Chapter 1686
"That's why I asked you to bring her here," Su Yi said to Ning Caichen, "Her physical condition can no longer delay her."

Jingjing may run out of oil and die completely at any time. Now is her weakest time, and even the demon pill in her body seems to have disappeared.

Su Yi felt that if he wanted to figure out the secret of Jingjing's immortality, now was the best time.So he was so busy that he didn't even have time to count the harvest, so he found Jingjing first.

He looked at Jingjing: "I have a way to enter your dreams. Dreams are scenes generated by people's subconscious. In your dreams, I may be able to guide you and help you find your lost memories and the reasons for your current situation. . But in this way, your secret will also be revealed and explored by me, are you willing?"

"Dream?" Jingjing asked doubtfully, "I often have some strange dreams, but I don't remember them after I wake up. You mean, you can enter my dreams?"


"That's great!" Jingjing laughed happily, "Go to my dream and help me see what kind of dreams I have."

"Master, can you take me in too?" Ning Caichen asked expectantly.


"Oh." He lowered his head again.

"I called you two here to protect me." Su Yi said sternly, "Jingjing is very special, and she is not as weak as she seems on the surface. You two have the cultivation you have today because of her, right? You should understand this deeply.”

Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen nodded in unison.

"So there is still a lot of danger if I cast a spell to fall asleep," Su Yi said. "After I start casting spells later, I will arrange the eight-door Golden Lock Ultimate Spirit Formation, but I will not seal the Death Door yet. The formation base of the Death Door, Xiao Zhuo holds it."

As Su Yi spoke, he threw a jade tablet engraved with runes to Fu Xiaozhuo, then took out a piece of rope and tied it around his waist, and handed the other end to Ning Caichen, who looked confused.Then he said: "You two are standing outside the formation. Once you find that the situation has changed, especially if Jingjing's body shows signs of demonization, Caichen will immediately use a rope to pull my body out. As soon as my body comes out, Xiao Zhuo wants to seal the Death Gate Formation!"

At this point, Su Yi's face turned serious and he warned Fu Xiaozhuo: "You have to be careful not to let Jingjing follow me out of the formation. If necessary, you need to push her back. Don't be careless. Just give it your best!”

"I've written it down!" Fu Xiaozhuo nodded solemnly.

If there is danger after falling into the dream, Su Yi's Qing Qing Soul can quickly escape at any time, but his physical body may not have time to react, so Su Yi made such an arrangement to prevent his physical body from being damaged. At the same time, the Jueling Formation can still trap him. Jingjing, at worst, can interfere with or hinder the operation of his spiritual power, buying time for Su Yi's physical body to evacuate.

"Master, don't worry, nothing will go wrong!" Ning Caichen said.

Su Yi nodded, said no more, and started setting up the formation directly on the spot.

The Eight-Door Golden Lock Absolute Spirit Formation was specially created by Uncle Feng in order to break the seal of the quasi-Five Hell Immortal in Su Yi's body, and Su Yi learned from it.This formation isolates the yin and yang spiritual energy, allowing the spiritual energy contained in any person or object in the formation to be quickly extracted.

Although the power of this formation in this world has been greatly amplified, there is still a big question mark as to whether this formation can trap an out-of-control ice phoenix.

But as the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. After working so hard to hold Bingfeng in his hands, seeing that Fu Xiaozhuo and Ning Caichen have benefited greatly from her, it would be a lie to say that Su Yi is not moved.

It’s just that Su Yi feels that Bingfeng’s greatest value is not that she helps people improve their realm, but its lost memories.

No matter where you are, knowledge is always the greatest wealth.

After everything was ready, Jingjing lay flat in front of Su Yi, who sat cross-legged and put his hands on her head.

"Proclaim the birth product of the Black Leaf Buddha Mother and all the secret Vajra seals. Holding these secret seals will accomplish all the Tathagata's majestic and virtuous undertakings. The samaya assembly mandala is an opportunity to support the non-dual duality of hidden self-nature and reason... …”

He recited scriptures in a strange tone, which seemed to carry a magical power that made everyone who heard it drowsy.

Jingjing looked up at Su Yi, and felt that Su Yi's expression gradually became evil and strange, his lips also turned black and purple, and finally his face gradually covered the sky and the sun, becoming extremely huge.

Jingjing's eyelids started to fight, and she soon fell asleep completely.

A mysterious force seemed to come from somewhere, and Su Yi's inner strength was frantically pulled away by this force.

This was the price to be paid for performing the Buddha Mother Initiation Technique, and Su Yi was not panicked.

After the inner force was completely withdrawn, Su Yi felt his eyes were in a trance, and the next second he came to a land of ice and snow!
This is an endless sea of ​​ice!

The sky is covered with lead clouds and a blizzard is dancing.

A little girl dressed in purple was walking alone on the desolate sea of ​​ice. It was windy and snowy, but her clothes were very thin. She was barefoot, so it was very difficult to walk.

She looked around anxiously, as if looking for something.

But the sea of ​​ice seemed to be endless, and she seemed to be the only one in the world.

This little girl is none other than Jingjing herself, but in the dream her image is carved and polished. Although she is thin, she is pure and lovely, not at all like the haggard and old person she looks like in reality.

Su Yi did not show up rashly, but observed silently for a while.

But this dream is very monotonous and boring. Jingjing has been walking and searching in this endless ice and snow without any changes or accidents.

After Su Yi thought for a moment, his mind moved, and his consciousness suddenly entered this world.

He transformed into an image like Gandalf, leaning on a cane and walking towards Jingjing.

Two people walking in the ice and snow are getting closer and closer, and they are about to meet.

This change indeed caused Jingjing's reaction.

She was stunned in place at first, and then her eyes widened in disbelief. The expression on her face quickly became extremely vivid and rich, and she was gradually filled with ecstasy.

"Ah!" She pointed at Su Yi and yelled briefly, then she yelled "Ahhhhh" excitedly and ran towards Su Yi.

Su Yi smiled and stopped, waiting for Jingjing to arrive.

Jingjing ran directly into Su Yi's arms!
She hugged Su Yi tightly and screamed with excitement, tears streaming down her face, but she couldn't even utter a word.

She sniffed all over Su Yi's body like a puppy, turned around, and groped Su Yi's body. Su Yi just smiled and said nothing, letting him do whatever he wanted.

Finally she calmed down, raised her neck, stared into Su Yi's eyes, and asked excitedly: "Have you seen her?"

"Who is she?" Su Yi followed her words.

"She is me!" Jingjing said hurriedly, "I lost me! I've been looking here for a long time, but I can't find me!" "Who are you?"

"I don't know, I don't know who I am! I'm missing!" Jingjing grabbed Su Yi's arm, "Do you know where I went? Can you take me to find her?"

"What do you want from me?" Su Yi asked again.

"I..." Jingjing was stuck as soon as she said a word. She frowned and thought carefully, but she couldn't remember it.

"You must have something to tell her, right?" Su Yi said seductively.

"Yes, I have something to tell her!" Jingjing nodded vigorously.

"What you want to tell her must be very important." Su Yi said.

"Yes!" Jingjing waved her arms excitedly, "It's the seventh time! It's already the seventh time! If she doesn't wake up, Nirvana will fail!"

These are the thoughts in Jingjing's subconscious mind. In dreams, these subconscious thoughts can be easily lured out by Su Yi, but if she returns to reality, Jingjing is so confused that she will not think of it at all.

"You want to wake her up?" Su Yi continued to guide.

"Yes, she must wake up." Jingjing said anxiously, "The humans in Xiaoji Palace will open the seal every hundred years and come to our ice sea to plunder resources. If I were not here to take charge, they would definitely attack Bingyuan Island! Once they destroy If our clan’s inheritance holy land is destroyed, our Bingfeng clan will be completely doomed!”

These words were extremely informative, but they also allowed Su Yi to completely lock in her identity. Su Yi's previous guess was correct.

"As long as you find her, you can wake her up?" Su Yi asked.

"Yes, she is in Nirvana reincarnation, and only our Nirvana Sutra can wake her up!" Jingjing said excitedly.

"Then do you still remember the Nirvana Sutra?" Su Yi asked slowly.

"Of course I remember!" Jingjing said.


The world begins to collapse, and things change.

Su Yi didn't panic. He knew from experience that this was just a dream transition.

Su Yi's question activated Jingjing's memory and made her dream about the relevant moment!

The bone-deep cold!

Su Yi looked at the new dream environment with an extremely moved expression.

What shocked him was not only the new environment, but also the cold feeling.

This was the first time that he felt so cold in a dream. Generally speaking, in other people's dreams, the dream would only affect the dream owner's senses.For example, on the ice sea just now, the violent storm and snow were like a background to Su Yi, and he couldn't feel it at all.

But now even Su Yi feels so cold, which can only mean one thing - the dream master's consciousness is very powerful!Because dreams are born based on consciousness, the monk's consciousness is the spiritual consciousness. Only when the dream owner's spiritual consciousness is strong enough to a certain extent, will it affect the spiritual consciousness of others and make others feel the same.

This is the first existence that Su Yi has encountered in this world that can affect She Qing's consciousness!

Su Yi secretly warned that this was not a good thing. This meant that in this level of dream, Jingjing’s original consciousness was already recovering!

This is indeed the case. The person who appeared in front of Su Yi at this moment was a stunning woman wearing a silver palace dress. She had a high bun, delicate facial features, and fair skin. Average.

Maybe this is what Jingjing is like.

This matter is happening in an empty altar. The altar seems to be in a special independent space, surrounded by nothingness and nothing.

The altar was of unknown height and bottomless. The top of the altar was paved with countless huge bones. Each bone was engraved with a type of writing that Su Yi didn't recognize at all. It was as red as blood and very strange.At each of the eight corners of the altar, there is a complete phoenix skeleton, with its wings spread out and eight huge heads hanging down, with empty eye sockets facing the center of the altar.There is a golden sycamore tree there, supporting a bowl-shaped silver bird's nest, and Jingjing is sitting cross-legged in the bird's nest.

The majesty and weirdness of this altar shocked Su Yi, but what surprised Su Yi even more was the temperament of this mature version of Jingjing.

She is cold and noble, like an emperor, aloof and not angry.

She frowned, as if she had encountered a huge problem.

"The realm can no longer be suppressed... If I break through the realm again, I will definitely die when the catastrophe comes! The space node leading to the spiritual world is still nowhere to be found. This road is extremely slim and cannot be placed on hope... The only one at the moment The only way is for cultivators to go through the Great Nirvana and Reincarnation Sutra, go through reincarnation, and seal their cultivation in the body of reincarnation, so that they can delay it for thousands more years..."

"But this method is dangerous! The Great Nirvana Sutra will seal the magic power and spiritual consciousness. At that time, all memories will be lost, and if you are not careful, you will be completely lost in reincarnation! Although the Nirvana body has nine chances to be resurrected, once the nine chances are exhausted, If it’s all gone, then my soul will be scattered and I will be completely wiped out from the world!”

"What's more, every time you are resurrected, the seal will be a little looser. If the leaked power cannot be vented, the power of Nirvana cannot be born... Oh, it is difficult, difficult, difficult!"

Jingjing was quite hesitant, but in the end the confusion on her face turned into a look of determination.

"Nirvana and reincarnation are inevitable! Otherwise, there will be a dead end! But we must leave as many backup plans as possible to prevent getting lost."

After the woman said this, she suddenly stood up.

She reached out and touched it forward, and a text that was exactly the same as the one on the bones on the altar suddenly appeared in the void in front of her!
What shocked Su Yi was that these words were not illusory projections. Each of these words was composed of spiritual writing and were related to each other to form some kind of mysterious connection mechanism.

Just like Su Yi's soul-sacrifice brand, these words also exist similarly, but they have the nature of inheritance.If this text is implanted into someone's mind, that person will immediately master the skills recorded in this text!
This Bingfeng's use of spiritual consciousness is unpredictable, which can be seen from this!
She did not stop her movements, but wrote out dozens of identical written exercises in one breath, and then talked about the exercises composed of these spiritual consciousnesses one by one, compressed and curled them, and refined them into capsule-sized particles of spiritual consciousness. Into the body.

"The clan is dangerous. Although the elders and disciples all surrender to me, if I am reincarnated, they will definitely covet my demon pill and ten thousand years of cultivation... I have to find another place!"

"Although the body of Nirvana is sealed, once the demon bloodline is suppressed and comes into contact or even comes close, each other can be easily sensed. Therefore, we have to find a human mortal country to go to Nirvana to avoid accidents and dangers to the greatest extent."

Bingfeng murmured and looked at the sky, as if looking at Su Yi from a distance through infinite time and space.

At this moment, Su Yi's heart was shaken and he was suddenly horrified!

How can this be?

This is in Bingfeng's dream!How could the other party discover him through a dream?
(End of this chapter)

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