Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 351 0362 Intrigue

Chapter 351 0362 Intrigue
About an hour later, Su Yi "woke up".

He "weakly" walked out of the door, alarming the guards who had been guarding the door.

Then the guards ran to call Dr. Ma and gave Su Yi an injection of antibiotics.

Originally, Doctor Ma planned to arrange for Su Yi to sleep next, but Wang Tianxiang quickly sent someone over, saying that he wanted to invite Su Yi to go down.

Even if it is lifted.

Su Yi is also lacking a reason to persist. At this time, it is relatively safe to be alone, but it also means that he will miss a lot of information and become passive.

He pretended to be upset and was carried downstairs by two gendarmes.

Still at the entrance of the corridor, he heard the faint screams coming from below.

Who is being punished?

Su Yi was a little surprised, because the voice sounded like Wu Zhiguo's.

Su Yi soon saw Zhang Yiting, Wu Tian and Li Ningyu sitting at the table with serious expressions on their faces.In the original utility room at the back, Wu Zhiguo's screams continued to be heard, and Wang Tianxiang was nowhere to be found.

Wang Tianxiang is interrogating Wu Zhiguo?
Su Yi felt absurd, what's going on?
Two gendarmes put Su Yi by the table and helped him to sit down. He was still sitting next to Li Ningyu.

Su Yi didn't hide his doubts, and asked Li Ningyu directly: "Sister Yu, what's the situation?"

Li Ningyu glanced at him and turned her head away without speaking.

On the other hand, Wu Tian sneered and said, "Bai Xiaonian, Li Ningyu faces you day and night, haven't you ever discovered that she is an underground party?"


Su Yi became more and more suspicious, and looked at Wu Tian with a look of astonishment: "Master Wu Tian, ​​this kind of joke can't be played casually, how could Sister Yu be an underground party? She can't be whoever is an underground party! She and the underground party There is a vendetta!"

"She admitted it herself!" Zhang Yiting said, "Xiaobai, Li Ningyu is the underground party spy lurking in our headquarters, code name, old ghost."

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Su Yi's complexion changed drastically, and he stood up awkwardly, looking at Li Ningyu in disbelief. "You wronged her, you framed her, you are forcing her, right? How could she be an underground party?"

"That's the truth, why don't you believe it?" Takeda knocked on the table impatiently, "That woman is playing you like a fool, do you think she really has a good relationship with you? She's just using you to get information! Stupid!"

Zhang Yiting had a slight sarcasm in his eyes, and said, "Even our Chief Takeda fell into the trap of that woman, stealing chickens won't make you lose money..."

"Hmph!" Takeda snorted resentfully.

Li Ningyu's "exposure" and "surrender" naturally needed an opportunity. She couldn't just say that I am an old ghost and I want to surrender. That would be too abrupt and too blunt.

So Li Ningyu pretended to discuss Gu Xiaomeng's death with them first, and the topic inadvertently changed to the game Takeda played last night.She first said "Looking for the little ghost" one by one, and when Wu Tian relaxed his vigilance, she suddenly replaced the "little ghost" with "the old ghost". .

Then he found that Li Ningyu was looking at him quietly, and he realized what was going on.

The scene was silent at that time, but everyone understood that Li Ningyu had seen through their plot to use the old ghost to hang out the old gun.

Li Ningyu flipped the table, this game is naturally unplayable.

Wang Tianxiang immediately took Li Ningyu to another room for interrogation.

Li Ningyu acted in a play, making Wang Tianxiang mistakenly think that she was afraid of death, and she was shaken.

Naturally, old-school spies like Wang Tianxiang would not let go of this opportunity, and immediately struck while the iron was hot, using both soft and hard tactics, "breaking" Li Ningyu's psychological defense, and revealed the identity of the old gun—Wu Zhiguo.

Wang Tianxiang was furious at the time, he was sure that he had been tricked by Li Ningyu, because no one knew Wu Zhiguo's identity better than him.

Yoshio Kakuo's foster son—Saburo Kakuo.

It is precisely because of him that in the past three months, there has been a bloody storm in Shanghai, Jinling, and Tianjin, and countless underground party members have been massacred.

It was also because of him that the old turtle came into everyone's attention, and Lin Yingchun, an old man, was arrested.

It can be said that Wu Zhiguo single-handedly caused this situation today.

Whoever is an old gun, Wu Zhiguo can't be an old gun.

Wu Zhiguo is not only not an old gun, but in order to find out the old gun, he did not hesitate to mutilate himself!
In the second round of Takeda's game last night, Wang Tianxiang identified Wu Zhiguo, causing Wu Zhiguo to be punished by whipping. It was originally Wu Zhiguo's instruction. He was playing a trick for the underground party present here.

The situation where Wang Tianxiang and Wu Zhiguo pretended to be at odds and quarreled repeatedly was also staged by Wu Zhiguo on purpose. In fact, Wu Zhiguo had revealed his identity as the undercover Saburo a long time ago and took Wang Tianxiang for his own use.

So, how could Wang Tianxiang believe Li Ningyu's nonsense?
He was even about to impose a severe punishment on the spot, but fortunately he was more careful and asked Wu Zhiguo. Only then did he know that Li Ningyu's confession turned out to be a play directed by Wu Zhiguo, the purpose of which was to hang out the real old gun.

Wu Zhiguo selectively talked about his plan to Wang Tianxiang, and Wang Tianxiang also believed that the plan was very feasible, so the two hit it off and decided to cooperate in this play.

He took Wu Zhiguo away in front of Wutian and Zhang Yiting, then returned to the torture room, told Li Ningyu that Lao Qiang had been arrested, and asked Li Ningyu what else to say?

Li Ningyu confessed to the old turtle and the old man - she learned from Su Yi that one of the two was under the surveillance of the enemy and the other had been arrested, so this was not considered a betrayal.

Not only that, she knew that Liu Linzong's betrayal would inevitably leak some of the secrets of the Tiger Organization, so she simply "confessed" all the information that was at risk of leaking, and also confessed Liu Linzong's identity as an underground party to show her candor.

If it wasn't for Wu Zhiguo, Wang Tianxiang might really believe that Li Ningyu was really a traitor because of her frankness.

But now, he just watched Li Ningyu's performance with a sneer in his heart.

Li Ningyu's frankness bought her temporary freedom. Wang Tianxiang released her on the spot, brought her to Zhang Yiting and Wu Tian, ​​announced that she would be his own in the future, and then went in to "torture" Wu Zhiguo.

What Su Yi came down to see was such a scene.

Knowing the whole process of the matter, Su Yi was dumbfounded.

Of course, Wu Zhiguo couldn't be an old gun, and he couldn't be tortured by Wang Tianxiang, so all this must be appearances, acting.

But the source of this scene was Li Ningyu's rebellion and betrayed Wu Zhiguo, an old gun.

So—why did Li Ningyu commit violence?

Why did she wrongly accuse Wu Zhiguo of being an old gun?

Why did Wu Zhiguo and Wang Tianxiang cooperate with her in this play?

Even though Su Yi has always claimed to be smart, it's hard to figure out the twists and turns.

In front of Wutian and Zhang Yiting, it was impossible for Su Yi to ask Li Ningyu directly, but he just looked at Li Ningyu in disbelief, and asked with an unacceptable look: "So, you have been lying all this time. Me? What nonsense did you say to me that you hit it off immediately and hate each other later, all just to get information from me?"

"Xiaobai, I can't help myself." Li Ningyu said guiltily, dodging his eyes, "The world is like chess, and I'm just a chess piece at the right time."

Involuntary?So this play was not led by Li Ningyu, she said that she was a pawn at the right time, meaning that someone directed this play and forced her to cooperate?

This person is undoubtedly Wu Zhiguo!

But how did Wu Zhiguo force Li Ningyu?

Su Yi only felt that the truth of the matter was separated by a layer of window paper, but he couldn't pierce it.

"Awesome, you are so amazing! I'm the only one who is a fool!" Su Yi smiled miserably and shook his head, as if he had been hit.

Next, no matter how much Su Yi satirized or even abused, Li Ningyu didn't speak anymore, but just looked sad and bowed his head in silence.

She can't talk too much with Su Yi, she is the bait released by Wu Zhiguo, she can't hang Su Yi out.

Although Su Yi was a little eager to tell Li Ningyu the key information brought by Lin Yingchun, he couldn't think of any way to accurately deliver it to Li Ningyu.

In front of Zhang Yiting and Wu Tian, ​​he didn't want to take too many risks.

These two people are not fools, he didn't want to play tricks, but exposed himself instead.

"Okay, Bai Xiaonian!" Wu Tian got tired of hearing it, and stopped impatiently, "Don't keep nagging like a resentful woman."

Su Yi looked troubled, his face was cloudy and uncertain for a long time, and finally said: "I want to see Director Wang!"

The eyes of the other three people fell on Su Yi's face, but Su Yi didn't explain too much, stood up and walked towards the utility room that screamed from time to time.

At the door, he was stopped by the military police. Su Yi once again asked to see Wang Tianxiang, and the military police went in to communicate. After a while, the screams inside stopped abruptly.

Wang Tianxiang, who was still stained with blood, walked out with his sleeves rolled up, looked at Su Yi indifferently, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I have something to say about Li Ningyu." Su Yi said, "I was used by this woman in the past, which may have caused some information leaks. I want to make these things clear. I am also a victim!"

Wang Tianxiang frowned slightly, thought for a while, then turned around and told the military police guarding the door: "Don't let anyone enter this room!"


He nodded in satisfaction, said "Follow me", and then led Su Yi to another room opposite.

This is Wang Tianxiang's own room, where he stayed last night.

After letting Su Yi sit down, he said, "There are no bugs here, so you can speak with confidence if you have something to say."

He looked at Su Yi: "How does your body feel?"

"It's much better." Su Yi replied, "I don't know what happened, but suddenly..."

He shook his head with a look of lingering fear.

He didn't want Wang Tianxiang to know about his pretending to be dizzy, including Liu Ye's identity, and he didn't want to expose it to Wang Tianxiang.

Wang Tianxiang looked deeply at Su Yi.

He actually had doubts about this, but the two doctors endorsed Su Yi, which largely dispelled his doubts.

"I am in a hurry to ask you to come down because it is not a good thing to be alone at this time, and it is likely that you will miss important information and make a misjudgment of the situation." Wang Tianxiang explained, "Do you know what happened to Li Ningyu? ?”

"I just want to ask you this," Su Yi said, "Didn't you just keep her for fishing? Why did she suddenly rebel?"

"She is a fake traitor!" Wang Tianxiang lowered her voice slightly, "The purpose is to hang out the real old gun!"

Su Yi looked confused: "Then Wu Zhiguo..."

"It's just for the dead ghost." Wang Tianxiang said lightly, "The old gun should be between Wutian and Zhang Yiting."

In fact, Wang Tianxiang also suspected Su Yi, so he didn't mention Wu Zhiguo's identity.

But about Li Ningyu's false rebellion, Wang Tianxiang felt that Su Yi and Li Ningyu had always had a good relationship, and he might not be able to hide it from Su Yi, a thrush, so he simply told the truth.

Moreover, Wu Zhiguo's plan is both a conspiracy and a conspiracy.Even if Su Yi is really an old gun, he is not afraid that Su Yi will not be fooled.

Because information always has to be spread, when the old ghost can't move, the old gun has to rely on himself.

Whoever moves at this time is the old gun.

"A person from Zhe Peng, a commander, maybe they are Lao Qiang?" Su Yi deliberately doubted, "Could it be a mistake, in fact, there is no such person as Lao Qiang?"

"Probably not." Wang Tianxiang shook his head, "Old guns definitely exist."

Wu Tian said that there is an old gun, and Wu Zhiguo also said that there is an old gun. These two people are crazy to make up a non-existent person to toss and play on their own, so Wang Tianxiang firmly believes in the existence of the old gun.

"Is it possible that the enemy said they were looking for the old gun, but they actually wanted to find the crow and catch the thrush?" Su Yi suddenly reminded, "Old Wang, if I were the enemy, if I knew the existence of the crow, the suspect would be ruled out now." It's almost there. After counting and counting, who is the most suspicious, do you need to say?"

Wang Tianxiang was taken aback for a moment, her face moved in horror!

If the enemy really knows the existence of the crow, who is the most suspicious, needless to say?
Of course it was him!
And it suddenly occurred to him that when he and Wu Zhiguo deliberately created a confrontation in the second round of the game last night, the doubts raised by Wu Zhiguo may not be purely acting!
The more he thought about it, the more nervous he felt, and suddenly he felt that Wu Zhiguo might really be hanging a crow, not some old gun!

"There is also Gu Xiaomeng's death, Jin Shenghuo committed suicide, you were too eager to pour dirty water on him before." Su Yi looked at him deeply again and said, "Even I feel that something is wrong, you think the enemy will not do anything wrong." Unaware?"

Wang Tianxiang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked at Su Yi.

"Even if they couldn't hear it at the time, couldn't they have thought of it afterwards?" Su Yi added again, "Zhang Yiting mentioned the thermos bottle, you said you don't remember, but you are the chief of the secret service, you shouldn't ignore this obvious question!"

"Then you said that your thermos bottle was empty because you drank a lot of water, but when you said this, your mouth was obviously very dry, and you looked like you haven't drank water for a long time!"

"It was you who drew everyone's attention to the thermos bottle that Jin Shenghuo smashed. It was you who went to pick up the broken thermos bottle and found the poison on it..."

"It's all a coincidence, especially when Jin Shenghuo said that you framed him before he died! Old Wang, the enemy may have suspected you, but you still have value, so they hold back for the time being!"

"Think about it carefully, if my guess is right, then you and I are already in a very dangerous situation!"

"Old Wang, Gu Xiaomeng, you actually killed him, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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