Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 405: Bai Qiu's Love

Chapter 405: Bai Qiu's Love
Qu Xiaoxiao almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

It took her a lot of effort to hold back, but when she saw Fan Shengmei's expression of pain as if she had eaten a bowel movement, she felt overwhelmed.

Since returning to China, this is the second time she feels so good, the first time was when Su Yi hated Wang Baichuan.

Both times it was because of Su Yi, it can be seen that this man can make her very happy.

Thinking of this, Qu Xiaoxiao looked at Qiu Yingying again, and suddenly felt not so happy.

Afterwards, everyone signed their names on the agreement, and after a short greeting, they were ready to leave.

"Let's go, I still have something to ask Andy for help." Qu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Andy, you must help me, otherwise I will die."

"What do you want Andy to help you?" Qiu Yingying asked curiously.

"It's none of your business, hurry up, don't waste our time." Qu Xiaoxiao didn't look good towards Qiu Yingying.

Qiu Yingying snorted and said, "I don't care to know. Let's go, Guan Guan, Sister Fan."

"Guan Guan, didn't you say yesterday that you would stay and help?" Qu Xiaoxiao suddenly asked curiously.

Guan Juer forced a smile: "I, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable..."

"Okay!" Qu Xiaoxiao shrugged indifferently, looked at Andy and smiled again: "I have Andy and you are enough!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, it's already late, I still have an appointment, I have to hurry out." Fan Shengmei urged impatiently, at this moment her mood was extremely bad, her heart was bleeding.

Su Yi noticed that Guan Juer seemed to be in a bad mood, but he didn't want to ask too many questions.

In addition, Andy didn't go to see Singularity today, but her mood didn't seem to be affected in any way, which is also very strange.

Su Yi also pretended not to know.

In the evening, Su Yi and Qiu Yingying talked on the phone for nearly two hours before falling asleep.

On the other side, when Guan Juer was tossing and turning, he suddenly received a text message on his mobile phone—what happened?

When Guan Juer received this message, his face instantly turned pale, and he replied with trembling hands after a while: "I haven't found a chance yet..."

"I'll give you one more day. If you don't do it, you will understand the consequences! It's really annoying, and I'm not asking you to kill and set fire."

Guan Ju'er took a deep breath, his eyes were full of fear, and big teardrops poured out silently.

Early the next morning, Su Yi received a settlement notice for the fourth episode of the show.

Ten interesting events from this episode -

1. Participation in the quarrel between Fan Shengmei and Guan Juer: 25%
2. Participation in one-night stand at Wang Baichuan's bar: not involved

3. Participation rate of Qiu Yingying into reserve cadre event: 65%
4. Participation in Wang Baichuan's entry into Shengxuan Group: Not involved

5. Participation in Andy's official induction event: Not involved
6. Participation in Lin Jingguan Juer's initial contact event: Not involved
7. Participation in Singularity’s appointment with Tan Zongming: 55%
8. Participation rate of Zhao Qiping seeking help event: 50%
9. Participation in the event of property companies losing money and withdrawing: 75%
10. Participation in Wang Baichuan and Fan Shengmei's night tour on the Bund: Not involved
In this episode, Su Yi participated in only five events, and the overall participation rate was only 54%.

The character attraction index and follow-up development expectations are generally on the rise, but the rise is limited.

Taken together, Su Yi's director score for this episode only got 12 points, which is the lowest score ever.

Not only that, Su Yi did not receive the director's points with the highest overall score in terms of extra points. It can be seen that someone in this episode got a higher score than him.

This is also the first time that Su Yi has been compared.

Su Yi felt that this person was either Wang Baichuan or Tan Zongming.

Because he was not selected for the title in this episode, but these two people were selected for the title-Wang Baichuan joined Shengxuan, and Tan Zongming saw Singularity again.

Acting is just like life, it's impossible to always shine and be at the peak everywhere.

So Su Yi didn't think that the bad data in this episode was "frustrated".He accepted the result frankly, but there were two things in the ten incidents that really surprised him and made him wonder.

For example, the incident of Wang Baichuan getting drunk at the bar, and the incident of Lin Jingguan's first contact with Juer.

The previous thing, Su Yi was very puzzled, why did Wang Baichuan play such a low-level tone in this kind of love book?
The latter made Su Yi very vigilant.

After Lin Jing directed the elevator accident, he was tricked by Su Yi. As a result, Guan Juer's impression of this man completely dropped to freezing point, and the rest of Simei also thought he was a cowardly, selfish and perverted guy.

It can be said that senior brother Lin directly entered the opening mode of hell, and it is as difficult as heaven to reverse the impression in front of Wumei.

Under such circumstances, Guan Juer and Lin Jing met, but Guan Juer didn't say a word about it after he came back, which is very unreasonable.

This is the third unreasonable thing around Su Yi from yesterday to today—no, it's four!

Although one happened to Tan Zongming, one happened to himself, one happened to Andy, and the other happened to Guan Juer, on the surface, these four things were isolated time.

But Su Yi keenly felt that there must be some kind of connection between these four things!

An invisible thread connects these four things in series.

Only by finding out what this line is, all doubts will be solved.

When he was driving Qiu Yingying to work in the morning, Su Yi intentionally made a cliché and learned that Guan Juer went to bed very early last night. They talked about everything about themselves.

Except for one thing that is different from before——

Guan Juer started this morning and asked Andy to drive her to work.

There seems to be nothing wrong with this point, the original plot is like this, it's normal.

There is another message.

According to Qiu Yingying, Fan Shengmei didn't come back until midnight last night.

It's so late...Wang Baichuan is probably on base, right?

When he arrived at the company, Su Yi asked Qiu Yingying to learn from her manager as usual, while he contacted a headhunting company, hoping to find a professional manager for himself to manage this small company.

When it was almost noon, he received a call from Da Liu.

"I have received a proposal from the general manager's office of Shengxuan regarding the next major move of Shengxuan Group. Tan Zongming proposed to hold a board meeting tomorrow to expound and explain the proposal on the board. The report is made by the new director of the group. Andy, the CFO of CFO," Da Liu said, "As your agent for this part of the shares, I was also invited to attend the meeting tomorrow. But I am not in Huaguo now, so you have to attend this board meeting in person, or you have not yet If you want to be exposed, you can also entrust someone else to do it. But in this way, you can only observe and have no voting rights."

Su Yi asked: "What is the general content of the proposal?"

"I mentioned some disadvantages and hidden dangers currently existing in Shengxuan Group, and proposed a solution." Da Liu explained, "The general content is to summarize the progress of the group's mobile phone business. This part of the problem is not big, but the PC business as a whole has declined. Adjustment. As for the group's core home appliance business, compared with competitors, it lacks popularity and core technical competitiveness. Therefore, from this perspective, the General Manager's Office proposes to acquire Nantong's Red Star Group to form complementary resources and improve Sheng Xuan's shortcoming."

Acquire Red Star Group?

Su Yi knew about this. In the original plot, this major commercial merger and acquisition event was led and completed by Andy, and it started around this time.

"I won't show up." Su Yi thought for a while, and said, "Please help me find an agent, I will not give up my voting rights, but I will hand over my voting rights to the group's new CFO Andy .”

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi didn't pay any more attention to this matter, and continued to busy himself with his trivial matters.

One day passed in such an uneventful manner.

When it was time to get off work at five o'clock in the evening, Su Yi continued to go on dates with Qiu Yingying to connect with each other.

The two went to have a hot pot meal first, then went to see a movie, and finally found a coffee shop, and sat down to chat with each other.

Here, Qiu Yingying couldn't help closing her eyes, and asked for a kiss.

Su Yi hesitated slightly, and kissed her decisively.

At this time, Su Yi would go further and Qiu Yingying would definitely hesitate, because she also wanted to.But Su Yi ruthlessly stepped on the brakes at this critical moment.

He told Qiu Yingying a joke: "There is a couple who are very nasty, and they have to talk to each other about everything. One day the man had diarrhea, so he told the woman, Bao, I'm going to have diarrhea. The woman asked, you diarrhea What is it? The man said, you like to drink An Muxi."

Qiu Yingying, who had flushed cheeks and blurred eyes, suddenly burst out laughing at this joke.

Su Yi strikes while the iron is hot and makes another one: "Once again, this woman also had loose stools, and she told the man, Bao, I'm going to take a shit. The man asked, what kind of shit did you poop? The woman said, I did it." You are my little angel."

"Hahaha..." Qiu Yingying laughed like a big goose, and all her interest was spoiled by this ruthless laughter.

Su Yi watched this scene with a smile, retreated after finishing his work, went to the bathroom to wash his face, and then returned.

The reason why he doesn't want to hit a home run with Qiu Yingying for the time being is very simple. To Qiu Yingying, he only likes the sister next door, and winning Qiu Yingying now is not in line with his original idea.

Things have to be done slowly, and a good pot of soup can be stewed with a slow fire.If you are in a hurry, things will easily not last long.

"Is the notebook I gave you still there?" Su Yi asked.

"Here!" Qiu Yingying said, "I always carry it with me."

She calmed down a little now, but she seemed a little embarrassed, her face was flushed, and she didn't dare to look directly at Su Yi.

Su Yi took the notebook and pen from her hand, and wrote a few words on the second line above: 2. Simple.

Then hand it to Qiu Yingying.

"Simple?" Qiu Yingying wondered, "Doesn't that mean I'm stupid?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "Actually, Yingying, you're not very confident, and it's not that simple. But I still regard these two points as your strengths, do you know why?"


"Because this is not only the trait I hope you have, but also your untapped potential." Su Yi explained, "I can see that you are actually very confident and simple-minded, but you are limited to reality, you can't do anything about it." Free yourself completely and show yourself."

"A good couple must be able to make each other grow into the best version of themselves," Su Yi said, "Yingying, you have many excellent genes and qualities that you haven't even noticed yourself, and I hope I can help you make them better." Dig it all up. Do you know what you'll be when I do it?"

Qiu Yingying was so dazed, she subconsciously asked, "What?"

"Goddess." Su Yi smiled, "A real goddess, elegant, confident, and infinitely charming."

Qiu Yingying hugged Su Yi immediately, and moved: "Brother Yang, no one has ever told me such a thing, no one has ever told me that I will become a goddess. Never! Even the only father who supported me and encouraged me told me I said, Yingying, you are just an ordinary girl, so you have to work harder than others!"

"Brother Yang, do I really have so many advantages? Can I really become a goddess?"

Su Yi smiled and said, "If not, why would I fall in love with you?"

"Brother Yang!" Qiu Yingying's eyes were wet again.

She offered a passionate kiss.

So, Su Yi consumed two more sand sculpture jokes, and then decisively ended tonight's date.

On the way back, Su Yi accidentally received a call from Qu Xiaoxiao.

Su Yi knew that Qiu Yingying and Qu Xiaoxiao had been at odds, so in order to reassure Qiu Yingying, Su Yi simply asked Qiu Yingying to answer the phone for him, and turned on the speakerphone.

"Brother Bai, the world is in an emergency, help..." As soon as the call was connected, Qu Xiaoxiao was crying coquettishly.

Qiu Yingying immediately shouted in dissatisfaction: "Qu Xiaoxiao, what are you making a fuss about? Can you talk properly!"

"Qiu Yingying!" Qu Xiaoxiao was taken aback, "Why is it you!"

Qiu Yingying snorted and didn't speak again.

Su Yi smiled and said, "I'm driving, so I asked Yingying to answer the phone for me, and put it on speakerphone."

"What a model couple." Qu Xiaoxiao didn't know whether it was a compliment or a sarcasm, so she said sourly.

Then he said: "Brother Bai, I really need your help. It is related to work, and it is also related to my future and status in Qu Xiaoxiao's life. Andy said, if you help me, I will definitely succeed." The chances are greatly increased! Brother Bai, please, please do me this favor."

After a pause, Qu Xiaoxiao said again: "Qiu Yingying, let me borrow from your boyfriend! Don't worry, he and I promise not to do bad things!"

Qiu Yingying immediately said: "I'm not afraid of you doing bad things, Brother Yang is not that kind of person!"

"Are you really relieved?" Qu Xiaoxiao was suspicious.

"Of course I don't worry!" Qiu Yingying said without thinking, "I trust Brother Yang the most, and I don't doubt him at all!"

"That's good. Besides, it's at Andy's house. Andy and I are here. If Qiu Yingying is really worried, you can come and watch him with Brother Bai." Qu Xiaoxiao said.

"Hmph, I'm not that small!" Qiu Yingying said disdainfully, "Brother Yang, you can help her without worry, I'm not afraid."

Su Yi smiled helplessly: "I didn't say anything yet, you silly girl just agreed to help me."

"Ah?" Qiu Yingying's eyes widened after realizing that she was being led by Qu Xiaoxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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