Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1725 Appearance

Feilu Kingdom's Xuanmiaomenfang City, the branch of Wanbao Pavilion.

Several monks had been guarding the Wanbao Pavilion teleportation array for a long time, holding teleportation tokens and waiting for teleportation.

Although flying magic weapons are now very common, due to speed and safety issues, using teleportation arrays for long-distance travel is also one of the ways monks travel. However, not all monks can afford to use teleportation arrays because of their high fees. of.

Take the Wanbao Pavilion, a teleportation array that goes directly to Huangfenggufang City in the Yue Kingdom, for example. The price of a single teleportation is as high as 60 yuan of spirit stones. This much money is enough to buy a better mid-level magic weapon. How many are there? Can a monk be willing to pay such a high travel fee?

Unless absolutely necessary, most people would not burn spiritual stones like this.

Therefore, the main purpose of Wanbao Pavilion's teleportation array is not to teleport people, but to teleport goods.The teleporter is just incidental.Generally speaking, the people who use this teleportation array are the shopkeepers or deacons of various businesses who transport goods. Everyone is familiar with each other, or at least they all know each other, and there are few unfamiliar faces.

A few days ago, a new face from the qi training period went to Huangfenggufang City through this teleportation array. It became a topic of conversation among the "old customers" of this teleportation array. Everyone thought that the guy teleported because he was offended. Powerful characters have to avoid disaster, or they are afraid of being coveted when they get an opportunity.

Later, after someone inquired about the identity and recent experience of the face born during the Qi training period, everyone unanimously concluded that the reason was the latter. There were two people with evil intentions who were very regretful about missing the "good opportunity" and thought that if they had followed that person to kill people and seize the treasure, Maybe you can make a fortune.

The two of them thought that an opportunity like that day would never happen again, but they didn't expect that just a few days later, the opportunity came again!
At this moment, they were pointing at the face of the Qi-training student who stood cowering in a corner not far away, discussing and speculating on his origin and purpose of transmission.

"Seventh level of Qi training, with such a low level of cultivation, he looks to be over 40 years old, he must be a casual cultivator! It is definitely not normal for a casual cultivator to spend so many spiritual stones to teleport! Butler Huang, do you want to vote for him? "

"It's not normal, but this person... I always feel like something is wrong, but I can't say what's wrong. I don't feel very good, so why don't I forget about it?"

"So Butler Huang doesn't plan to take action? Then don't blame me for being a solitary eater!"

"Haha, if Fellow Daoist Zhang is interested, feel free to do it yourself."

As if he felt the malicious gaze of the monk surnamed Zhang here, the middle-aged casual cultivator at the seventh level of Qi training over there seemed to be even more cowed, lowering his head and not daring to look at anyone.

The monk surnamed Zhang here licked his lips and said with a ferocious smile: "The piece of meat in the mouth is just the difference between fatter or thinner. If Deacon Huang is not interested, then you're welcome!"

Deacon Huang shrugged nonchalantly and joked: "Then I wish fellow Daoist Zhang to seize the important treasure and soar into the sky. But don't be careless, or the duck will fly away."

"Don't worry, I'll go check it out first and mark him by the way!" The monk surnamed Zhang grinned and walked towards the middle-aged casual cultivator.

"The teleportation is about to begin!" Butler Huang reminded him.

The monk surnamed Zhang waved his hands without looking back, indicating that he understood.

He quickly walked up to the middle-aged Sanxiu, put a familiar slap on the latter's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, you look familiar to me. Who are you from?"

This slap was accompanied by a very obscure spiritual power that hit the middle-aged casual cultivator. The latter was unaware of it, which made the smile on the face of the cultivator surnamed Zhang even wider.

"Junior, junior, I have no family or sect, I am a casual cultivator..." The middle-aged fellow Taoist said fearfully, not daring to look up into the eyes of monk surnamed Zhang.

"Rogue cultivator? Why are the rogue cultivators willing to spend so many spiritual stones to teleport to the Yue Kingdom?" the monk surnamed Zhang asked with a smile.

"Junior...Junior has a family member who is seriously ill in Yue country, so..."

"So this is ah……"

When the monk surnamed Zhang tried to trick this middle-aged casual cultivator, the latter seemed to be very fearful and cautious. This was also the most normal reaction for a casual cultivator with low strength and no background.

Deacon Huang looked at the middle-aged casual cultivator over there from a distance, always feeling that this person was particularly awkward.

The world is full of wonders, and there are many people in this world who are different from ordinary people.Deacon Huang was born with strange eyes. If he focused his spiritual consciousness in his eyes, he would be able to see through illusions.

It's just that using this technique requires the power of spiritual consciousness, and if he encounters someone with a stronger spiritual consciousness than him, he will easily suffer backlash.

Deacon Huang is at the [-]th level of Qi training, while this middle-aged casual cultivator is only at the [-]th level of Qi training. The latter's cultivation is so shallow that normally his consciousness will not be stronger than his.

He stared at the middle-aged monk for a while, and finally decided to use his pupil technique to take a look at this person - he wanted to determine why he felt that awkward feeling.

As the old saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.It was this look that made Butler Huang regret it for the rest of his life.

When Deacon Huang concentrated his spiritual power and looked at the middle-aged monk in his eyes, the latter was very keen and just noticed it, and immediately raised his head and looked at him.

The monk surnamed Zhang, who was talking to the middle-aged monk with a half-smile but not a smile, was close at hand. He happened to see the former who was cowering and murmuring suddenly raised his head and looked behind him, and his eyes actually radiated a strange and breathtaking green light!

The monk surnamed Zhang was suddenly stunned. A feeling of extreme horror arose spontaneously at this moment, making him feel cold all over. The blood flowing all over his body seemed to freeze.

At this moment, the inhuman scream of his friend Butler Huang came from behind.

The monk surnamed Zhang turned around in horror, and he happened to see a scene that made his scalp numb - Deacon Huang's two eyeballs exploded with a bang, exploding into two black and bloody holes!
He saw Butler Huang screaming and falling to the ground in pain, covering his face and rolling on the ground.

The monk surnamed Zhang broke out in cold sweat instantly!

He was no fool and immediately realized what was happening.

I walked a lot at night and encountered a ghost!

He almost subconsciously wanted to run away, but the gentle words of the middle-aged monk behind him made him stay in place——

"Move and die!"

The voice was still a familiar one, but the tone was no longer submissive, but became extremely cold.

The monk surnamed Zhang felt an extremely cold evil energy locking onto him. This evil energy was so pure and majestic that he did not dare to make any unnecessary movements.

At this moment, his intestines turned green with regret, and he wished he could pluck out his own eyes and crush them!

What a bad look?Would he actually regard such a cruel and terrifying evil as a fat sheep?

He didn't dare to move, but the growing fear made him want to escape more and more.

"I just want to go to Yue Kingdom in peace. If I mess up my affairs... all of you will have to be buried with me! Do you understand?" The words of the middle-aged monk Sen Han came from behind him. The monk surnamed Zhang almost said He nodded hurriedly.

He had no doubt that the words of the person behind him were exaggerating. His friend Butler Huang's pupil technique had once detected blood from both eyes of the alchemy monks, but now they actually exploded!Just thinking about this matter made him feel like he was dead. He had no doubt that the evil star behind him had such ability.

"Take him away!"

This sentence made the monk surnamed Zhang feel as if he had been granted amnesty. He almost ran to the side of Deacon Huang without even thinking, and hurried away as soon as he mentioned the insane Deacon Huang who was screaming in agony.

This turn of events shocked the other monks present, and the middle-aged monk's face turned even paler, as if he was frightened.

The monks who controlled the teleportation array in Wanbao Pavilion heard the noise and hurried over to investigate the situation, but by then monk surnamed Zhang and his friend had already left.Everyone was talking and speculating about what had just happened. They were all confused and couldn't figure out the situation.

The people from Wanbao Pavilion didn't find anything wrong at the scene, and they didn't catch up to find out. After a while, the monks who were about to teleport were asked to enter the teleportation array. The middle-aged monks were low-key among them, waiting for the spiritual stones in the hexagonal corners of the teleportation array. It lights up, looking harmless to humans and animals.

It wasn't until the moment the teleportation was officially started that the middle-aged monk raised the corner of his mouth and muttered: "It almost ruined my big event!"

At the same time, Huang Maple Gufang City.

The young man in white, who walked a little awkwardly, frowned and stood there as soon as he walked into Fangshi. This happened to be the moment when Deacon Huang, who was thousands of miles away, activated his pupil technique to look at the middle-aged monk.

At the same time, on the rooftop of Wanbao Pavilion in Huang Maple Valley, the puppet excitedly pointed at the young man in white and shouted in surprise: "It's him! It's him!"

Senior Brother Lin suddenly became energetic and followed the puppet's direction. After seeing this person clearly, he also showed a look of joy: "Lu Liangzhi! This kid received the entry magic weapon from me. I remember his appearance! It is indeed true." he!"

As he spoke, he hurriedly took out the Zimu Talisman and input a burst of spiritual power.

More than ten miles away, Lei Wanhe, who was meditating, sensed the vibration of the spiritual talisman. He instantly opened his eyes and took a step forward into the air. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky.

When Chen Qiaoqian on the side reacted and opened her eyes, she only saw a black spot that quickly became smaller, and she was stunned.

"Why is he standing there motionless?" In the market, Senior Brother Lin, who was on the top floor of Wanbao Pavilion, looked at "Lu Liangzhi" at the entrance of the market in surprise.

"Could he have sensed something?" The puppet was also nervous. He could sense that the "Lu Liangzhi" in front of him was much weaker than the "blue demon soul" he sensed in Jiayuan City, but he was definitely of the same origin. source.

Seeing "Lu Liangzhi" standing motionless at the entrance of Fangshi, each person and the puppet almost had their hearts in their throats.

At this moment, I saw a rotating black spot on the horizon that quickly enlarged and turned into a huge black cauldron. It slammed into the entrance of Fangshi with a bang, blocking the spacious road at the entrance of Fangshi. !

Smoke and dust were everywhere, and the earth was torn apart. Such a huge movement immediately alarmed everyone. Almost all the stores opened protective formations one after another. At the same time, an astonishing aura rose from the northwest corner of Fangshi, a graceful and graceful dragon. The monk dressed as a female Taoist nun stood in the air and looked at the big cauldron at the entrance of Fangshi in surprise.

Just by looking at her standing in mid-air without using any magic weapon, you can tell that this Taoist nun is also a pill-forming monk!

However, it is normal for a pill-forming monk to appear in Fang City. This is the territory of Yellow Maple Valley, and it is impossible for there to be no pill-forming monks in Fang City.

The Taoist nun obviously recognized whose magic weapon the Black Cauldron belonged to. Although the owner of the Black Cauldron had not arrived yet, she raised her eyebrows and screamed angrily: "Lei Wanhe, what the hell are you doing!"

Before he finished speaking, a fat figure descended from the sky. He stared at the black tripod with an excited look on his face. He made seals with his hands and said quickly: "Junior sister Hongfu, don't blame me. I will come to apologize in person when this matter is over." !”

Wind Essence was of great importance to him, so even if he knew that Fairy Hongfu from his sect was stationed in Fang City, he did not reveal anything about it beforehand.

The black cauldron quickly shrunk under his control, trapping the person inside it just now.

so easy?
Lei Wanhe was a little surprised and a little unbelievable. After all, this was a demon soul that had not been caught by the four pill-forming people in Yuanwu Kingdom. Could he be caught so easily?
But his mind was connected to the magic weapon, and he clearly sensed an unconscious young man in white lying in the black cauldron. This was absolutely unmistakable.

Fairy Hongfu frowned and glared at Lei Wanhe, her face full of displeasure, but she didn't get angry again and just looked at this scene coldly.

Lei Wanhe quickly hit a series of spells on his magic weapon, but he saw that the black cauldron kept shrinking and spinning in mid-air, making a whistling sound.

At this time, many of the deacons and elders in the shops were surprised and came out to check. Most of them were foundation-building monks. They looked at Lei Wanhe from a distance and did not dare to approach.

As the seals completely sealed his black tripod, Lei Wanhe gradually showed joy, feeling that the matter was basically stable.

Not far away from him, dazzling light shone from the protective formation of Wanbao Pavilion, and rumbling spiritual energy fluctuations came out.

Some monks looked over there and turned around to continue watching the show without caring, and some didn't even look at it.

This is the fluctuation coming from the teleportation array. Wanbao Pavilion activates the teleportation array at this time every day to receive goods and travelers from Tianlu Kingdom. This is not unusual, and everyone in the city is used to it.

At this moment, something unexpected happened at Fangshikou!

It was clear that Lei Wanhe had cast a series of mysterious spells to seal his magic weapon, the Black Cauldron, layer by layer, but there still happened to be a touch of cyan coming out of it. He put his hands on his hips and cursed loudly at Lei Wanhe, whose face was filled with shock and disbelief: "Lei Wanhe You bastard, didn’t I just see you stealing pig feed? You actually want to kill me to silence me!”

It's Su Yi's little soul who takes pictures of youth!
But if Zhao Wuwei and other monks who had seen the little soul taking pictures were present, they would definitely find that the aura of the little soul taking pictures before them was only half of what it was in Yuanwu Guofang City!
She Qing Xiaohun yelled and immediately teleported away.


Almost at the same time that he disappeared, a bolt of lightning struck where he was.

Not far away, Lei Wanhe, whose face turned green with anger, was pointing his hand in this direction.

The blow missed, and at this time Lei Wanhe could not care less about his shock and confusion. He sensed that the little soul of Sheqing appeared ten kilometers away, and he chased after it without thinking, controlling his black cauldron magic weapon while chasing. Alternately bombard with the power of thunder!

In the market, the expressions of the monks who were stunned to see this scene were all very exciting.

Lei Wanhe secretly eats pig feed...

You can be sure that this is false without even thinking about it, but this...

Some people want to laugh but are afraid to laugh, and their expressions are as weird as they want.

On the other hand, Fairy Hongfu, who had been stunned for a while in mid-air, didn't have so many worries and couldn't help but laugh like a silver bell.


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