Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 182 What does it mean?

Chapter 182 What does it mean?

Big D made a phone call, and his wife Mrs. Lei came soon.

According to regulations, if the suspect is not a lawyer, the police must be present when the suspect visits.

At this moment, Big D doesn't care about talking.

"Dun Bo is really dead?" He excitedly grabbed Mrs. Lei's hand and asked.

"It's really dead." Mrs. Lei nodded, "I sent someone to see it, and I fell down the stairs and broke my neck."

"Hahaha! God has eyes, God has eyes!" Big D laughed wildly, eyes full of ecstasy.

"Hey, keep your voice down!" The policeman on the side shouted.

"Why, it's illegal to laugh!" Big D stared.

Turning his head, he lowered his voice and said excitedly: "Go to Chuanbo, give him another 500,000! Tell him to let him re-elect the speaker!"

"And all the uncles and uncles, give another 200,000 each!"

Mrs. Lei's eyes moved, and she asked, "What if someone doesn't take the money?"

Big D looked back at the policeman behind him, then turned around and gave Mrs. Lei a ferocious smile.

Mrs. Lei understood in seconds.

"Is there anything else to explain?" Mrs. Lei asked.

"Get it done as soon as possible! At any cost!" Big D excitedly ordered, "Whether it can be done or not depends on this one!"

"Understood!" Mrs. Lei gave him a firm look, "I've already asked the lawyer to come over, talk to him and come out as soon as possible!"

"I will." Big D got up, turned to the policeman and said, "Have you heard enough? You idiot, take me back!"

When Mrs. Lei was going out, she happened to meet Lu Qichang blocking Lawyer Liu, Huoxu, and an uncle from the club in the corridor.

"Everyone, Lin Huaile is suspected of murder. Our police are investigating and collecting evidence. During this period, no one is allowed to visit. Please go back!"

"You are slandering! I am a lawyer, and I have the right to see my client!" Lawyer Liu shouted displeased.

"I'm sorry, according to the regulations, you can only see him after 24 hours." Lu Qichang calmly said with a smile.

"You are abusing your power! I want to sue you!" Lawyer Liu said angrily.

"Okay, do you want me to give you the complaint number of the ICAC?" Lu Qichang said hehe.

"You..." Lawyer Liu glared at him, "Then I want to see other people!"

"Gao Lao, Yu Tou Biao, Da Pu Hei..." Lu Qichang smiled and reported the names of those big bosses, "These people are all suspected of murder, and no one is allowed to visit, including lawyers."

Lawyer Liu was about to speak when he saw Mrs. Lei coming out from inside, and immediately pointed at her angrily: "Why can she see Big D?"

"Because after our investigation, Big D's murder suspicion has been ruled out." Lu Qichang said with a smile, "The reason why he is still being detained is because he has other matters to investigate."

"Ridiculous! Absurd! You did it on purpose!" Lawyer Liu turned pale with anger.

Mrs. Lei didn't look sideways, and walked past everyone.

When he was going out, he met Jimmy walking in in a hurry. The two met each other, but they just glanced at each other before passing by.

Back in the car, Mrs. Lei immediately made a call.

"Maoxi Maoxi?" A casual voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Wei, I have something to entrust." Mrs. Lei said.

"It's not a coincidence that you came, I'm busy." Awei on the other end of the phone said lazily.

"I'll add money!" Mrs. Lei said.

A Wei was slightly silent, and said: "I'm starting to be a little less busy."

When Jimmy entered, Lawyer Liu and others were still arguing around Lu Qichang.

Deng Wei is dead, and now they urgently need A Le, the speaker, to come out and preside over the overall situation.

"Lawyer Liu!"

Jimmy waited for a long time, but no one found him, and finally couldn't help but yelled.

The noise stopped abruptly, and everyone looked over together.

Jimmy said to Lawyer Liu: "Step-brother asked me to find you and help him with the bail procedures."

"Didn't you hear that?" Attorney Liu said angrily, "The police won't let anyone see you now!"

"Hey? Don't talk nonsense!" Lu Qichang corrected, "It's not like we won't let anyone see you. Big D, you can see him. Luo Ji, you can see him too."

Lawyer Liu was taken aback, and his face darkened even more.

He couldn't see anyone he wanted to see, and he could see anyone he didn't want to see. He suspected that the police were playing tricks on him on purpose!
"You wait, I'll complain to you now!" Attorney Liu said coldly, turned around and walked out.

"Hey!" Jimmy stopped him dissatisfied, "Do you want me to say it again? Step-brother wants you to bail him out!"

"The speaker hasn't come out yet, why is he in a hurry?" Lawyer Liu waved his hands without looking back, "Let him wait slowly!"

"You..." Jimmy glared, but Lawyer Liu had already walked out with the mocking Fire Bull and his uncles.

After a long time, Jimmy took a deep breath and let it out long.

He turned his head and said to Lu Qichang: "Sir, I want to see Luo Ji."

"When the police station is the living room, you? See you as soon as you say?" Lu Qichang frowned.

He was about to pretend to make things difficult, but at this moment, when he saw Huang Zhicheng walking in from the door, he was startled.

"Huh? I just need to find you!" Huang Zhicheng waved to him, "Do you have time now?"

"Yes!" Lu Qichang hurriedly said, he pointed to Jimmy, "Hey, this time it's cheaper for you."

He summoned a policeman, asked him to take Jimmy to go through the visitation procedures, and then took Huang Zhicheng into his office.

"Why do you need to go there yourself?" Lu Qichang made him a cup of coffee, "Did you say it on the phone?"

"You think I want to be so troublesome?" Huang Zhicheng sighed, "But something big is going to happen!"

"What's the matter?" Lu Qichang was startled and had a guess.

"Xin Ji He Ji, the war is about to start!" Huang Zhicheng said solemnly, "It's tonight!"

Lu Qichang was moved, and it took him a long time to "rely".

"I have an informant who told me that Ni Yongxiao asked Ni Laosan to fight Jordan, Gandhi and Wen Zheng to fight Tai Kok Tsui, and Han Chen to fight Tsz Wan Shan!" Huang Zhicheng said, "The source of the news is absolutely reliable!"

Lu Qichang glanced at him, "cut" in his heart with disdain, but said on the surface: "It seems that they want to take advantage of the fire."

A Ji, you guessed wrong this time.

"If it's just like this, I'll just talk to you on the phone." Huang Zhicheng looked at him, "But my informant told me that Ni Yongxiao said something very strange."

"Your informant can hear Ni Yongxiao's words, so it seems that his level is very high." Lu Qichang smiled half-smile, "Could it be Ni Laosan?"

Huang Zhicheng's heart skipped a beat, and his face was stern: "Are you listening or not?"

"Listen, listen!" Lu Qichang said with a smile.

Huang Zhicheng glared at him, and then said: "Ni Yongxiao said that after taking down Jordan, Big D must hate him to death, but if Lin Huaile is ruthless, maybe Big D will die by then."

Lu Qichang frowned deeply: "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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