Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 377 Messy Andy's First Appearance

Chapter 377 Messy Andy's First Appearance
After hanging up the phone, Yao Bin passed through the swaying men and women without saying a word, and turned off the audio equipment directly.

The sudden stop of the music made everyone feel at a loss.

"what's the situation?"

"Why is the music turned off?"

"Yao Bin, what are you doing?" Qu Xiaoxiao walked over with a wine bottle, and looked at him with dissatisfaction, "Hey, why did you turn off the stereo? Quickly turn it on again!"

"No, auntie, we have to leave, I'll explain to you later..." Yao Bin pulled Qu Xiaoxiao aside, and whispered in her ear.

Then he clapped his hands vigorously to attract everyone's attention, and said loudly: "Everyone! Everyone! This place is too small, I think the big guys can't use it well, and they can't enjoy themselves. I've already reserved a box in the bar. The champagne is ready, how about we kill two games and play with him all night without getting drunk?"

"Oh! Long live!"

"Don't get drunk, don't go home!"

"Yao Bin is amazing!"

People booed for a while, all looking very happy.

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled, but her eyes were full of displeasure.

She invited her friends to her new house to have a party. The house is a bit small, but there are enough drinks and the music is also very high. Why do you, Yao Bin, say that this place is not good, and you want to drag everyone to the bar?

Aren't you tearing down my desk?
Fortunately, she always knew that Yao Bin was not the kind of person who couldn't figure things out, so she endured her unhappiness and waited for Yao Bin's explanation.

Meanwhile, outside the door.

The three girls of 2202 who were waiting for Su Yi at the door heard the music of 2203 suddenly stop, and couldn't help but look at each other.

"What do you mean? Are they going to end?" Guan Juer asked.

"I seem to hear someone inside shouting to go to the bar?" Qiu Yingying was also uncertain.

"That is to say, they are going to leave by themselves?" Fan Shengmei said, "Or Yingying went to negotiate just now, and they listened to it, so they decided to withdraw?"

Just wondering, the elevator rang.

The two policemen came out of the elevator, and they were taken aback when they saw the three girls standing at the door.

"Did you call the police?" A policeman asked.

"Call the police? No?" Fan Shengmei asked blankly.

"It wasn't you?" The policeman frowned, "2203 disturbed the people, didn't you report to the police?"

"No, we don't." Fan Shengmei immediately denied it in a firm tone, she didn't want to get involved in this trouble.

"Yeah, did Supervisor Bai call the police for us?" Qiu Yingying said with her eyes brightened suddenly.

"Director Bai? What Supervisor Bai?" the policeman asked.

Fan Shengmei hastily pulled Qiu Yingying away, turned her head and gave her a wink, and then smiled apologetically, "Mr. Police, we don't know who called the police. The matter of calling the police has nothing to do with us. Hehe, did you make a mistake somewhere?" ? Is there a misunderstanding?"

Qiu Yingying turned her head and said to Fan Shengmei seriously: "Sister Fan, it is really possible that Director Bai called the police for us."

Fan Shengmei slapped his forehead tactically and fell back.

Guan Juer suddenly said: "I don't think it should be Director Bai. Yingying called Director Bai for no more than three minutes. Even if he hung up the phone and called the police immediately, how could the police uncle rush over so quickly?"

"Maybe they happen to be downstairs." Qiu Yingying said.

"Why are you still talking on your own?" the policeman said depressedly, "Forget it, I won't ask you."

Two policemen were about to knock on the door of 2203, when the door opened by itself, and a group of men and women came out talking and laughing.

"Hey? Why are the police here?"

"Xiao Xiao, your score is big enough, why is there a police uncle watching the door for you?"

"Police Uncle, you've worked hard!"

This group of people were laughing and joking, but Yao Bin and Qu Xiaoxiao's expressions changed and they hurried over.

"What's the matter, Uncle Policeman?" Yao Bin asked hastily.

"Someone complained that you are seriously disturbing the people. We came to take a look when we received the report." The policeman looked at him. "Are you going to leave or continue?"

"Let's go! We're going to go!" Yao Bin said with a smile, "It's not a nuisance to the people. We're just a group of friends gathering together. It might be a little noisy. We also realize that we might disturb the neighbors. Did you take the initiative to withdraw? I didn’t expect to startle you! Hey, what do you think this is for? Do you think we’re noisy neighbors who come over and talk about it? Is it necessary for you two to make a trip? Doesn't this cause you trouble?"

"That's right, who doesn't come to step-brother friends anymore? It's just a big fuss!" Qu Xiaoxiao said uncomfortably, "Uncle policeman, don't worry, we are all good modern young people who talk about five things and four beauties. Look, we won't take the initiative to stop Is it? And we promise, it will not be an example."

The police said: "For the sake of your first time, and even if you realize your mistake and take the initiative to stop disturbing the people, we will not punish you and give you a warning."

"thanks, thanks……"

"Uncle policeman is working hard, you are so kind!"

"Come and play when you have time, Uncle Policeman, I won't keep you guys today!"

A group of men and women laughed and sent the police away.

After the police left, someone complained, "No, who is this? Why did you call the police? Xiaoxiao, you neighbor is fine!"

"That's right, what time is it? Is this too much?"

Qu Xiaoxiao was already full of displeasure, but she couldn't hold back her face when her friends said that. She pushed away from the crowd and went straight to the third daughter of 2202 who was about to go back to the house, and asked directly, "Did you call the police?"

Fan Shengmei said: "Don't talk nonsense if there is no basis, we didn't call the police."

"Who else is it if it's not you?" Qu Xiaoxiao sneered, "Why? They are all neighbors, and they will have a long life in the future. Do you want to be so exaggerated?"

"No, why are you so fierce?" Qiu Yingying stood in front of the other two girls, "I just ran to your door and told you that it was not us who called the police! Besides, you have been arguing for so long, even if Calling the police should be done!"

Guan Ju'er poked his head out from behind Qiu Yingying: "We really didn't call the police."

"Not you?" Qu Xiaoxiao wondered, "Who could it be?"

"It's me!" The door of 2201 opened, and a woman in business attire who looked capable came out from inside.

This is the first time everyone saw Andy, and also saw her sharp and sassy character.Some sharp words and serious gestures made Qu Xiaoxiao, who was fearless and fearless, unable to speak a single word.

At the end, Andy also warned Qu Xiaoxiao that if there is another time, it will not be so simple.

After speaking, Andy simply went back to the house, leaving a group of people staring at each other in blank amazement.

"Damn..." Qu Xiaoxiao held back two words for a while.

"Let's go!" Yao Bin greeted everyone, "My buddy urgently needs a drink to calm himself down, this girl 666..."

A group of people got down the steps and withdrew in disgrace.

(End of this chapter)

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