Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 370 0391 National Mission

Chapter 370 0391 National Mission
While Su Yi was making his debut performance, the other four actors, except for one Tan Zongming, had all completed their debut performances one after another.

Wang Baichuan made the decision to sell his company in Jinghai City and go to Shanghai for development, and received a general appearance evaluation.

Brother Lin Yonghuai called to organize a classmate reunion ten days later, and asked about where Guan Juer worked.

Zhao Qiping, a doctor, broke up with his girlfriend whom he had been dating for seven years, but was embarrassed by the other party, so he had no choice but to ask the hospital for a few days off, and got a bad appearance evaluation.

The last is Tan Zongming.

He ran to the airport to pick up Andy who came back from abroad, and drove Andy to the Ode to Joy community in person.

He was personable, funny and considerate throughout the whole process, impeccable.

But to his surprise, he did not receive the settlement notice for his debut performance.

Then he received an invitation from several behind-the-scenes shareholders of the group to call an emergency shareholders meeting.

After rushing back to the group, he found that all the shareholders, big and small, had arrived.

A shareholder who is close to him quietly told him that a powerful person with a deep background has taken a fancy to his Shengxuan Group, entrusted him with a strong relationship, and purchased the shares held by other shareholders at a large premium, telling him to be careful , good for oneself.

Tan Zongming was taken aback!
What's the fuss about this?Not in the script?
He was surprised and doubtful, unwilling in every possible way, but things did not change according to his will.

After a collective vote, all shareholders of the company unanimously agreed to transfer their shares to an individual investor named Liu Ming!
The shareholding structure of Shengxuan Group suddenly changed dramatically. Originally, Tan Zongming was the largest shareholder with 37.8% of the shares.

But now, this investor named Liu Ming holds 53.6% of the shares of Shengxuan Group, becoming the absolute controlling shareholder of the group!
This means that the group company that Tan Zongming had the final say on originally now has an extra emperor on top of his head for no reason!

Originally, he could be the master of every decision of the group, but now, he has to report some major decisions to Liu Ming, the absolute controlling shareholder, for approval.

What's even more frightening is that now the major shareholders have the right to remove the directors, and Tan Zongming, the chairman, is at risk of being removed at any time!
What kind of bullshit is this?
Tan Zongming slapped the table on the spot and got angry. He said angrily that this was a rebellion and seized power, scolded everyone present for their shamelessness, and declared that he would "fight to the end."

However, the leader called him and secretly told Tan Zongming that this matter is irreversible, but what can be guaranteed is that Tan Zongming can be compensated in other ways and that his position as chairman will not be affected.

Tan Zongming is also an old actor, so he naturally doesn't believe in such empty guarantees. He is powerless to resist, but he requests that this guarantee be implemented in the agreement.

This condition was rejected without any surprise.

Next, Tan Zongming received several calls from people in the background that he usually tried his best to maintain and please, all talking about this matter, and implicitly expressing the hope that Tan Zongming would compromise.

Although his heart was burning with anger, Tan Zongming could only admit his indifference in the end.

This guy named Liu Ming was very aggressive and energetic. He signed the share transfer agreement with all the shareholders on the same day, and asked people from the industry and commerce to come to the scene to complete all the procedures on the spot.

Moreover, Liu Ming had no intention of communicating with Tan Zongming at all. After receiving the changed shareholding certificate, he left immediately without even saying hello to Tan Zongming.

As soon as Liu Ming left, Tan Zongming immediately began to investigate his identity, but found nothing.

Now he doubts that all of this was done by an actor, otherwise there would be no reason for such a nonsensical accident to happen.

"Don't let me find out who did it!"

Tan Zongming gritted his teeth, with a fierce look in his eyes, and suspects flashed in his mind.

In his opinion, the other four people are all suspects!
At this moment, his debut evaluation came—average+
Tan Zongming was very dissatisfied!
He felt that his good luck has been getting worse recently.

"Actor Su Yi:
Congratulations, your debut performance was rated as "Amazing"!
Up to now, you have accumulated 5 director points in this studio.

Please make persistent efforts and continue to offer wonderful performances!
"Ode to Joy" drama review group. "

"Actor Su Yi:
Hi.Here is the performance notice sent by the crew of "Ode to Joy". The first episode of the show is about to open. The notice is as follows—

[-]. Performance time: Tomorrow.

19. Venue: Building [-], Ode to Joy Community.

[-]. Performance role: current role, no change.

[-]. Performance task: Show the audience your personality and personality through two or three scenes, start to interact with any one of the five golden flowers, and intervene in the plot.

[-]. Purpose of the performance:
1. Let the audience know you;
2. Let at least three of the five golden flowers know your existence.

Special Note: Except for force majeure reasons, you are not allowed to be absent from this performance arrangement, otherwise it will be regarded as a breach of contract and the consequences will be at your own risk.This performance information will not be notified unless it is temporarily changed.

Director B29. "

The terminal connection received two messages, the first one made Su Yi very happy.

This proves that his previous series of operations were very well recognized by the director, and they were absolutely correct operations.

Now he is in a luxury hotel on the Bund——

Of course, the hotel was arranged by Liu. It is said that this is the most expensive hotel in Shanghai. Because he didn’t want Su Yi to go back to the 800 yuan a month cubicle like a kennel, so Liu simply gave it to Su Yi. I have become a lifetime member here, which means that Su Yi stays in the hotel for free all his life, and he doesn't need to spend extra money to enjoy various services.

Of course, except for the 180,000-night presidential suite, Su Yi is limited to one stay per month.

Su Yi didn't know what qualifications were needed to apply for this so-called lifetime membership, and he didn't live in the expensive presidential suite either.

It is said that the house is nearly [-] square meters, with two private sky gardens, and the bathroom and bathroom alone cost more than [-] square meters...

Just listening to Su Yi is deterring, even if it is free to live, he has no motivation to experience it, because this kind of luxury will make Su Yi feel guilty.

In fact, he really couldn't understand, what is the mentality of a person who spends 180,000 a night to live in a presidential suite like this?
Maybe some rich people have reached a certain level of wealth, and 180,000 is like 18 yuan, which is not worth mentioning?
This explanation is reasonable, but it is horrifying to think about it carefully.

For those low-level people who have struggled for a lifetime and can't even pay the down payment, those who can live in this kind of presidential suite with peace of mind, I'm afraid they should die...

Closer to home.

What Su Yi lived in was just an average room in this hotel, neither the best nor the worst.

Even so, this room is worth thousands of nights, worth Qiu Yingying's monthly salary.

Da Liu told Su Yi that such a luxurious life would be Su Yi's normal state in the future, so he shouldn't feel so amazing.

Su Yi felt that these words were full of contradictions, and full of the ridiculous high-profile in the bones of the upper class.

It's all normal, why is it still a luxury life?

Shouldn't it be an extremely rare enjoyment to be called a luxury?
Seeing Su Yi's disinterest in these things, Da Liu was a little surprised.

It was hard for him to imagine that a loser, who had been at the bottom of society for so many years, would behave so calmly, even with ease, in the face of such luxurious and exquisite enjoyment.

This is not at all common sense.

After eating supper, Da Liu hurried back.

He brought more than a dozen agreements or contracts, some of which required Su Yi to sign, and some of which required Su Yi to review and keep.

In short, these agreements and contracts mean that Bai Muyang has achieved financial freedom since then, and has a valuable net worth. He has also transformed himself into a member of the upper class and top class in Shanghai.

After Su Yi signed one by one, Da Liu hesitated again and again, but still couldn't help asking: "Mr. Xiaobai, I really can't figure out what you are doing now."

"Why do you want to hold Shengxuan Group in my name and hide yourself?"

"Why would you buy the company you're working for now and leave everything the same, even your own job?"

"Why do you ask Yao Bin to help you buy a house in a mid-range community even though you own a luxury car villa?"

"and also……"

Little question mark, do you have a lot of big liu?

It can be seen that Da Liu really has too many question marks.

But Su Yi didn't intend to explain his doubts.

He smiled and waved his hands, and said, "Mr. Liu, in fact, the reasons for many things can be summed up in three words."

"Which three words?" Da Liu asked.

"I, willing, willing." Su Yi said with a smile.

"..." Da Liu nodded silently, "It's really unexpected, how could a person like you have such a miserable past?"

This sentence seems to be a question, a question, or a sarcasm.

Not long after Liu left, Yao Bin came, holding a bunch of keys and a contract in his hand.

He smiled and held up the things in his hands, and said, "Brother Yang, guess what? You are out of luck! It just so happens that there is a newly renovated house for sale on the 21st floor of that building. The wedding room, but the bride cheated and became her husband's aunt, so the two of them blew it."

"Fuck." Su Yi said, "Is it such a mess?"

Yao Bin laughed and said: "It's absolutely true, I didn't lie to you! That man didn't want to sell it at first, but he wanted to find a wife to use it directly. I just talked about it and added some money, so I was convinced. he."

"I took a picture, look at the decoration style of this house, it's quite fashionable..." Yao Bin opened the photo album on his mobile phone, and showed it to Su Yi, "I think it's very suitable for the living style of our young people. Brother Yang, what is there? Unsatisfied? You can just tell me, if it’s not suitable, we’ll find someone to change it, smash it and reinstall it!”

Su Yi roughly flipped the page and said, "That's it."

"Okay, then I'll furnish it with furniture, household appliances and daily necessities." Yao Bin said, "In this regard, brother Yang, do you have any requirements?"

"You can figure it out." Su Yi said with a smile.

He really didn't ask for anything about it.

"Brother Yang, this is a house sales contract." Yao Bin handed the contract to Su Yi, "You have to go through it first, and if there are no problems, sign it. This house is yours! As for the real estate certificate, there are still other procedures left. , you don’t have to worry about it, I will help you get it done!”

"It's really troublesome for you." Su Yi signed without saying a word, "It's too late today, I'll treat you to a drink some other day."

"Come on, I should be the one to invite you, how can you invite me?" Yao Bin said with a smile, "Depending on your time, I'll be here anytime!"

In fact, until now, Yao Bin is still at a loss, feeling unreal.

He couldn't figure out what the virtue and ability of Bai Muyang in front of him was. His uncle solemnly told him repeatedly that he must take good care of him, and said that this was the task entrusted to him by the state, Yao Bin.

The task of the state...

Yao Bin's liver was trembling.

"There is still a car contract." Yao Bin handed over another contract and a car key.

"Brother Yang, this car is low-key, luxurious and has connotations. Your vision is really undeniable!" Yao Bin raised his thumb.

"It's just a means of transportation." Su Yi smiled.

It's 2015 in the studio world, and in the real world, the car is out tomorrow.Su Yi chose this car because it was really low-key, and because it was a novelty, after all, he was very curious about this car.

"It's a coincidence to say it." Yao Bin laughed, "I have a sister, I am a young girl who just came back from abroad and asked me to help her find a house. I also looked for this community, and she is in your building. Go to 2203, I just installed the house for her a few days ago, and she just came back today, and she probably will move tomorrow."

"Brother Yang, do you want to introduce me to you?"

"No more." Su Yi shook his head, guessing who he was talking about.

"Xiao Bin, I'm going to discuss this matter with you." Su Yi said suddenly, "I don't want anyone to know about my situation, especially the people around me who can get in touch with me. I hope you can help me. I will keep it a secret, and in addition, the relationship between us will also be kept a secret first, and I will find a suitable opportunity to get to know you again in the future."

Yao Bin didn't understand, so he was stunned for a long time before nodding his head.

"Brother Yang, I won't disturb your rest." Yao Bin said, "I'll leave first, I parked the car in the hotel parking lot, I'll get up early tomorrow morning to move you, and try to get it done before noon, so you can check in with your bags! Tomorrow is Saturday, you can rest for a while, I will call you when I finish my work there."

"I'll go there tomorrow too." Su Yi said with a smile, "You help me, I can't stay here and sleep late, it's too rude."

"Hey, you're too polite, shouldn't I?" Yao Bin hurriedly said, "You can talk about anything, don't be polite to me."

After Yao Bin left, Su Yi went through everything that happened today in his mind, and had some preliminary ideas about tomorrow's performance, so he took a comfortable bath, massaged, and then fell asleep .

Silent all night.

(End of this chapter)

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