Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 400 Qiu Yingying's 3 Conditions

Chapter 400 Qiu Yingying's Three Conditions
"I didn't expect Mr. Bai to be so romantic. He is such a perfect man. I'm really happy for Yingying."

After Qiu Yingying walked into the bedroom, Guan Juer said with complicated emotions.

"If you have money, you're romantic. If you don't have money, you'll get worse." Fan Shengmei sighed, "Mr. Bai... well, I always feel that he will hurt Yingying."

"Why do you think so, Sister Fan?" Guan Juer asked in puzzlement.

"Because they are people from two worlds." Fan Shengmei spread her hands, "Whether it is material or spiritual, it is obvious that they are not on the same channel. So I have no idea what he is looking for in Qiu Yingying? Of course , it’s not that I think the little earthworm is bad, but objectively speaking, do you think the relationship between them is in line with common sense?”

"Love is unreasonable." Guan Juer said quietly, "You don't need a reason to like someone."

"You little girls, your minds are full of untimely love affairs." Fan Shengmei laughed at herself, "When you get older, you will realize that there are so many love affairs in this world? Some of them are just rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea."

"Bai Muyang gave me the impression that he is very rational and proud." Fan Shengmei paused, then thoughtfully said, "He is actually very similar to Andy next door, but he looks gentle, but he is actually more Andy is more ruthless..."

"Arrogance? Cold?" Guan Juer frowned, "Are we talking about a person, Sister Fan? Why didn't I see that he was cold and arrogant? I feel that he is very gentle and kind. He must be very kind in ordinary life. With love, Yingying will be very happy when she is with him."

Fan Shengmei smiled lightly: "A gentle person will be gentle and amiable one second, but will make people lose face in public the next second? A kind person will goug out people's holes with knife-like words and still act as if nothing happened Is it? Guan Guan, you are still too young, you don't understand, the more outstanding a man is, the more cold-blooded he is."

"Mr. Bai is definitely not a cold-blooded person!" Guan Juer's tone was a little rushed because of excitement, "Sister Fan, I know that you are also hostile to Mr. Bai because of today's incident, but in fact Wasn't it Mr. Wang who pretended to be a successful person and tried every means to express himself in front of us and exaggerate his ability, and was exposed by Mr. Bai on the spot?"

"No, I..." Fan Shengmei was a little dumbfounded, she didn't expect Guan Juer to think about it this way.

"Besides, I think Mr. Bai did a good job of exposing him! At least he made Sister Fan understand the essence of this person, which is actually a good thing." Guan Juer continued, "Sister Fan, you have always wanted to find a real successful person. Social elites, but a pseudo-successful person like Mr. Wang, a fake social elite, pretends to be rich and mature in front of you, isn't he deliberately deceiving your feelings?"

"Wang Baichuan has been packaging himself, but that's his last resort!" Fan Shengmei said, "Tan Zongming and Bai Muyang are superior, they don't understand the sufferings of the world at all, and they don't understand that people at the bottom must package themselves if they want to be superior, and they must try their best All methods will work! We are all human beings, who would like to flatter and flatter and behave in a low-profile manner everywhere?"

"A low profile doesn't mean being arrogant and respectful! Anyway, I think Mr. Wang has a problem with his character. Sister Fan, you'd better be careful!" Guan Juer pulled his face and said, "What do I think or say? If Sister Fan thinks I don’t speak well, or think I’m wrong, just pretend I didn’t say anything! I apologize in advance, I’m sorry!”

After finishing speaking, Guan Juer got up and went to his bedroom, then slammed the door heavily.

Fan Shengmei was dumbfounded for a while, and then she laughed angrily: "Just chat when you're chatting, what's the matter with you turning against me? Did I provoke you? How strange!"

She also got up resentfully and went to the bathroom to wash up.

The two broke up unhappy.

This night, many people are destined to have difficulty falling asleep.

Early the next morning, almost all Sanmei in 2202 woke up with big dark circles under their eyes. When Qiu Yingying went to the bathroom, Guan Juer, who had washed up, went straight to the kitchen to find Fan Shengmei who was making lemonade, and apologized to her with her head down.

"Sister Fan, I didn't know what happened to me last night. I suddenly lost my temper with you. All I said were angry words. Don't take it to heart. I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

She also bowed decently.

Fan Shengmei was a little dazed.

Originally, she was thinking of having an awkward fight with this little girl for two days, but she never thought that Guan Juer would do this.

Immediately, his heart softened, and he hurriedly stepped forward to hug her and smiled, "Little fool Guan Guan, I am your sister, why are you apologizing to me? I didn't take it to heart at all."

"Sister Fan, are you really not angry with me?" Guan Juer asked cautiously.

"Do I seem to be such a stingy person?" Fan Shengmei rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay, do you want some toast? Shall I toast two more slices?"

Guan Juer shook his head and hugged Fan Shengmei's arm coquettishly: "Sister Fan, you are the best, I don't want to eat, I'm too late, I have to get to the company early today, and quickly print out the materials I sorted out yesterday. Sister Fan, then I'll go first."

"So anxious?" Fan Shengmei said, "Then get some milk to drink on the way..."

"No, no, I'm leaving, Sister Fan, do you love me?" Guan Juer blew a kiss to Fan Shengmei while running out.

"Yingying, I'm leaving first!" She yelled and ran out in a hurry.

After a while, Qiu Yingying came out of the bathroom, and asked Fan Shengmei suspiciously: "Where is Guanguan? I just heard her call me."

"Leave early!" Fan Shengmei said angrily, "She said she has something to do today, so she has to go to the company early..."

Speaking of this, Fan Shengmei looked Qiu Yingying up and down, and said with a bit of taste: "Not to mention, good clothes are good clothes. When you wear them, your temperament is different. The little sister who was soft and cute is now a sexy girl. .”

"Hohohoho!" Qiu Yingying laughed happily.

Fan Shengmei's face drooped suddenly: "Okay, when I smile, all the teeth are exposed, and the temperament is gone, back to the original shape!"

"Hahaha! I don't care!" Qiu Yingying smiled happily, "Anyway, Brother Yang likes me anyway! Let's go!"

With that said, Bounce picked up the bag and went out.

"This girl seems to have become more confident..." Fan Shengmei was thoughtful.

Qiu Yingying has always felt that she is not good-looking, has no figure, no background, and nothing, so she is so afraid and flustered when facing Qu Xiaoxiao.

But Su Yi chose her and turned a blind eye to Qu Xiaoxiao.

Fan Shengmei also noticed that the one with the most diamonds among the three watches yesterday was worn by Qiu Yingying.

Thinking that Qiu Yingying would be sitting in the passenger seat of a two-million-dollar luxury car and shuttle around the city, Fan Shengmei suddenly felt an indescribable irritability.

At the same time, in a certain hotel, Wang Baichuan suddenly sat up from the bed.

His eyes widened, and some memory fragments of last night began to flash back in his mind.

There is the madness of him swaying his body wantonly, and there is also the comfort that is not suitable for children...

He turned his head in disbelief and lifted the quilt next to him.

A white body trembled, and said sweetly, "No, it's cold..."

Wang Baichuan closed his eyes.

With a slap on the forehead, he said in a trembling voice, "Won't it be broadcast live?"

On the other side, at the Sixth Hospital, Zhao Qiping walked out of the hospital with a tired face, his face was full of bewilderment.

No matter how detailed the surgical procedures are, he still needs to do it himself.

Even if you follow the cat and draw the tiger, you will still make a mistake after all.

The result was that the person was amputated by him, and he was suspended for investigation, waiting for further research and treatment by the hospital.

He regretted why he didn't ask for leave directly, or tried to avoid all the surgeries, so that he was so unlucky that he spent so much fan value to maintain the character design, but it was still defeated by a mistake.

What should we do now?
Standing under the rising sun, Zhao Qiping felt like a fool.

Just as Guan Juer was sitting on the subway, a person suddenly appeared from behind her and stood in front of her.

Guan Juer looked up subconsciously, and was stunned.

"Brother Lin, Senior Brother Lin!" Guan Juer stared dumbfounded at this smiling face, his heart tightened suddenly.

"Junior Sister Guan, long time no see." Lin Jing said with a smile, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

Is it really a coincidence?

Guan Ju'er was a little scared, but he still managed to calm down and said, "Senior brother Lin, I was going to call you. Yesterday, a policeman asked me suddenly, do you know where I live? What's going on?"

Lin Jing looked deeply at Guan Juer, and said with a smile, "I also want to know, didn't the police tell you the reason?"

Guan Juer forced a smile and shook his head: "No."

"You're lying." Lin Jing said softly.

Guan Ju's heart skipped a beat suddenly, feeling like he was about to suffocate from tension.

Su Yi drove Qiu Yingying straight to the company.

On the way, Su Yi smiled and said, "I thought you would let me take all these clothes away."

"I thought about it too." Qiu Yingying said seriously, "But if I really did that, wouldn't it mean that I myself feel that I am not good enough for you?"

Su Yi was startled, then laughed dumbly: "Your way of thinking is very strange."

Qiu Yingying said seriously: "You told me a lot last night, and I didn't really understand it. But I know that you don't take those things seriously. Although they are so expensive that they are worth a house, you are right. To you, they're just clothes, just watches, just bags, just things you give to your girlfriend, right?"

"Yes." Su Yi smiled and nodded.

"That's good!" Qiu Yingying suddenly became happy, "I will treat it as a gift from you! I can't give you back all the love you have for me, right?"

"But I'm only accepting it temporarily now. If you really want me to accept it, you have to promise me three conditions!"

"Three conditions?" Su Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'll give you something, but after I'm done, I have to promise you three more conditions before you accept it?"

"Yes!" Qiu Yingying said confidently.

"Reasonable." Su Yi smacked his lips, "Tell me, what's the condition?"

"First, didn't I take three watches last night? I accepted the watch I was wearing, and I will always wear it in the future." Qiu Yingying said seriously, "But there are still two Biao, you have to take it back, the presents I gave to Sister Fan and Guan Guan, I will take them to Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street this weekend, and I will buy them for them with my salary!"

"Okay." Su Yi nodded with a smile, "This one is over."

"Second, if you give me a gift in the future, you have to get my consent, and you can't lie to me like this time that it's worthless or free. If you don't tell me, or lie to me, I will give you whatever you give me." No!" Qiu Yingying said seriously.

"Okay." Su Yi nodded without hesitation, "I agree to this too."

"Third," Qiu Yingying held up her third finger, "we have to keep in touch, every time you give me a gift, I have to return your gift. Of course, my gift may not be worth the money, but absolutely It can represent my heart for you. You have given me so many gifts this time, and I will give you one too, and you are not allowed to refuse."

Su Yi smiled and glanced at Qiu Yingying, and said, "It's reasonable, and I agree with this."

"Yeah!" Qiu Yingying immediately became happy.

"mua!" She suddenly leaned over and quickly kissed Su Yi on the cheek, then blushed and said, "This is a reward for you."

Su Yi frowned: "Ha Lazi rubbed against my face."

"..." Qiu Yingying was in a bad mood.

When he was about to arrive at the company, Su Yi received a call from the boss of the company, and Su Yi told him he would be there in a while.

As a result, when he arrived at the entrance of the company, the boss stood at the entrance of the company with a smile to greet him.

There is no humility and flattery, the boss came up to shake Su Yi's hand with some emotion, patted the back of his hand and said: "You've shot me to death on the beach, let's go, the lawyers and the audit office are here, just wait is you."

Su Yi smiled and said to Qiu Yingying, "Yingying, you go to work first."

"Okay." Qiu Yingying obediently responded.

"There is one more thing to trouble you..." Su Yi turned around and said to the boss.

Ten minutes later, Qiu Yingying's department manager found Qiu Yingying, and said with a complicated expression: "Qiu Yingying, hand over all the work you are doing to someone else. From now on, please follow me for a while, and I will teach you everything I can teach you." you."

Shengxuan Group headquarters welcomed two new executives today.

The two arrived at the company almost one after the other, and both were personally received by the general manager Tan Zongming, but the treatment thereafter was completely different.

Wang Baichuan was sent to the branch soon, and handed over to the boss of the branch to familiarize himself with the working environment, while Tan Zongming personally introduced Andy to every boss, department head and director of the group, and specially held her meeting Onboarding welcome briefing.

Andy also lived up to expectations. As soon as the introduction meeting was over, he immediately acted vigorously and started his own work.

Tan Zongming followed Andy to watch for a while, and he didn't point fingers at random. He only gave Andy some guidance or help at the right time, which made Andy feel very caring.

Originally, Tan Zongming thought that this morning would pass like this, but he soon received two unexpected calls.

(End of this chapter)

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