Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 311 Act 2 Performance Released

Chapter 311 Release of Act Two

Female underground party?

Only then did Su Yi come to his senses belatedly.

That lump of blood and flesh just now was a person?

still alive?

At this moment, Su Yi's calmness broke down, and a feeling of electric shock rushed through his body, making him unable to breathe or think.

Although he couldn't see himself, Su Yi knew that his face must be frighteningly pale at this moment, and the horror in his eyes must be difficult to conceal.

This is not acting, but a natural reaction from his heart!
It's not that Su Yi has never killed someone before, he even blew someone's head off at close range.

But he would never have imagined that a creature called a human could actually torture his own kind into a mass of rotten flesh!
How vicious and cruel is this?
How to destroy conscience?
There was a faint sound of dog barking from the basement, and Su Yi suddenly thought of the dog in the original plot...

He could hardly hold back the urge to spit it out!

Wang Tianxiang has been watching Su Yi's reaction.

At this moment, there was a smile in the corner of his eyes, and he said gently: "It is said that the underground party is made of special materials. I opened it and looked at it, and it was just a pile of rotten meat, nothing special. Secretary Bai, do you know why that female underground party confessed?" ?”

Su Yi stared at him blankly, speechless.

"Because she wants to die." Wang Tianxiang smiled brightly, showing her white teeth. "When she confessed, her beliefs, future, and interests all disappeared. All she knew was that if she didn't confess, She can't die. In order to die one second earlier, she is willing to say anything and do anything."

Su Yi felt chills in his heart, but regained his composure.With fear in his eyes, he said in a trembling voice, "You, why are you telling me this?"

"It's nothing, just chatting." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "Let's go, Secretary Bai? Don't dare to delay the commander's order."

Until he returned to his office, Su Yi's heart was still beating non-stop, as if he were a wild beast roaring and struggling in a cage.

He forced himself not to be angry anymore, not to be swayed by strong emotions, walked quickly to the desk, dipped in tea and wrote a dozen or so characters of "quiet" on the table, and only then managed to calm himself down.

He didn't think about anything else, but read the message from the terminal first.

"The performance statement of the first act of "The Wind":

Performance task 1: Receive the confidential telegram reported by Jin Shenghuo and report it to Zhang Yiting.

Performance status: Completed, no follow-up.

Performance evaluation: average +.

Task reward: 1 director points.

Performance task 2: Catch the underground party lurking inside the headquarters that transmits information to the outside world.

Performance status: Completed, triggering the follow-up task "Choice".

Performance rating: Excellent.

Task reward: 2 director points.

Performance Mission 3: Hide Your Identity
Performance Status: Completed (This task is the main task throughout the plot, and will be released continuously.)
Performance evaluation: average.

Task reward: 0 director points (Note: Main task rewards are superimposed.)
Completion of the first act: 64.3%
Act 3 Performance Settlement: You received 12 director points for the first act performance, and you have accumulated [-] director points for this set so far.

"The Wind" film review group. "

The performance settlement notice for the first act caught Su Yi's attention in an instant.

Three tasks, one excellent evaluation, one general + evaluation, and one general evaluation.

A total of 3 director points.

This score is undoubtedly far lower than Su Yi expected.

However, the completion rate of the performance was only 64.3%, which made Su Yi frown even more.

He didn't know how this percentage was calculated, but from this data, associating that the second mission triggered the follow-up mission "Choice", he realized that during the time period of the first act, he still had a lot of plots that he hadn't dug into. Come out, he didn't participate in many things he could participate in, and he didn't trigger many plots that he should trigger.

If Su Yi realized something, he had a deeper understanding of how to be a professional actor.

There is a problem of grasping the "degree" well. How to trigger as many plots as possible while hiding one's identity as an actor is perhaps the core issue for actors.

In the first act, Su Yi only scored 0 points in the task of hiding his identity. What does this mean?
Meaning he's not doing too badly in this column?

It means that someone doubts him, but only a small suspicion?
In other words, those who doubt him will not expose him?

Su Yi had no way of knowing, but he knew that he had to be extra careful with every action and every word he said next!
Now in front of Su Yi, there is a question, a problem.

The question is, why did Wang Tianxiang say such meaningful words to himself after he was frightened by the female underground party?
The problem is that he warned Li Ningyu, so what kind of attitude and face should he use to face Li Ningyu next?

Su Yi thought hard for a long time, and gradually had a plan in his mind, and then continued to check the second message sent by the terminal.

"Actor Su Yi, hello. Here is the performance notice from the crew of "The Wind" for you. Your participation in the second act of the crew has been confirmed. The notice is as follows:

[-]. Performance time: [-] o'clock tonight.

[-]. Performance location: West Building of Baicao Hall in the west of the city, lobby on the first floor.

[-]. Performance role: current role, no change.

[-]. Performance tasks:
Task 1. Hide your identity (main task).

Task 2. Investigate Zhe Peng's plot to assassinate the senior general of the national army (main task).

Task 3, Choice - choose to expose Li Ningyu, or hide it for her (series of tasks).

Task 4. Determine who is the crow (series of tasks).

Task 5. Determine who is an actor (continuous task).

[-]. The purpose of the performance: to promote the plot.

Special Note: Except for force majeure reasons, you are not allowed to be absent from this performance arrangement, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract and the consequences will be at your own risk.This performance information will not be notified unless it is temporarily changed.

Director 032"

While Su Yi was studying his second-act performance mission, the outside world, Wang Tianxiang, also completed the blockade of the entire headquarters.

Except for his office, all external communications were cut off, and the entire headquarters was under martial law, strictly prohibiting anyone from entering or leaving.

All personnel were strictly ordered to stay at their posts and not to run around, including the department-level leaders.

In the end, Wang Tianxiang personally guarded the gate, ready to welcome the arrival of Commander Zhang Yiting and Wu Gongcheng Zhe Peng, Chief of the Special Affairs Section of the Garrison Army Wu Tian.

At this point, only half an hour had passed.

At 45:[-], Zhang Yiting and Wu Tian arrived hand in hand.

After the guards at the gate let him through, Wang Tianxiang stepped forward quickly, saluted and said in a solemn voice, "See Commander for humble posts! See Commander Takeda!"

Zhang Yiting nodded, and said with a blank expression: "Let's talk, it's really not a trivial matter for the representatives of the underground party to come to Wugong City, but it's not a big deal, right? Why did you bypass me and call Chief Takeda? Surprise his master?"

Although the tone was flat, it contained deep anger.

Wang Tianxiang pondered slightly, and subconsciously looked at Wutian.

(End of this chapter)

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