Chapter 188
"You're done, Jimmy!"

"I won't play with you anymore. Give me back my family before it's too late. I'll pretend you never told me about it."

Jimmy looked at Guan Zisen expressionlessly, and couldn't help but have a deep doubt in his heart.

How did I endure this guy for so long?
Timid, stupid, lustful, greedy for money...

You add all the derogatory terms you can think of to this person in front of you, and none of them are wronged.

"You take back everything you said just now, and I can promise you one thing." Jimmy looked at him and said suddenly and slowly.

"What's the matter?" Guan Zisen was startled.

"I promise not to hit you." Jimmy said sincerely.

"..." Guan Zisen's expression changed.

"Damn, you want to rebel?" He exclaimed in surprise, "I'm your boss!"

"Ex." Jimmy corrected him, "Brother Sen, for the sake of the fact that I've followed you before, I'll help you with this one last time. I'll pretend I haven't heard what you said before."

"Big D, someone will naturally take care of him. What about you, you don't have to do anything now, just wait until after Big D is finished, you can stand up and choose someone to talk about. It's a very simple thing, I advise you not to Make it too complicated, otherwise you will be in trouble, step-brother will be in trouble, and I will be in even more trouble, understand?"

Guan Zisen heard Jimmy's veiled threats, and his expression was cloudy: "You must give me a reassurance, right? There can't be any guarantees..."


Before he finished speaking, Jimmy couldn't bear it any longer and grabbed Guan Zisen by the collar and pushed him violently against the wall.

He pinched Guan Zisen's neck, gritted his teeth and said, "You don't have to do anything, you just wait for the superior, and we want you to guarantee this and that. Do you think you are a civil servant and have a solid job?"

"Listen to me, either talk to me now with the same conditions; or you can talk to step-brother in person after step-brother comes out! But don't blame me for not warning you, when the time comes, the conditions will be more than what I just said of these."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Guan Zisen was so pinched that he couldn't breathe, his face was flushed, his veins were bulging, and his face was hideous. He slapped Jimmy's arm hard.

"You, you want to strangle me, bad boy!" Guan Zisen scolded with fear.

He looked at Jimmy's gloomy face with some fear, and said, "I, I will wait for my stepbrother to come out, and I will tell him!"

Jimmy pointed at him, and the latter shrank his neck again in fright, and subconsciously blocked it with his arms.


He turned around and walked back with his two younger brothers.

These two younger brothers were originally the second of the "Ten Tigers of Luomen", but now they have been downgraded to Jimmy's younger brothers.

Of course, everyone knows that this is only temporary, and when they have made a contribution, they can immediately be on their own.

After leaving the door, Jimmy said to the two of them: "You keep an eye on him for the past few days, I'm afraid this guy is playing tricks and ruining his stepbrother..."

He was stunned in the middle of the sentence, and suddenly remembered that Luo Ji had told him to let everyone "sleep" during this period of time and try not to go out.

"Forget it, you guys go to the car and wait for me first." Jimmy changed his words.

Then he called his former younger brother.

Ask his former younger brother to help him keep an eye on Guan Zisen.

Although he didn't think Guan Zisen would go out and talk nonsense about his stepbrother's affairs, but he must be on guard against others, what if?
At three o'clock that night, the police patrolling the streets withdrew one after another, and the exercise ended.

However, because of the exercise, many nightclubs on Hong Kong Island were closed, and many young and Dangerous and night owls did not go out, so even though the police left, it was still very deserted in the second half of the night.

This is probably the most deserted night on Hong Kong Island in recent years, and it is also the most peaceful night.

Lu Qichang sent someone to watch Big D until noon the next day, but he didn't see any movement from him, and even came here to laugh at Su Yi.

Su Yi has always left him with the impression that he is exhaustive, which makes him feel a little uncomfortable when facing Su Yi.

No one likes to spend a long time with an evildoer who can guess everything.

But this time, Su Yi was finally wrong.

"Some people guessed wrong. Last night was calm and nothing happened." Lu Qichang teased with a smile.

The headline of Hong Kong Island's big media today is - the quietest night on Hong Kong Island.

Most of the media had a positive attitude towards the police exercise last night, but there were also criticisms and belittling ones.

For example, a few congressmen felt that the police were out of their minds, wasting money and wasting money on drills, wasting taxpayers' money, and expressed that they would "pursuant to the end" for this matter.

"The weather is calm?" Su Yi frowned, "Is nothing wrong with Jotun?"

Lu Qichang smiled and shook his head: "Not even a single fight."

"Where are Ale's younger brothers?" Su Yi asked again.

"It's all fine." Lu Qichang said with a smile.

Su Yi frowned even tighter: "What about his family?"

This doesn't look like a big D...

If he didn't take advantage of Ah Le's release to do something, what are he waiting for?

"It's okay!" Lu Qichang spread his hands, "He only has one son. After he was arrested, his son lived in Lin Huaile's third uncle's house. The guy I sent in the morning watched him enter the school with his own eyes."

Su Yi frowned and remained silent, thinking hard.

"Hehe, do you really think you are Zhuge Liang?" Lu Qichang smiled happily, "Okay, don't think about it if you don't think about it. In short, nothing is the greatest good thing!"

Before he could finish speaking, the door was knocked open, and a policeman ran in panting.

The loud voice startled Lu Qichang and Su Yi.

"Boss, it's not good!" The policeman panicked.

"What's the matter!" Lu Qichang asked in a deep voice, his heart sank suddenly.

The policeman panted violently and glanced at Su Yi.

Lu Qichang immediately realized his carelessness, and hurriedly said: "Go, go out and talk."

Twenty minutes later, Lu Qichang walked back in with no expression on his face, looking at Su Yi quietly.

"Hey, let me declare first, I don't like men, and I don't have feelings for you either!" Su Yi said to him with a vigilant expression.

Lu Qichang glared at him, sighed and said, "You guessed it. When school was over at noon, the guy I sent didn't see Lin Huaile's son leaving the school gate. He went in and asked the teacher to find out that he was at ten o'clock in the morning. I was picked up by someone else, it is said that it was a stuttering person, who said that the third uncle was ill..."


Su Yi was the first to think of Master Su.

Then it dawned on him.

Master Su is a member of Fire Bull, if it is really Master Su, it means that Fire Bull sent Master Su to pick up Ale's son.

Huo Niu has a criminal record of being a sophomore...

Sure enough, Lu Qichang's next words also confirmed Su Yi's guess.

He scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "The buddy who followed Big D just replied, saying that Fire Niu has been with Big D all the time, alas, the current buddy is getting less and less serious about things..."

(End of this chapter)

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