Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 382 0407 Qu Xiaoxiao revisited Director Bai again, Qiu Yingying was furious and tore her 3

Chapter 382 0407 Qu Xiaoxiao visits Supervisor Bai again, Qiu Yingying is furious and tears up the mistress
This night, only Qu Xiaoxiao left while feeling happy, and came back disappointed.

Back in the 2203 house, Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't calm down, her mind was full of the mysterious Bai Muyang.

This person is so fascinated, Qu Xiaoxiao is almost dying of curiosity.

After thinking about it, he simply dug out a few more boxes of chocolates from the room and went out, knocking on the door of room 2202 next door.

The door was opened by Guan Juer, who was translating an English document in the living room.

"Hee hee!" Qu Xiaoxiao first put on an innocent smile that fascinated everyone, and then asked in a cute voice: "Guan Guan, right? Can I call you that? I heard Qiu Yingying call you that Did you bother you?"

Guan Juer was a little at a loss, she was not used to Qu Xiaoxiao's familiarity, and because of what happened last night she was dissatisfied with Qu Xiaoxiao, she didn't want to talk to Qu Xiaoxiao,
But she has always been polite and well-bred, and she didn't even hit the smiling face when she stretched out her hand, so she immediately said politely: "No, no, I don't bother you, Xiao Qu, do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

Guan Juer was actually just being polite, the underlying meaning of this sentence was "you have something to say quickly", but Qu Xiaoxiao hit the snake with a stick, and said with a smile: "Okay, then I will not be polite."

The whole Guan Juer was speechless.

Eldest sister, it's almost ten o'clock, you smell like alcohol, what kind of tricks are you running to the neighbor's house?
In fact, she was still a little worried that Qu Xiaoxiao was going crazy with alcohol.

But when the words came to this point, Guan Juer couldn't say "no", so he had to open the way to invite someone in, and poured a glass of honey water for Qu Xiaoxiao to let her hangover.

Qu Xiaoxiao, who originally came here with another purpose, was really moved by Guan Juer at this moment.

"Guan Guan, you are so considerate, thank you!" She held the warm water and said sincerely.

Before Guan Juer could reply, Qiu Yingying came out of the bedroom in her pajamas, looked at Qu Xiaoxiao curiously, then at Guan Juer, and asked, "What's the situation?"

"Xiao Qu came to visit our house." Guan Juer explained, "Yingying, why did you run out in your pajamas?"

Qiu Yingying scratched her head, and said to Qu Xiaoxiao embarrassedly: "I didn't know you were coming, I was listening to music inside, and ran out when I heard someone talking outside, I, I'll go back and change my clothes..."

"Oh, don't worry about it!" Qu Xiaoxiao smiled and pulled Qiu Yingying to the sofa to sit down, "Don't be too fussy with me, we are all women, what are you afraid of wearing pajamas? You are what I don't wear them, and I don't mind."

"You don't mind, I still do," Qiu Yingying said.

Qu Xiaoxiao put the chocolate on the tea table with a smile and said: "I sent you this as an apology for what happened last night. I quarreled with you last night, and later blamed you wrongly. When I think about it, I feel uneasy. I don't want to apologize to you face to face. , I’m really sorry.”

Qu Xiaoxiao came as soon as she opened her mouth, but Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying didn't know that she was lying. They thought that she was so sincere. The talented and approachable Bai Fumei.

The two were a little embarrassed because they had a fight, as if they owed Qu Xiaoxiao.

Qu Xiaoxiao is so smart, the thoughts of the two little girls are basically written on her face, she can see through it at a glance, she can't help but feel funny and proud in her heart, this feeling of controlling other people's emotions and guiding their attitudes makes her very happy It's cool.

Within a few minutes, the two little girls regarded Qu Xiaoxiao as a good girlfriend.

Seeing that the time is right, Qu Xiaoxiao began to reveal her true colors.

"Actually, Qiu Yingying, you are quite beautiful, especially in pajamas, you are quite sexy." Qu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "You have such a good foundation, if you dress up well, you will definitely be a beautiful woman."

"Me? Beautiful?" Qiu Yingying was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth, but kept waving her hands modestly, "I'm far behind, compared to you, Sister Fan and Guanguan, I'm far behind, I stand with you Very humble."

"Tch, why are you pretending." Qu Xiaoxiao pretended to be disdainful, "Are you showing off? None of the three of us have boyfriends, but you have one. Your boyfriend is still so good. Now you say you are not as good as us, you Are you sorry?"

"Ah? No, no, Director Bai is not my boyfriend..." Qiu Yingying was embarrassed, "Don't talk nonsense, Xiaoqu."

"The way I saw him looking at you that day was very gentle. I think the two of you are concubines, so you might as well hook up and become an adulterer, so you can burn firewood as soon as possible." Qu Xiaoxiao said.

"Oh, you--what are you talking about!" Qiu Yingying blushed with embarrassment, and even Guan Juer pursed her lips and laughed in embarrassment.

Qu Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "But let's talk, let's talk, how much do you know about your boyfriend? He just moved here, have you been to his house?"

Qiu Yingying shook her head: "No, I haven't been there."

"Did he not invite you?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked in surprise.

"No, it should be inconvenient." Qiu Yingying said, "He is also renting with someone else, and the person sharing the rent with him must be a boy. It must be inconvenient for me to go with a girl."

"You have never been there, how do you know that he is renting with someone?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked back.

"Do you need to ask?" Qiu Yingying looked at her strangely, "The rent of the house here is at least 10,000 to [-] yuan a month, plus the property's water and electricity, and the monthly minimum is [-] yuan. Director Bai is crazy to rent a house by himself." , must be sharing the rent with others and sharing the rent together."

"Then you never thought maybe he bought the house?" Qu Xiaoxiao said, "Do you know he has a car?"

"I know." Qiu Yingying nodded, "Sister Fan said that the car seems to be called—Passat? It's not a good car, it might be rented by Director Bai. Also, you just said to buy a house? How is that possible? Missy doesn't know the hardships of the people, how high is the house price in Shanghai? Although Director Bai is excellent, he must not be able to afford a house for the time being."

"Passat? Then Sister Fan told you that Bai is driving a Passat?" Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing, "No, can this Sister Fan do it? Doesn't it hurt people to pretend to understand?"

"What do you mean? Sister Fan said something wrong?" Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying were at a loss.

"Wrong? It's a big mistake!" Qu Xiaoxiao looked at Qiu Yingying with some disappointment, "Oh, it seems that you don't know anything about the surname Bai, just like a little fool, you don't know anything."

"You're such a fool!" Qiu Yingying pouted, "We go to work together every day, I don't understand, do you understand?"

"Hehe, maybe I really know more than you." Qu Xiaoxiao said with her mouth curled.

Qiu Yingying's performance made her sure that this silly girl didn't know anything, and trying to inquire about Bai Muyang's situation from her would be a waste of time.

She was quite bored, and she was about to quit, and she was already planning to find an excuse to leave.

She still felt that if she wanted to understand Bai Muyang, she had to do it herself, or she had to find Yao Bin.

Yao Bin...

Thinking of Yao Bin, Qu Xiaoxiao suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of one thing.

Last night Yao Bin received a call when he was in high spirits, and suddenly called off the party, and then Qu Xiaoxiao asked him no matter what he didn't say the reason.

Thinking about it now, that call was 100% made by Bai Muyang!

If there are other reasons, there is no need for Yao Bin not to mention it, only Bai Muyang made him keep it secret.

Thinking back to last night when the show was over, the three girls were standing at the door, as if they were waiting for someone...

"We had too much fun last night and disturbed you, Qiu Yingying, did you call Director Bai for help?" Qu Xiaoxiao asked suddenly.

Qiu Yingying was stunned: "How do you know?"

It really is!
Everything is right!
Case solved!
Qu Xiaoxiao felt a sudden realization.

But there was another point that she couldn't figure out.

"Qiu Yingying, are you sure that Bai Muyang is really the financial director of your company?" She asked, "Are you sure you didn't mistake someone?"

This person has such status and background, but he just happens to be a small middle-level leader in a small third-rate company.

No, what are you drawing?

Isn't this too contradictory?

"How do you know Director Bai's name?" Qiu Yingying stood up abruptly, looking at her with vigilance, "You, you have been asking about Director Bai since the last time we met, and I never told you I mentioned his name, but you know, Qu Xiaoxiao, what are your intentions?"

"Okay, I'm out of clothes, there's nothing to play." Qu Xiaoxiao shrugged indifferently, and stood up, "It's getting late, you guys should go to bed earlier, I'll leave first."

"You, you are not allowed to leave!" Qiu Yingying was in a hurry, and hurried to the door to stop Qu Xiaoxiao, "You have to tell me, what is your relationship with Director Bai?"

"Hey? I'm just wondering, why should I have to tell you?" Qu Xiaoxiao was unhappy, feeling that the girl was a little confused, "What is your relationship with Bai? You are not his girlfriend, you Can you handle it?"

"I, I..." Qiu Yingying was dumbfounded, "I" was speechless for a long time.

Qu Xiaoxiao looked at her mockingly, pushed her aside, opened the door and walked out.

After walking halfway, I came back again, and said to Qiu Yingying: "By the way, I will give you a piece of advice for you silly girl. You are not suitable for the surname Bai, so don't make any plans for him as soon as possible. You don't even know who he is or what his background is. Go on." What are you rushing for? The surname Bai will definitely look down on you, so give up as soon as possible!"

Qiu Yingying was like a thunderbolt, and when she realized it, she was furious. She rushed up and grabbed Qu Xiaoxiao and shouted: "What did you say! Say it again! Why am I not suitable? Why don't I make up my mind? Don't think I don't I know, you just want to trick me into leaving Supervisor Bai, and then you will occupy the magpie's nest!"

"Cut, let the dove occupy the magpie's nest, don't use idioms indiscriminately! You haven't built a nest and laid eggs with people yet." Qu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "Let go, or I'll lie on the ground and blackmail you."

Qiu Yingying was furious: "I'll use it indiscriminately, I'll use it indiscriminately! I'm willing, can you control me? Qu, I thought you were a good person at first, but I didn't expect that you approached us to ask me about Director Bai! You really It's too bad!"

Guan Ju'er didn't react until then, and hurried forward to pull Qiu Yingying to separate the two.

But Qiu Yingying completely lost her composure at this time, she grabbed Qu Xiaoxiao's collar and roared, Qu Xiaoxiao was a little scared at the moment, thinking that Qiu Yingying might scratch her face in the next second.

Just then, the elevator doors opened.

Fan Shengmei stepped out of the elevator with a smile on her lips, and was stunned when she saw this scene.

"What are you doing? Why are you fighting?" she said in surprise.

"Sister Fan, come quickly, I can't hold Yingying back!" Guan Juer was sweating profusely when he saw Fan Shengmei, as if he had grasped at straws, and immediately asked for help, "She is fighting with Xiaoqu!"

At this moment, Qiu Yingying tightly grabbed Qu Xiaoxiao's sleeve and did not let go, she yelled angrily: "You are so bullying! You are a man who ran to the front of the main palace to inquire about others, you are so bad! Yes, if you don’t make it clear today, don’t even think about leaving!”

Qu Xiaoxiao was really scared, she didn't expect Qiu Yingying, who was out of control, to be so scary, she had no reason at all.

She tried her best to protect her face and shouted in horror, "Help! Help!"

Fan Shengmei finally couldn't stand it anymore and rushed over, grabbed Qiu Yingying, and pulled Qiu Yingying away like a chicken.

Qiu Yingying wanted to pounce on her with all her teeth and claws, but Fan Shengmei sternly shouted: "If you make trouble again, I will call the police!"

Qiu Yingying suddenly froze and froze in place.

Qu Xiaoxiao took the opportunity to run back to the door of her room, opened the door tremblingly and ran in, and closed the door with a bang.

The world is quiet.

"Go home!" Fan Shengmei said angrily.

The three of them were about to return to the house when the door of 2203 opened again.

Qu Xiaoxiao poked her head out from behind the door, and said fiercely: "Qiu Yingying, today's matter is not over! My aunt has never been bullied like this since she was a child, just wait for me!"

"Wait and wait! I'm not afraid of you!" Qiu Yingying, who had just barely died down, was stimulated again.

"Okay! Don't say a few words!" Fan Shengmei shouted again.

She looked at Qu Xiaoxiao with dissatisfaction, and said, "Qu Xiaoxiao, is that too much? You can do whatever you want and bully people just because you are rich and powerful?"

"No, do you know what's going on and you're just showing off?" Qu Xiaoxiao laughed angrily, "Sister, I'm the one being bullied, okay?"

"Joke!" Fan Shengmei sneered, "I've lived with Little Earthworm for more than a year, and it's the first time I saw her being so popular that she bullied you? Why do you have the nerve to turn the truth around? Don't think I don't know what you Qu Xiaoxiao are. Man, I have seen through your tricks a long time ago!"

"What do you mean? Make it clear!" Qu Xiaoxiao was also angry.

"What do you mean?" Fan Shengmei sneered, "Don't tell me that you didn't arrange for the guy at the end to harass me. I saw him talking and laughing with you with my own eyes. He clearly saw that I had a male companion, and he even came here Harass me, show off how rich you are, as if I, Fan Shengmei, are rich."

Qu Xiaoxiao's complexion changed, but she said, "I don't understand what you are saying! What does it have to do with me that you are being harassed by men?"

"It's okay if you don't understand, but don't go too far!" Fan Shengmei said, "You have only moved here for a day, and we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the present. What are you planning to deal with us with such ulterior motives?"

"I'll deal with you?" Qu Xiaoxiao sneered, "Stop being sentimental, I'm so busy with so many things every day, I have time to take care of you? And! Are you suffering from persecution paranoia? I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, bye!"

She pulled her head back and closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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