Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 403 Gather at Andy's House Again

Chapter 403 Gather at Andy's House Again

When Su Yi stepped out of the elevator, everyone looked over.

"Brother Bai is here!" Qu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and she was the first to speak in surprise. She waved to Su Yi, "Oh, come quickly, I'll be waiting for you."

"Mr. Bai!" Fan Shengmei and Guan Juer greeted Su Yi together, and Andy nodded to Su Yi.

The boss of the real estate company who had met Su Yi before saw Su Yi, and immediately greeted him, and said with a wry smile: "Mr. Bai, we met again. I came here to apologize this time. This is Mr. Zhang from our owners committee." ..."

Following the boss' statement and the women's additions, Su Yi understood their purpose.

To put it simply, the property company is completely convinced. As long as everyone is willing to withdraw the lawsuit, the compensation can be discussed. Before Su Yi came, the boss had already bowed and apologized to Simei, and his attitude was very sincere.

Now he also bowed and apologized to Su Yi and Qiu Yingying, and said repeatedly that he will definitely give everyone satisfactory compensation, and their company is willing to be punished for this, and withdraw from the Ode to Joy community, and because of the elevator accident, publicly apologize to all Ode to Joy owners .

Mr. Zhang from the owner's committee immediately said that they have already contacted the new property company, which is a large-scale property with the best reputation in Shanghai. The property committee is held, and after all the owners vote unanimously, they will officially enter the Ode to Joy community.

And the new property company promises to complete the replacement of all old elevators in the community within the next year to ensure the safety of all owners.

"I know that money cannot be equated with the mental harm to everyone, but it represents our sincerity." The property manager asked the assistant behind him to take out six agreements, and handed them to Su Yi and others respectfully, "This is my initial plan. Please have a look at the "Agreement of Understanding", please read it first. My contact information is attached at the end of the agreement. If you have any ideas or suggestions, you can call me at any time. It is very late today, so I will not disturb you."

"Everyone, the business committee will supervise the resolution process of this matter until it is satisfactorily resolved. If you need anything from our business committee, please feel free to contact me. The owners of our Ode to Joy are all you strong backing."

After the property manager and director Zhang of the owner's committee left respectively, Fan Shengmei said with a half-smile: "Today, the manager can finally speak something human, unlike yesterday in the hospital, he looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water." .”

"That's right, his attitude was very fierce yesterday. Brother Yang kindly persuaded him a few words, and he even threatened Brother Yang." Qiu Yingying said.

"..." Everyone looked at Qiu Yingying quietly.

Bai Muyang kindly persuaded the property manager?Are they still threatening Bai Muyang?

Did we collectively go blind yesterday or did we hallucinate collectively?

"Taking a stag as a horse." Fan Shengmei shook her head and sighed.

"Confused black and white." Qu Xiaoxiao tutted.

"Zhang Guan Li Dai!" Guan Juer wrinkled his nose and said.

"Turn right and wrong." Seeing that everyone was talking interestingly, Andy was also very interested in making a joke.

Qiu Yingying was dumbfounded.

"Brother Yang, they said I..." She turned her head and complained to Bai Muyang.

"Just say what they said is right." Su Yi spread his hands and said.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing at Qiu Yingying's embarrassing and shy expression.

"Everyone just got together, and this compensation agreement is related to each of us." Andy said, "Although it's not a big deal, we still need to sit together and discuss it. Why don't you go to my house?"

"Okay, okay!" Qiu Yingying, who was so shy and hid behind Su Yi just now, poked her head out, "I haven't been to Andy's house yet, even the door locks in your house are electronic fingerprints, there must be Very advanced, right?"

"It's not high class," Andy said with a smile, "However, everyone is welcome to be a guest. What I need to declare in advance is that this is the first time I entertain guests in my own home. If there is anything inappropriate, I hope you don't mind. "

"Oh, on behalf of everyone, let me forgive you first!" Qu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Come on, Andy, I'm almost exhausted from standing here for a long time!"

Everyone will follow Andy into the house.

Su Yi said, "Sorry, I have to go home, it will take about 15 minutes."

"Brother Yang, what's the matter? Do you want me to accompany you?" Qiu Yingying asked.

"No, you guys discuss it first, don't wait for me. I'll come over by myself when I'm done." Su Yi smiled.

"Brother Bai, you have to hurry up." Qu Xiaoxiao deliberately said in a whiny tone.

Su Yi smiled, didn't speak, turned around and pressed the elevator, and walked in.

Seeing that Su Yi ignored her, Qu Xiaoxiao immediately became annoyed.

On the contrary, Qiu Yingying felt very comfortable about it.

"Let's go, let's go in first." Andy said.

Su Yi said he was going home, but he went straight down to the first floor, and dialed Zhao Qiping while walking outside the community.

"See you at the gate of the community."

"I'm at the gate of Ode to Joy community right now."

Su Yi was startled, and said, "Okay, I'll be right there."

Pretty positive...

Zhao Qiping looked haggard, with obvious dark circles and bloodshot eyes, and his clothes looked wrinkled.

Su Yi frowned, and asked, "Brother Zhao, how did this happen?"

"People are unlucky, ghosts blow lights, and farts hit their heels." Zhao Qiping sighed, "Don't mention it, anyway, I am unlucky."

He looked at Su Yi: "Aren't you angry about the things in the group?"

"He gave birth." Su Yi said.

"..." Zhao Qiping couldn't answer the conversation, shouldn't normal logic be polite and say it's all right?

He smiled awkwardly: "Then I apologize to you, I'm sorry, okay?"

"If you remove the last three words 'it's all right', maybe I'll forgive you as soon as I'm happy." Su Yi said with a smile.

"I'm sorry!" Zhao Qiping followed suit.

Su Yi frowned and thought for a while: "I'm not very happy, forget it or not forgive me, just get down to business."

"..." Zhao Qiping's face turned blue and red, and finally he sighed, "Well, I don't have the capital or strength to be angry with you now, brother, I really have nothing to ask, so I beg you to come here. Give me a hand, brother, don't dare to say anything else, when I really fall in love with Qu Xiaoxiao, I will definitely make it up to you."

"How to compensate?" Su Yi smiled half-smile.

"Money, favors, or other things, you can say anything!" Zhao Qiping said, "As long as I have it, or if I can do it, I will definitely not refuse."

"Tsk, sincerity is great." Su Yi nodded, "How do you want me to help you?"

"Easy!" Zhao Qiping immediately lifted his spirits, and said with anticipation: "Just help me and Qu Xiaoxiao create a chance to meet, and I will take care of the rest!"

Su Yi looked at Zhao Qiping with a smile, and asked, "Why didn't you go to Tan Zongming? In his capacity, if he agreed to help you, wouldn't it be more honorable for you?"

"I beg you for help, I can afford your favor." Zhao Qiping said, "I beg him? Can I still afford his favor?"

"It makes sense," Su Yi tilted his head, "Okay, I'll take your job, go back and wait for the letter."

After finishing speaking, Su Yi turned around and left.

"Hey, brother, don't rush away!" Zhao Qiping was stunned for a moment, and hurried forward to hold Su Yi, "Aren't you going to tell me in detail? How can you help me? What do I need to prepare?" ?"

"When the time comes, dress better, just tidy up and get ready." Su Yi said, "Don't look like you are now, you will look like a rotten person."

While he was talking, he had already walked away, waving his hands without looking back.

Zhao Qiping watched Su Yi go away and smiled slightly.

However, what he didn't know was that Su Yi, who was facing away from him at the moment, also had a sneering smile on his lips.

"If you're not a ghost, I'll screw my head off and kick it for you!"

Something happened to Zhao Qiping, so he asked for Su Yi's phone number through Tan Zongming, and wanted Su Yi to set up a bridge to get acquainted with Qu Xiaoxiao.

This matter seemed reasonable, and all the logic was fine, including Zhao Qiping's conversation just now, and Su Yi didn't find any flaws.

But Su Yi is still sure that there is definitely something wrong with Zhao Qiping coming to him!
There are two reasons.

For one, the timing of his appearance was too subtle.

Su Yi just noticed that there seemed to be a big net approaching Tan Zongming's net quietly, and he and Tan Zongming were so close, he was secretly on guard, and Zhao Qiping found him.

Second, Su Yi had previously guessed that Zhao Qiping would pose a problem to Su Yi, and only he could solve this problem.

The result was not at all, there was no problem at all, Zhao Qiping just asked Su Yi to do a small favor, and then he was willing to ask Su Yi to raise conditions casually.

However, if it is just to meet Qu Xiaoxiao, is it really necessary to ask Su Yi for help?

However, if there is a problem, there is a problem. What is wrong with Zhao Qiping, but Su Yi has not been able to figure it out.Just like the reason why he persuaded Tan Zongming, he decided to stay the same and see what the other party wanted to do.

Going back to the 22nd floor, Su Yi already had some seasonal fruits in his hands, which he took from his refrigerator after he went home on purpose.

He is not used to going to other people's houses empty-handed.

As soon as Su Yi walked to the door, the door opened. Qiu Yingying stood behind the door and said in a very flat tone: "Hello, the intelligent robot Xiaoqiu is here to serve you. Excuse me, sir, what service do you need?"

Su Yi sighed: "Xiaoqiu, go run around the courtyard of the community."

"Sorry, this robot doesn't provide this kind of service at the moment." Qiu Yingying continued with a sullen face.

"What about her?" Su Yi walked around Qiu Yingying and asked the other four girls who were watching the fun on the sofa.

"She thought Andy's family was very smart, so she pretended to be a robot to talk to you." Fan Sheng said with a beautiful smile.

"Ma'am, I'm a robot, I'm not pretending." Qiu Yingying continued, "Brother Yang, what service do you need?"

Su Yi put the fruit in the kitchen and said with a smile, "I need you to give me back my original girlfriend."

"Dangdangdangdang!" Qiu Yingying smiled and jumped in front of Su Yi, "Your lovely girlfriend is online!"

"Yi——" Qu Xiaoxiao couldn't stand it any longer, "Qiu Yingying, can you stop being rude in front of us? We're here to discuss something, not to see you show your affection!"

Qiu Yingying made faces at Qu Xiaoxiao, took Su Yi's arm and said, "I'll show off, I'll show off! How about it!"

"Childish ghost! Why did Big Brother Bai fall in love with you!" Qu Xiaoxiao yelled angrily.

"Because I'm cute, a little bit..." Qiu Yingying deliberately bent Xiaoxiao.

"Is there someone here to wash and cut the fruit?" Su Yi asked helplessly.

"I'll wash it!" Qiu Yingying immediately responded to her boyfriend.

"I'll help!" Guan Juer hurried over.

"Let me cut it." Fan Shengmei sighed, "These two little girls have never touched a kitchen knife. Andy, where is your knife?"

"I'll get it for you." Andy got up too, "I'll get you all the fruit plate and chopping board."

"I'm responsible for urging you to work, and I'm also responsible for eating!" Qu Xiaoxiao smiled and raised her hand.

Everyone gathered firewood and the flames were high. Soon, everyone sat around the table and ate fresh fruit plates.

Everyone has a compensation agreement in their hands, and everyone has read it.

"fifty thousand!"

Fan Shengmei, who was flipping through the pages casually, suddenly saw the figure on the compensation amount, and was so startled that her eyes almost popped out.

She looked up at the crowd in disbelief, and said, "It says that each of us will be compensated 50,000 yuan for mental damage. Is this true?"

"Fifty thousand? So much!" Guan Juer and Qiu Yingying were also taken aback.

"Where is it? Let me see!" Qiu Yingying said in surprise, "My annual salary is less than [-]. Will they really pay so much?"

"Yeah, we're all fine, we're not hurt or anything," Guan Juer also said, "Although we were indeed frightened, it's still not a 'spiritual loss', right?"

"According to the "General Principles of Civil Law", compensation for mental damage is the civil liability that citizens should bear for suffering mental pain due to the violation of personality rights." Andy began to popularize science, "Personality rights include natural persons' rights to life, health, and body. , right to name, right to portrait, right to reputation, right to honor, right to personal dignity, right to personal freedom, etc... We survived because of an elevator accident, which is in full compliance with laws and regulations on compensation for mental damage.”

"The amount of compensation for mental damage compensation is divided into five levels: 50,000 yuan, 40,000 yuan, 30,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan, and [-] yuan. This property company directly calculates the highest level of compensation for us, which is very sincere. "

"But why?" Fan Shengmei couldn't understand, "Yesterday, the real estate company looked like it was going to fight us to the death, why did it take a [-]-degree turn in its attitude today?"

"Is it because Xiaoqu's father found us a lawyer?" Guan Juer asked.

"No." Qu Xiaoxiao directly denied, "I called me back before, saying that the lawyer said that he would be busy for another two days before taking over our case, so it must not be him."

"Brother Bai, does it have something to do with you?" Qu Xiaoxiao suddenly looked at Su Yi with a smile, "Only you can make this property completely surrender in fright and retreat."

(End of this chapter)

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