Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 178 Carefree, still frowning

Chapter 178 Carefree, still frowning

At the police station, Su Yi spoke very cryptically, and Jimmy could only understand that Su Yi wanted to ask Guan Zisen if he wanted to be the speaker.

but why?How to do it?
Su Yi didn't know anything.

He is too mysterious and unpredictable, he acts like an antelope's horns, without any trace, Jimmy can't guess what he is thinking at all.

Now Guan Zisen wants to ask about the whereabouts of his family members, and refuses to talk about things at all, which makes Jimmy very headache.

Knowing that someone had called Guan Zisen, Jimmy vaguely felt that the person who called might be able to help him solve some mysteries.

Guan Zisen wanted to get angry, but since his family was in his hands, he had no choice but to follow suit.

While staring at Jimmy bitterly, he dialed the previous number.

The phone was connected, and there was an idle voice on the other end: "Maoxi Maoxi?"

"Mao Nima!" Guan Zisen yelled, "Sai Zi, if you dare to touch a finger of my family, I will kill your whole family!"

"Tch, my whole family has died long ago, and I still need you to kill them? Idiot line!" The people over there sneered disdainfully, "Did you do what I told you to do?"

"Who knows what tricks you guys are playing?" Guan Zisen said angrily, "I'll let Erwu Boy tell you!"

He handed the big brother to Jimmy.

Jimmy answered the phone and said "Hello" hesitantly.

The other end of the phone said: "Guitouluo's person?"

"Yes." Jimmy thought.

"Frowning, or carefree?" asked the person over there.

Jimmy was taken aback: "What?"

"Didn't Guitouluo tell you?" The person over there was dissatisfied, "If you do well what he asked you to do, then naturally you will be carefree; if you don't do well, then you will be sad? Cut , what kind of code? It's inexplicable and troublesome..."

Jimmy suddenly realized!

No wonder Su Yi asked him to remember the words "carefree" before leaving.

He thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what charade Su Yi was playing, so the answer was here!
After figuring this out, more doubts surfaced in Jimmy's mind.

When did the stepbrother kidnap Guan Zisen's family?

Why did he think of the code at that time?

Did he foresee that it would be inconvenient for him to speak, and he needed to use codes to convey information?
Jimmy was in awe of Su Yi once again, as if looking up at a mountain.

"I'll call you later." Jimmy said and hung up the phone.

He looked at Guan Zisen and said, "Did you hear that? Answer my question first, if the answer doesn't satisfy me..."

Guan Zisen grabbed Jimmy by the collar, gritted his teeth and growled, "What's coming at me, don't mess with my family!"

Jimmy looked at him and said after a while, "Answer the question."

Guan Zisen sat back down, unable to wave his hand: "Answer what? You are simply crazy! What does the speaker have to do with me?"

"I don't believe that the speaker has anything to do with you." Jimmy looked at him and said slowly, "But if I were you, you'd better think about it carefully and answer this question well. Because step-brother never Talk big, don't joke. And, even if it's for your family, you'd better be serious!"

Guan Zisen looked at Jimmy with a cloudy expression, and after a while he asked suspiciously, "Ghost, what are you going to do?"

"Answer the question!" Jimmy was already a little impatient, and he emphasized his tone.

Guan Zisen snorted coldly and said, "If I were the speaker, I would be the first to kill him! How dare you touch my family..."

Seeing Jimmy's impatient eyes, Guan Zisen shut up resentfully, and said, "If he really has a way, of course he wants something, and I'll give it to him."

He didn't believe that Su Yi could do anything.

He thinks that Su Yi is a psychopath!
Jingle Bell……

At this moment, Guan Zisen's phone rang suddenly.

He glanced at Jimmy and picked it up.

"Hey, who is it?"

he asked.

A panicked voice on the other end of the phone said: "Brother Sen, I just received the news that Deng Bo is dead!"

Guan Zisen was taken aback, a little in disbelief: "Who? Who do you think is dead?"

Jimmy didn't pay attention at first, but when he heard this, his heart was shocked and he looked over.

"Dumbo! It's Dengbo!" the human said, "I heard that he fell down the stairs and fell to his death! Now all the uncles have passed, and all the bosses from all over the place have been caught by the police, and you are the only one." People are outside! Uncle Chuanbao said, I want you to come here quickly!"

Guan Zisen hung up the phone with some shock, looked at Jimmy blankly, and said, "Dun Bo is dead."

Big Brother's privacy is very poor, and Jimmy can hear the voice on the other end of the phone clearly.

He was also full of shock at the moment.

Chuiji was shot, Deng Bo was killed, all regional leaders were arrested and sent to the police station, stepbrother kidnapped Guan Zisen's family, and asked him to ask Guan Zisen if he wanted to be the speaker...

This series of events made Jimmy's hair stand on end, and his whole body felt cold.

He would never believe it even if he was killed, these things were just coincidences!

Jimmy managed to calm down, suppressed the horror in his heart, and said quietly: "Brother Sen, do you still think that step-brother can't ask you to be the talker?"

Guan Zisen froze for a moment, his eyes gradually regained focus.

Then, with an expression of extreme fear, he trembled in disbelief: "You mean, Deng Bo's death was caused by the devil?"

Of course, this cannot be admitted, and Jimmy only guessed that it was almost inseparable, but he couldn't be sure.

"I'll ask you again now." Jimmy looked at Guan Zisen and changed the subject, "If step-brother has a way to let you be the talker, what price are you willing to pay?"

At this moment, Guan Zisen's heart suddenly started beating violently, and his eyes suddenly became extremely hot!

He was short of breath and stared at Jimmy, the greed in his eyes was hard to hide.

"If Step-Brother is really willing to support me, as long as I'm the talker, I'll give him all the land! I just want to share the dividend!" Guan Zisen said slowly, using every word with great force, "Besides, I Will fully support him! No matter what he wants to do, I will stand by his side!"

Guan Zisen suddenly grabbed Jimmy's hand, and said excitedly: "Jimmy, for the sake of you being with me, you must speak well of me in front of step-brother! As long as I really do the talking, I will I will never forget you!"

"That's right!" Guan Zisen suddenly thought of something, his face changed, he raised his palm and swore: "You must help me tell step-brother, I will never spread this matter to the outside world, if I tell, will I have a son... , the sky hits five thunders, ten thousand arrows pierce the heart, three knives and six holes!"

Guan Zisen cursed himself viciously, and then said: "If stepbrother is still worried, my family will ask him to take care of him for a while, as long as he doesn't hurt them."

Jimmy stared blankly at Guan Zisen.

He finally understood why his stepbrother kidnapped Guan Zisen's family, but wanted to support this person to be the talker.

(End of this chapter)

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