Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 355 Trap

Chapter 355 Trap
"What Liu Ye said is really a problem." Wang Tianxiang looked at Wu Zhiguo with a smile, "Captain Wu, why don't you... try to keep your voice down?"

"Receive..." Wu Zhiguo frowned, opened his mouth, and finally waved his hand, "I don't want to pretend, Liu Ye, you claim to be the enemy of the king of hell with three needles, come on, show me your life-threatening three needles Say hello, let me try your handicraft too."

The sixth master seemed to be taken aback, and hurriedly waved his hands: "Yo, yo, you can't do it. Team Wu, let's say three needles, even one needle is not enough! How fine is your body? My set of things It is against the anti-Japanese elements, how can I treat you? I dare not treat you with my courage..."

"Come if you are told, there is so much nonsense!" Wu Zhiguo said impatiently.

"No, Commander Wu, I can't do it!" Liu Ye explained in panic, "My three needles are for a man of iron, and I can't wait to die immediately. Are you tough? Team Wu, I have never used the fourth injection against them so far! Usually after three injections, you should confess, you should make a confession, you should make a confession, there is no exception..."

"What the hell are you talking about? Come here if you tell me!" Wu Zhiguo stared, "I didn't ask you to give me all three injections, give me one injection first, hurry up!"

"This..." Sixth Master looked at Wang Tianxiang in embarrassment.

"Sixth Master, it's your fault." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile, "Wu Daduan is a famous tough guy, don't you underestimate him? You just give acupuncture, Wu Dawei is an open-minded person, he doesn't will blame you."

"Then I'll have the guts to give you a shot?" Sixth Master hesitated, "Captain Wu, you asked for this yourself, you can't blame me..."

"Stop talking nonsense, come on!" Wu Zhiguo waved.

"Hey, hey!"

Liu Ye nodded and bowed, took out his set of needles, picked one out of it, roasted it over fire, and then dipped the needle into a small medicine bottle.

He said "offended", and began to prick Wu Zhiguo with needles, saying as he pricked, "David Wu, it was a little itchy at first, and you will feel like ants are crawling all over your body..."

When he said this, Wu Zhiguo was already writhing uncomfortably, making a suppressed sound in his throat, his eyes were wide open, his teeth were chattering, and all his muscles began to shake.

Master Liu laughed and said: "Slowly you start to hurt, you feel as if someone is pulling your tendons out..."

"Hehehe..." Wu Zhiguo's whole body suddenly arched, his body stretched straight, his forehead was bulging with veins, his face was hideously distorted, and tears and snot flowed down his nose.

He looked in extreme pain, his whole body was trembling with high frequency, and his protruding eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes after a while, making him look extremely terrifying.

However, there was a sound like a bellows in his throat.

In less than three seconds, Wu Zhiguo even started to foam from his mouth.

"Stop! Stop!" Wang Tianxiang yelled hastily as his complexion changed.

Sixth Master hastily pulled out the needle stuck between Wu Zhiguo's eyebrows. The latter suddenly collapsed like a drowning man who had just landed, panting heavily, unable to speak a word. He felt as if someone had just poured a basin of water, and he slumped down from the chair as if he had collapsed.

Liu Ye and Wang Tianxiang who rushed over hurriedly supported him from left to right, and put him back on the chair.

Wu Zhiguo's face was pale, trembling all over, but he still couldn't say a word.

"Wu Brigade? Wu Brigade?" Wang Tianxiang called softly, "How do you feel?"

Wu Zhiguo's teeth chattered and he couldn't speak a word.

"What's going on?" Wang Tianxiang looked back at Master Liu.

"It's not easy to recover from the strength of my injection," Liu Ye smiled wryly, "If he doesn't give him an injection that relaxes the meridians, activates collaterals, strengthens the heart and spleen, he will at least suffer for a long time."

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Wang Tianxiang stepped aside.

"Hey, hey!" Sixth Master hurriedly agreed, and stepped forward to give Wu Zhiguo needles.

After seven needles in a row, Wu Zhiguo finally recovered, his complexion improved a lot, and he was able to speak.

"Life is better than death!" He said with lingering fear in his heart, "Sixth Master, your job is absolutely impossible! I am also a person who does not blink when I get shot, but your injection... I don't want to be shot again in my life. a bit!"

The sixth master laughed along with him: "If you offend me, it's good that you don't blame me, Team Wu."

Wu Zhiguo waved his hand, sighed and said with emotion: "This is still the case with one injection, I really don't know how those underground parties got three injections?"

"They are pathetic, but they are also very respectable." Wang Tianxiang was in a daze. "This is what makes them terrible, so we must destroy them and do everything in our power."

Wu Zhiguo glanced at him and said, "You can go to the next step."

"Yes!" Wang Tianxiang came back to his senses.

"Master Liu, I'm sorry, everything about Team Wu has to be kept secret, and I've been wronging you for a while." Wang Tianxiang said to Master Liu first.

"Understood, understood." Sixth Master nodded and bowed.

"Take Liu Ye to the east building." Wang Tianxiang waved his hand, and immediately a military police stepped forward and took Liu Ye out.

The lobby outside the door.

As soon as Liu Ye came out, the eyes of the four people outside all focused on him.

But Liu Ye didn't look at anyone, just nodded his head as if thinking of something, and walked out following the military police.

All eyes fell on the open door of the utility room again.

At this moment, Su Yi's heart was half relieved, because he knew that Master Liu's nodding was sending a signal to himself.

It seems that Wu Zhiguo has already been recruited!

Wang Tianxiang came out of the room, covered her nose and mouth with a clean white handkerchief, and curled up the corners of her mouth.

He glanced at the four people in the hall, smiled slightly, and said, "Everyone, you are all free."

Everyone was stunned.

But the next moment, their eyes were all focused on behind Wang Tianxiang.

Behind him, two Zhe Peng gendarmes came out of the room carrying a stretcher.

A blood-stained rag covered a tortured, inhuman-looking corpse on a stretcher.

Judging from his clothes and hair, it was undoubtedly Wu Zhiguo.

Wu Tian and Zhang Yiting stood up almost subconsciously in surprise.

They didn't expect that Wang Tianxiang beat Wu Zhiguo to death.

"Wu Zhiguo has personally admitted that he is the underground party lurking in our headquarters, code-named Old Gun!" Wang Tianxiang looked around and said slowly, "The inner ghost has been found out, so everyone present is safe! "

"From now on, the blockade here is completely lifted, and everyone can leave here at any time." Wang Tianxiang said with a smile.

His gaze swept over everyone's face one by one, and finally locked on Li Ningyu.

"Except Chief Li." He said, "You can't leave yet."

(End of this chapter)

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