret, but little did he know that he was about to die!
Xiao Ping's eyes flashed with murderous intent. She turned her palm over and suddenly a blood jade doll appeared in her hand. She crushed it into powder and blew it up in the wind.

Xiao Danwang on the other side exploded with flesh and blood at this moment, like a watermelon thrown from a high place, with flesh and blood flying everywhere and no bones left!

This scene made Su Yi and others feel awe-struck!
This is a kind of spell. It is obvious that Xiao Danwang's life and death has been under Xiao Ping's control for a long time. This further proves that Su Yi's prediction was correct. Xiao Ping already knew that this person was a direct line spy of the Xiao family.

But now, the secret revealed by Fu Xiaozhuo touches the bottom line that Xiao Ping must not be known to anyone. But Xiao Danwang, the second- and fifth-year-old boy, has heard it, so he will have no choice but to die.

Xiao Danwang died suddenly in an instant, and the crisis in the formation was immediately resolved. Although there were constant roars outside the formation, how could the cave protection formation of a monk with perfect foundation be broken open so easily?

Xiao Ping stared at Fu Xiaozhuo with a gloomy expression, as if she wanted to ask something.

Fu Xiaozhuo also looked at her coldly: "This is just a small warning!"

As she spoke, she flipped her hand, and in her hand came out a spiritual talisman that exuded cyan color and was pulsating with strong azure energy.

"I don't want to trouble my ancestors to do it again, and I don't want to see Fenghe Stream flowing with blood! Do you understand what I mean, fellow Daoist Xiao?" Fu Xiaozhuo said solemnly.

Xiao Ping looked frightened and hurriedly clasped her fists and said, "Sorry, I'll start the teleportation right now!"

That talisman was a divine talisman from another world. Xiao Ping didn't recognize it, but she remembered the Qing Qing aura.

Fu Xiaozhuo's warning completely dispelled all her selfish thoughts.

She had no other reason and directly activated the teleportation array.


With a burst of space, the six-ray teleportation array shot out six beams of light.

The movement was so loud that the whole city could see it.

Outside the formation, the Discipline Elder shouted angrily: "Xiao Ping! You are looking for death!"

Farther away in the void, Li Huayuan and Wanjia Ancestor, who were coming at lightning speed, also saw the six light pillars rising from the main city from a distance, and their expressions changed drastically in an instant.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" The ancestor of the Wan family was completely angry!

He suddenly made a hand seal with his hands, and blood mist suddenly burst out all over his body. His whole body instantly turned into a stream of blood light and shot towards the Xiao family's main city at a faster speed!

He actually performed a blood escape technique that required burning energy and blood!
Li Huayuan on the side also had an extremely ugly expression. Although even if Hehetu's people escaped, he would not suffer heavy losses like the ancestors of the Wan family, but of course he was unwilling to let the cooked duck fly away like this.

After a slight hesitation, he gritted his teeth and took out a spiritual talisman, spraying a breath of spiritual energy on it. The talisman ignited without wind and turned into an illusory portal.The corner of his mouth twitched slightly with some pain, and he took Xiao Gong and stepped into it.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in the sky above the Great Elder's Mansion.

He actually arrived earlier than the ancestors of the Wan family.

Seeing the large formation below, he did not hesitate to use a giant sword wrapped in three colors, suddenly activated his spiritual power, and slashed hard!
In just one move, the formation was on the verge of collapse, and most of the illusory formations, killing formations and other restrictions were instantly destroyed!
But miraculously it held on and was not broken!

In the formation, the moment the formation was attacked, the entire Grand Elder's Mansion seemed to be doomed. All the pavilions, pavilions and houses collapsed instantly. Countless mortal attendants or disciples with low cultivation levels were shocked to death in an instant!

Those who survived were seriously injured and vomited blood, their faces full of shock.

A large crack suddenly opened in the formation disk in Xiao Ping's hand, and the cracked gap quickly spread to the entire formation disk like a spider web.

Xiao Ping's expression changed in shock. She knew very well that if this happened again, the formation would be broken!

She looked anxiously at the large formation that was activating the teleportation, gritted her teeth, took out six mid-level spiritual stones again and quickly put them into the teleportation array, then redoubled her frenzy to transfer spiritual power into the teleportation order, and said hurriedly: "Fellow Daoist Fu, This move is enough to make up for my previous mistakes, so please give me more kind words in front of my seniors!"

The six beams of light are dazzling, and the teleportation array shines brightly!

The three-color giant sword slashed down again, and the protective formation of the Elder's Mansion was completely shattered in an instant. The formation in Xiao Ping's hand collapsed. She also suffered a backlash and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Her face instantly turned pale, but madness flashed in her eyes, and she continued to deliver madly. After a blast of spiritual power, he crushed the teleportation order in his hand.

The teleportation array completely lit up and began to rotate slowly.

Teleportation has begun!

Once the teleportation array has completed charging and officially started transmitting, it cannot be interrupted. However, the teleportation array in front of us only teleports over short and medium distances, and the protection mechanism is not perfect. Although the teleportation cannot be interrupted, if it is hit by a blow during the pill formation stage, it will be extremely dangerous. It is likely that there will be an error in the transmission, causing great danger to the person being teleported!

At this time, Li Huayuan appeared in front of the teleportation array with a three-color giant sword in hand. Seeing the situation in front of him, he suddenly showed anger, and he was about to strike out with his sword at all costs.If you don’t get it, destroy it!
In the formation, Su Yi's eyes flashed with green light, and murderous intent burst out!
"Wait a minute!" But just then the ancestor of the Wan family arrived and hurriedly stopped Li Huayuan's impulsive move.

Li Huayuan hesitated and gave up the attack.He could understand why the Wan family ancestor called for a halt.With this strike, the people in the formation may escape death, but Qingyan's storage bag will definitely be completely wiped out in the turbulent flow of space. The hope of the ancestor of the Wan family to find his treasure again is basically zero.

But this was not the only reason that made him give up the attack. He endured the frightening crisis and looked at Su Yi, whose eyes were glowing blue, with a look of shock and uncertainty on his face.Xiao Ping on the side also had a panoramic view of this scene. Her face was full of horror, she lowered her head and did not dare to look anymore.

When the ancestor of the Wan family landed, Su Yi had already put away his strange behavior.The former looked at the people in the formation with a gloomy expression. He glanced at the faces of everyone in the formation one by one as if he wanted to eat people. He gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "Give me back Qingyan's storage bag! Otherwise, I will have to go to heaven and earth." Find you and refine your soul!"

Su Yi smiled, pointed at him and said, "I'm waiting for you in Yuanwu Kingdom. Come quickly."

The ancestor of the Wan family shifted his gaze from Fu Xiaozhuo's face to Su Yi, with a look of surprise in his eyes, but the random killing intent was more powerful.

He smiled evilly and said, "I won't keep you waiting too long!"

The formation suddenly erupted with blazing light, and all the people in the formation disappeared completely!
They teleported away!
The ancestor of the Wan family still couldn't help but slapped his palm, and countless wind blades instantly shattered the teleportation array in front of him that had lost its spiritual power!
This teleportation array was difficult to refine and expensive. Now that it was destroyed, the huge loss was enough to make Xiao Ping feel heartbroken.

But at this moment, she didn't dare to show even a trace of dissatisfaction. She just looked at this scene with a solemn expression, not even having time to wipe away the blood from the corner of her mouth.Her eyes changed rapidly, thinking about how to clean up the mess in front of her, and face the wrath of the two core-forming masters.

The ancestor of the Wan family did not look back, but his noisy clothes and the majestic spiritual power that he could not release were enough to make everyone feel his suppressed anger.

"I want the Xiao family to give me an explanation!" He said in a cold tone.

"Senior Wan, calm down, I will definitely give you an explanation!" Xiao Gong's face was as dark as water and he gritted his teeth.

He turned around with a dark face, pointed at Xiao Ping, and shouted sternly: "Xiao Ping, you are so brave! What crime do you deserve?"

"The head of the family is so majestic that he uses the rules of Huadaowu to condemn the elders of the Xiao family and the inner disciples of the Tianxing Sect." Xiao Ping sneered, "If the ancestor knew about this, he would definitely treat such a majestic person like you. The head of the family is very pleased.”

Xiao Gong was startled and then laughed angrily: "You are still so glib now? Our Xiao family has always been on good terms with the seven major sects of the Yue Kingdom. It is reasonable and reasonable for the two seniors to ask the Xiao family for help when there is an emergency! But you know that you Opening the teleportation array and letting those people run away will offend the two seniors, but you still do it deliberately, how do you explain it?"

"Senior Li must be able to guess why I did this." Xiao Ping was still neither humble nor overbearing, and bowed to Li Huayuan, "Senior also saw it just now, Xiao Ping is just a junior, with a shallow cultivation level and a low status, it just so happens that he meets , it can only be like this. Senior Li is a distinguished person. For the sake of my Xiao family’s willingness to seal off the entire Fenghe Stream in order to cooperate with the two seniors, and for the sake of my Xiao family’s innocence being involved in such troubles and fights, Please forgive me for my incompetent actions."

Xiao Ping's words made Xiao Gong startled and doubtful. Over there, the stern-faced ancestor of the Wan family also looked at Li Huayuan thoughtfully.

Li Huayuan hesitated slightly and spoke to the ancestor of the Wan family through spiritual sound transmission. The latter's face was shocked and he asked in a deep voice: "Seriously?"

Li Huayuan said: "Why should I lie to you? I have already met this matter at the right time. When they arrive in Yuanwu Kingdom, there is no need for me to participate anymore. Now that the matter has come to this, I can still communicate with the Ye family when I go back. It's just a pity. He gave me a small teleportation charm, alas..."

Li Huayuan shook his head and sighed, feeling quite sorry.

The ancestor of the Wan family was silent for a moment and then said quietly: "Fellow Daoist Li can leave freely, but I can't. I have to leave this Yuanwu country."

After a pause, he sneered again: "I can't let the people who are waiting for me down, right?"

Li Huayuan advised: "Our seven major sects and the three major sects over there have always done nothing wrong. Fellow Taoists should still act with caution."

"Don't worry, I'm measured." The ancestor of the Wan family said coldly.

His cold eyes swept over Xiao Ping and then looked at Xiao Gong: "Master Nephew Xiao, please send a message to your ancestor, Taoist Xiao. I want to go to Tianxing Sect to visit him in person. We have important matters to discuss. Is it convenient?"

Xiao Gong hurriedly clasped his fists and said: "Senior Wan, don't worry, I will send the message right away, and also invite the two seniors to take a rest in the humble house."

After a pause, he looked at Xiao Ping and said coldly: "I will report this to our ancestors. You also come with me and explain it to our ancestors yourself!"

"Of course!" Xiao Ping said lightly.

Obviously, she had already thought of a response and was not panicking at the moment.

On the border of Yuanwu Kingdom, on Wangyue Ridge.

This place is named after looking at the Taiyue Peak of the Yue Kingdom in the distance. Taiyue Peak is the territory of the Yellow Maple Valley.

The location of Tianxing Zongfang City in Wangyueling Division is naturally under the jurisdiction of Tianxing Zong.This place is not far from Huangfeng Gufang City, and it can be reached in just one flight by burning an incense stick. Therefore, disciples of the two sects often travel between each other in the city.

In the center of Tianxing Zongfang, there is a luxuriously decorated three-story building called "Xiao Family Formation Building".This building specializes in selling various formations to monks, and also undertakes the refining of formations with various functions such as cave protection formations, offensive formations, psychedelic formations, and enemy trapping.Tianxing Sect is most famous for its formations. In this city, there are many shops related to formations like this, but there are not many shops that are as luxurious as the Xiao Family Formation Building and occupy a central location.

Xiao Ping became the owner of such a shop through perfecting the Foundation Establishment. Behind this was the support of the ancestors of the Xiao family and the support of the Tianxing Sect.

Precisely because of its considerable background, this store was relieved to only arrange two formation masters in the foundation building stage to take charge, and did not worry about the safety of the store.

The teleportation array from Fenghe Stream to here is arranged next to the houses of these two foundation-building array masters.

When the teleportation array lit up, the two people were instantly alarmed and flew out one after another.

"The great elder came only half a month ago, why did he come again so soon?" one of them asked in confusion.

"A teleportation is expensive. There must be something urgent." The other one stared at the teleportation formation.

Soon, several figures appeared out of thin air in the formation, it was Su Yi and his group!

The two Foundation Establishment Formation Masters looked at the incoming person in astonishment, and found that they didn't recognize any of them, so they instantly became vigilant.

Without saying a word, Fu Xiaozhuo took out a token and showed it to the two people: "Two fellow Taoists have invited me. We are friends of the great elder, and we will use this teleportation array to come to Yuanwu Kingdom to do things."

She didn't say much and threw the token into one of them's hands.

The man took it, looked at it, nodded to the other man, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

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