Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 309 Execution of tasks

Chapter 309 Execution of tasks
Republic of China 30 years April 4 at 19:55 pm.

Su Yi, who had just been at work for half an hour, sat safely at his desk, waiting for the start of the performance task.

There are three tasks in his show.

The first one is to receive the confidential telegram reported by Jin Shenghuo and report it to Zhang Yiting. This is a routine task and there is nothing to talk about.

The second task is interesting-to catch the underground party lurking inside the headquarters who is passing information to the outside world.

If you want to extract a key word in this task, it must not be the underground party, but - to deliver information.

In the original plot, there are two underground parties lurking in the headquarters, one is the old ghost and the other is the old gun.

Compared with the original plot, everyone's identities are completely different now, but there is a high probability that the old ghost and the old gun will still be preserved.

It is not certain whether it is the old ghost or the old gun who delivered the information.

And who is the old ghost?Who is the old gun, Su Yi is still not sure.

Therefore, if he wants to catch this underground party that transmits information, Su Yi's only chance and method is to catch the current situation.

This is more difficult.

If you want to grasp the current situation, you must first determine who will pass on the information, and secondly determine when and where.

This is just the foundation, you still have to guard against other actors, maybe other actors have also received this task, and then wait for others to lead the way for him, arresting both underground gangsters and actors, killing two birds with one stone.

So if Su Yi doesn't want to be reduced to cannon fodder, he has to hide himself as much as possible when he finds out this underground party.

Hiding yourself is the third task.

The three tasks are linked together.

At exactly three o'clock, Jin Shenghuo pushed the door open and entered on time.

Seeing Su Yi sitting upright behind the desk, looking at him with no expression on his face, Jin Shenghuo was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile, "Hey, are you guarding the vacant room all by yourself again?"

Su Yi got up expressionlessly, snatched the folder from his hand, and walked to the back room without saying a word.

Jin Shenghuo smiled indifferently, turned and left.

When he arrived at Zhang Yiting's office, Su Yi opened the folder and saw that it was a confidential telegram just sent from Jinling.

"According to reliable information, the head of the underground party 201 has appointed a special envoy code-named Old K to Wugong City, and is scheduled to conspire with the leader of the anti-Japanese organization in Zhejiang at the Fenghuang Wenxuange Inn at 24 o'clock on the night of the [-]th of this month. Wang Zhiji."

This information...

Su Yi frowned. This was not the same as the information in the movie. The information in the movie was a trap set by Takeda. It said that four days later Lieutenant General Zhe Peng Yoshio Kao would hold a meeting at the Baicao Hall in the east of the city.

Now the information content has changed, which means that many things can no longer refer to the original plot.

Su Yi had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but his subordinates were not idle. He directly dialed the phone number of the troops outside the city, and reported the news to Zhang Yiting on the phone.

"I'll go back to the city right away!" During the phone call, Zhang Yiting said seriously, "Also, notify Wang Tianxiang, blockade the headquarters, cut off communication, and everyone stay put!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi immediately frowned and thought hard, how did he catch the underground party who delivered the information?
The capture in the task did not say that it was to be seized publicly with great fanfare, which left Su Yi with room to advance and retreat with evidence.

If it is necessary to catch the underground party in full view, it will definitely be a lose-lose situation for Su Yi, and he is absolutely unwilling to do so.

"Let's take a gamble!" Su Yi didn't struggle for long.

If there are really two underground parties in the headquarters, then Wu Zhiguo, Jin Shenghuo, and Gu Xiaomeng are all possible. In the past three months, Su Yi has not been able to figure out their identities. Impossible, so he simply didn't waste this time.

He is now 80.00% sure that it is Li Ningyu.

Li Ningyu is likely to be an underground party.

Therefore, he wants to bet now that the person who will pass on the information is Li Ningyu!
So the question now is—is it necessary to expose Li Ningyu's identity in person?
How to expose it?

How can it not arouse others' suspicion?
Su Yi thought quickly.

First of all, there is no doubt that this information is absolutely no different from a thunderbolt to the underground party.

The head of No. 201 is Yancheng No. [-], who is highly respected, and his special envoy must have an extraordinary status.

How serious is it that such an important person secretly went to the enemy-occupied area to be exposed?

And the underground party agents who came into contact with this information, I am afraid that they will find a way to pass on the information without hesitation, and they may be too late by a second.

Thinking of this, Su Yi actually figured out why the information content would change.

Because the information content in the original plot is actually a bit unreasonable,
There are two reasons. First, the original plot information "Lieutenant General Zhe Peng Yoshio will hold a meeting in Baicao Hall in the east of the city in four days." This information is not urgent, and the underground party may not necessarily send someone to assassinate.

Second, if you want to pass on this information, you don't have to use text, and it doesn't have to be today. After all, Yoshio Kao will arrive in four days, so there is no need to be so urgent.

In comparison, the current intelligence content will give the underground party a sense of urgency that "they can't wait for half a second".After all, after obtaining such important information, the headquarters will definitely block it, strictly prohibit anyone from entering or leaving, and stop external communication to prevent the information from leaking out.

It is obviously unreasonable for Takeda and Wang Tianxiang to take action two days after the information leaked in the original plot.

Even if they are playing tricks, they have mastered an underground party intelligence officer.

But how can they be sure that the information will definitely be passed on through this intelligence agent?

Su Yi's thinking was a little scattered, he shook his head and immediately concentrated.

At this point, things are actually very clear.

If the underground party lurking in the dark wants to pass on information, then his time is running out!
Because he had to pass on the information before Wang Tianxiang sealed off the headquarters!
Maybe this person is already on the move now!
Thinking of this, Su Yi didn't hesitate any longer, got up and went out.

He had a legitimate reason to go out - to convey Zhang Yiting's order to Wang Tianxiang.

And he also has a clear target - Li Ningyu.

Regardless of whether it was Li Ningyu who passed on the information, he could only gamble like this, because he didn't have time to check other people.

Su Yi walked down to the second floor, then went straight to the telecommunications room.

As soon as he entered the door, he immediately clapped his hands vigorously to draw everyone's attention, and then said loudly: "Tell the commander, from now on, cut off all external communications, including telephones and radios!"

Looking around, he frowned slightly: "Where's your section chief?"

"Just went out." A female staff member said.

Su Yi nodded: "Then when she comes back, you should inform her and carry out the order first!"


Su Yi didn't talk nonsense, turned around and went out the door.

Li Ningyu is not here, and Gu Xiaomeng is not here either?

When he went out, he saw Jin Shenghuo and Wu Zhiguo huddling together at the stairs and looking over here.

Su Yi looked calm and walked towards them.

It is reasonable and reasonable to come here first to inform the telecommunications department. There is nothing suspicious about his behavior.

Instead, these two people——

"What are you doing here?" Su Yi asked with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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