Chapter 305
Commander Zhang hurried out.

Su Yi let out a breath, with a half-smile expression on his face.

It's true, this commander is undoubtedly an actor.

Su Yi began to doubt Zhang Yiting when Zhang Yiting sent Jin Shenghuo to visit Su Yi for him.

Because the commander knew the conflict between Su Yi and Jin Shenghuo, but he still did it. If it were the real Bai Xiaonian, he must think that the commander was deliberately disgusting himself, or sending a bad signal.

That is to say, Su Yi didn't have too personal feelings, and he was dizzy and had a fever at the time, so he didn't think so sharply.

What really made Su Yi think that Zhang Yiting was an actor was Li Ningyu's sentence "The commander wants you and Lao Jin to get back together".

Zhang Yiting wanted to "reconcile" his secretary and the director of the Military Aircraft Division after being overwhelmed, but who would be willing to see the harmony of his subordinates as a qualified leader?

Thinking about it now, Zhang Yiting must have realized that it was inappropriate for him to send Jin Shenghuo to visit Bai Xiaonian, so he sent Li Ningyu and that sentence to explain the remedial measures.

If Bai Xiaonian wasn't an actor, it would make sense to fool him, but unfortunately, Zhang Yiting never dreamed that Bai Xiaonian was also an actor.

So there was the scene of "meeting on a narrow road and the brave wins" just now.

And in that scene, Zhang Yiting had no doubts about his actor status.

You, Zhang Yiting, were once a hot-hearted man, but now you are afraid of talking to you?

You are not an actor, who is?

Having locked Zhang Yiting's identity, new doubts and haze flooded Su Yi's heart again.

Now Zhang Yiting's identity as an actor is unmistakable, and Wu Tian is also suspected to be an actor. These two people have one thing in common, that is, they have enough identity and strength to protect their lives.

But what does Su Yi have?
Bai Xiaonian, who lives on the breath of others and is nothing, can be crushed to death by just anyone!
They are also professional actors, why is there such a big disparity in status?
It's okay to say now, but once the plot officially starts, Bai Xiaonian is like a fish on the chopping board, as long as he is suspected, he can only be slaughtered by others!
Before that, Su Yi only regarded this role as a test.

But now, the actors who competed with him on the same stage got the roles of Wu Tian and Zhang Yiting who control the life and death of others, but he got ten roles whose fate is controlled by others. Is this normal?is this fair

Su Yi didn't know if there were other actors besides these two.

If so, what is the identity of the third actor?
Zhang Yiting came back soon.

With a serious expression on his face, he said to Su Yi: "Xiaobai, if something happened in the army, I won't keep you. You go back first, and I'll visit you again after a while."

Su Yi has already got the result he wanted, so naturally he won't make further entanglements.

But he frowned and said, "Actually, I'm here today not only to see you, but also to do something else. I want to ask you for help."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yiting asked.

"It's Sister Yu." Su Yi said.

He told Zhang Yiting about Li Ningyu, and finally said: "Commander, no matter how you say, Sister Yu is yours, and Wu Tian punished her without saying hello to you, obviously he doesn't take you seriously!"

"When did the people of Zhe Peng pay attention to us?" Zhang Yiting laughed at himself, as if he had a lot of feelings in Jinling.

"You want me to help Li Ningyu?" He stared at Su Yi, "Why? I remember that your relationship with her is not very good."

"That's the old Huangli." Su Yi said angrily, "My relationship with Sister Yu is better than that with Xiaomeng now, she is the only person in the headquarters who is willing to tell me heartfelt words, Commander , you have to help her no matter what, just treat it as helping me, okay? I beg you..."

"Okay, okay, I promise. Is it okay to promise?" Su Yi acted like a baby, Zhang raised his head, and hurriedly agreed, "How do you want me to help you?"

"As long as we go to the place where they are dating together and bring Sister Yu out." Su Yi said, "Wu Tian is not an idiot, if you have such an attitude, I think as long as he doesn't offend you, he will retreat. "

Zhang Yiting frowned, thought for a long time, and nodded slowly: "Okay, I will go with you, but I can't listen to your one-sided words, and I have to see what Wu Tian said. If there is something wrong with Li Ningyu, Then not only will I not help her, but I will also make Takeda deal with her severely!"

"What's wrong with Sister Yu?" Su Yi sneered, "She's such a nice person, she can't have problems with anyone."

Zhang Yiting looked at Su Yi speechlessly, and said, "It's not naivety that beat you."

good old meme...

Su Yi was at a loss: "What is that?"

Zhang Yiting shook his head and said, "You have to promise me one thing. After today, try not to come to the barracks. There are many things you don't know. The water is deep, and I'm doing it for your own good."

Is it because I am afraid that I will lock men...

Su Yi sneered in his heart, pretending to be reluctant and said: "Then you have to visit me often! Don't forget me, and don't like the new and dislike the old!"

"This is natural, this is natural!" Zhang Yiting smiled shyly.

Gongchenqiao Concession.

Fuji wine house.

Takeda, who was dressed in a kimono, sat cross-legged opposite Li Ningyu, pouring wine for them slowly.

"Has Ms. Li eaten Zhe Peng cuisine before?" Takeda said in a gentle voice.

"I tried it with my classmates when I was at the lighthouse." Li Ningyu said coldly, "But it didn't suit my taste."

"Yes, I almost forgot." Takeda suddenly said, "Miss Li is a top student at the University of Pennsylvania. You are no better than other Chinese people. You have seen a lot and are a rare elite talent."

After a pause, he then smiled and said, "Actually, I have always believed that a talent like Ms. Li would be greatly inferior if she stayed under Commander Zhang. You should go to a more important and more suitable position to give full play to your talent. "

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Takeda," Li Ningyu said, "But I am very satisfied with my current work and life, and I don't want to make any changes."

"Really?" Takeda smiled faintly, holding up his wine glass, "I heard that Ms. Li often complains that the Telecommunications Department does not allow you to give full play to what you have learned, and whether it is about your current situation in life or the current situation. You have a lot of dissatisfaction."

Li Ningyu's breathing suddenly became rapid, with a bit of grief and indignation on his face, he gritted his teeth and stared at Wutian, saying: "Even if I said this, it was just my private complaint! I never got it in public. Said it! I never bring that emotion to work either!"

"Don't be nervous, relax, relax!" Wutian stared at Li Ningyu's face, smiled and waved his hands, "Actually, I won't blame you for such a trivial matter. I asked Miss Li to come here today, just to have a simple meal." It's just food."

"Just for a meal?" Li Ningyu smiled miserably, "Master Takeda, open the skylight and tell me the truth. Don't tell me that Liu Linzong was not arrested by you!"

(End of this chapter)

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