Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 346 0353 It was him

Chapter 346 0353 It was him
To sum up Zhang Yiting's words, he used the spare key he had prepared to open Gu Xiaomeng's room door at [-]:[-] last night, intending to go in and kill Gu Xiaomeng, but when he entered, he found that Gu Xiaomeng had been hanged in the living room.

He checked the room, found that the murderer was not there, and left, forgetting whether he had locked the door or not.

When Wang Tianxiang woke everyone up to go to Gu Xiaomeng's room in the morning, Zhang Yiting found an extra thermos bottle under the washstand in the room.

According to the standard configuration of each room, each room should have a thermos, and Su Yi's room also has one, which is placed under the washstand. If there is no accident, Gu Xiaomeng's room should also have this configuration.

But when Zhang Yiting went there at [-]:[-], the thermos bottle was taken away by someone.

At [-]:[-], the thermos bottle that was taken away came back!
Who took this thermos?

And who brought it back?
When was it taken away?

When did you get it back?
It's just a thermos bottle, why did I take it away and bring it back again.

What does this thermos bottle have to do with Gu Xiaomeng's death?
For a moment, everyone's attention was focused on this small thermos bottle.

Except Su Yi.

Of course, Su Yi was also curious about who killed Gu Xiaomeng, why the murderer wanted to kill people, and also curious about what tricks were hidden in a small thermos bottle?
However, what he wants to know more now is why the Zhe Peng people must first find out the cause of Gu Xiaomeng's death?

Although Gu Xiaomeng's father is rich and powerful, he should not be looked down upon by Zhe Peng people.Compared with Gu Xiaomeng, shouldn't it be more important to find out the old gun who is lurking in the headquarters?

But now the situation is completely reversed.

There must be something wrong here!

What are the Zhepeng people, or the Zhepeng people standing behind Wang Tianxiang, thinking?
Or - Zhe Peng people think that the person who killed Gu Xiaomeng was actually Lao Qiang?

Finding the murderer who killed Gu Xiaomeng is equivalent to finding the old gun?

"Director Wang," Wu Tian looked at Wang Tianxiang, "You entered Gu Xiaomeng's room around [-]:[-], was the thermos bottle there at that time?"

Wang Tianxiang thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't remember clearly."

"There's a big problem with this thermos." Takeda said, "I think it's best to take it off now and see what's wrong."

"Okay." Wang Tianxiang smiled and waved to a Zhe Peng soldier, telling him to get the thermos bottle in Gu Xiaomeng's room.

"It's best to take down all the thermos bottles in everyone's room." Wu Zhiguo reminded suddenly.

As soon as this remark came out, Takeda immediately expressed his support: "That's right, take them all down, but remember not to confuse them."

Wang Tianxiang was startled, nodded and said, "Then let's go with a few more people."

A good-hearted look.

not right...

With Wang Tianxiang's shrewdness, why do people need to be reminded of this kind of thing?

Su Yi, who was on the sidelines, sensed something was wrong, but remained calm.

In fact, the person Su Yi doubted the most was Wang Tianxiang.

Because Wang Tianxiang has the motivation and the most ability to do it.

After a while, the thermos bottles in everyone's room were taken down and placed on the table.

Takeda and Wang Tianxiang stepped forward and began to check one by one.

The first one to check was the one in Gu Xiaomeng's room. The two of them wanted to use a magnifying glass to examine it inch by inch, and even smelled every inch of the thermos bottle carefully, wanting to see if there was any peculiar smell.

But to their disappointment, they found nothing.

This is an ordinary thermos bottle with more than half a pot of hot water left in it.

"Go and get the water cup and washbasin from Gu Xiaomeng's room!" Takeda pondered for a moment.

"Do it." Wang Tianxiang ordered his subordinates with a calm expression.

The water glass in Gu Xiaomeng's room was empty, but there was half a basin of water in the washbasin.

Takeda first sniffed the water in the basin, dipped it in a serious way, and tasted it, then picked up the water in the basin and began to pour it into the thermos bottle.

There are no fools present here. At this moment, everyone already understands what Takeda is doing.

The west building of Baicao Hall has not been connected to tap water since last night, and everyone has to use hot water from thermos bottles for drinking and washing.

So whenever there is water in the room, it must be from the water in the thermos bottle.

There is more than half of the water in Gu Xiaomeng's thermos bottle, but there is also half of the water in the washbasin——

Sure enough, more than half of the water in the basin was poured, and the thermos bottle was full.

How did the extra water come from?

"Did Gu Xiaomeng ask the guards for an extra pot of water yesterday?" Wutian asked.

"No." Wang Tianxiang shook his head.

This point is easy to check, and you can't tell a lie.

"That's obvious." Takeda sneered, "This thermos is not the original one in Gu Xiaomeng's room! Someone took away the kettle in Gu Xiaomeng's room before [-]:[-] last night, and then replaced the kettle in his own room with a new one. In Gu Xiaomeng's room!"

"Why did he do that?" Li Ningyu asked suspiciously.

"Then you have to find the original kettle in Gu Xiaomeng's room to find out why!" Takeda looked like he was holding Zhizhu, "I can guarantee that the kettle must be one of the ones on this table, and the reason why the murderer Change the kettle, it must be because there is a problem with this kettle!"

A trace of ridicule flashed in Su Yi's eyes, this Wutian, now he feels that he can do it again?

Takeda was quickly slapped in the face.

Of the other five thermos bottles on the table, there was nothing unusual about any of them.

Wu Zhiguo's water bottle has a bruised mark, but this mark is very old, and it looks like an old wound at first glance, and there is nothing suspicious about it.

In addition, the water in Wangtian's perfume pot was all used up.

Wang Tianxiang's explanation for this is - he likes to drink water at night, and he soaked his feet before going to sleep last night.

This is also normal and nothing suspicious.

Takeda's face was very ugly, and he checked it several times unwillingly, but he still didn't see any problem.

"I don't believe it. A small thermos bottle can still stump people?" He was a little embarrassed, unwilling to check it over and over again.

"There were more than these six thermoses in the room on the second floor last night." Suddenly, Wang Tianxiang said thoughtfully.

As he spoke, he unconsciously licked his lips.

Su Yi noticed that his lips were dry.

Takeda's eyes widened, and he slapped the table immediately, his eyes were full of light, and he pointed at Jin Shenghuo: "You said that you broke a thermos bottle last night, didn't you?"

Jin Shenghuo was startled, his expression suddenly became tense, and he hurriedly said: "Yes, I broke one, and the fragments are still in the trash can on the second floor, Director Wang, I broke it by accident, it's just It was an accident, and Gu Xiaomeng was still in Bai Xiaonian's room when I smashed it, it has nothing to do with her at all!"

"You said you broke the thermos bottle..." Wang Tianxiang's eyes flashed, "Who saw it?"

"This..." Jin Shenghuo's eyes widened, "No, Director Wang, don't hurt me, I smashed it in my room, who can see it?"

"Then you broke the thermos bottle, why didn't you ask the guards to clean it up for you?" Wang Tianxiang questioned.

"No, I just broke a thermos bottle. As for troublesome others to do it?" Jin Shenghuo was really anxious, "I wobbled in bed last night, and I nailed it by myself. I've always been able to do things by myself. Just do it yourself, try not to bother others! Really, if you don’t believe it, you go to my room now, and I will throw the broken thermos in the living room trash can!”

"I believe that the thermos bottle is really broken." Wang Tianxiang said word by word, "But it's not certain when it was broken, maybe what you said is true, maybe, you have been to Gu Xiaomeng After the room, it was broken..."

Jin Shenghuo was dumbfounded.

The next moment, his eyes were red, he stood up awkwardly, and pointed at Wang Tianxiang: "My surname is Wang, you don't want to swear! I don't have any grudges against you, right? Are you messing with me like this? Do you know that this is going to kill you?" !"

"It's reasonable not to speak loudly." Wang Tianxiang smiled, and said slowly, "If Director Jin is innocent, no one can wrong you."

"Of course I am innocent!" Jin Shenghuo yelled angrily, "I just accidentally broke a thermos bottle, why am I not innocent? I am not afraid of the shadow leaning on me!"

"Go and get the broken thermos bottle from Director Jin's room!" Takeda said suddenly, staring at Jin Shenghuo.

"Master Takeda, even you don't believe me?" Jin Shenghuo called out in disbelief.

"Are you afraid that I will investigate? What are you afraid that I will find out?" Takeda asked sharply.

"Of course I'm not afraid! I'm innocent!" Jin Shenghuo was startled, and hurriedly said.

"Then check it out." Takeda slapped the table, "Whether it's clear or not, it doesn't matter what you say, the thermos bottle has the final say!"

"I'll get it myself!" Wang Tianxiang stood up, glanced at Jin Shenghuo with a half-smile, and then walked straight to the stairs.

"Master Takeda, you believe me, I've been wronged, I..." Jin Shenghuo froze for a moment, then hurriedly explained to Takeda again.

Zhang Yiting grinned and pointed at his hand: "Can you call Doctor Ma for me? I feel like I'm about to lose too much blood and pass out..."

Wu Zhiguo watched this scene with a blank face. From the beginning to the end, he seemed to be aloof, watching everything with cold eyes.

Su Yi and Li Ningyu looked at each other, the latter forced a smile at him, but he secretly sighed in his heart.

In fact, Li Ningyu's identity has been completely exposed.

Takeda knew it, and so did Wang Tianxiang.

If these two people hadn't tried to use her to hang out the old gun, she would have been arrested long ago, how could she still be sitting here.

However, Li Ningyu didn't know anything, and thought that only Su Yi knew her identity, and Su Yi would keep it a secret for her.

I'm afraid that what she is thinking about now is how to pass on the information.

Su Yi quickly avoided looking at Li Ningyu.

He had no intention of informing Li Ningyu at all, because doing so would be useless, and it might be bad.

After a while, Wang Tianxiang came down carrying a trash can, which contained the thermos bottle that Jin Shenghuo broke last night.

He ordered his subordinates to spread a white cloth on the table, and dumped all the contents of the trash can on the white cloth.


All the broken thermos liners were poured out.

Takeda and Wang Tianxiang approached and began to search.

Everyone watched this scene, but no one spoke.

Jin Shenghuo tried his best to look frank, and from time to time he gave a disdainful "cut" to express his dissatisfaction with their search behavior.

But everyone could see his nervousness and fear, and his cold sweat kept flowing down.

Could such a miserable person be the murderer of Gu Xiaomeng?

A few minutes later, when Takeda smelled a fragment of the inner liner of the thermos bottle, he suddenly let out a "huh" and his eyes lit up suddenly.

He held the fragment, brought it to his nose and smelled it again, then frowned, and handed it to Wang Tianxiang who was beside him.

Wang Tianxiang also smelled it, and frowned.

Jin Shenghuo suddenly became nervous: "What, what's going on? No, what are you smelling?"

"You, go and call Dr. Ma over." Wang Tianxiang ordered one of his men.

Then he looked at Jin Shenghuo unhurriedly, and said with a smile, "Director Jin, I can't tell."

"No, what do you mean? Can't see anything?" Jin Shenghuo's face was pale, he stood up unconsciously, and said in a trembling voice.

"Don't worry," Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "When Doctor Ma arrives, you'll know what I mean."

Doctor Ma arrived soon, and Wang Tianxiang handed him the shards of the thermos liner in his hand: "Smell this smell."

Dr. Ma moved his nose to sniff, and immediately frowned, then he sniffed again, and said in a positive tone: "It smells like bitter almonds, it's cyanide, but at the specific time, potassium cyanide is still cyanide." Sodium chloride, further testing is needed."

Everyone was shocked.

Jin Shenghuo was even more stunned. He looked dumbfounded and trembled violently.

"Cyanide..." Takeda looked at Jin Shenghuo meaningfully, "Whether it's potassium cyanide or sodium cyanide, it should be a deadly poison that seals the throat when it sees blood, right?"

"It's all poison," said Doctor Ma, "but whether it will kill you immediately or not depends on the dosage."

"With large doses of cyanide poisoning, the whole body convulses in a few seconds, and breathing stops. For small doses of poisoning, it is not necessarily true. The poisoned person first has headache, nausea, chest tightness, difficulty breathing, rapid pulse, irregular heartbeat, and then begins to convulse. , coma, it may take several 10 minutes to die, or it may take several hours."

"You have checked Gu Xiaomeng's body," Wutian asked, "Has she been poisoned?"

"For those poisoned by cyanide, the spots, muscles and blood are bright red," said Doctor Ma, "Gu Xiaomeng's poisoning features are too obvious, she must have been poisoned by cyanide! But her poisoning dose should not be large , I checked her body, and the cause of her death was the most typical mechanical asphyxiation."

"You can see her face is due to blocked venous return, palpebral conjunctiva, facial hyperemia, purple and black, and the hyoid bone was squeezed and spit out. Because of gravity, the blood pooled on her limbs, causing her Red plaques formed on the limbs, and she was incontinent because of the lack of blood supply causing the muscles to relax..."

"Therefore, Gu Xiaomeng fell into a coma after being poisoned with cyanide, and then was hanged in a coma."

After Dr. Ma finished speaking, the scene fell into deathly silence.

Then, everyone looked at Jin Shenghuo in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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