Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 330 0334 Accidents again and again

Chapter 330 0334 Accidents again and again
Despite the piercing pain in the thumb of his left hand, despite the wet and uncomfortable crotch, Su Yi finally got rid of the fatal crisis for the time being.

Su Yi is sure that if he hadn't humiliated himself first and then told a highly credible lie just now, Wutian would not have given him any chance at all, and might have directly disabled him, to see if he could dig out the truth from him. what clues to come.

Compared to losing his life, what he experienced just now is nothing at all.

Takeda, Takeda!
Why would an actor have such an overwhelming advantage?

Is this guy the real son of Director 032?
Su Yi suppressed the shock and anger in his heart, and forced himself to calm down.

He knew very well that safety was only temporary, and that danger would always exist as long as Takeda was alive.

Do you want to kill Takeda?
This idea was born before, and now it is unstoppable to grow wildly in Su Yi's mind.

But Su Yi asked himself a question, what good would it do him to kill Takeda?
It is true that if Takeda is killed, Su Yi will completely get rid of the crisis he is facing now.

But Takeda's threat was not aimed at Su Yi alone, but at everyone here.

Su Yi took the risk to kill Takeda, which is tantamount to doing a good deed for everyone, but what he got in return was to get himself out of the current crisis.

The pay and harvest are seriously out of proportion.

Therefore, if you just let yourself save your life, there is no point in killing Takeda.Unless, killing Takeda would be of greater benefit to Su Yi.

Like - replace it?
Is this possible?
Zhang Yiting was carried over, but was still unconscious.

Apart from Zhang Li and a simple-looking guard, there was also a doctor in a white coat who accompanied him.

Su Yi recognized this doctor as a military doctor from the health department of the headquarters.

"Master Wutian, Zhang Yiting is still awake, so I invited Dr. Ma over here." Zhang Li nodded and bowed his head and smiled apologetically.

Wu Tian walked up to him and looked at Zhang Yiting, who had his eyes closed tightly, and couldn't help frowning: "Wake him up!"

"Taijun!" Doctor Ma said with an apologetic smile, "It's easy to wake up Zhang Si—Zhang Yiting, but he is in a very bad condition now. You can ask him, but you must not put him to death again, otherwise, he will be a god." Can't save him either."

Takeda didn't speak, just waved his hands.

Doctor Ma nodded and bowed, gave a decent "hi" and turned around to start tinkering.

He gave Zhang Yiting an injection, and about two minutes later, Zhang Yiting woke up with a "hush".

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Takeda, and then looked at the surroundings, and suddenly trembled all over, begging in a crying voice: "I give up! I give up! Buddy, I give up all the missions, I..."

"Shut up!" Wu Tian yelled sharply, and at the same time looked around sharply, and found that Su Yi, Zhang Li and others were puzzled, so he relaxed, looked at Zhang Yiting with a gloomy face, and gritted his teeth: "What am I asking, you Just answer! If you keep talking nonsense that shouldn't be said, you don't want to live, understand?"

"Understood! I understand!" Zhang Yiting replied tremblingly, shaking violently.

He was terrified.

"Bai Xiaonian and Zhang Li stay, and the rest of them, go out!" Wu Tian ordered.

After everyone else went out, Wutian looked back at Su Yi intentionally or unintentionally, "Let me ask you again, you said before that you wanted to kill Bai Xiaonian, besides the oppression from your wife, is there any other reason?"

Su Yi was startled, and then panicked!

Zhang Yiting wanted to kill himself?

When did he have the idea?
Why didn't I feel the other party's murderous intent at all?
His scalp was numb and his body was cold.

He has never been aware of such a fatal crisis!

He secretly blamed himself.

Thinking about it now, he was arrested as the murderer of Gu Xiaomeng. Although he didn't ask Zhang Yiting for help at that time, but in the same way, Zhang Yiting didn't take the initiative to save his friend!
Zhang Yiting should have spoken at that time, even if it was just pretending, but he didn't do anything.

This is clearly an expression of wishing Su Yi would die quickly!
But Su Yi didn't realize what was wrong until now.


Su Yi's unpretentious disbelief was all over his face, he stared at Zhang Yiting with wide eyes, waiting for his answer.

"I, I want to kill him myself." Panting, Zhang Yiting said weakly, "Because he has that kind of relationship with me and is so familiar with me, I suspect he has already seen my mistake, so I wanted to Killed him. Later, he acted as..."

"Later, my wife forced me to kill him to prove my innocence, which was exactly what I wanted."

"You are so cruel, you are so cruel!" Su Yi pressed his bloody left thumb hard, and immediately burst into tears from the pain, trembling all over. He pointed at Zhang Yiting and tremblingly said: "If I had known earlier , you are such a ruthless man, back then I would never have let you have me, woo woo woo..."

Su Yi covered his face and wept, crying so much that he was distraught.

"Shut up!" Takeda scolded with disgust on his face, Su Yi immediately covered his mouth cleverly, too frightened to make another sound.

Wu Tian's eyes fell on Zhang Yiting again, and he said sinisterly: "Zhang Yiting, you said just now that you wanted to kill Bai Xiaonian, but you never found the opportunity, because Bai Xiaonian rarely goes out alone, right? ?”


"You also said that you are afraid that if you kill Bai Xiaonian, others will suspect you and attract the attention of those who care about you, right?"

"Yes, Takeda-sama."

"You said that you had the idea of ​​killing Bai Xiaonian more than a month ago, right?" Takeda continued to ask.


"Then it's not your mission." Wu Tian suddenly leaned over slightly at this moment, staring straight into Zhang Yiting's eyes, "You killed Bai Xiaonian because you found out that he knew your identity?"

Zhang Yiting was stunned: "Identity?"

"Old Gun, you're hiding really deep..." Takeda sneered.

"Old Gun? How could I be an old gun?" Zhang Yiting looked confused, and then became excited, "I am wronged! How can my identity be an old gun?"

"If you are not Lao Qiang, then why did Bai Xiaonian say that he saw you meeting with the underground party with his own eyes?" Wu Tian said.

"I joined the underground party?" Zhang Yiting couldn't believe it, "I was wronged, Wutian! Bai Xiaonian is spitting blood! He is lying!"

"Zhang Yiting," Wu Tian said coldly, "Let me remind you, you only have one life, so dying like this, is it worth it? You better think about it!"

"I..." Zhang Yiting's expression was cloudy.

He hesitated!

Seeing this scene, Takeda's eyes brightened.

And Su Yi's surprised expression also flashed away in his eyes!
He is ready to argue with Zhang Yiting!

Anyway, he insisted on his own words, and he had Zhang Li to testify, so Zhang Yiting was more suspicious anyway.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yiting really had ghosts in his heart!

Is Zhang Yiting really an old gun?

It can't be so bloody, it's really crooked, right?
How could Zhang Yiting be an old gun?

It doesn't make sense at all!

Su Yi's mind was full of thoughts, and he couldn't understand it.

And Zhang Li also looked at Su Yi in surprise, he was a little confused, wasn't Su Yi completely lying just now?

"Say!" Takeda asked.

"I said, I said!"

Zhang Yiting said dejectedly.

"I do have contact with the underground party, but I am not an underground party, and I am not an old gun!" Zhang Yiting said in a difficult tone, "The background of my identity is that I cooperated with a female underground party half a year ago and killed the former commander Qian. There are nine members of Huyi's family, so I have the opportunity to replace him and become the commander of the East China Bandit Suppression Brigade. This is my dark history, and it is also the reason for being blackmailed by the underground party. I must hide it to avoid getting into trouble for myself. "

"Bai Xiaonian said that I was in contact with the underground party. It should be said that they threatened me and asked me to hand over the military action plan of Jin Province... I felt that someone was following me..."

"Some time ago, that female underground party was arrested by Wang Tianxiang. At that time, I was terrified, thinking that my affairs would be exposed..."

"You mean the female underground party named Lin Yingchun?" Wu Tian interrupted him, frowning.

"It's her." Zhang Yiting admitted.

Su Yi's heart was pounding, he was sure that the female underground party Zhang Yiting and Wutian were talking about was the one he met in the basement.

Lin Yingchun...

This was also the first time Su Yi knew the name of this female underground party.

It was this woman who cooperated with Zhang Yiting and killed the former puppet commander Qian Huyi's family of nine?
"I thought she would confess to her, but I didn't expect that she didn't mention it at all." Zhang Yiting said, "Wu Tian, ​​I'm not afraid to tell you now, both you and Wang Tianxiang feel That woman recruited everything, but she didn't even say anything about me and her, so it's conceivable that she must have a secret from you, and it must be a very important secret!"

Takeda's expression was serious, he pondered for a while, and then slowly asked: "Why do you think she didn't confess about you? Why did she hide it for you?"

"I don't know." Zhang Yiting shook his head, "But I think she must have a conspiracy! She must have used me somewhere. Actually, I have been trying to find a way to kill her to avoid future troubles, but Director Wang put her The guards are very strict, and no outsiders are allowed to touch her at all, and I have never had a chance to do it."

"You, the commander, have failed." Takeda couldn't help but sarcastically said, "You have a lot of soldiers in your hands, but you can't kill anyone if you want to."

"I also feel that I have failed..." Zhang Yiting laughed at himself, "Otherwise, how could I have fallen to such a fate?"

"Many people think that they hide well and can reap the benefits." Takeda sneered, "but they forget the most simple truth, which is to strike first to be strong, and to strike later to suffer."

Zhang Yiting felt sad.

At this moment, Su Yi had no expression on his face, but was completely shocked in his heart!
He never expected that Zhang Yiting would help him get married after he lied casually!

This is definitely a misunderstanding!
What Su Yi said was that Zhang Yiting and Tiger, the leader of the underground party organization in Wugong City, met in a teahouse.

But what Zhang Yiting said was that the underground party came to him and threatened him to hand over Zhe Peng's military information!

This is completely different!
But now by coincidence, Su Yi told such a lie, and Zhang Yiting did indeed have contact with people from the underground party secretly, so it was clearly two things, but somehow became one thing, which proved that Su Yi did not lie .

What's even better is that Takeda is not the real Takeda, so he will not inquire about the information of the underground party, and then catch the underground party outside, so that Su Yi's lies will not be revealed.

And Zhang Yiting seemed to have completely given up, he just wanted to leave this world alive, and he didn't seem to care about Su Yi at all.

Therefore, Su Yi originally tried his best to fight a good fight, but unexpectedly punched nothing, it was completely useless!
This is simply a coincidence!

Zhang Yiting revealed too much information, Su Yi didn't dare to distract himself from thinking about it for a moment, abandoned his thinking, and focused on his eyes.

Wu Tian stared at Zhang Yiting, his expression was still a little uncertain. To be honest, he didn't fully believe what Zhang Yiting said.

Everyone is an actor, and they have come step by step. Who hasn't had the highlight experience of a Jedi counterattack and a complete comeback?

He also never planned to leave a way for Zhang Yiting to survive - the great hatred has already been forged, and kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself.

The mountains don't turn and the water turns, who knows if we will meet Zhang Yiting on another set in the future?
The reason why Wutian chose to torture Zhang Yiting was not only his own helplessness, but also his thoughts and plans.

The first thing he did when he came to this studio world was to overstep Wang Tianxiang's secret service and reorganize his own intelligence network.

So he knew that Su Yi hadn't used his favorite Simon's powder in the past three months, and he also knew about Zhang Yiting's many abnormalities.

In the past three months, he was distracted by too many things, so in the end, he only confirmed Zhang Yiting's identity as an actor.

What's worse, the performance task settlement sheet clearly showed that he had concealed one thing about his identity, and he received a "bad" evaluation for three consecutive acts, and a total of 6 director points were deducted!
what does this mean?
This means that his actor identity is completely exposed in the eyes of all other actors!

Takeda is like dancing in the emperor's new clothes!

The embarrassment and danger of his situation can be imagined!

So when the plot started and everyone arrived at the Baicao Hall in the west of the city, he did not hesitate to take advantage of his identity and began to dominate the situation with great fanfare, wanting to crush everyone with the brilliant momentum, win the confrontation on this set, and become a well-deserved protagonist .

He didn't have any cover up, because he didn't need to cover up anymore, anyway, all the other actors already knew his identity, so why should he be coy?
Gu Xiaomeng's accidental death made Wutian a little flustered, because he couldn't tolerate such a big mistake and accident in a situation he had completely controlled.

So when he realized that Zhang Yiting had the motive and suspicion of killing Gu Xiaomeng, he decisively detained the actor.

He decided to open a breakthrough from Zhang Yiting, and he could kill chickens and monkeys.

What disappointed Wutian again was that although Zhang Yiting did not survive the torture, he did not give him a satisfactory answer.

At this moment, Wu Tian looked at Zhang Yiting with murderous intent in his heart.

This person begged him to spare him just now like a dog, but if Bai Xiaonian hadn't exposed him, he would have concealed such important information about himself.

Is what he said now really believable?

(End of this chapter)

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