Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1694 Distraction

Because of the power of capturing green, Feng Li's refining process of Bing Yan was indeed extremely smooth.But even under very smooth conditions, it took Su Yi almost four days to completely refine it.

Although the Fengli Bingyan that Bingfeng himself gave to Su Yi was only a small fire the size of a palm, the fire was compressed and condensed from at least a thousand Fengli Bingyan. If it was completely released, the flames could engulf the entire secret realm in an instant.

On the sea of ​​​​ice where the ice phoenix lives, Fengli Bingyan is only born in the place where the storm is the densest. They erupt from the sea of ​​​​ice and turn a space into a sea of ​​​​fire. Because of their cold properties, they will eventually be in the sea of ​​​​fire. A huge ice cover forms on the periphery.

As a result, the most unique spectacle in the ice sea is formed - in the center of the storm, there are often such huge "ice lanterns", dotted one by one on the desolate ice sheet. When night falls, they are the only light source on the ice sea. .

As for the "black water ice flame", another specialty on the ice sea, it can only be born in certain special seabeds.

Therefore, although it is only a small fire, it is actually equivalent to refining thousands of huge "ice lanterns".From this perspective, Su Yi's efficiency is simply astonishingly fast.

If it were a normal foundation-building monk to refine this fire, it would have taken several years of hard work, but it only took Su Yi four days.

Now, the fire of Fengli Bingyan is burning quietly in Su Yi's Dantian. As long as Su Yi makes a thought, it can instantly pour into Su Yi's limbs and bones.

Su Yi was pleasantly surprised to find that he could control this fire as he wished, wielding it like an arm. He would have a powerful attack method in the future!

In addition, this fire can also help him refine his spiritual power, concentrate and liquefy it.

In other words, it can replace the unique innate true fire function in the foundation building stage!

It's just that Su Yi's mana and body are now eroded by the power of Qingzhao, causing the fire refining effect to be greatly affected.But this made Su Yi not surprised but happy!

Because this shows that Feng Libingyan can still extract, refine and fuse the green-capturing power in Su Yi's physical body and mana!
In fact, Su Yi had thought of this before refining the fire, and had great expectations, because he had seen with his own eyes the ice phoenix himself, after being frozen by his power of capturing blue, the wind and ice flames erupting from his body. The power of blue was instantly dispelled.

Su Yi is not as high-level and as powerful as Qin Yu himself, and the amount of green-capturing power in both of them is not at the same level.However, if he practices the Evil Demon Technique with the assistance of Feng Li Bingyan, he will definitely be able to greatly improve Su Yi's efficiency in suppressing the power of catching green.

He roughly estimated that the time could be compressed into at least one year. This time was already within the range that Su Yi could barely accept.

However, with Feng Li Bingyan, Su Yi will certainly not continue to practice the Evil Demon Art. He will definitely switch to the Phoenix Art, because the latter is more efficient, both in terms of upper limit and power, far superior to former.

But the limitations of the Phoenix Transformation Technique that Ning Caichen was worried about also existed. The ice phoenix essence and blood he had taken now was only enough for him to cultivate the ice phoenix demon body.Going forward, he will also need ice attribute demon pills and more ice phoenix essence and blood.Without the assistance of these two, the Phoenix Transformation Art can only stop here.

When Su Yi wants Bingfeng essence and blood again, can Qin Yu provide it?
There are also ice attribute demon elixirs, where should I find them?

Su Yi naturally had to consider these issues, but this did not prevent him from decisively changing his techniques.

In fact, it cannot be said that it is a conversion of skills. It should be said that it is a combination of both.

As mentioned before, the principles of the techniques of Transforming Phoenix Jue and Sha Yao Jue are very similar. Feng Li Bingyan incorporates the power of capturing green. When Su Yi practiced the Transforming Phoenix Jue, he not only integrated the essence and blood of Ice Phoenix, but also the energy of capturing green energy in Feng Li Bingyan. The power of green will also be integrated together, and finally refined and condensed.In this way, Su Yi is equivalent to using the Phoenix Transformation Technique to condense the Evil Pill. Although the path is different, the goal is the same.

It's just that the evil elixir condensed by the Phoenix Transformation Jue is no longer a simple evil elixir, it also contains the power of the bloodline of ice flame and ice phoenix.

It can be said that Su Yi once again embarked on a unique and unknown road from now on.But he didn't feel confused about it, on the contrary, he was full of expectations.

Feng Li Bingyan has been successfully integrated and refined. The Phoenix Transformation Technique has another limitation which is the physical strength. However, Su Yi is a body refiner, and his physical strength is only higher than that of ordinary foundation building monks. This is not enough at all. question.

But now there is another problem. Su Yi's current physical body's power of absorbing green is unbalanced. The Phoenix Transformation Art is not a way to transform evil spirits and refine spirits. Once Su Yi mobilizes spiritual power to refine the ice phoenix essence and blood, the power of absorbing green will be lost. The power of checks and balances will be completely lost, resulting in a situation of focusing on one thing at the expense of the other.

Unless Su Yi does not need to use his own spiritual power or absorb spiritual power, but has another source of spiritual energy that directly combines with Feng Li Bingyan to refine the ice phoenix bloodline, then the evil energy in his body will not be lost due to the loss of it. Suppressed and in danger of outright explosion.

Therefore, he still had to wait for Qin Yu's reincarnation body to wake up and wait for her to send him mana.

If nothing unexpected happens, Qin Yu will wake up in one day, so there is no harm in waiting.

Thinking of this, Su Yi simply patted the storage bag and took out a jade slip.

This jade slip was obtained from Hua Xiangrong, a disciple of Qianzhu Sect, who was captured by Su Yi in Sansheng Pavilion when he was in Guanggui City.

At that time, Su Yi got three articles on the techniques. In addition to the "Initial Interpretation of Puppet" just given to Tie Dragonfly, there was also a "Dayan Illusion True Technique", and then the "Dayan Divination Technique" in Su Yi's hand.

Su Yi never had time to study this technique after he got it, but Su Yi definitely needs to practice this technique related to spiritual consciousness.

He now has mastered three kinds of spells related to spiritual consciousness. The first one is the Buddha Mother Initiation Technique. Using this technique to enter dreams has become a key means to win unexpectedly; the second one is the Spirit Sacrifice Brand, which allows Su Yi to communicate remotely. Even the soul teleports to the side of the person who was imprinted with the brand; although Su Yi understands the third type, he has never practiced it - the Five Hells Elixir.

One of the steps in the method of becoming an immortal from the five hells is to use your own body and mind as a furnace to refine the elixir of the five hells. This elixir can sublimate your own ghost, can also cast a mandrill into the five hells, and can also pull people into an illusion. Tampering with other people's memories...

All in all, it has endless uses.

But Su Yi was lucky enough to experience the process of refining the elixir of the five hells, and the pain still left him with lingering fears.After that, every time Su Yi was interested in the functions and effects of the Five Hells Elixir, he would ask himself in his heart - is this B Pill necessary to be refined?
Then he silently gave up.

But giving up is giving up. There is absolutely no doubt about the power of the Five Hells Elixir. If Su Yi really practices this elixir, it will definitely be one of his most powerful trump cards.

The advantages of the Divine Consciousness Technique are too great, and it is very rare. Although this Dayan Divination Technique is only a simple version evolved from the first level of the Dayan Jue, Su Yi still attaches great importance to it.Now that he was temporarily unable to practice the technique due to an imbalance in his body and soul, he immediately took out this technique to study it.

There are no thresholds for practicing the Dayan Divination Technique. First of all, it must be a person with a naturally strong spiritual consciousness, and secondly, it must be a monk in the foundation building stage.

The former is easy to understand. The reason for the second condition is actually related to the innate true fire that can only be generated during the foundation building period.To practice the Dayan Divination Technique, you also need to use the innate true fire to train your spiritual consciousness.These two thresholds are no problem for Su Yi.Needless to say, there is no doubt about his spiritual consciousness, and there is no doubt about the power of the Qing Soul.

As for the restrictions on foundation building - Su Yi lamented his good luck and success in his heart. He happened to refine the Fengli Bingyan, which could be used to replace the innate true fire.

Two-thirds of the contents of Dayan's Divination Technique were about introducing several methods to strengthen spiritual consciousness, and Su Yi simply skipped it.

His spiritual consciousness does not need to be strong. On the contrary, he still has the trouble of his spiritual consciousness being too strong.

After that came the process of using real fire to train the strength of his spiritual consciousness. Su Yi was surprised to find that he could also skip this process.

Because what it uses to control Feng Li Bingyan now is the power of capturing green, and the power of capturing green is his divine consciousness.As long as he is willing, if Feng Li Bing Yan is strong enough, he can even let his Qing Qing directly turn into "Bing Yan Qing Qing".

Therefore, he saves the most tedious and time-consuming part of Dayan's distraction technique, and he can directly start practicing the subsequent distraction techniques, which is the application part.

The purpose of practicing this divine dividing technique is to control puppets. Dayan's divine dividing technique can separate eighteen souls and control eighteen puppets to fight the enemy at the same time.

This is not as simple as dividing the soul. The divided soul must have independent combat capabilities, be able to control and exert the puppet's abilities and the spells it can release, and make independent decisions in the ever-changing battlefield. It can respond to the situation, and can obey the master's arrangements in a timely manner, serving the master's tactics, even at the expense of sacrifice.

In other words, the soul that is separated and attached to the puppet by the Dayan Divination Technique must have a certain degree of autonomy and be completely under the control of the master. This is the core technical value of this technique.

The purpose of Su Yi's practice of this technique was not to control the puppet. He had previously made an idea that he could use the Dayan Divination Technique combined with the Spirit Sacrifice Brand to create a "Qing Qing Clone".

In this way, his main body can quietly stay in this secret realm to practice, while the soul clone controls a physical body and runs out to do things for him and collect resources without delay.

Therefore, Su Yi only needs one soul clone.But he still had to separate eighteen parts of the soul according to the method recorded in this technique. This is because the eighteen parts of the soul separated by the Dayan Divination Technique have a fixed size and fixed power. Use such divided souls to control the weak. The puppet was barely enough, but for Su Yi, it was still too weak.

He quickly sorted out the eighteen "Qingqing Little Souls". Looking at the eighteen finger-length cyan shadowy figures in front of him, Su Yi did not stop and continued to release the Fengli Bingyan, blasting these eighteen The cyan shadow villain is smelted into one body.

According to the records of the technique, every time a soul-splitting operation is performed, it takes at least three years of hard practice to make up for the lost soul. But for Su Yi, this does not exist at all. For She Qing, this loss is a drop in the bucket. , not worth mentioning.

The eighteen young photography souls that were originally as long as fingers have now become three-inch-long little people, but they are just human outlines, and their hands, feet and facial features are all blurred.

Su Yi's thoughts moved, and the villain immediately made various movements according to his control. It even had the teleportation ability that She Qing had, but the teleportation distance was greatly limited - each teleportation was almost ten seconds. within kilometers.

If it is put into a puppet, with a little training, this little Qing Soul will definitely be able to exert the full power of the puppet.But despite this, this thing is still too dull.

Su Yi stretched out his hand, and as the power of capturing green was slowly output, a cyan brand slowly condensed in his palm.

It's the soul-sacrifice brand.

With a flick of his finger, he flicked the brand into the body of the green little man. After the latter trembled for a while, his arms, legs and face slowly squirmed, and hands, feet and facial features grew.

"Interesting." Su Yi showed joy.

What excited him was that as he spoke, the little Sheqing man also made the same expression, but his lips moved and he could not make a sound.

Su Yi remained motionless, just controlling it with his mind. Sometimes the little Shaqing man put his hands on his hips and laughed, sometimes somersaulted, and sometimes thrust out his hips. He looked very lively and vivid, and he was completely a miniature version of Su Yi.

"Okay, okay!" Su Yi was very excited. He also didn't expect that the combination of the Dayan Soul Splitting Technique and the Soul Sacrifice Brand would actually produce such a good effect. It was originally just a dull soul splitting to control puppets, but now, as long as Find a suitable mask and it will become his second clone.


Just when Su Yi was very excited, there was a sudden tremor, and the entire attic shook violently.

Su Yi's expression suddenly changed, and he took a step forward without even thinking. At the same time, She Qing's little soul also merged into Su Yi's body with a "whoosh", and he left the place smoothly in the next second.

When he reappeared, Su Yi had already arrived at the edge of the protective formation.

At this moment, a large piece of the formation's protective shield was obviously missing. On the ground, an formation flag exploded into pieces, and the debris was scattered all over the ground.

A golden figure moved away quickly like a gust of wind. Su Yi recognized it at a glance as the long-legged golden-haired demon rabbit that had been expelled before!
One of the formation flags was destroyed, which was obviously its masterpiece.

It came for revenge, but it probably knew that it was no match for Su Yi and others, so it vented its anger by destroying the protective formation.

Judging from its appearance, it was obviously planning to run away after destroying it. Unfortunately, it didn't expect Su Yi to teleport out before it could run away.

"How courageous!" Su Yi's eyes flashed with evil intent. He patted the storage bag and immediately launched a flying sword, shooting towards the long-legged golden-haired monster rabbit.

The demon rabbit reacted very quickly. He immediately turned around and spat out a saliva bubble with a "whoosh" sound, quickly trapping Feijian in it. No matter how hard Feijian ran around, he couldn't get out.

Seeing this, Su Yi's thoughts moved, and the Sheqing little soul that had just been trained immediately teleported out. The next second, it was in front of the long-legged golden-haired demon rabbit, and put his hand into his chest to give it a firm squeeze.

"Squeak!" The eyes of the long-legged golden-haired rabbit showed a look of deep fear, and blood burst out from its body. In the next second, it completely disappeared from the place, leaving only the little green soul floating in place with an outstretched hand.

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