Chapter 423
Su Yi asked Yao Bin to help investigate two things. The first one was the current situation of Qu Lianjie and Lin Jing.

Wang Baichuan's move is equivalent to knocking a mountain to shake a tiger. Su Yi believes that Lin Jing and the others will definitely react. Let Yao Bin investigate them at this time, and there is a high probability that they will find something interesting.

"Brother Yang, I sent you a few photos, take a look first, and then I'll tell you slowly."

Su Yi opened the instant messaging, and sure enough, he saw the two photos sent by Yao Bin.

The first photo shows Lin Jing wearing a polo shirt, standing in front of a large screen with high spirits and shouting. The screen shows a stock chart with the words "Xinglong Securities" in the upper right corner.

"This Lin Jing has always been a stock trading operator of Xinglong Securities. He earns a salary of [-] yuan a month and works from nine to five." Yao Bin introduced, "Last week, he suddenly got a job offer from the boss of Xinglong Securities. Appreciation, transformed into a trader, isn't it legendary? Don't worry about Brother Yang, more legends are yet to come."

"His famous battle was a short-term order for the boss of the Bao Group last Friday, and he made a lot of money. It seems that he signed some cooperation agreement with the Bao Group on Saturday. This is his business secret. I didn't find out about it... As a result, on Monday, this kid was arrested by the police because of your elevator. "

"On Tuesday, it should be Bao and his boss who worked together to release him on bail. On Wednesday, this guy made a very miraculous round. To be honest, Brother Yang, I still can't figure it out. How did he save up for this round?"

"According to what I heard, there are Wei Wei, the boss of Weitong Trading, Bao Yifan, the vice president of the Bao Group, Qu Xiaoxiao's brother Qu Lianjie, and the bosses of several famous airdrop companies in Shanghai. There are ten people in total. Come here. They are all powerful people with a head and a face. You just say, is this magical or not?"

"The matter of Shengxuan broke out today, and the matter became clear. That miraculous situation was designed to deal with Tan Zongming today! Moreover, all of the negative reports about Shengxuan and Tan Zongming were suddenly written by him early this morning. Brother Yang, this Lin Jing is simply a strange person, to be honest, he is the most awesome person I have ever met, except you, this guy is definitely a great person!"

In fact, at this time Su Yi had already fully guessed what great things Lin Jing had done, but after hearing Yao Bin say it with his own ears, he was still full of shock.

Just like Yao Bin said, Lin Jing made a very miraculous game.Invite so many people of all kinds together, and persuade them to deal with Tan Zongming together.

This is not something that can be done by a certain prop, that is to say, Lin Jing relies entirely on his personal ability.

He used his personal ability to twist these people into a single rope and persuade them to take action together to deal with Tan Zongming, the financial tycoon in the capital city.

Is this something normal people can do?
Not to mention, if Su Yi guessed correctly, it was Lin Jing who persuaded Wang Baichuan and Zhao Qiping to join forces with him.

These three people must be led by Lin Jing.

This series of fairy operations, anyway, Su Yi asked himself that he was incapable of doing it!
What makes Su Yi admire this person even more is that Lin Jing was suspected by the police because of an elevator accident on Monday and because of Su Yi's calculations. Instead of giving up on himself, he did such a big thing very quickly!

And this person seems to be very good at seizing the opportunity. For example, Wang Baichuan's accident this time was obviously a bad thing for him, but he quickly took advantage of it and turned waste into treasure.Although Su Yi thinks this is a bit hasty, but if he thinks about it in his own shoes, even if Su Yi faces the same situation, he might not be able to do better than Lin Jing.

This ability and determination is even better than that of Wu Zhiguo in the previous world.

"Look at the second photo, Brother Yang."

Su Yi looked at the second photo, which showed two people shaking hands in front of the car with smiles on their faces.

One of them was Qu Xiaoxiao's older brother Qu Lianjie, while the other one surprised Su Yi and made Su Yi feel reasonable.

This person is none other than Zhao Qiping who repeatedly asked Su Yi for help—the fake doctor who screwed up.

"The person who shook hands with Qu Lianjie is Zhao Qiping. He used to be an orthopedic doctor in the Sixth Hospital, but a few days ago he had an operation accident, which was said to be serious, so he was suspended by the hospital and is currently unemployed. I understand that this guy is like a street sneak these days, wandering around every day, and he doesn't know what he's busy with."

Speaking of this, Yao Bin's tone was full of doubts: "To be honest, I didn't find out how he and Qu Lianjie knew each other. I feel that they knew each other somehow. Now I don't know I know how many times they have met and what they do when they meet? Anyway, Qu Lianjie has been with this Dr. Zhao since early this morning, and they haven't been separated until now."

"There's another coincidence. Do you remember the license plate number you asked me to check last time? It's also a car under Qu Lianjie's name."

Su Yi nodded.

The license plate number he asked Yao Bin to check was that Guan Juer pretended to be sick and went to the hospital that morning. When he returned to the company, he found that Zhao Qiping was waiting for him. Then he checked the monitoring and found that there was a car that sent Zhao Qiping here. The license plate number was the license plate of this car. No.

"Brother Yang, that's all I know." Yao Bin said, "There is a second thing, the result is this..."

"Okay, I got it, thanks, Abin." Su Yi said.

"Why are you being polite to me? It's nothing, I'm dead?" Yao Bin said.

"Do you have time this weekend?" Su Yi asked, "I have an appointment with the neighbors. If you are interested, please join me. Xiao Qu will also come. I will introduce you to them, just as if I know a few more friends .”

Yao Bin was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly said: "No problem, I just have a lot of time! Brother Yang, have you arranged the place for the party? If not, leave it to me, so that everyone can have fun Happy."

"Success, then I'll leave it to you." Su Yi said with a smile, "But you don't need to invite guests, we have a public entertainment fund."

"Yo, what's so trendy?" Yao Bin laughed, "Then I'll just eat and drink."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi's smile faded, and he couldn't help but ponder.

Lin Jing's layout was revealed ahead of time, and today, the winner will definitely be decided.

If there is no accident, the final winner must be Lin Jing, because he entangled a group of "like-minded" allies with mental calculations, and Andy's foreshadowing, Tan Zongming fell into a tight siege, and there was no hope at all.

And originally, he should have Wang Baichuan, a dark chess player, ambushing beside Tan Zongming.

The only thing Lin Jing didn't expect was that he already knew about his plot, and that Andy unexpectedly asked him for help, which Lin Jing couldn't predict.

But with Lin Jing's wisdom, he must have guessed that he is the new mysterious major shareholder of Shengxuan, so even if he defeated Tan Zongming, if he wanted to control Shengxuan, he would have to face himself in the end.

Su Yi was very curious, what feast did Lin Jing prepare for himself?
From the current point of view, this feast must fall on Guan Juer or Zhao Qiping.

Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

He couldn't imagine how Lin Jing would deal with him.

Humane destruction?

It should be—won't it?

At [-]:[-] noon, the stock market was closed, Shengxuan suffered heavy losses, and the group was in mourning.

Andy took the time to call Su Yi, and told Su Yi solemnly that the sniping that Shengxuan encountered in the stock market this time was fierce and irreversible. Before the market opened in the afternoon, Tan Zongming must obtain the authorization of the board of directors to use a large sum of money to raise money. High stock price.For the authorization of the board of directors, the first thing is to get the nod and support of Su Yi, the major shareholder.

"I just communicated with Lao Tan about this matter, but now he insists that you are behind the attack on Shengxuan, because you want to defeat him. He said that you will not only kick him out, but also make him lose everything." Andy said helplessly, "I told him again and again that it couldn't be you, but no matter how I told him, he didn't believe me."

Su Yi smiled and said, "If I were him, I would also doubt myself."

"He has gone to the Securities Regulatory Commission now, and he even made an appointment with the mayor at noon," Andy said, "I think he wants to stop this vicious short-selling incident through administrative intervention. But neither party has violated the regulations so far. What is illegal, this is a very normal stock market trading behavior, Lao Tan wants to seek administrative intervention, I am afraid it will be in vain, no official will take the future to support him."

"He went to the doctor in a hurry." Su Yi shook his head, "Shengxuan is indeed a business card of Shanghai, and the government will not sit idly by seeing Shengxuan's accident. But Shengxuan has never been equal to Tan Zongming, The government supports Shengxuan, not Tan Zongming."

"But he doesn't believe you at all..." Andy said a little depressed, "It's hard for a smart woman to live without rice, and I can't resist it for a long time without funds. The stock price plummeting is a sure thing."

"At that time, the market value will evaporate too much and the loss will be huge. The board of directors will have the right to activate the shareholder removal and withdrawal mechanism, recover all the shares in Lao Tan's hands without compensation, and even hold him accountable for his negligence."

"I told him about the consequences, but he still refuses to contact you, saying that he will never bow to you." Andy sighed, "I can't help him if he's like this."

"If they can take care of Lao Tan without using you..." Su Yi pondered, "Could it be that this move of yours was prepared for me?"

"Use me to deal with you?" Andy asked, "How?"

Su Yi couldn't figure out how to deal with it.

As for Tan Zongming's misunderstanding of himself, part of it was due to the opponent's estrangement, and part of it was caused by Tan Zongming's suspicion, which was also a problem that Su Yi could not prove.

After hanging up Andy's call, Su Yi quickly received a call from Guan Juer.

Guan Juer contacted Su Yi yesterday, saying that Lin Jing asked her to meet Su Yi at noon today, and she could go anywhere.

One can go anywhere, so Su Yi is completely confused. He still doesn't understand what Lin Jing's purpose is for Guan Juer to make an appointment with himself.

Guan Juer made an appointment with Su Yi in a western restaurant near her company.

Su Yi set off from the company and rushed to the designated place.

It was past twelve o'clock when we got there.

Guan Ju'er was waiting for Su Yi in a small box, it could be seen that she had been well-dressed and tidied up exquisitely.There was also a vase of well-opened roses on the table.

Su Yi noticed that there were no flowers on the other tables, so this vase of flowers must have been brought by Guan Juer himself.

"Brother Bai, you, you are here." Guan Juer lowered his head, too shy to look up.

There is light in her eyes.

Su Yi bit the bullet and walked into the box, first sniffed the flowers on the table, and then said with a smile, "Thank you for the flowers."

Guan Ju'er's breathing became short of breath, and joy welled up in her eyes, but before she could speak, Su Yi's next words made her freeze in place, as if being poured by a basin of cold water.

"After dinner later, can I take it back and give it to Yingying?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

Guan Ju'er's face was pale, and he forced a smile after a while, saying: "Of course."

"Thank you." Su Yi deliberately said in a relaxed tone, "What do you want to eat? Have you ordered?"

"I ordered a set meal for two." Guan Juer whispered.

"Okay, let's eat and watch first." Su Yi said, "Have you sent a message to Lin Jing?"

"Not yet." Guan Juer said.

Just as he was talking, the information came.

Guan Juer picked up the phone and took a look, then immediately showed the screen to Su Yi.

There was a message from Lin Jinggang: "Have you made the appointment yet? Where is it?"

This guy must have been fighting the stock battle all morning, now is the halftime break, right?

With such a big deal going on over there, he still has time to care about whether he has come to the appointment?

It seems that Lin Jing attaches great importance to his line...

But what exactly did Lin Jing want to do to him?

Su Yi is still puzzled.

"How to answer, how to answer him."

"Oh." Guan Juer responded, and replied: "The appointment is here, at the muse restaurant."

Lin Jing was silent over there.

Su Yi was secretly vigilant, he excused himself to go to the bathroom and walked out of the box, walked around the restaurant, and even went to the door to check, but found nothing abnormal.

So, what does Lin Jing want to do?
When Su Yi returned to the box full of worries, he almost bumped into Guan Juer.

"Bai, Brother Bai, I think you won't come back for a long time, and I want to go out to find you." Guan Juer blushed and said nervously.

No, why are you blushing?What are you nervous about?
Su Yi was a little strange, but he said: "I visited this restaurant, I..."

Just as he was speaking, Guan Juer suddenly hooked Su Yi's neck with both hands, and then quickly brought his mouth closer.

The next moment, she kissed Su Yi's mouth again.

Su Yi's eyes widened instantly.


No, why does this girl keep doing forced kisses?
He remained motionless for a long time, Guan Juer let go of Su Yi, ran back to his seat in a panic, lowered his head and gasped violently, neither spoke nor looked at Su Yi.

Su Yi touched his lips with a strange expression.

She's a pretty little girl, why does her mouth look like a sucker...

 These two chapters involve the stock market, but I have never touched stocks in my life, and I know nothing about stocks.Therefore, there must be some omissions about the content of stocks.If you find common-sense mistakes about stocks...

  Hit me if you have the ability

(End of this chapter)

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