Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1706 Bidding

In fact, when Su Yi heard the conversation between the two people outside the door, he secretly felt bad luck.

After the two people who were talking entered the venue, Su Yi glanced at the newcomers and saw the familiar look of one of them, feeling quite speechless.

He has never seen this person, but he has seen the image in his technique.His current body is this person's direct great-great-grandson.

This person is the ancestor of the Fu family - Fu Ming.

The fat old man next to him looked harmless, smiling and looking very kind, but the shrewd light in his eyes from time to time showed that this man was anything but simple.

Anyone who can chat and laugh with a strong Dan Jie must also be a strong Dan Jie. In addition to the conversation between the two just now, it is not difficult to determine the identity of this person - Zhao Wuwei.

It was originally just an auction in the foundation building period, but a senior Dan Ji suddenly walked in. You can imagine the mood of all the guests present.

But no one dared to show dissatisfaction or displeasure. After the two people came in, everyone stood up and saluted respectfully and said hello: "I'm waiting to meet the two seniors!"

Su Yi was also mixed in among everyone, and he was very respectful.

But it was useless, he was like a firefly in the dark night. Fuming Ming noticed him at first sight, let out a soft "Huh" and frowned.

Even though Su Yi used the Hidden Wind Transformation to cover his aura and change his appearance, how could he not be able to sense the bloodline of his relatives when the Danjie monk was so close?
However, Su Yi didn't panic at all. When he saw Fang Ming looking over, he immediately looked excited and knelt down without hesitation.

"My great-grandson came to see your great-grandfather from afar!" He was so excited that his face flushed with admiration and enthusiasm.

"Ziyuan?" Fan Ming looked confused, but his previous questions were answered. It turned out to be his descendant's blood, no wonder he felt something about it.

Su Yi knelt down quickly, so he gave up the plan of using his spiritual sense to explore.After all, he never expected that someone in this world would pretend to be his great-great-grandson. What was he trying to do?

As for Zhao Wuwei, who is next to Fu Ming, it is even more impossible to release his spiritual consciousness to explore Su Yi, the "friend queen". Although both of them saw that Su Yi had concealed his cultivation and aura, they came to the auction to conceal his aura and cultivation. , it’s so normal that it’s not weird at all.

"Great grandpa, your great-great-grandson is the sixth concubine of your seventh cousin's third son's family, and the second child of your third concubine. My father is Fu Hongli, and my grandfather is Fu Siqian." Su Yi excitedly announced his family name.

He was not talking nonsense, but he found a real person from Fu Zigui's memory and pretended to be a distant relative of his family who desperately wanted to curry favor with him.

He expected that Fu Ming would never have seen this person, or even heard of him.

Since you are pretending to be the Fu family, you must worship and respect the "Heaven" of the Fu family. When you see your great-grandfather, don't you kneel down and kowtow?

If Su Yi didn't kneel down, not to mention that Fan Ming would think it was wrong, and the bystanders would think there was something wrong, so Su Yi had to kneel down, which is why he secretly said "unlucky".

Is it not unlucky to have to pretend to be a grandson before doing anything, kneel down and kowtow, and call people grandpa?

Fortunately, this was not his own body, nor was it his true self, but just a ray of consciousness, so Su Yi was able to spare it.

But having said that, he has always been quite generous...

As expected, Su Yi had never heard of any of the people Su Yi mentioned, but he had a seventh cousin who he knew about. That seventh cousin died almost 200 years ago. What was his name...

It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember, they are cousins, concubines, aunts…

The collateral nephews who are beyond reach, the kind of distant relatives who have the same surname and can be married off.

"You're a junior in the Qi training stage, what are you doing here?" Fang Ming's tone became much colder, "You're so ambitious!"

"This... is actually because my great-great-grandson wants to be my father..." Su Yi's face turned red and he was about to explain.

He still has to explain. It is unreasonable for you not to explain after being accused by your great-grandfather.

But Fu Ming obviously didn't have the patience to listen to him. He said this sentence to subconsciously show his majesty.He waved his hand to stop Su Yi from talking, patted his storage bag, took out a silver scimitar and threw it to Su Yi, saying: "I'm going to reward you for your good practice."

Although he was a descendant of a side branch that he had never heard of, as an ancestor, he had to express his feelings when he recognized his bride in public.

"Thank you, great-grandfather! My great-great-grandson must work hard to practice and bring glory to the family!" Su Yi looked like he was about to faint with excitement.

Fu Ming smiled faintly and turned around, chatting and laughing with Zhao Wuwei, and then walked into the field. Neither of them looked at Su Yi again.

Old man Sun, who was following the two of them respectfully, looked at Su Yi with some confusion.

How could a descendant of the Fu family secretly communicate with Xiao Ping?
Su Yi happily got up and couldn't put it down, stroking the magic weapon in his hand, still looking excited and unable to calm down.Those foundation-building monks who had cast malicious looks before did not dare to have any thoughts at this time, and some even cast flattering smiles on Su Yi.

However, there was still one person whose face was full of contempt and disdain. Instead of restraining his malice, he became even more malicious and unscrupulously released his spiritual consciousness to probe Su Yi.

Su Yi glanced at this person, who immediately glared back fiercely. Su Yi smiled slightly and looked back.

There is always some hatred in this world that has no reason, and some people are just naturally wrong with each other, so there is nothing surprising about it.

The two alchemy monks were chatting and laughing in the audience. Old Man Sun deliberately took out a jade chair and placed Fu Ming in the center, and also served melon and fruit tea.

There were no outsiders in this secret auction house, only him and Zhao Wuwei, master and disciple, so he had to do all these scary things personally.

Fu Ming was quite generous. He smiled and rewarded fifty spiritual stones to Old Man Sun, which made the latter quite happy.

"Let's get started." Zhao Wuwei saw that it was almost done, so he sat next to Fu Ming, took off a storage bag from his waist and threw it to Old Man Sun.

Seeing this scene, Su Yi felt relieved. After all, things didn't deviate much and were back on track.

Old Man Sun bowed respectfully to his master, and then walked to the stage with his storage bag.

He cupped his fists and looked around, then slowly said: "The old rules of the auction are that twenty lots are bid in turn. After the base price is reported, each increase must not be less than fifty spirit stones. Fellow Taoists, please act according to your ability, we will not accept it. Credit is due. If you fail to produce enough spirit stones after bidding, the storage bag will be confiscated and expelled from the venue. Unsuccessful items will be re-bid!" "If other materials are used to replace the spirit stones, it is best to call a halt before bidding and take out the items. Please ask my master to appraise the items before continuing the bidding. It is strictly forbidden to disrupt the venue and threaten others to bid. If such a situation occurs, the storage bag will be confiscated and expelled from the venue! Fellow Taoists, do you understand?"

Everyone nodded, saying it was okay.

In fact, this is just a formality. Since you are here, everyone must know the rules of the auction in advance.

Logically speaking, it was now time for Old Man Sun to display the first item, but Zhao Wuwei waved his hand to stop it and said with a smile: "Shoot the finale first, don't make Brother Fu wait in a hurry."

"Yes, Master!" Old Man Sun responded hurriedly and respectfully.

Fu Ming smiled and bowed his hands to Zhao Wuwei: "Brother Zhao, thank you very much!"

The guests and hosts were enjoying themselves here, but Su Yi couldn't help but shake his head from behind.

Su Yi already learned from Old Man Sun's dream last night what the twenty items in the auction were.There were at least five or six of them that Su Yi was very interested in, and the finale was one that Su Yi didn't want to miss. According to his plan, this thing should have fallen into his pocket, but now, it was about to be put into practice. Ming took it away.

He had to endure it for the time being, because it was not the time to attack yet.

Old man Sun patted his storage bag and took out a jade box engraved with a rune seal.He cast a spell to open the jade box and showed the contents in the box to Fu Ming.As soon as this thing was exposed to the air, the room immediately filled with fragrance. Su Yi felt refreshed and refreshed just after smelling it.

There was an uproar in the venue, and someone exclaimed: "Sanqu Lingshen!"

What I saw in Old Man Sun's hand was a white and fat human-shaped rhizome, filled with milky white aura, and it looked very attractive.

This thing is a rare spiritual species in the world. It can only be born in places with very strong spiritual energy. Taking this thing during the foundation building period will definitely make your cultivation further; if you take this thing during the Qi training period, you can The cultivation level directly breaks through to the thirteenth level of Qi training, which is infinitely close to the mana thickness of the foundation building stage. Under such circumstances, taking the foundation building pill to build the foundation can basically guarantee the success of the foundation building with 100%.

But this thing is only effective for monks in the Qi training and foundation building stages. For monks in the elixir formation stage, the effect is equivalent to a year of hard training, which is not cost-effective compared to its value.

Unless it is the legendary Five, Seven or even Nine-Tune Spiritual Ginseng, monks in the Danjie Stage will also flock to it.

This is also the most valuable item in today's auction. Many foundation-building monks came here to participate because they heard that this item would be included in the auction, and even raised a large number of spiritual stones for this purpose.Unexpectedly, this thing was taken a fancy by Fu Ming, a monk in the Dan Formation stage, and ordered it in advance.

This made many people very depressed. Although the rules of the auction were that the highest bidder would win, but who dared to bid with a pill-forming monk?
"Three-qu spiritual ginseng, the lowest price is one thousand spiritual stones, let's start the bidding!" Old Man Sun directly shouted out the lowest price without further introduction.He also believed that as long as he shouted out the lowest price, Fu Ming would take the auction. No one else had anything to do with it, so there was nothing to introduce.

"I'll offer one thousand, two hundred yuan of spirit stones." Fu Ming said with a smile. Although he could only quote the base price, Zhao Wuwei gave him face like this, so it would be better for him not to increase the price at all.

"Okay, if there is no other Taoist friend present who wants to increase the price, these three tunes of spiritual ginseng will belong to Uncle Fu." Old Man Sun didn't even bother to ask others if they wanted to increase the price.

But there is really nothing to be afraid of.

"I'll give you one thousand, three hundred yuan of spirit stones!" A voice suddenly sounded.

As soon as this voice came out, the entire scene fell silent, and everyone's expressions were frozen on their faces.

Everyone looked around and saw a monk in the middle stage of foundation building looking at Fu Ming's back with a solemn expression.

This person is the person who just looked at Su Yi with contempt and disgust.

Although Fu Ming still kept a smile on his face, the sudden drop in temperature in the room made everyone present realize how unhappy the pill-forming monk was.

"Who are you?" It was Zhao Wuwei who asked, his expression also very serious and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Although the foundation-building monk had a serious expression, there was not much fear in his eyes. Hearing this, he took out a token and showed it to Zhao Wuwei. He said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Hello, senior Zhao, junior Xuanyue of Yue Kingdom's Hidden Moon Sect, my master Nangong Wan When I learned that I was traveling to Yuanwu Country, I told you that I must say hello to Senior Zhao. I originally planned to meet Senior Zhao after the auction, but I hope you will forgive me for being rude."

Zhao Wuwei frowned and couldn't help but look at Fuming Ming, who was also astonished.He reached out and grabbed it out of thin air, and the token in Xuan Le's hand suddenly shot out like lightning and flew to Zhao Wuwei's hand.Xuan Le was startled and his expression changed drastically. There was deep fear in his eyes. He quickly lowered his head and his attitude seemed to become more respectful.

"It's the token of the Hidden Moon Sect." Zhao Wuwei said in a deep voice after checking the token. This was also meant for Fang Ming to hear.

"Are you the disciple of Fairy Nangong?" Zhao Wuwei looked at him, "In the past, Fairy Nangong and I fought side by side in the Valley of Fallen Demons. Years passed and it seemed like yesterday. Unexpectedly, I met her apprentice today."

"This junior has often heard my tutor talk about Senior Zhao's bold and heroic demeanor, and has always admired him. To meet him today, I am truly lucky!" Xuanye said respectfully.

A smile appeared on Zhao Wuwei's face: "I didn't expect Fairy Nangong to still miss me so much..."

He glanced at Fu Ming, with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said, "Brother Fu, forget it if it's someone else, but Fairy Nangong's apprentice..."

Fang Ming's face was ugly, but he said calmly: "It doesn't matter. Since I am an old disciple of Brother Zhao, I will not bully the younger generations, so according to the rules, the one with the highest price will get it. I will pay one thousand, five hundred yuan of spiritual stones."

"This... thank you for your understanding, Brother Fu." Zhao Wuwei hurriedly clasped his fists, threw the token back to Xuan Le, and then winked at Old Man Sun on the stage.

"One thousand and five hundred yuan of spiritual stones, does this fellow preacher want to continue bidding?" Old Man Sun looked at Xuan Le.

"Junior dare not bid with this senior Fu, but junior needs these three tunes of spiritual ginseng very much." Xuanye said to Fu Ming with an apologetic look on his face, "Junior is willing to pay 5000 yuan of spiritual stones to purchase this item to show his sincerity. "

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar.

5000 Yuan Lingshi!
This is definitely a huge amount of money for the Danjie monks. I didn't expect that Xuanye would be so willing to spend the money.

But the road is about being first. If you don't try your best to seize the opportunity when you have it, if you miss it, you may never encounter it again in this life.

These three songs of spiritual ginseng can directly promote Xuanye to the late stage of foundation building, saving him at least decades of hard work. With higher cultivation, he can fight for better resources decades in advance, so even if he offends him, he will be punished. , he did not hesitate to do so.

However, Xuan Le was also tactful. He deliberately quoted a sky-high price of 5000 yuan for spiritual stones, not only to make Fu Ming shrink back, but also to make him feel better.

These three spiritual ginsengs are definitely not worth so many spiritual stones. He deliberately took advantage of them and showed weakness to show that he never took advantage.Furthermore, the extra spirit stones were earned by Zhao Wuwei. How could Zhao Wuwei not express his feelings to Fang Ming?

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