Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 172 Arrest in the Police Station

Chapter 172 Arrest in the Police Station
"I don't dare? I don't dare?" Big D jumped up as if he had been greatly insulted, and pointed to his nose, "I said in front of that old guy that I wanted to create a new and joint victory, it was him Beg me to give him face and talk to him! Would I dare not kill him?"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

These words also deceive the young and Dangerous people who use hormones to think about problems.

"Long Gen and Guan Zisen want territory and people! I dare to catch them and clean them up, so I'm afraid of a powerless old thing?" Big D's eyes widened.

Su Yi smiled even brighter.

Powerless old stuff?This old thing is the biggest behind-the-scenes emperor of Liansheng, and he said exactly what he said!

"Blow chicken, I dared to slap him in the face when he was still a talker, I dare not do anything, I underestimated my big D—hey! Smile, smile, why are you laughing, I have tolerated you for a long time!" Big D couldn't hold back his yelling anymore.

Su Yi shook his head with a smile and said: "Then you can do it. Once Deng Bo dies, everyone will suspect that you did it. Ah Le is having a headache and can't find an excuse to join forces with all the bosses to deal with you. How dare you give him this rightful name?" reason?"

Big D's eyes flickered, but his mouth said disdainfully: "Am I afraid of him?"

After a pause, he said again: "Isn't it the same if you do it? Don't everyone still doubt me?"

"It's not the same." Su Yi smiled, "If I do it, no one will suspect you."

"I'll believe what you say!" Big D's expression changed, and he stared at Su Yi, "How do I know if you're kidding me?"

"Pay a deposit of 8 million, and I'll give you a result." Su Yi said, "8 million is nothing to you, is it? Take a gamble, and if you win, you will be the talker. It's a good deal. If you lose, the big deal is I lied to you 8 million, you are not afraid that I will run away with the money, right?"

Big D stared at Su Yi for a while, picked up the tea and drank it, smashed his mouth, and sneered: "You are really interesting, I promise your territory, and it will be no problem to earn 20 million a year if you do well. ! You want 8 million now?"

"It's safe to be in your bag." Su Yi said lightly, "I'm not greedy, take my time."

After a pause, Su Yi looked at him and said, "I only accept cash, and do things with money."

"I'll give it to you right now! Let's see how you do it!" Big D sneered.

The efficiency of big D is very fast.

In other words, at this moment, he understands his situation better than anyone else, and he must either compromise with A Le, or be driven to death.

Therefore, he needs Su Yi to give him such a hope. Even if this hope seems slim, at least it is not completely impossible.

8 million for a future, this is definitely a good deal.

And he was also secretly ruthless, if Guitou Luo dared to lie to him...

8 million, how many boxes can you pack?
Answer: Four boxes.

Four boxes full of money were placed in front of Su Yi, Big D squinted his eyes and said word by word: "How many days?"

"Today." Su Yi said.

"Today?" Big D suspected that he had heard wrong, and confirmed again.

Su Yi chuckled: "It's today."

The door was knocked open suddenly, and several black suits entered one after another.

"Drafting it!" Big D angrily charged, "Are you courting death?"

"I remember," the leading police officer showed his ID card, with a half-smile, "Big D, are you still so arrogant?"

He glanced at the table and said, "Wow, so much money? It seems that I ruined your good deed."

Only then did he look at Su Yi: "Is your name Luo Ji?"

"What's the matter, officer?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"If you are Luo Ji, that's fine, we don't need to look for you alone." The police officer said, "Come with me, you are suspected of..."

The door opened, and Big D's wife broke through the obstruction of two policemen and rushed in.

She stared straight at Big D, and said, "Someone shot at Chuiji."

The police officer froze for a moment, smiled and waved his hands, signaling to the blocking police officers not to be nervous.

He turned around and spread his hands: "It seems that I don't need to tell you the reason."

"Bastard, someone is cheating on me!" Big D was furious.

Almost at the same time, Ah Le also received the news.

His first reaction was also that Big D did it.

Because apart from Big D, no one has the motivation to kill blowjobs.

"Big D is crazy!" A Le frowned, weighing the passivity this incident brought to him.

He thought for a long time, picked up the phone and planned to call Big D.

At this moment, Huoxu came in after listening to the big head's report.

In the end, the big head couldn't delay for half an hour, but with the time of Huo Niu's report, it wasn't much worse.

Ale didn't have time to make a call, he was stunned for a long time, and finally put down the phone.

Blow Chicken gets shot.

Luo Ji received an iced ocean horse.

What exactly does Big D want to do?
He felt the breath of danger.

The timing of these two incidents was so subtle that Ah Le couldn't help thinking about it.

Others don't know, how could Ah Le not know?

Whether it's bragging or Luo Ji, they are actually Deng Wei's pawns, even including himself.

Now that these two people have accidents, will it be my turn next?
Reminiscing that the faucet stick was still in Big D's hand, Ah Le's expression gradually changed.

"Give it to Deng Bo..." He hurriedly ordered the fire bull, but only said three words, only heard a noise outside, followed by the door being knocked open, and the police rushed in.

"Lin Huaile, now I suspect that you are related to a shooting case, come with us!"

A Le clenched his fist slightly, but remained silent, saying nothing.

What he didn't know was that the reason why Su Yi asked Datou to delay was to try not to give him time to react.

While the police were arresting A Le, Big D and Su Yi, A Wei was also arresting people everywhere.

He arrested more than a dozen people and hid them in an abandoned factory in the New Territories. Then he took a photo with the Laptop, wrote a phone number behind the photo, and asked the younger brother to take the photo and give it to someone.

About after Su Yi, Big D and A Le were sent to the police station one after another, A Wei's big brother rang.

The corner of Awei's mouth curled into a smug smile, and he cleared his throat.

After connecting the phone, he deliberately said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Sen, how are you!"

"Drafting, who are you! Why did you arrest my family!" Guan Zisen roared angrily on the other end of the phone.

Awei had a foresight long ago, and took the big brother away a little after saying hello.

Listening to the angry growl in the receiver, he curled his lips.

"I also want to know why." He said, "But you have to ask Guitou Luo, I just use money to do things."

Capture of Guan Zisen's family is another deal between Su Yi and Ah Wei.He didn't know why the former did this.

However, it's just threatening a bad gambler and addict, 500,000 won't make any money.

"Ghost head Luo? You mean Luo Ji, ghost head Luo?" On the other end of the phone, Guan Zisen was shocked and angry, and couldn't believe it.

"Before ten o'clock in the evening, talk to him, otherwise you will wait for your family to feed the fish." Awei whistled, and then hung up the phone directly.

(End of this chapter)

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