Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 394 A Sincere Confession

Chapter 394 A Sincere Confession

Some people say that the key to a meal is not the "meal", but the word "bureau".

So it is very important for everyone to be in the same game. If many people who were not in the same game force themselves into a game, at least the game will not go smoothly.

The food and drink were in full swing, and Wang Baichuan finally "understood" the reason why Su Yi was so popular and valued from the chats of everyone.

It turned out that the elevator accident was much more serious than the original plot!It turned out that this bitch Bai Muyang took the opportunity to play a hero to save the beauty, and made Wumei's favorability level to the level of enthusiasm!

Wang Baichuan was a little sour, he felt that he understood the reason why Tan Zongming "valued" Bai Muyang.

This person's first move advantage is so great that even if he gets Tan Zongming's unsolvable "day suspension card", he has to rely on him.

But being fat first is not considered fat, and then being fat overwhelms Kang...

Wang Baichuan thought with mixed feelings, when everyone has confirmed their relationship with their goals, what else do you, Bai Muyang, have at that time?
Wang Baichuan was jealous in his heart, but on the surface he was laughing and joking. He held a glass of wine for a "circle". Starting from Tan Zongming and ending with Su Yi, everyone toasted a glass of wine and said something to bring them closer.

I have to say that this person is very familiar with this kind of thing, and it is true that people can't find any faults.

Even to Su Yi, Wang Bochuan said frankly that he was a booing character, and told Su Yi not to take it to heart.

He generously apologized and confessed his own shortcomings. After this operation, everyone's impression of Wang Baichuan rose rapidly.Even Tan Zongming said a few heartfelt words to Wang Baichuan after he flattered him.

Only Su Yi watched with cold eyes, he smelled the smell of "Master Tactician" from Wang Baichuan.

"Yes, Comrade Xiao Wang." Qu Xiaoxiao smiled.

Apart from Su Yi, she was the only one who could tell whether Wang Baichuan was a human or a ghost.

In other words, this little fairy is not afraid to speculate on others with the worst malice. For example, she thought that Andy was a mistress, and that Fan Shengmei was a prostitute.

But in fact, the former is not a mistress at all, and although the latter loves money, he can't reach the level of getting girls. At best, he has a bad outlook and wants sugar daddy.

And it is because of her traits that she sees ghosts in everyone, so she is the first to discover Su Yi's special identity, not others.

"You are really as fierce as a tiger..." Qu Xiaoxiao sneered in his eyes, "Unfortunately, the elements of acting are too obvious. In the eyes of discerning people, you just now looked like a hard-working actor, heck..."

She chuckled lightly, ignoring Wang Baichuan's slightly stiff smile.

Fan Shengmei's complexion immediately changed, and she said coldly: "Qu Xiaoxiao, you have a dark mind, do you think that everyone is as bad as you with sores on the top of the head and pus on the bottom of the feet? I can't see what Bai Chuan is doing. , tonight, I only saw some people making troubles all the time! Everyone come out to have a happy meal, do you have to disrupt the situation and ruin everyone's mood before you are willing?"

"Oh, Miss Fan, what a big hat!" Qu Xiaoxiao wasn't afraid of this at all, and said in a strange way, "But, you should keep this tall hat for yourself! To be honest, it would be a mess. ? Haha, could it be that today's dinner can only tell lies?"


"Okay Shengmei!" Wang Baichuan stopped Fan Shengmei from yelling.

He raised his glass with a smile and stood up, "I'm a person. Maybe it's because I've been in business for a long time, and I've unknowingly tainted a lot of bad habits in the wine market. Ms. Qu thinks I'm fake, maybe it's because of this. I have to admit this mistake, and I will punish myself with a drink! Haha, but I have to say, my heart is absolutely sincere, I came here today with the heart of making friends, there is absolutely no hypocrisy, everything is in the wine !"

Say it all, let it go.

"Okay!" Fan Shengmei was the first to applaud, and Qiu Yingying and Guan Juer hurriedly followed up with dignity.

Qu Xiaoxiao said with a half smile but not a smile: "Yes, then I'm a villain in vain."

"Miss Qu is too serious." Wang Baichuan was about to say a few more words, but Qu Xiaoxiao didn't want to listen to his nonsense at all, so she picked up her wine glass and walked to Su Yi's side with a giggle.

"Brother Bai, I would like to present you with a glass of wine. I wonder if I can save face?" Qu Xiaoxiao looked pitiful.

After finishing speaking, she looked at Qiu Yingying: "Don't worry, you won't let Brother Yang drink, he will drink water, and I will drink, won't you not allow all of this?"

Qiu Yingying was a little embarrassed, and said: "Who, who said no? I didn't say anything!"

Qu Xiaoxiao giggled and didn't answer, just looked at Su Yi with seductive eyes: "Brother Bai, you won't have the heart to reject me, will you?"

Su Yi picked up the water glass with a smile, touched her lightly, and said, "How come? Xiaoqu's straightforward temper is even worse than mine. I am very willing to become good friends with you."

"Really, oh, I'm so happy!" Qu Xiaoxiao said excitedly, "Brother Bai, I didn't expect you to understand me so well, I'm so touched! No, I'll do whatever I want with this cup!"

"Why don't you have a drink!" Wang Baichuan suddenly laughed and coaxed, "It's rare that Miss Qu is so interested. Brother Bai, you think you won't refuse the beauty's kindness?"

Why are you everywhere?
Su Yi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wang Baichuan.

Tonight, anyone with long eyes can see that Qiu Yingying doesn't like Qu Xiaoxiao getting too close to Su Yi, and she quarreled with Qu Xiaoxiao at the beginning.

Can this Wang Baichuan not see?Still can't think of it?
With his exquisite appearance just now, I'm afraid his heart is clear!

So his proposal to have a cup of wine is definitely suspected of provoking trouble.

Is it revenge for Qu Xiaoxiao's taunting of him just now, or is it deliberately causing trouble for Su Yi?

As soon as Wang Baichuan picked it, Qiu Yingying's complexion immediately turned ugly.

This girl has no intentions at all, and all emotions are written on her face.

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't have the slightest intention to refuse, she simply followed the pole and said, "If you hand over the cup, you will pay the cup, but I don't know if Big Brother Bai will give you face?"

Qiu Yingying was pinned down by Guan Juer's leg under the table. At this moment, she looked at Qu Xiaoxiao nervously, and her nervousness couldn't be increased.

What she is most afraid of is Qu Xiaoxiao, because she is so inferior to Qu Xiaoxiao and feels that she is worthless.She always felt that as long as Su Yi had the slightest liking for Qu Xiaoxiao, she would have no chance at all.

The scene was a little cold and a little embarrassing.

Everyone knows that Su Yi is in a dilemma at this time, but it is inappropriate for anyone to jump out to make a rescue at this time——

What are you jumping out to solve?You don't want the two of you to have a cup of wine?Why?
So everyone kept quiet and waited for Su Yi to react.

Su Yi pondered for a while, then suddenly smiled, and said, "There is a small vinegar jar sitting next to you, so you can skip the cup?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was stunned, and then they were dumbfounded!
What does Su Yi mean?
These words are equivalent to clarifying Qiu Yingying's mind, and also clarifying his own mind!
The three men are alright, although the five golden flowers all know that Qiu Yingying likes Su Yi, they are actually not optimistic about whether Su Yi likes Qiu Yingying or not!
Especially Qu Xiaoxiao's proactive attitude made everyone more pessimistic about Qiu Yingying's unrequited love, thinking that she would inevitably swallow the bitter fruit of broken love in the end.

The most important thing is that the two are not compatible at all!

"Okay!" Tan Zongming was the first to react.

He applauded loudly and applauded loudly, and the others just woke up from a dream and applauded him one after another.

Amidst the applause, Su Yi clinked glasses with Qu Xiaoxiao, who was also dumbfounded, and said with a smile: "Xiao Qu, I'm glad you can consider me a friend. Actually, I don't have many friends. I hope our friendship will last forever. Cheers .”

"Cheers." Qu Xiaoxiao clinked glasses in a daze, and drank them all.

This glass of wine was so spicy and bitter that it was extremely difficult to swallow.

She couldn't believe that her first relationship after returning to China ended abruptly before it even started.

She lost, lost badly, to a yellow-haired girl who was nothing!
Perhaps this is what makes her most unacceptable.

At this moment, Qiu Yingying's face turned red like a monkey's ass.

She breathed heavily like a fish out of water, lowered her head, and didn't dare to look at anyone at all.

Su Yi smiled, and said: "Since the conversation has come to this point and the atmosphere is in place, let's borrow Lao Tan's situation today, and invite all friends to be witnesses."

He pondered for a while, and simply took out a lily from the vase in the middle of the dining table, and then walked in front of Qiu Yingying.

At this moment, everyone knew what Su Yi was going to do, and everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

"Actually, I don't know romance very well," Su Yi said in a gentle voice, looking at Qiu Yingying, "I'm just an ordinary person rolling in the world of mortals, so I can't bear the word of love, and I always worry about gains and losses. I want to be serious, but I'm afraid of losing. I think Want to get closer, but worry that one step will be irreversible."

"The only thing I can do is that my heart is still warm and my love is true." Su Yi handed the flower to Qiu Yingying, "I like you very much, I'm sure of that. So Yingying, are you willing to get along with me?" Try it, start with my girlfriend?"

Almost everyone held their breath, and a needle could be heard on the scene.

Qiu Yingying stared blankly at the lily in front of her, without any reaction.

"Yingyingyingying, you. Talk quickly!" Guan Juer shook Qiu Yingying vigorously with a crying voice.

"Silly girl, why are you so dazed!" Fan Shengmei was also anxious.

Qiu Yingying just woke up like a dream.

"I, have I been confessed? Am I right?" She took the flowers in a daze, asked subconsciously, and looked around in a daze.

"..." Su Yi's speechlessness was written on his face.


After a short pause, everyone roared with laughter.

Especially Tan Zongming, who laughed so hard that he patted the table, pointed at Su Yi and shouted: "I'll tell you Lao Bai, I can laugh at you for the rest of my life! Hahaha!"

Even Andy couldn't help laughing, with longing and envy in his eyes.

Su Yi opened his arms helplessly, and said, "Why don't we just hug each other and pretend we were never together?"

"Ahhhhh!" Qiu Yingying finally recovered, screamed and jumped into Su Yi's arms, hugging Su Yi tightly, "I promise! I promise! I want to be with you forever! Ahhh! I'm so excited!"

"Oh oh oh!" Everyone booed.

Applause broke out.

While applauding, Qu Xiaoxiao silently returned to her seat, poured herself a glass of wine, wanted to drain it, but put it down, the smile on her face became brighter, and she clapped her hands vigorously.

Beside Qiu Yingying, Guan Juer was wiping away tears and applauding vigorously.

She is sincerely happy for her best friend, she feels that everything in front of her is simply too beautiful!
I just don't know why, but there is always such a pain in my heart that I can't get rid of.

Fan Shengmei was also crying, she had always regarded Qiu Yingying as her own sister, she was purely happy for Qiu Yingying to find her own happiness, she silently blessed Qiu Yingying and Bai Muyang in her heart, hoping that Qiu Yingying and Bai Muyang would last forever.

Andy was a little emotional, and his emotions were a little complicated.

She was thinking, would she have such a love?
Does she still qualify?

Qiu Yingying hugged Su Yi for a long time and refused to let go, for fear that it was just a dream.

After a long time, he reluctantly came out of his arms, but he was unwilling to let go of Su Yi's hand.

"Brother Yang, I'm just like a dream, I'm so happy!" Qiu Yingying said to Su Yi incoherently, "I, I have always liked you, Guan Guan and the others know it, really..."

"Yes, yes, we all know!" Guan Juer laughed, "Come back and sit down, Brother Bai can't run away."

"It's just a little earthworm, be reserved!" Fan Shengmei also laughed.

"I don't want to be reserved!" Qiu Yingying said, "I just like Brother Yang, if he confesses to me, I will confess to him too!"

Everyone laughed, Su Yi rubbed her hair, and said: "Go and sit down first, everyone is still waiting for dinner."

"Then can I sit next to you?" Qiu Yingying begged, shaking Su Yi's arm.

"I'll go, can I get out of the way? Can I make room for you?" Fan Shengmei stood up speechlessly and walked towards Qiu Yingying's place.

She was sitting next to Su Yi, so she changed places with Qiu Yingying directly.

"Thank you, Sister Fan, you are the best!" Qiu Yingying was immediately overjoyed, and she took Su Yi's hand and sat down.

"Come on! I suggest that we raise our glasses together. Congratulations to this couple who finally got married, and congratulations to them growing old together!" Tan Zongming smiled and stood up to toast.

"Old Tan, why do you feel like a wedding master of ceremonies?" Andy joked.

Amidst the roar of laughter from the crowd, Tan Zongming didn't think he was disobedient, instead he grinned and said: "If Lao Bai and Xiao Qiu really become a good thing, let me tell you, I will be the master of ceremonies for their wedding!"

"Don't go back on what you said, Mr. Tan!" Qiu Yingying raised her glass happily, "Then I have to have a good time with you!"

Everyone laughed again, Fan Shengmei couldn't laugh or cry: "Little earthworm, everyone is talking about your marriage, why are you so shy?"

"I just want to marry Brother Yang, so I'm not ashamed!" Qiu Yingying yelled, but her face was blushing and she smirked, looking happy and proud.

"Mr. Bai, Yingying is so devoted to you, you can't let her down!" Fan Shengmei said to Su Yi half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Su Yi sighed and said, "I'm also very determined, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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