Chapter 391

Guan Ju'er is suffering.

She was lifted above her head by Su Yi's buttocks, and she farted loudly.

It felt like being fucked by Su Yi.

When she was a child, she didn't even remember being urinated by her parents, but now she is being farted by her roommate's future boyfriend...

Direct social death!

She still has the courage to live now, and she already feels brave!

"I have to work overtime, I really won't go!" Guan Juer refused to let go.

Fan Shengmei, who came out again in a light yellow dress, listened to this remark.

"The class can be added at any time, but tonight's dinner is not always available." She interjected, smiling and sitting opposite the two little girls, "Guan Guan, today's matter, say yes Mr. Bai has saved our lives, isn't it an exaggeration?"

Guan Juer blushed and shook his head.

The grace of saving my life, I fell apart with my ass...

"So," Fan Shengmei shrugged, "I don't know why you don't want to go, but Guan Guan, if you don't go today, it will make others think that you don't take Mr. Bai seriously at all, and you don't take Mr. Bai seriously at all. The sir's life-saving grace is taken seriously."

"I'm not! Why would I think so? I'm not this kind of person either!" Guan Juer explained anxiously.

"I know, I understand you, I believe in you, but what about others?" Fan Shengmei spread her hands, "Guan Guan, we live in a society composed of so many people, and it is difficult for rich and powerful people to be independent. Yes, but for us, it is destined to be deviant. You have to care about other people's ideas and opinions in order not to be hostile by the whole society."

"I..." Guan Juer opened his mouth in a daze.

Am I being hated by the whole society?
Just because of a fart?

"Can't I go?" She said aggrievedly with a bitter face.

In fact, she knows very well that if she can hide from the first day of junior high school, she can't hide from the fifteenth day of the junior high school.Bai Muyang is the person Qiu Yingying likes, who lives downstairs, and now has saved the lives of all the girls on the 22nd floor. There will be many opportunities to deal with her in the future, so she can't hide forever, right?
"What about you, you don't want to go either? The pout is so high that you can hang oil bottles on it." Fan Shengmei said to Qiu Yingying who was beside her in a helpless tone.

"Of course I'm going, I'm definitely going!" Qiu Yingying said with a bitter face, "But Sister Fan, do you think that Qu Xiaoxiao also likes Brother Yang?"

Fan Shengmei was startled, recalled it for a while, and said in surprise: "It seems to be true. Now that I think about it, in the hospital, she kept sticking to Mr. Bai's side, and she also looked at Mr. Bai with hooks."

"That's right! I knew I felt right!" Qiu Yingying yelled excitedly, "Why is Qu Xiaoxiao so shameless? It's my brother Yang who I like first, she knows it, and she still wants to grab me!"

"This Qu Xiaoxiao is really a person who can do such a thing!" Fan Shengmei snorted coldly, "She is a harmful fairy!"

"But she is beautiful, has temperament, and has money!" Qiu Yingying cried and said, "Sister Fan, if she really fights with me, what should I do!"

"Yeah, what do you do?" Fan Shengmei was stunned for a long time, "Yingying, it's not that my sister doesn't like you, a goblin like Qu Xiaoxiao knows best what men like and what they want. Compared with her, you are simply a Snotty-nosed kid in crotch pants!"

"So, if Qu Xiaoxiao really likes Brother Yang, then I have no hope at all?" Qiu Yingying was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"How could it be?" Fan Shengmei subconsciously wanted to comfort and encourage her, but she was suddenly discouraged and said, "Well, I can't let you be blindly optimistic, little earthworm, if Qu Xiaoxiao really takes the initiative to chase after Mr. Bai, your hope is true." Very slim, infinitely close to zero."

"But Brother Yang met me first! I also liked him first!" Qiu Yingying's eyes were filled with tears.

"Silly girl, who cares about you?" Fan Shengmei sighed and rubbed her head, "What is Qu Xiaoxiao's identity? The second generation of rich! She is not ugly, and the most important thing is that she knows better than you How to please men, Yingying, the only thing you are better than her is kindness. But now you are looking for a partner, who cares if you are kind or not?"

"Then what should I do? What should I do!" Qiu Yingying really cried.

"Yingying, don't cry, don't you still have us?" Guan Juer hurriedly hugged Qiu Yingying, "Don't worry, we will help you, Sister Fan, right? We can definitely help Yingying find a way to make Mr. Bai Pay attention to Yingying's strengths!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Fan Shengmei hurriedly said, "Little earthworm, Mr. Bai must have seen a lot of girls like Qu Xiaoxiao, but he must have seen a lot of girls like you, uh, original ecology. Remember me yesterday Did I analyze it for you at night? Domineering CEO and Mary Sue? Maybe Mr. Bai likes yours!"

Qiu Yingying stopped sobbing and her eyes lit up.

"Yeah Yingying, didn't Sister Fan give you a good analysis last night? You are scaring yourself today." Guan Juer said, "Even if Qu Xiaoxiao really likes Mr. Bai, but Yingying, don't Forgot, Mr. Bai moved here because of you?"

"Yes, yes, she moved here because of me..." Qiu Yingying said repeatedly, her complexion improved a lot.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Fan Shengmei's eyes. In fact, in her opinion now, if Qu Xiaoxiao really pursues Bai Muyang, then Qiu Yingying's hope is really slim.

Because no matter from which point of view, Qiu Yingying is not as good as Qu Xiaoxiao.

There is no reason for Bai Muyang not to choose the good one, but to choose the second one instead?
So now she has no hope for Qiu Yingying at all.As for the analysis last night, it was just speculation, not to mention it was not true, even if it was true, Qu Xiaoxiao's appearance would very likely cause Bai Muyang to change his target.

Just as she was about to say a few more words, her cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was Wang Baichuan calling.

"I'll go in and answer the phone," she cheered up, and hurried to her bedroom, "Guan Guan, talk to this silly girl again!"

"Okay, Sister Fan." Guan Juer replied.

Qiu Yingying tilted her head and thought for a while, then she said to Guan Juer in a daze: "Guan Guan, Sister Fan just said that I am an original girl, what does that mean? Why doesn't that sound good to me?"


"Shengmei, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I passed by the Bund today and found a very good French restaurant here," Wang Baichuan said in a gentle voice on the other end of the phone, "I don't know if you have time in the afternoon, I want to make an appointment Would you like to have dinner together? Well, actually, I also have a small favor for you, and I want to talk to you during the meal. "

Wang Baichuan's invitation method is actually very rogue.

He invited people to dinner and said he would ask for help.Are you refusing to eat with me, but have the nerve to refuse to do me a favour?

These words are all tricks.

If it is normal, there is no need for his routine. Fan Shengmei was elated when she heard that it was a French restaurant on the Bund.

But today...

"I'm sorry, Bai Chuan, I already have an appointment today." Fan Shengmei said with a slightly regretful tone, "I have a dinner tonight that I can't push back, so I can't have dinner with you, next time."

"Is that so..." Wang Baichuan on the other end of the phone was a little silent, "Is it... entertainment at work?"

"No." Fan Shengmei smiled, and said in a calm tone, "It's a private gathering of friends, but Tan Zongming is coming, if I don't go, it's inappropriate."

After a pause, she said apologetically, "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you just came to Shanghai, so you probably don't know who Tan Zongming is?"

"Hello? Bai Chuan?"

"Oh, I'm here!" Wang Baichuan seemed to have just recovered from the shock, "Shengmei, the person you mentioned just now is Tan Zongming, the boss of Shengxuan Group?"

"Yes, you know him?" Fan Shengmei said reservedly, "So you should understand me? I really can't push this game..."

Wang Baichuan sighed melancholy: "Okay, Shengmei, maybe, I will give you a surprise tonight."

Fan Shengmei felt a little strange hearing this sentence, but she thought that what Wang Baichuan wanted to express was "There would have been a surprise, but now we can't meet each other, so the surprise is gone."

"I'm sorry, Bai Chuan." Fan Shengmei said, "How about tomorrow? Can I spare time tomorrow?"

In fact, she had a good impression of Wang Baichuan, and she couldn't bear to release this high-quality fry.

Moreover, although Fan Shengmei wanted to make money with her son-in-law, she also had self-knowledge, and knew that the chances of her catching someone like Tan Zongming were very, very small.

"You said it, Shengmei!" Wang Baichuan's voice didn't seem to be affected much, "Then I've made a reservation for your dinner tomorrow, so don't go back on your word!"

"Don't worry, I don't regret it." Fan Shengmei smiled happily.

She enjoys the feeling of being pursued by men.

What she didn't know was that Wang Baichuan didn't just want to ask her out for dinner tomorrow.

As soon as the two hung up the phone, Wang Baichuan over there couldn't wait to call Tan Zongming.

Like Su Yi, Wang Baichuan also had his mobile phone number because of Tan Zongming's establishment of the group.

Tan Zongming didn't answer the first call, but Wang Baichuan continued to call persistently.

Pick up quickly this time over there.

"Hello?" The tone was a little lazy.

"It's me, President Tan, Xiao Wang, and Wang Baichuan."

"I know it's you, what's the matter?" Tan Zongming said impatiently.

Wang Baichuan was a little embarrassed, but he also knew that he had licked too much last time and made Tan Zongming disgusted.

"President Tan, it's business. I'm here to ask you for help. This time, you can help me no matter what. If you have any orders in the future, I will definitely not refuse!" Wang Baichuan first promised.

"What's the matter? Borrowing money?" Tan Zongming asked.

Wang Baichuan rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, and no!"

"Speak human!" Tan Zongming said.

"Okay, okay, let me just say it straight." Wang Baichuan said with a smile, "I heard that President Tan, you have a dinner tonight?"

"Hey!" Tan Zongming was taken aback, "The news is well-informed, what did you hear from your guy?"

"Yes, yes, she told me very Versailles that she wanted to have dinner with you, so she ruthlessly rejected my invitation." Wang Baichuan said in a pitiful tone, "Mr. Tan, can you bring my younger brother to the dinner tonight?" One? I have already thought of an excuse, just say that you want to invest in my company in your own name, you see..."

"No, why do you think it's so beautiful?" Tan Zongming was amused, "Good guy, you've killed two birds with one stone, you've solved the money problem and the date with Fan Shengmei, you're such a clever little guy Ghost you."

More than just killing two birds with one stone, it is actually killing three birds with one stone!
If Wang Baichuan's company really gets Tan Zongming's private investment, it means that he has a relationship with this devil's financial tycoon. For Fan Shengmei, this will definitely become the most attractive factor for Wang Baichuan!

"Mr. Tan, I know I'm just taking advantage of you, so I beg you to give me a hand." Wang Baichuan said sincerely, "I won't say much else. On this set, brother, I'm the only one who follows you! In the future, you will let me I will do whatever I do, I have no other words!"

"Why should I trust you?" Tan Zongming said.

Wang Baichuan's heart was shocked immediately, knowing Tan Zongming's question, he was tempted.

"Mr. Tan, you don't have to believe me, just believe in your own strength." Wang Baichuan said, "I am just a little ant in your eyes. If you can praise me today, you can smash me to death tomorrow! Why fight with you? What qualifications do I have to fight with you? Mr. Tan, you are a big crocodile. You are a big shot who can't afford to offend anyone. You have to have confidence in yourself! In your eyes, my little Wang Baichuan is nothing Shit!"

"Don't beautify yourself!" Tan Zongming said, "I'll call you back later, I have something to deal with now."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Tan, you are busy." Wang Baichuan said hastily.

On the other end of the phone, Tan Zongming hung up the phone, pondered for a moment, and immediately called Su Yi.

"Brother Bai, is it convenient? I have something to tell you." Tan Zongming said.

If Wang Baichuan heard Tan Zongming speak to another actor in such a polite tone, he would not believe his ears.

It's like being a goddess that you can't ask for, but making love to others every day.

"Let's talk." Su Yi said on the other end of the phone.

"That's right, Wang Baichuan just called me..." Tan Zongming cut straight to the point.

He roughly explained the matter, except for Wang Baichuan's sworn promise to him, there was basically nothing to hide.

At the end, he said: "That's what I think. Among the five actors, the naughty guy surnamed Lin put himself in it. I can't stand that guy Zhao Qiping, and I won't deal with you. These two guys are definitely determined now. We are not in the same league anymore. The current situation is two to two, which side Wang Baichuan falls to is actually quite critical."

"The lesson I learned from the last studio is never to underestimate any actor," Tan Zongming continued, "so I think it's a good idea to win over one actor. If we win over Wang Baichuan, we'll be three to two, even more dominant. Anyway, we I don’t want to chase after Fan Shengmei either, taking him with me can be regarded as the beauty of an adult, there is no loss for us, only benefits.”

"As for his company, as long as we both invested some money, we took a share and helped him. What do you think?"

Su Yi listened patiently to Tan Zongming's words, and said with a smile: "I have no opinion, if you think it's okay, just do it this way."

Tan Zongming was very happy because he felt that Su Yi was really reasonable: "Okay, Brother Bai, then I'll tell him? Let him come later?"


After hanging up the phone, Su Yi narrowed his eyes.

They are all actors, are they really willing to be inferior to others?
(End of this chapter)

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