Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 1730 Whereabouts

"Really a mortal?"

Just as Su Yi was standing in front of Lanruo Temple holding the Mohist token and frowning, a long-faced Taoist priest in Taoist robes leisurely walked out of the dense forest behind him with his hands behind his back, a faint smile on his face.

Su Yi didn't look back. Just now when he was inspecting the surroundings with his Green Eyes, he saw the approaching figure of this Taoist.Apparently he was alerted by the sound of Su Yi arriving on horseback.

Judging from the evil look on his face, he is obviously not a good person.In addition, Su Yi was only in the Qi training period, so he didn't pay attention, let alone hide, and allowed him to come and investigate.

It just so happened that he was confused about what was happening here and needed someone to give him some clues.

"What troubles the Taoist the most is ordinary people like you who run around just because you have some three-legged cat skills." The Taoist looked at Su Yi unscrupulously, perhaps sensing that Su Yi was just a mortal with not even a hint of spiritual power in his body. There was no fluctuation, and he didn't even release his spiritual consciousness to investigate.

"Don't you know that there are people outside the world?" He tsked, with a joke in his eyes, "A lonely man visiting an ancient temple in the mountains at night, are you really not afraid of death at all? Or do you think you won't die?"

"Who are you?" Only then did Su Yi turn around and look at him.

"The person who wants your life." The Taoist priest looked at Su Yi's face with a smile, as if expecting Su Yi's expression to change, "No, to you I am not a human being, but a god."

Su Yi sneered: "With a feather duster stuck in your butt, what kind of big-tailed wolf are you pretending to be?"

If he hadn't worried about Li Feiyu's whereabouts, maybe Su Yi would have cooperated with him in showing off, but now Su Yi just wanted to know what happened here.

The Taoist priest who originally wanted to play a cat and mouse game was not angry when he saw Su Yi's rude remarks, but instead smiled brighter.

To him, the more unruly Su Yi is now and the contrast of being as miserable as a dog later makes him more excited and comfortable.

The Taoist priest looked at Su Yi with a half-smile, and was about to prod Su Yi a few more words to induce Su Yi to take action against him, so that he could appreciate that this prey could not hurt him despite all its efforts. His expression gradually changed from cruel to frightened. What a wonderful process.

But the next second his joking expression froze on his face, because She Qing's little soul emerged from this mortal body, letting the godless body behind him fall to the ground.

"Come on, tell me again, what kind of immortal are you?" She Qing Xiaohun tilted her head and dug her ears, "Seafood or ground delicacies?"

A drop of cold sweat slipped quietly from his frozen face. The Taoist priest's eyes went from shock to disbelief, then to panic and despair. The process was indeed very exciting and worth appreciating.

After a brief pause, a flying sword flew out of its storage bag and struck down at She Qing Xiaohun at extremely fast speed!
At the same time, the white light on the Taoist priest's body flashed to form a light shield, and a bloody talisman suddenly appeared in his hand. Without saying a word, he had to press the secret to activate it.

If Han Li and Li Feiyu were here, they would definitely recognize this Taoist priest as Taoist Song Wen, the captain of the slave-catching team of the Black Evil Cult whom they met unexpectedly outside Jiayuan City.

Song Wen is one of the few disciples in the Black Demon Sect who knows about the existence of Su Yi during his Qi training period. The story of the "green demon soul" has been widely circulated recently. Even Bai Hu and Akame, who have completed their foundation building, have to suffer at the hands of this demon. The four The Dan Jie monks chased and intercepted him but failed to do anything. Now he was unlucky enough to meet this evil star at home...

Run was the only thought in Taoist Songwen's mind, even though he was actually desperate.

His reaction was not unpleasant, but in the next second his body stiffened suddenly, his mouth slightly opened and he looked up at the sky, his eyes were quickly colored with cyan!

The flying sword not far away lost control and fell to the ground, and the talisman in his hand dimmed again.

"Hehe..." Sheqing's little soul let out a creepy and sinister laughter in his body. A frightened shadow emerged from Taoist Songwen's body and was about to escape, but was snatched back to Songwen by a small green hand. The tattoo is in the human body.

"Do not--"


The world suddenly became quiet.

After a while, Taoist Songwen made a "burp" sound in his throat. He shook his neck and limbs, his bones made a "bang bang" sound, he raised his legs slightly unfamiliarly, and jumped on the spot.

"So that's it..." A look of surprise appeared in his blue eyes.

In Taoist Songwen's memory, Su Yi not only saw Li Feiyu's figure, but also saw another familiar and unexpected person.

A few months ago, when Su Yi used all his firepower to annihilate the two foundation-building monks in Tainan Mountain, Taoist Songwen was ordered by Elder Chimu to search for traces of the Wuyin Sect around Jiayuan City.Soon he received the shocking news that Elder Akame had died in battle in the distant Tainan Mountains.

Lord Ice Demon, one of the four blood warriors in the sect, immediately brought the leader's oral instructions, allowing them, the lower-level followers of the Black Evil Sect, to take full control of the Jianghu gangs in the major cities of the Yue Kingdom, and to establish specialized intelligence organizations in the ordinary markets. Specializes in collecting information on casual cultivators hidden in the mortal world.

In the opinion of Taoist Songwen, the Black Evil Sect should have done this long ago!

Unlike the seven major sects, the Black Evil Sect has risen in the secular world. The mortal world should be the territory that the Black Evil Sect has absolute control over. However, the middle and high-level leaders of the sect don't know whether they are stupid or stupid, and they have no regard for the secular world. Taking any management or control measures will cause them, the slave-catching teams, to go around catching loose cultivators, and they have to play a hide-and-seek game with this group of prey in the secular world.

If the Black Evil Cult had established an efficient intelligence network in the secular world, would their slave-catching work be so difficult?

But teaching middle and high-level people not to care about how people below them do things, they only want results and will punish them if they don't do well, which is simple and rude to the extreme.

The Kirigakure Gate incident finally sounded a wake-up call to the higher-ups in the church, making them aware of the importance of the intelligence network in the mortal world.From Taoist Songwen's point of view, this is just rushing away without leaving - cheap!

How many elders must die to realize the problem?If I had used my brain more before, I wouldn't have ended up like this!
Move your mouth above, break your legs below.

With the leader's words, Song Wen's slave-catching team immediately dispersed and rushed to all parts of the country. They began to use various means to control Jianghu gangs in various places to establish the Heisha Cult's intelligence network in the secular world.

Taoist Song Wen is a middle-level leader after all, but he is not as hard-working as the lower-level gang members. After conveying the instructions from the middle-level and high-level leaders to his subordinates, he plans to be lazy under the pretext of "coordinating management in the middle" and seize the time to strengthen Self-cultivation.

However, you can’t really do nothing, you still have to put on a show on the surface.

Taoist Song Wen secretly established a relatively loose and free killer organization in the secular world. It was his game of the mortal world, and it came in handy this time.In one sentence, he summoned three gold medal killers in the organization and let them dominate the gangs in Jiayuan City, making Jiayuan City's underground gangs the eyes and ears of the Black Evil Cult. "Taoist Master, if we don't show up to the three major gangs in Jiayuan City, we have to choose one of them to support. Which one should we choose?" His subordinates asked Taoist Songwen such a question at that time.

"Of course he is the strongest one, why do you need to ask?" Taoist Songwen was very impatient at the time. He had to take care of everything every day, so why should he be asked about such a trivial matter?They're just a bunch of ants, why are they just playing around?

Next, Taoist Songwen began to practice in seclusion in the Taoist temple where Tang Kun died, and did not interfere with the affairs of Jiayuan City.

He only vaguely understood that his three killers finally chose a gang called Tianbamen to support them and began to exterminate other forces in the city.

Until one day, only one of his three gold medal killers was left disabled and was carried in front of him.

"Taoist Master, Xiahou has defected!" The killer, whose body was full of broken veins, complained angrily to him, "He also killed Brother Li, and I only escaped by pretending to be dead!"

How could something like this happen?Taoist Songwen was stunned for a long time and became angry and happy.

"Defection?" He was in disbelief. "You just use money to do things, and you don't have to be loyal to me. How can he defect and escape?"

"When we were chasing the remnants of the Jingjiao Society, when the Mo family fled outside Nanwu City, a helper came over. This person is the crazy swordsman Li Feiyu who has recently become famous in the world. Originally, the three of us were going to fight one of him. , there should be no suspense about the outcome. Who would have known that Xiahou Fenglei, a bastard, would recognize Li Feiyu as his senior brother in the middle of the fight, and then he would rebel on the battlefield and help Li Feiyu beat me and Brother Li..."

The crippled subordinate told the whole story intermittently. Taoist Songwen was speechless. What kind of nonsense is this?
He directly sacrificed his blood to this crippled subordinate, which was regarded as waste.Then he sent another person to help him take over the Jianghu of Jiayuan City, while he continued to hide in the Taoist temple to practice.

As for the trivial matter of Li Feiyu killing the young master of the Tianba Clan for the eldest daughter of the Mo family, he didn't even bother to listen.

He didn't care at all about the fate of the remnants of the Mo family and didn't want to care at all.

They are just ants, completely unworthy of his concern.

Seeing this, Su Yi marveled at the ingenuity of fate.How big is the world?But how small is the world?
Back then, Su Yi, Ning Caichen and others went to live in seclusion in Guanggui City. On the way, they encountered Xiahou Fenglei who was surrounded and killed. They thought they were destined to have a sword, so they passed on this man's sword skills.This Xiahou Fenglei was a martial arts fanatic with an honest mind. He was about to kneel down and become his disciple on the spot. Su Yi simply accepted him as his registered disciple, and he had a bad taste in expecting his cheap disciple to win the sword duel with Yan Chixia.

Originally, Su Yi thought that his fate with Xiahou Fenglei had ended, but unexpectedly, he and Li Feiyu could not be acquainted with each other.

It's not surprising that their martial arts come from the same lineage, and they can recognize each other whenever they make a move.However, Xiahou Fenglei did not do any bloody things like killing his fellow disciples for the killer principle, and switched sides to help Li Feiyu on the spot. This made Su Yi even more satisfied with this apprentice.

After this incident, Taoist Songwen practiced in hiding for some time, and then received a message from the Ice Demon, asking him to rush to the Black Mountain Secret Realm of Black Wind Mountain immediately.

Song Wen knew that there was Lord Heishan who was in the late stage of foundation building and was also an elder of the sect. He was stationed in Heifeng Mountain all year round and seemed to be looking for something for the sect leader.

When called by the superiors, Song Wen did not dare to disobey and hurriedly went.

When he arrived at the place, before he could go to the secret realm of Black Mountain to meet the ice demon, he unexpectedly met a group of ordinary martial arts people at Lanruo Temple who were holding a cremation ceremony.

Songwen was happy when he saw two familiar faces in this group of people.

"Xiahou? And you kid..." Song Wen joked, looking at the group of mortals who were facing formidable enemies, especially the two people holding sharp blades in front of everyone.

"So you two are brothers, right?" Song Wen said with a smile, "What a coincidence. That kid, farewell outside Jiayuan City. Are you okay? I still remember that sword attack you made back then. New. You are the first person I have ever seen that an ordinary martial artist can cut through the magic weapon of an immortal cultivator!"

He was talking about Li Feiyu, whom he had met once before.

Next to Li Feiyu is Xia Hou Fenglei. Behind them are people from the Mo family. In addition to Mo Yuzhu, whom Su Yi has seen, there are two middle-aged beautiful women who should be Mo Juren's wives. The remaining ten people are all from the Mo family. Guards and servants.

It's not hard to guess why they appeared here - Yan Chixia.

Although Xiahou Fenglei had been fighting with Yan Chixia for many years, he knew that Yan Chixia was not an ordinary person, and even guessed that the latter was a cultivator of immortality.He killed Taoist Songwen's people for Li Feiyu, and he was definitely afraid that Taoist Songwen would not let it go. After weighing it, he simply persuaded Li Feiyu to bring the Mo family to join Yan Chixia.

Su Yi could even guess why Li Feiyu didn't contact Su Yi at this time.

When he was in the Mo family, he kept saying that he was an "eagle in the sky" and would not stop for any woman.

With the words still in his ears, he turned around and rushed thousands of miles to help Mo Yuzhu, getting involved in the turmoil of the Mo family.

He must have been afraid that Su Yi would laugh at his insincerity, so he didn't contact Su Yi.

I'm afraid he thought he could handle this matter, otherwise he wouldn't have insisted on not asking Su Yi for help.

When Song Wen arrived, they had obviously just gone through a battle, and the enemy had been killed on the spot. They seemed to be people from the world of martial arts. They were the corpses Su Yi saw that were corroded by the evil spirit after death.

It seemed that they were suddenly attacked, so they lost some men. After the battle, they chose to cremate the sacrificed people on the spot, but they did not expect that Song Wen would arrive after half of the cremation was completed.

As for what grievances they had with this group of ordinary martial arts people and why they started fighting, it was unknown, but it didn't matter.

"Taoist Priest, the grudge between us has nothing to do with these women and children. Can you let them go?" Xiahou Fenglei asked in a deep voice.

"What do you think?" Taoist Songwen asked with a smile, "But if you can kneel down and kowtow to me a hundred times, it's not impossible to consider it."

"Kowtow!" Li Feiyu scolded directly, pointing his sword at Song Wen, "Don't think that immortal cultivators are great, it's not like I haven't killed them before!"

He gestured behind him, signaling to the people from the Mo family behind him to take the opportunity to leave first.But what he didn't know was that his little moves couldn't hide Taoist Songwen's spiritual sense. Instead, it revealed that he cared about the people of the Mo family behind him, so he was willing to risk his life to cover their evacuation.

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