Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 430 Failure and Reflection

Chapter 430 Failure and Reflection

When Su Yi walked out of the set, he didn't see director B29 and other actors, which is a bit unusual.

He was quickly transported by the elevator to the office area where director No. 032 was located.

Director No. 032 had been waiting for him for a long time. When he saw him, he shook his head in disappointment and said, "I have seen your performance, but this time your performance is not very good."

Su Yi was a little embarrassed, and he also knew that his performance was not very good.

"Emotional drama is indeed my shortcoming." Su Yi said, "I'm sorry director, I let you down."

"It's not a question of short board or not, but a question of attitude." No. 032 said, "I warned you before you entered the set, it's best to fall in love as yourself, not as a person in the play to talk, but you have completely forgotten my advice to you."

Su Yi was silent, he hadn't really forgotten, but he really couldn't get involved in his relationship with Qiu Yingying.

"Sit down." Director No. 032 shook his head, "B29's film has been declared a failure because it lost control, and it will not be released. She is very angry and frustrated. That's why she didn't see you."

"Didn't see me?" Su Yi was keenly aware of the mystery in 032, "Did she meet someone else after the end?"

"Yes," No. 032 looked at Su Yi, "she met the actor who performed the best in your show, the actor who played Tan Zongming, he is really lucky, although B29 is a newcomer, but the background behind her Very profound, but unfortunately, you did not win her favor."

Su Yi shrugged: "I already have Bole."

A smile flashed in No. 032's eyes, and said: "Okay, I've watched all of your performances, especially the part about you, let's review your performance on the last set, and see what you committed. Where is the mistake."

"First of all, your biggest question is, why did you use item cards to assign yourself such an identity? This is a huge failure!"

"You are an actor, and all your props should serve the plot of your show. You use props to forcibly change your identity and background, which is actually a kind of surrender in itself, which means that you think from the bottom of your heart that Bai Muyang's role is too difficult. , you can't act well..."

"Let's talk about the relationship between you and Qiu Yingying. Do you know where your biggest failure is? You lack sincerity! In this regard, Tan Zongming is much better than you! His last performance was amazing..."

"Then there is the relationship between you and the other heroines. What do you think of them? Your subordinates? NPCs? Or props? Your biggest problem is..."

"The last is your attitude towards other actors. If I were the director of this show, one of the five actors would count as one, and I would give you all low marks..."

From Su Yi's initial entry to the final ending, No. 032 listed all of Su Yi's problems, and gave what she thought were better choices and solutions.

Su Yi was in a cold sweat, and only then did he realize how much he had failed in this performance.

Of course, it's not that he didn't mention his advantages, but overall, Su Yi's performance was a failure.

"You have gained a lot from this performance, but this film is a bad film that is not even eligible for release. It will even be put into the library as a negative teaching material." No. 032 said seriously, "I want to warn you, don't I feel that if I earn more, other things don’t matter, compared to the price you paid, the director points you earn are actually not enough to compensate you.”

Su Yi was a little surprised: "Director, you still have to pay for acting in a bad movie?"

"Of course!" Director No. 032 said, "As a professional actor, if you participate in a performance of a non-rehearsal film, the box office is not good, or the evaluation is low. The worst case is that this kind of situation cannot be released. It is considered a failure! Three failures in total, it is a failure!" Gotta stand the test of a death show."

"Death show?" Su Yi's heart trembled.

"It's the kind of performance that narrowly escapes death." Director No. 032 said, "For example, the three hundred warriors of Sparta, the god of death is coming..."

"The sound of the wind..."

"The sound of the wind is certainly not counted." Director No. 032 glanced at Su Yi, "Strictly speaking, all the actors in the story of the sound of the wind can survive, and the probability of survival is not less than 25%, so this is a normal movie .”

The probability of surviving is [-]/[-], is it normal?

Then there are three quarters of the possibility of death! ! !
"This performance is equivalent to accumulating a failure for you." Director No. 032 continued, "This is by no means a good thing for you. Also, don't think that film and television dramas will make more money. It's just a special case, it's the generosity of B29, and it's also the particularity of this type of drama, under normal circumstances, you won't earn so much."

"I remember, director." Su Yi nodded cautiously.

"Your emotional drama still needs to be strengthened..." No. 032 frowned, "It's still the same sentence, don't treat our film and television dramas as ordinary things. When audiences watch a film and television drama, the plot is only the most basic. It's important to see the drama that comes out of an actor playing a character."

Director No. 032 said this, but this time, Su Yi had a deeper understanding.

"Devotion, wholehearted devotion, is always the most important thing, understand?" No. 032 said, "This is the direction you will work hard in the future."

"Thank you director." Su Yi sincerely thanked him.

To be honest, he didn't expect that No. 032 would be so patient to tell him a play, it seems that he is really optimistic and thinks highly of him.

The original harsh impression gradually faded in Su Yi.

According to what director No. 032 explained, and then watching his entire performance in Ode to Joy, Su Yi found that director No. 032 was on point on many issues. The most important reason why the show failed was actually Su Yi’s attitude .

And the way he used props to change his identity in the first place, it seems stupid now.

If he was just a scumbag in charge, the show would definitely have greater dramatic tension.

Therefore, in any performance, the identity is by no means the more perfect the better. On the contrary, some identities with serious flaws are often more interesting.

Of course, it also tests the ability of the actors themselves.

What Su Yi gained the most from this drama was not so many director points, but that he had a deeper understanding of the profession of an actor.

Of course, in this drama, he also forged a deadly enemy among his peers - Lin Jing.

It's a pity that Lin Jing has been locked up in prison in the later period, and this guy got along smoothly with some advanced knowledge, didn't suffer much, and even concentrated on scientific research...

Su Yi had a hunch that the day when he and Lin Jing would meet again would not be too far away.

"You go to Xiao Ai now, she will make some preparations for you." Director No. 032 suddenly said, "Alpha Heavens Film Festival is about to be held, you walk the red carpet with me."

(End of this chapter)

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