Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 367 0385 Roles and Pursuit of Goals

Chapter 367 0385 Roles and Pursuit of Goals

"I have a question to ask," Su Yi suddenly asked before entering the office, "We have seen each other's true faces, doesn't it mean that if we meet each other in reality, the two of us will recognize each other at a glance ?”

"The company doesn't prohibit off-line groups." Don't Eat Tutu said, "But it's hard. Are you sure we're on the earth in the same world? And, is there a need for face-to-face groups?"

Su Yi was stunned.

"Let's go, don't think so much!" Don't eat Tutu very familiarly put on Su Yi's shoulder, and pushed open the door of the office.

There are already three actors waiting inside.

A grim expression, indifferent eyes.

A corner of the mouth curled up, describing it as amiable.

There is another one with erratic eyes, which looks very cunning.

All three are men.

Add Su Yi and Bue Tutu together, and you have five men.

The eyes of the three people fell on the two people who came in, looking up and down, but no one stood up to say hello or anything.

Su Yi and Buchitutu didn't speak either, they each found an empty seat and sat down.

The room was silent, and the atmosphere was awkward.

After a long time, the door was pushed open again, and a plump girl with long legs walked in.

"Everyone here?" The long-legged girl smiled kindly, and waved to everyone generously, "Hi, I'm your director, B29, you can call me the director or Jiujie. "


"Ninth Sister."

The five people got up to say hello one after another, and everyone seemed very polite, including the one who didn't eat Tutu who seemed careless before.

"I won't let you introduce yourself." B29 sat down with a smile, "You don't need to hide your identities as actors in this drama, so I just gathered you together. The five of you are all very good professional actors. , I know a little bit about each of you, but not much. So I won’t directly assign the roles of the five of you, I’ll just let you draw lots for yourself, whoever gets caught is up to luck.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked different.

lottery?Isn't this too casual?

"This time we are filming a love story, you five must do your best to pursue the girls you want to pursue, and let them feel true love and happiness. This is also the only main task of your drama. B29 continued, "The name of this show is "Ode to Joy". There are a total of eleven male roles for you to choose from."

B29 clapped her hands, and immediately an assistant who looked exactly like her, but with a cold look, came in, put a box full of small balls on the table, and distributed a piece of paper and pen to one of them .

"Okay, now you can start drawing lots!"

The five actors looked at each other, and then someone stood up first: "I'll come first!"

He grabbed a ball out of it.

Someone took the lead, and the other four followed suit.

Su Yi picked a ball and opened it, and there was a folded note inside, which said—Bai Muyang (Note: Director Bai, a scumbag).

I go……

Su Yi was speechless, what kind of fairy hand is this?

Do you want to carry it a little bit?

Not to mention Tan Zongming or Zhao Qiping, even Brother Yingqin and Wang Baichuan, why did they just choose a scumbag Director Bai?
And if this character is drawn, Su Yi's pursuit goal is determined, which is the youngest and worst IQ among the five golden flowers in Ode to Joy - Qiu Yingying.

Objectively speaking, this character is the most ordinary and ordinary girl among the five golden flowers.

She is not as intelligent as Andy, nor is she as charming as Fan Shengmei, nor is she as eccentric as Qu Xiaoxiao, nor is she as cute and pure as Guan Juer.

Compared with the other four golden flowers, Qiu Yingying is more like a weed.

Brainless and unclear have almost become synonymous with her, so at the beginning of the game, she would cheat into bed with the white scumbag character drawn by Su Yi, and even live with him, even with her little partner because of this scumbag. We all fell out.

But this girl is by no means all bad and no good.

Among other things, she is at least the simplest and happiest of the five girls.Her straightforward personality also makes everyone who gets along with her feel very comfortable.

Because you never have to worry that such a girl will harm you behind your back.

Su Yi quickly accepted the reality that his hands were black.

The white scumbag is just a white scumbag. The director just said that the main line of this scene is to make the pursuit of the goal feel true love and happiness, so the task of the performance should not be like the original plot, becoming a wretched scumbag who starts to mess up and ends up abandoning .

What's more, each of the five golden flowers has its own problems and flaws. Relatively speaking, Su Yi prefers the straightforward Qiu Yingying, even though this girl is the most ordinary.

"Those who are drawn, report their roles." B29 said.

"I won Wang Baichuan in the draw." One of them said, he looked a little unwilling, but he seemed to be able to accept it.

This role is well-behaved, she is Fan Shengmei's suitor, the owner of a small company, neither up nor down.

"I'm Zhao Qiping!" The cunning-looking man said in surprise.

No wonder he was pleasantly surprised, this role is definitely a dominant role!
Zhao Qiping is an orthopedic doctor with a scholarly family and a wealthy family.Among the five golden flowers, not only Qu Xiaoxiao took the initiative to pursue him crazily, but even Guan Juer fell in love with him at first sight.

"I'm Bai Muyang, Director Bai." Su Yi said.

"Damn, buddy, you're pretty good at memorizing!" Don't Eat Tutu couldn't help complaining, "What kind of hands are you doing?"

He shook his head and said to the director, "I, Tan Zongming!"

I go!

Not to mention that Su Yi was stunned, even the rest of the people looked at Buchi Tutu in surprise.

Tan Zongming, the absolute boss in the drama "Ode to Joy"!The capital crocodile belongs to the big man who stomps his feet and shakes the whole magic city three times!

This character is definitely the most dominant character in the whole play—no, it should be said that it is absolutely crushing character!
Is it poisonous for a person not to eat rabbits?The last book got Takeda, and this book got Tan Zongming!

Even Su Yi, who has always been normal, is a little jealous of this guy's luck, isn't it great?

"No, director, is it necessary to draw lots for a role like Tan Zongming?" The cunning man who got Zhao Qiping couldn't help but said, "This role is not anyone's suitor, isn't that unreasonable?"

After a pause, he apologized for not eating Tutu and said with a smile: "Dude, I'm not targeting you, I'm right and wrong."

"Keep it down, it's sour, it's sour, it's useless to clean up the ozone layer." Don't eat Tutu disdainfully, "I've seen a lot of people like you!"

The cunning man gave a f***ing look: "That's boring, man, what's wrong, you don't allow others to give opinions? You can't get a good role with such a domineering personality. You were bullied to death?"

This word...

Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

This man is a real villain.

"Okay, okay, don't make any noise!" Seeing that he would scold again if he didn't eat Tutu, B29 said with a helpless smile, "Tan Zongming is Andy's suitor, the existence of this role is reasonable, there is nothing to dispute, go on, Next."

The last man with a stern expression said, "The one I got was Ying Qin."

Su Yi looked over in surprise.

Both Ying Qin and Director Bai are Qiu Yingying's suitors.

What's the matter?Two people want to compete?

"You two draw again," B29 pointed at Su Yi and Leng Junnan and said, "We must ensure that each of the five golden flowers pursues one, and it also reduces the difficulty of the performance for you."

After a pause, she added: "There is still one suitor for Guan Juer who has not been selected, or the two of you can discuss who wants to pursue Qiu Yingying and who wants to pursue Guan Juer. If someone chooses Qiu Yingying, You don’t need to redraw it.”

Leng Junnan said directly: "I don't want Qiu Yingying!"

"What about you?" B29 looked at Su Yi, "If you don't want to chase Qiu Yingying either, then both of you can draw again, and then it depends on luck."

Su Yi pondered slightly, and said: "Forget it, I won't draw again, I will choose Qiu Yingying."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised.

From their point of view, Su Yi had a hand that couldn't be worse!
He got the wretched and scumbag character who was offline after a few episodes, and he was after Qiu Yingying, the most ordinary and stupidest of the five golden flowers. He had the chance to draw lots again, so he should be overjoyed and can't wait to start again.

Why did he still refuse?
"No, buddy, are you stupid?" Don't eat Tutu speechless, "If you have a chance to draw again, don't hurry up and replace this broken character, what are you waiting for?"

Su Yi smiled lightly: "The role is played by us, whether it is a scumbag or not is up to me. I think this role is very good, so I won't change it."

"Yes, you don't have to be a wretched scumbag." Don't Eat Tutu said, "But you can choose a rich man who has a greater advantage. If you choose a poor man, the space you can play is limited, and it will easily limit you. Stay! A penny beats a hero, have you heard this saying?"

"Furthermore, how nice is Guan Juer? She's cute and obedient, not like Qiu Yingying, a silly big sister!"

Su Yi smiled and said nothing.

"Okay, as long as you're happy." Buchi Tutu shook his head.

Leng Junnan drew lots again and picked out Lin Yonghuai, that is, the unattractive Senior Brother Lin who pursued Guan Juer.

On the surface, this character looks a little better than the white slag, but it can be regarded as signed, so Leng Junnan's face is still not very good.

"Okay, your roles are decided like this." B29 said again, "Now I want to tell you three points seriously, first, although I will not strictly restrict you from pursuing heroines whose roles do not correspond to yours, I hope Don't do this. Because it means you are competing with other actors! Originally, although there is competition between you in this book, you can also promote each other, help each other, and develop friendship, but if you steal other people's goals , that must be a feud!"

"Second, only when you actors are present, you can reveal your identities to each other and talk about things between actors, but you can't be suspected by people in the studio world, especially the heroines. If any of your identities cause the heroine If they are suspicious, or they have learned about the actor’s identity, I’m sorry, you will definitely have an extra bad rating! If it’s malicious exposure, I’m sorry, I will label you a negative performance!”

"Third, please earnestly complete each of your performance tasks and strive to get better evaluations, because our drama is also going to be screened, if you perform negatively or treat the performance as a joke, I'm sorry, I will definitely not treat you polite!"

The last sentence shocked all the actors.

You're welcome?
What kind of impolite method?
No one asked, but no one wanted to know, and no one wanted to try.

"If there is no problem, walk out of this office, and Assistant Li will take you directly to the set." B29 said, "You can go now, Bai Muyang, please stay here for a while."

Su Yi was startled for a moment before realizing that he was talking about himself.

The others looked at Su Yi strangely, not understanding what B29 wanted him to do.

After everyone went out, B29 looked at Su Yi and said with a smile: "One of my elders said that you are outstanding among the rookie actors this year, and he recommended you to me. I invite you here because I like your strength." , I also like your popularity after being shortlisted for the Rookie Award, if you are really like what my elders said, if you will become popular after the award ceremony, it will have a great effect on the promotion of my drama."

"I'm betting on you." B29 said, "I know that rookie actors like you are usually not assigned to send TV dramas, so I prepared a permanent prop for you as an extra reward."

Su Yi had some expectations, but also some surprises.

When he heard what 032 said before, he thought that the actors who came would get an extra prop as a signing fee.

Now I know that not all actors have it, only he has it!

The reason is also very simple, because Su Yi was shortlisted for the Rookie Award.

Once Su Yi wins the award, the broadcast of this drama will bring its own enthusiasm.

"This is a chance prop," B29 introduced, while taking out a rhombus-shaped metal card from his pocket and handing it to Su Yi.

"Its name is Ji Ren Zi Oi Tian Xiang. On every set, you have an opportunity to use it to satisfy a person who does not involve the extraordinary, will not cause social unrest, and will not affect other actors. determined to be reasonably practicable."

"I understand the first two." Su Yi asked, "But what does it mean that it does not affect other actors?"

"It means that you can't directly use this prop to help or kill a certain actor, or to facilitate or destroy a certain actor's performance task." B29 explained, "There were only a thousand sets of this prop in the original release, so although it does not It’s amazing, but it’s also rare.”

"If I want to use this prop to make myself the richest man in the country..." Su Yi tried to ask.

"That will definitely not come true." B29 said, "Your wish is neither reasonable nor feasible, but if the goal is narrowed, it's not impossible..."

"For example, you can activate this prop so that you have a foreign relative who will leave you a lot of inheritance. For example, you can let a very powerful person take a fancy to you and have the idea of ​​​​cultivating you..."

(End of this chapter)

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