Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1691 Harvest

Master Qingyan's golden silk armor talisman is a top-quality talisman refined by a talisman maker in the foundation-building stage. It is said that it can block a blow from a great monk in the early stage of pill formation.

But because Su Yi's magic talisman instantly dissipated the spiritual power contained in this talisman, this highly defensive talisman did not play its due role at all.

But this does not mean that this spiritual talisman is not powerful. It can only be said that Su Yi's magical talisman is something that monks in this world have never come into contact with. They were completely defenseless in front of this talisman, and they were successfully attacked by Su Yi.

The method to crack the magic talisman is actually very simple - the magic power is strong enough.

If Su Yi is facing a pill-forming monk, his Absolute Spirit Talisman can at most eliminate a small part of the opponent's mana, but it is impossible to completely "absolute" the opponent's majestic mana.

And because the method of drawing talismans from another world is completely different from the spiritual talisman of this world. With the power of the talisman master monks in this world, Su Yi's talisman basically gathers the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the talisman, and its power will not follow Su's. B's cultivation level is growing and has growth potential, so the Jueling Talisman is only powerful at this stage.Whether it can continue to be used in the future depends on whether Su Yi can go further in making talismans and merge the talismans of the two worlds.

Su Yi quickly refined this top-quality defensive talisman. After activating it, he briefly tested it and accepted it with satisfaction.

This thing is very useful for him at this stage. He has not achieved great success in body refining, and his physical defense ability is still very weak. Now that he has this golden silk armor talisman, this shortcoming in defense ability can be temporarily made up for.

Soon Su Yi took out the blue magic sword of Zhenren Qingyan. After checking it, he put it away with some regret.

This blue magic sword is suitable for people who practice water-based skills. Su Yi had practiced Guishui Jue before, but unfortunately he had already switched to Sha Demon Jue. Although this magic sword was good, it couldn't be used at all in his hands. show its true power.

Now among the people in Hehe Tu, only Nie Xiaoqian practices water-based skills. However, Su Yi just gave her a flying magical weapon, so he cannot give her the magical sword now.

It would be better to wait until Nie Xiaoqian builds her foundation and then give it to her as a foundation-building gift.

There were two other flying magic weapons in this storage bag, both of which were high-level, but Su Yi just glanced at them without taking them out.

He now has many flying magic weapons. These two flying magic weapons can be kept and rewarded to the new members of the Kirigakure Sect after they have made meritorious deeds in the future.

After checking the open box, Su Yi opened the first "blind box" with great expectations!
This is the first storage bag from Qingyan Zhenren. It is filled with various types of herbs, ranging from 30 years old to hundreds of years old, with thousands of varieties.

Su Yi was a little shocked. Isn't Master Qingyan too rich?
Don't think that the value of herbal medicine is not high because Han Li has enough herbal medicine.In fact, on the contrary, among all the monks' resources, herbs are the most valuable and the most valuable.

Magical instruments, talismans, techniques or materials are all recyclable or renewable resources.But herbs are different. Herbs are one-time consumables, and their value is linked to the year they are grown. Herbs required by monks are at least tens of years old. An herb that takes decades to grow will not Probably dirt cheap.

These herbs from Master Qingyan are definitely worth a lot of spiritual stones, but Su Yi actually doesn't care too much.

There are many herbs in this secret realm that are hundreds or thousands of years old. If these herbs are traded, the spiritual stones returned will be enough for everyone in Hehetu to achieve spiritual stone freedom.

In other words, Su Yi actually has no shortage of spiritual stones now.

The medicinal herbs themselves were of the lowest value to Su Yi.

But Su Yi is not disappointed either. Master Qingyan specially set aside a storage bag for herbal medicines. There should be a lot of good things in the other two storage bags, right?

He opened the second "blind box" with full expectations, but after taking a glance, he was a little disappointed.

What, this is the family background of the No. 1 casual cultivator in the Yue Kingdom?That's it?
There are a lot of mundane sundries piled in the storage bag, and there are dozens of magic weapons, but most of them are low-level ones, with five mid-level ones and one high-level one.

There were not many spiritual stones, there were more than 300 low-level spiritual stones, but there was actually one mid-level spiritual stone, which surprised Su Yi.

There are more than 20 spiritual talismans, most of which are low-level and mid-level spiritual talismans. However, the spiritual talismans in the foundation-building stage are not bad. These spiritual talismans can be rewarded to Ning Caichen and others for use.

Then there were some weapon refining materials that Su Yi didn't recognize, and he couldn't tell their value.

In the last area of ​​the storage bag, Su Yi saw what he wanted to see most - jade slips or books on some exercises and spells.

Su Yi took a quick glance and saw that the Five Elements exercises during the Qi Refining Stage were quite complete. In addition, there were many small tricks that seemed strange and weird, but most of them were used during the Qi Refining Stage.

Su Yi picked out more than a dozen valuable books. These were all exercises that could be practiced during the foundation building period. He couldn't wait to investigate.

But he was quickly disappointed.

These foundation-building techniques are not of high quality, either because they are incomplete in the follow-up, or because their upper limit is too low.

There are seven complete exercises. The one with the lowest upper limit, "Lingjia Gong", is an earth-attributed exercise. The upper limit is when the foundation building period is completed. The highest limit is a skill that can be practiced until the completion of the core formation. It is called "Lihuo Sword Art".

None of these techniques could satisfy Su Yi, so they were all eliminated.

Fu Xiaozhuo has three spiritual roots: gold, wood, and earth. She can practice the techniques of these three attributes.Among the remaining six techniques, there are all three attributes, four in total.

Among them, there are two books with wood attributes, one of which is called "Wood Spirit Skill". The complete skill has nine levels and can be practiced to the late stage of Nascent Soul. However, there are only the first three levels here, which means that it can only be practiced to the completion of foundation building. .However, this "Wood Spirit Technique" is a bad technique in the foundation building period, and subsequent techniques should not be difficult to find.

The other one is called "The True Secret of Evergreen". This technique is simply a remnant. It only has the first two levels. It can be practiced to the middle stage of foundation building at most.

But what puzzles Su Yi is that this Evergreen True Technique is actually the main skill of Master Qingyan!
There are only two possibilities, either Master Qingyan has a follow-up to this skill, or he can at least get a follow-up to this skill; or there is something special about this two-level skill.

Su Yi looked up this skill carefully and found that this skill is indeed quite special. To practice this skill, you need a material called "emerald copper", which is refined with the innate true fire and mixed with spiritual energy and absorbed into the body. It can turn the aura into evergreen aura.However, the side effect of this technique is that practicing this technique will make your face turn blue. This is the origin of the name Qing Yan.

Moreover, practitioners of this technique must have spiritual roots with the three attributes of gold, fire, and wood. This has already determined that Fu Xiaozhuo is not suitable for practicing this technique.

Although Su Yi would definitely not choose this technique for Fu Xiaozhuo, he still checked it carefully.

Such a special technique has side effects, but its power is not great.The evergreen aura only has three attributes, and other than that it has no highlights.

Then why does Master Qingyan practice such a dull and strange technique?When he read it for the second time, Su Yi found a very inconspicuous sentence in the opening introduction of this technique - Cui copper, produced in the Cui copper mining area of ​​Lanzhou Mohu Mountain, which is the Huadaowu industry.

This sentence immediately reminded Su Yi of the ancestor of the Wan family before he was transferred from the Xiao family.

This person is the Danjie monk of Huadaowu!
Before Su Yi left, this man personally asked Su Yi for Qingyan Zhenren's storage bag.It is conceivable that the storage bag can be targeted by a pill-forming monk. It is not simple inside. This is why Su Yi has such high expectations for opening the blind box this time.

But after opening this second storage bag, Su Yi's heart dropped.Looking back and thinking about the valuable herbs in the first storage bag, Su Yi suspected that these herbs were not actually Qingyan's, but were collected by Qingyan's gang, the ancestor of the Wan family. Those herbs belonged to others. .

Master Qingyan doesn't even have one talisman, but the value of those spiritual herbs is enough for him to exchange for several talismans, which is very contradictory.

But if Su Yi guessed this possibility, it could also explain why Qingyan had so many precious herbs but she was so poor.

In fact, Su Yi guessed correctly. Collecting herbs for Huadaowu was also an important source of income for Master Qingyan. Those herbs were really not his.However, the ancestor of Wanjia anxiously followed to ask for the storage bag, not just for this batch of herbs.

Su Yi also thought of this when he saw the words of the Evergreen True Secret, and couldn't help but ignite hope again in his heart.

Su Yi studied the technique carefully again, and found nothing interesting about it, so he put it aside for now.

In addition to these two wood-attribute skills, there is also a door-earth attribute skill called "Guiyuan Gong". This skill is good, but it is defensive in nature and neither suits Fu Xiaozhuo's temperament nor Su's temperament. B’s expectations for her.

The last metallic skill, "Thousand-Blade Gang Jue", has a total of 36 levels. The complete skill can be practiced to the realm of divine transformation.But there are only the first nine floors here, which are only enough to practice until the foundation is completed.

This technique was passed down by the leader of the "Wanjian Sect", a sect that was exterminated by the Jujian Sect hundreds of years ago. Whether this technique will still exist in the future is a big question mark.

Logically speaking, this incomplete technique should be eliminated directly by Su Yi, but the huge power described in this technique made Su Yi excited.

He hesitated slightly, kept this technique as a backup, and put away the rest of the techniques.

His eyes fell on the third "blind box", and his heart was full of expectations.

This is Qingyan Zhenren’s last storage bag. If it has any reputation, then it must be in this bag.

Su Yi probed his consciousness into it and was immediately stunned. He was surprised for a while before he realized what was happening. He turned his palm over and suddenly a stone full of holes appeared in his hand.

Except for this thing, there is nothing else in Qingyan's third storage bag.

But what is this?
Su Yi took it in his hand and turned it over and over, carefully inputting a bit of spiritual power. Later, he simply increased the magic power, but it failed to cause any reaction in the hole-filled stone.

However, Su Yi sensed traces of the so-called evergreen spiritual power from this stone. It should be that Master Qingyan once sent spiritual power to this strange stone.

Could it be that Qing Yan is using the evergreen spiritual power to practice this strange stone?
Is this the reason why he practices useless skills like the Evergreen True Secret?
This strange stone was placed solemnly and solemnly in a storage bag by Qingyan, which shows how much he attaches importance to this stone.

Could it be that this stone is what the ancestor of the Wan family wants to take back?

what is this?
Su Yi studied for a long time but didn't understand it, and finally shook his head and put it away first.

He plans to open a fourth "blind box" next.

This is something that belongs to the old man named Ye from Huang Maple Valley. This storage bag gave Su Yi a big surprise as soon as he opened it.

Four thousand low-level spiritual stones, more than 30 mid-level spiritual stones, and dozens of bottles of pills!

Su Yi opened each of these elixirs and looked at them. He was pleasantly surprised to find that these elixirs were all elixirs that could be used in the foundation building stage. Most of them were for improving cultivation, and some were for healing and recovery.

Su Yi can use these elixirs, and they are of high value to him.

The old man named Ye had a surprise in his first storage bag. Su Yi opened the second one with full expectation, which was the fifth "blind box" he opened today.

The surprises continue!
Most of this storage bag contains weapon refining materials, as well as more than a dozen magical weapons.

The wide variety and quantity of weapon-refining materials here made Su Yi a little stunned.

What Su Yi didn't know was that these were the weapon-refining materials purchased by the old man named Ye for Huang Maple Valley. Before he could return to the sect and put them in storage, he was now completely advantaged.

Among the dozen or so magical artifacts, most are mid-level and high-level magical artifacts. There are three top-grade magical artifacts, each of which is a small yellow bell that can launch sonic attacks.A black pill furnace exuding the aroma of medicine, and a fire-attribute magic sword.

It’s actually a rare top-grade sonic weapon, and a top-grade alchemy furnace!
In addition, there was a black bead, which was pulsating with terrifying energy that made people palpitate. Although Su Yi didn't know what it was, his intuition told him that it must be a good thing!
Su Yi didn't expect that the old man surnamed Ye was the big one, so he happily opened the sixth "blind box".

But maybe all the previous good luck has run out. Most of this storage bag contains mundane dietary materials. In addition, there are also a lot of spiritual tea, spiritual wine, and monster meat.

Okay, not bad.

Su Yi comforted himself and opened the seventh "blind box", which was the last storage bag.

Here are all jade slips recording exercises and spells, some spiritual talismans, some elixir prescriptions, formation flags, and many books from the secular world.

Soon, Su Yi once again discovered a surprise from these jade slips——

"Qing Yuan Sword Art"!
This technique was originally the secret skill of the Xuanjian Sect. When the sect was wiped out, several Huang Maple Valley masters who were present at the time snatched away half of the sword canon. This nine-level "Qingyuan Sword Technique" is in It has been passed down in the Yellow Maple Valley to this day.There is no doubt about the power of this technique, but it can only be practiced to the elixir-forming stage without any follow-up, so most of the monks have been discouraged.

But this skill will be Han Li's main skill in the future!
With Laomo Han's great luck, will he be short of follow-up cultivation techniques?

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