Chapter 196

"Brother Step, Dadong asked me about my long hair..." The big head who drove the car said with a smile, "But I thought Brother Fei would take care of it."

The plane sitting on the co-pilot glared at him, then turned to Su Yi and said, "Brother Step, I'm to blame for the long hair. It's my poor memory."

Su Yi waved his hand: "Forget it, it's fine if people don't run away."

"I can't escape," Datoubei said with a smile, "I tied it up myself."

"How many days?" Su Yi asked, "You won't die, will you?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Should... no?" Jimmy asked uncertainly, "It's just three or four days of starvation, how can it be so easy to die?"

Su Yi rubbed his temples, sighed and said, "Go to Changmao first, drive faster."


When they arrived at the place, the plane greeted Datou, and the two went down together to bring him up.

Liu Jianming stopped him: "Hey, prepare a set of clothes and bring some water."

The plane was a little dazed: "Why?"

"He was tied up for four days! Don't he need to go to the toilet?" Jimmy said angrily.

The face of the plane changed immediately.

He took a deep breath, pointed at the big head and said, "You, you go!"

"Isn't that right, Airplane Brother?" Big Tou made a bitter face.

"When a brother is in trouble, if you have something to ask, you must do your best. If you break this oath, what will you do?" Airplane asked with a straight face.

Datou sighed: "Five Thunders Extinguish, okay, I'll go."

Turn around and walk to the back car, knock on the window: "Two people, come down, help!"

After they all went down, the plane, Jimmy and Liu Jianming looked at each other and I couldn't help laughing.

Boom boom boom!
Su Yi rolled down the car window, knocked on the car door, and said impatiently: "Hurry up and help, you are still rushing to Tai O!"

The three of them immediately turned serious: "Yes, Step-Brother."

Then they all went in with a bitter face.

Shaggy isn't dead yet, but he's going crazy.

In the dark basement, I was locked up for four days without eating or drinking. I peed in my pants, my pants were pulled, and my mouth was still gagged.

It's miserable to think about it.

Anyway, the five people who went down all vomited after they came out.

Throw a bottle of water and two breads to Changmao, and let him and other younger brothers drive to Tai O in three cars.

Su Yi closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Among the ten of you, there is a big D's eyeliner."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the four people in the car all changed.

"But it's definitely not the four of you." Su Yi immediately said, "I believe you."

The four of them were stunned for a while, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, their expressions softened a lot.

"Actually, Jianming and I are a little skeptical." Jimmy glanced at Liu Jianming, "We just talked about this before, and we planned to talk to you alone later."

Hearing the words, the plane glanced at him: "What do you mean? Don't believe me?"

"It's none of my business, you didn't think of it!" Jimmy said angrily, "And you're so stupid, of course you can't be Big D's eyeliner!"

"Idiots are only two or five boys!" Datou said, "Brother Ji Ji is so righteous, he is a role model for my generation."

"A sycophant." Liu Jianming muttered, looking at Su Yi, "Brother Step, we are the only ones who know about your release from prison. Big D and the others shouldn't know unless the police notify them."

Will the police notify Big D?
Or will Big D have eyeliner at the police station?

This may not be nothing, but it is almost equal to zero.

It is more likely that someone notified Big D that Su Yi was going to be released from prison.

This person is among Su Yi's ten younger brothers.

"Is there anyone you suspect?" Su Yi asked blankly.

"I suspect it's Dadong." Jimmy said.

"I suspect it's him too," Liu Jianming said.

Datou was stunned: "Dadong is really suspicious. Recently, he always goes out alone, either to buy cigarettes, or to go for a walk, but it takes a long time every time."

The plane hesitated and said, "Will you wrong a good person?"

Everyone looked at him together.

"He asked me where Changmao was kept before." The plane explained, "If it was him, Changmao would have been rescued long ago."

This made the other three hesitate for a while.

But Su Yi sneered from the bottom of his heart.

The big D tube is long-haired, it's no wonder!
Dadong is almost inseparable.

"Are there any other suspects?" Su Yi asked.

A few people thought about it, and said a few more people, but they were all denied.

After all, the biggest suspect is Dadong.

"Pretend you don't know, and talk about it after you're done." Su Yi said lightly.

The hearts of the three sank.

Half an hour later, the three cars arrived at the old house in Tai O mentioned by Big D.

Su Yi looked at the lights that were on inside, then at the four people guarding the door, and a white commercial vehicle parked at the door, and calmly ordered his subordinates to continue driving.

The car circled around and stopped at an intersection it had passed before.

After a while, the white commercial vehicle drove over.

"Stop it and do something!" Su Yi ordered.

Three cars drove out together, surrounded the commercial vehicle from front to back, and after a collision, it was forced to stop.

The younger brothers got out of the car with guns, pointed the guns at the people in the car, and forced them to get out of the car.

After a while, the four bodyguards and Big D's wife Mrs. Lei got out of the car.

The bodyguards held their heads in their hands and squatted aside. Mrs. Lei's face was sinking like water, holding a box, looking coldly at Liu Jianming in front of her, and said through gritted teeth, "Do you know who I am?"

"Sister Lei, we meet again!" Su Yi came from a distance with a smile.

He glanced at Dadong calmly, and found that this subordinate was a little dazed, his eyes flickering, so he felt a little more certain in his heart.

"It's you! Guitou Luo!" Mrs. Lei was a little surprised, "What the hell are you doing?"

"Take back what doesn't belong to you and Big D." He walked up to Mrs. Lei and took the faucet stick from her arms.

Mrs. Lei's eyes were like fire: "Luo Ji, do you know what you are doing! Do you want to rebel!"

"What kind of rebellion?" Su Yi sneered, "If I can push Big D to the stage, I can pull him down! Is it true that he has made a decision?"

"Big D won't let you off!" Mrs. Lei said bitterly.

Su Yi looked at her with a smile, and said, "I'm done blowing chicken, let him testify to the note, do you think big D has a chance to come out?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned and looked at Su Yi in disbelief.

"Big D is finished." Su Yi took two steps back, "The police are looking for you, Mrs. Lei, if I were you, I would run away, there is still time."

Mrs. Lei's eyes were out of focus, as if she was still in shock, but at the same time seemed at a loss.

Su Yi glanced at the four bodyguards and waved: "Go!"

A group of people returned to the car and quickly walked away.

After walking not far, the convoy turned into a small road and soon came to the seaside.

Su Yi asked all the younger brothers to get out of the car, escorted Changmao, and walked to the beach together.

Shaggy struggled like crazy, his eyes were full of fear, and his mouth made a whining sound, but he couldn't break free at all.

Soon, we reached the edge of the beach.

Su Yi looked around, there was a wide view here, there was no village in front, no shop in back, it was desolate, it was a good place for killing people.

(End of this chapter)

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