Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1721 Puppet

Chen Qiaoqian looked up in astonishment at Su Yi, whose eyes were full of evil. She saw that the corners of his mouth were raised and he didn't seem to care about the blood pouring from his crotch.

She lowered her head and looked at the bloody thing in front of her. After a moment of silence, she actually grabbed an empty wooden box from the side and put the thing in it.

"This is the most special gift I have ever received in my life." Chen Qiaoqian said quietly, "I will keep it forever and remember today forever."

Many years later, Chen Qiaoqian, Nie Xiaoqian and other girls gathered together and talked about the first gift that Mr. Su gave them.

Some people say it's a technique, some people say it's a magical weapon, some people say it's a formation flag, etc.

Chen Qiaoqian, who was present at the time, was silent for a while, stood up and said, "You guys talk first, I'll leave first."

At this moment, Chen Qiaoqian suffered the most severe blow in her life. She was at a loss and didn't know where to go.

"I don't know your senior's surname?" Chen Qiaoqian asked.

"You Huang Maple Valley and I are enemies, not friends. It's better that you don't know my name." Su Yi smiled half-heartedly, "Just go away. I saved you just casually, so you don't have to be grateful. Just keep your eyes brighter in the future." , you might as well stay away from a pretty guy like this who is good at sweet talk."

Chen Qiaoqian was silent for a moment, kowtowed three times to Su Yi respectfully, and then walked out wrapped in clothes, barefoot, and with a numb expression.

Su Yi looked at her back and shook his head. A storage bag embroidered with lotus and mandarin duck patterns that had been dropped on the ground was hung on the jade buckle of the ribbon around her waist. However, Chen Qiaoqian, who was in a state of despair, had nothing to do with it. Feel.

Saving people was just a small episode, but the results brought about it surprised Su Yi.

First of all, this pretty boy is actually a monk with the wind attribute. He has practiced the basic technique of the wind attribute during the Qi training period - Xunfeng Jue. He also masters five or six kinds of wind attribute techniques, such as wind blade technique and whirlwind. Technique and wind escape technique.

Su Yi has the Wind Essence in hand, and he will definitely make use of it in the future. It will definitely be beneficial to him to be exposed to and familiar with the wind attribute skills and spells in advance now. This is why he wants to seize this person's body. .

However, this pretty boy named Lu is a genius disciple of Huang Maple Valley after all. He has a sensitive identity. If he walks around in this physical body, he is afraid of getting into trouble sooner or later. Therefore, Su Yi does not intend to occupy it all the time, so he can just "play" for the time being.

That's why he doesn't cherish this body so much.

In addition to the spiritual root attributes and memory of this body, the biggest surprise this time was the two blue pills in the storage bag.

This elixir contains extremely rich spiritual energy and exudes a very strange fragrance.Although Su Yi had never seen it, he knew from the memory of the young man named Lu that these two pills were the legendary Foundation Establishment Pills!

One of them is his own, but the other one he snatched from Chen Qiaoqian not long ago.

The greatest function of the Foundation Establishment Pill is to help monks cleanse their menstrual marrow and cross the gap between immortals and mortals, condense their spiritual energy, and promote the birth of innate true fire.Therefore, even if Su Yi does not need to build a foundation, there are still great benefits to taking this elixir.

Not to mention, there is a group of Qi Practitioners in his family who are "waiting for food" waiting for the Foundation Establishment Pill to be upgraded, so the more of this thing is definitely better for Su Yi, and no amount is too much.

The remaining things are not of much use to Su Yi. This pretty boy named Lu does not have a rich family. He only has more than 20 low-level spiritual stones and only three magic weapons. The only one with good power is called Qingjiao. The flag is a top-quality magical weapon refined from the bones and blood of the second-level primary demonic beast, the green dragon. It can instantly cast the rain of wind blades, and can also stimulate the power of its essence and blood to condense the shadow of the green dragon and emit the green dragon's shadow. The power of a single blow in life.

There are two other magical weapons, although they are high-grade magical weapons, but they are inconspicuous in Su Yi's inventory.

Finally, there is a high-level spiritual talisman refined in the foundation building stage - the wind wall talisman. It is a good defensive talisman and can be used as a gift to others.

Su Yi put away the trophies and began to use this body to experiment with wind attribute spells with great interest to prepare for the foundation for the future.

He didn't plan to change places immediately. Although there was a huge gap between people's hearts, there was no need to be too worried. He didn't believe that Chen Qiaoqian would betray herself to Huang Maple Valley.

Originally, Su Yi thought that the night would pass without incident. Unexpectedly, as the sky was getting dark, he sensed a murmur coming from somewhere.

Su Yi was refreshed, and the power of capturing green energy was running at full strength, and suddenly the originally vague murmurs became clear.

But it was Han Li who was chanting the incense blessing mantra!
Han Li contacted him.

Su Yi listened attentively for a while, his brows gradually furrowed.

Han Li reported to Su Yi what happened after he returned to the sect through his spiritual skills, and stated that the current situation was sensitive and he planned to wait until the limelight was over before he inquired about Senior Brother Lin.

"I got it." Su Yi didn't force it, just replied with three words.

Han Li had always been cautious, but now that the situation had changed, he retreated like a frightened bird, which Su Yi expected. He couldn't say he was dissatisfied with this. He could only say that he didn't expect this guy to be bold.

However, Han Li still took the risk to contact Su Yi at this time, and explained and reported the situation to him in a timely manner, which still made Su Yi feel a little bit of his sincerity.

Otherwise, Su Yi can declare to him now - your Dayan is gone.

After ending the contact, Su Yi did not worry about whether Han Li would risk contacting him and be discovered by the Nascent Soul monster in Huang Maple Valley. He believed that Han Li cherished his life more than anyone else.

What surprised Su Yi was the puppet Han Li was talking about - a special creature with a living head connected to the puppet's body.

First of all, Xiao Zhen practiced "Hidden Wind Transformation". Even if the alchemy monk did not personally touch Xiao Zhen's body to explore this skill, it would never be possible to find that Xiao Zhen had a soul sacrifice mark on his body.

But why can a puppet who is almost at the initial stage of foundation building sense it?
Either this puppet's consciousness is comparable to that of a Yuanying monk, but this is basically impossible; or this puppet has a special detection technique.The world is full of wonders, just like Su Yi never thinks that his power of catching green is invincible, no matter how magical the Hidden Wind Transformation is, there must be a way to restrain it.

Secondly, even if the puppet could see something abnormal about Xiao Zhen, the fact that it was the "breath of the master of Hehe Tu" basically convinced Su Yi that the puppet had definitely seen him and knew that he was from He He Tu. Master, so it recognizes Su Yi’s breath.

This is so weird...

Su Yi racked his brains and couldn't figure out who this puppet was.

If he had really seen a monster with a living head and a puppet body, he would never forget it.So this thing must not have looked like this when he saw Su Yi before. "A head..." Su Yi murmured, and a picture suddenly came back to his mind. An idea suddenly flashed across his mind, and his eyes gradually brightened.

"No way? Right under my nose..." Thinking of this possibility, he felt a little unbelievable.

But the more he thought about it, the more he felt that he had guessed it right. With a thought, his consciousness returned to the deity in the secret realm, and then without saying a word, he teleported outside Ning Caichen's courtyard and knocked on the door.

"Come on, come on!" Ning Caichen, who was disheveled and bearded, opened the door and grinned when he saw Su Yi, "Master, why are you here?"

Su Yi noticed that he was holding a half-read book in his hand, which seemed to be a medical book.

"You said a few days ago that you were studying the head-changing technique?" Su Yi asked straight to the point, "Where did you see the head-changing technique?"

When Su Yi heard the news before, he just laughed it off, because Ning Caichen often came up with some ridiculous ideas, such as transforming the star-absorbing method into an immortal method that can absorb people's mana, or transforming people into trees to achieve immortality. The purpose of immortality...

Some of these ideas have some truth to them, while others are purely whimsical, so he has been clamoring these past few days that he wants to study head-changing techniques, and Su Yi only thinks that he is just out of his mind.

But this time when he heard Han Li talk about this monster with a living head and a puppet body, and related it to his own speculation, Su Yi suddenly realized that Ning Caichen's sudden start to study the so-called head-changing technique was probably groundless.

"This is it!" Ning Caichen was a little surprised why Su Yi asked this, but he still raised the medical book in his hand, "When we were in Guanggui City, you asked me to search for the Jingshi Hall's property. Don't take advantage of outsiders, especially He told me not to forget their inherited medical books, and this is one of them."

"It records a kind of head-changing technique, and there are also annotations written by Guo Yancheng himself."

Su Yi looked astonished, and most of the questions in his mind suddenly became clear.

Although he has never seen a monster with a living head and a puppet body, he has seen a guy who knew that he was the owner of Hehetu cut off his own head in front of him, and then the person's head immediately It was taken away.

This guy is Guo Yancheng, the original owner of the Jingshi Hall in Guanggui City!

This person had been in contact with him and knew his identity. Now that Su Yi recalled some of the details at that time, he felt that everything was weird.

This Guo Yancheng originally had a tragic attitude of shouting injustice to the sky when he wanted to become an immortal but could not. However, as a mortal, he knew that it was abnormal for him to know that he could not become an immortal without spiritual roots. He said that he had met an immortal, but this immortal who is it?

Also, he asked Su Yi to commit suicide because he did not want to be humiliated by the jailer. Su Yi thought that this man was very sensible and agreed to let him commit suicide. Guo Yancheng breathed a sigh of relief. Su Yi thought that he was He was happy because he had avoided a humiliating fate. Now that he thought about it, it was more likely that he was just happy because Su Yi asked him to commit suicide.

Afterwards, Guo Yancheng shouted, "Master, I will give you my life back." Su Yi felt at that time that he was speaking kindly when he was about to die, and that he was repenting to his master before he died. But now it seems that he was doing it for The purpose of paving the way back is for someone to take away his head as soon as possible.

In addition, Su Yi had seen people who committed suicide by wiping their necks, drank poison, and cut off their heart. But this was the first time he saw someone commit suicide by cutting off his own head. Even though he was well-informed, he was shocked at the time. , I thought that Guo Yancheng was cruel to others, and he was also cruel to himself.

But now he knows that Guo Yancheng cut off his head because he knew there was no way to survive, so he decided to fake death and escape, using the head-changing technique to survive again in death!

If the puppet is really Guo Yancheng, it shows that he has indeed succeeded.

Last but not least, when Su Yi watched Guo Yancheng's head being taken away, he had actually vaguely sensed something was wrong.But at that time, he was completely distracted by the immortal girl, so he didn't have time to delve deeper into it, and later let it go.

Now Su Yi knew what was wrong that he noticed at that time.

After Guo Yancheng committed suicide, Su Yi neither saw the latter's bardo body formed nor saw the light of reincarnation leading his soul away. This is what he felt was wrong!

"Guo Yancheng..."

Su Yi clicked his tongue, somewhat admiring this little character that he had forgotten.

He took the medical book from Ning Caichen and flipped through it.

"This head-changing technique is actually a technique that combines ordinary medical skills with magical spells. Guo Yancheng is just a mere mortal, but he can actually create such a vicious and magical technique. It is incredible." Ning Cai The minister was somewhat impressed.

"But this man is really inhumane. Master, look at his comments. He used mortals to do head-replacement experiments at least dozens of times. In other words, at least dozens of people were killed by him like this. Wow, this guy really deserves to be cut to pieces! But why did he do this? It’s really hard to understand.”

"What's so difficult to understand?" Su Yi sneered as he read through it, "This guy has no spiritual roots, but he wants to become an immortal, so he wants to change himself into a body with spiritual roots."

Ning Caichen was stunned, took a breath and said: "That's crazy! But judging from his comments, he failed in the end! Fortunately, he died, otherwise God would be too cruel."

"Who said he failed?" Su Yi saw the last line of Guo Yancheng's comment and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, "He was at least half successful."

"Ah?" Ning Caichen looked at Su Yi in confusion.

In the last line of comments, Guo Yancheng proposed integrating "immortal blood" into the soul-nourishing wood to increase the probability of successful head replacement.

The so-called immortal blood refers to Qin Yu's blood.

There is also the soul-nurturing tree. This thing is one of the three sacred trees. It has the effect of nourishing the soul and soul, making the consciousness stronger. It can also inhabit the soul and ensure that the sanity remains.

This is one of the three sacred trees in the world of cultivation. It is a precious material that even Nascent Soul monks would be tempted by. Even if Su Yi breaks his head, he would never imagine that Guo Yancheng, a mere mortal, actually owns a soul-nurturing tree as big as a child's palm.

Moreover, he had already performed surgery on himself to remove a piece of his skull and replace it with this piece of soul-nurturing wood. At the same time, he injected undiluted "immortal blood" into the soul-nurturing wood to prevent accidents and untimely needs.

Facts have proved that his preparation was useful. After he chopped off his own head, his soul was directly sucked into the soul-nurturing tree.

The ice phoenix essence and blood are fatal poison to the mortal body, but if it is just the soul, combined with the soul-nurturing wood, it has the effect of nourishing and strengthening it. This caused Guo Yancheng to die, but his soul became Stronger than ordinary monks.

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