Chapter 340
Republic of China 30 years April 4 at 20:[-] pm.

There was a knock on Su Yi's door.

Two guards came in, took paper and pens, and told Su Yi that Director Wang had ordered him to make a supplementary statement.

What confession?
It's what Su Yi did, saw and heard last night, everything is detailed, and everything must be written down and recorded.

Is it really to investigate Gu Xiaomeng's death, or is it just a formality?
Su Yi guessed secretly, but he didn't show any negligence in his mouth. Except for concealing some inappropriate conversations with Li Ningyu and Gu Xiaomeng, he basically revealed the rest.

One of the guards had obviously practiced sketching, and he wrote very fast.

But even so, Su Yi still talked for more than [-] minutes, and the guard also wrote nearly ten pages densely.

At [-]:[-], Su Yi, who had changed into clean clothes, went downstairs under the leadership of a Zhe Peng guard.

When he went down, everyone had already arrived.

Except for Wang Tianxiang, Wu Tian and Zhang Yiting, everyone looked at Su Yi with surprise.

There was even surprise in Li Ningyu's eyes.

When Su Yi was taken away in the morning, even the most optimistic people didn't think he would come back alive.

Everyone thought that Su Yi was dead!

But Su Yi really came back alive and kicking!

Su Yi nodded to Li Ningyu, then averted his eyes.

He sat down in his seat expressionlessly.

Today everyone’s seating is exactly the same as last night, there are only two differences, one is that the chair is replaced by a wheelchair; the other is that there is no Gu Xiaomeng.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's start, Chief Takeda?" Wang Tianxiang smiled and turned to look at Takeda.

Takeda was expressionless and said nothing.

There are some bruises on his right eye. It is not known whether he touched it somewhere or was beaten.

And his depression, everyone can see it.

Takeda at the moment is like a beaten eggplant.

Wu Tian didn't respond, and Wang Tianxiang didn't care. He looked around with a smile and said, "I'm not going around the corner. I called everyone here to find out the cause of Xiao Meng's death."

Speaking of this, his smile gradually faded: "Xiaomeng's death has been determined to be murdered, and the murderer is among us. Xiaomeng can't die in vain. Killing a colleague is definitely a vicious crime that cannot be forgiven." !"

"I want to advise the real murderer here, don't think that you did it secretly!" He sneered, "There is nothing that can be truly seamless! Xiaomeng's death, we have to knock it out today, and we have to knock it out!" In the end, you can't hide it!"

"Of course, don't say I didn't give you a chance. You just need to admit your crime now. I guarantee that you will live and be treated humanely." Wang Tianxiang glanced over everyone's face one by one. .

Su Yi watched this scene thoughtfully.

What happened between Wang Tianxiang and Takeda that allowed them to sit together?
It seems that Wang Tianxiang is leading the party, but who is really standing behind him?

No one spoke, no one acknowledged.

And this result was within everyone's expectation.

Wang Tianxiang nodded irresolutely: "Unfortunately, you have lost your last chance."

He beckoned, and the guard behind him immediately reported a thick stack of files that he had prepared long ago, and placed it in front of Takeda.

Wang Tianxiang didn't look through it first, but looked around, tapped on the file with his fingers with a smile, and said: "Actually, everyone has accepted what happened the night Xiaomeng died and what you were doing. Inquiry, I recorded the statement, everything you said is here, including mine!"

"I'm sure that some of you must be lying." He said, "And his lies are also recorded in black and white. Even if he wants to deny it, he can't deny it!"

"Although a liar may not necessarily be the murderer who killed Xiaomeng, but a liar must have a ghost in his heart." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "What I have to do is actually very simple, that is, by comparing everyone's confessions, and Listen to the records, the testimony of the guards, and find the liar among you!"

Everyone was shocked, including Su Yi.

Everyone has some things in their hearts that they don't want others to know, and no one will tell the whole truth in their confessions.

If Wang Tianxiang believes that the liar is the murderer, I am afraid that none of the people here are innocent.

Still no one spoke.

"The sooner the murderer is caught, the sooner all of us will be relieved," Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "Then let's start."

He began to separate these files, spread them all over the table in front of him, and then went around for a week, pointing to one of the confessions and asked Takeda: ""Master Takeda, according to your statement, after you announced the end of the show last night, Xiaomeng, The first was to go to your office, right? "

"Yes." Takeda said blankly.

"You said in your confession that Gu Xiaomeng was actually a member of the Secret Service Section of your garrison army very early..."

As soon as Wang Tianxiang said this, everyone looked at him in surprise!
Some people must know this information, and some people don't.

However, no matter what it is, what surprised me was not the incident itself, but why Wang Tianxiang said that!
He's exposing Takeda's background?

"Yes." However, Takeda remained expressionless and his tone was steady.

It seemed that there would be nothing more worthy of his embarrassment.

"Your confession said that Gu Xiaomeng came to your room 6 minutes before midnight, and didn't leave until [-]:[-]." Wang Tianxiang smiled, "During this period of one and a half hours, it has been She's reporting to you and helping you analyze the game we played last night, isn't she?"

"Yes." Takeda said concisely.

"Did you and Gu Xiaomeng have any physical contact during this hour and a half?" Wang Tianxiang asked.

Wu Tian was slightly silent, and said: "Before he left, I slapped her."

"Why did you beat her?" Wang Tianxiang asked.

"Do I need a reason for teaching my subordinates?" Takeda said lightly.

"Very good." Wang Tianxiang smiled and put down Takeda's statement, and picked up another statement.

"Takeda lives in the east building, and we all live in the west building." He said, "Gu Xiaomeng left Takeda's room at 7:27 and walked all the way. It was about six or seven minutes. So, at [-]:[-] When it was time to part, I knocked on your door, right, Bai Xiaonian?"

This time, his eyes were on Su Yi.

"Yes." Su Yi nodded.

"You said that Gu Xiaomeng came to drink with you. She was in a bad mood and was slapped. You asked her, but she didn't say anything." Wang Tianxiang looked at Su Yi's confession and said, "When Gu Xiaomeng was drunk , when she began to reveal her true identity, suddenly, Zhe Peng Xianbing knocked on the door, very anxious to take Gu Xiaomeng away, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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