Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 444 Contradictions

Chapter 444 Contradictions
The old man's cries echoed in everyone's ears, and everyone's heart was heavy.

Who can remain indifferent to such a miserable scene unless it is an inhuman animal?
With a heavy complexion, Su Yi walked around the crying old man and walked into the brick kiln. When he looked around, he froze all of a sudden.

In the dim brick kiln, people were densely packed.

All old people and children.

The children were crying loudly, and every old face was filled with numbness and despair.

Under the half of the brick kiln that collapsed, Su Yi could vaguely hear a moan of pain, and he saw a buried body with limbs exposed.

"Someone has been buried! Hurry up! Save them all!" Su Yi roared sharply.

After all, he rolled up his sleeves first and rushed over there.

The team members all rushed in, and Su Yi realized that his order just now was inappropriate, and hurriedly added: "All the snipers in the three groups went to the village entrance to guard, and immediately fired warning shots when encountering the enemy! Ma Baojun, you take someone , Transfer all the old people and children out!"


Now it is much clearer, the team members have a clear division of labor, vigilance for vigilance, diversion of masses for diversion of masses, rescue for rescue.

After digging up two mutilated bodies, one large and one small, Ma Baojun came to report. The old man in the village said that five people were buried, two old men and three children.

Su Yi's heart was heavy, and he led the people to continue digging to save people without making a sound.

More than ten minutes later, the bodies of the other two elderly people were also dug out.

At this time, many team members are already desperate and feel that they are doing useless work.

Five were buried, four died, and the youngest girl was left. How could she survive?

"Chief, stop digging, forget it..." Sun Dade said sadly.


The team members persuaded Su Yi one after another.

But Su Yi still didn't stop.

He dug furiously down from where the sound had come from before.

Bai Ruben also stopped, gritted his teeth when he saw this, wiped away his tears and ran over to accompany Su Yi to dig.

The other team members who stopped had no choice but to accompany Su Yi to dig.

At a certain moment, a clear humming sound came out again from under the mound of earth dug by everyone.

Everyone's movements almost stopped subconsciously, and even the sound of breathing was held together.

"We found someone! He's still alive! There are still people alive!"

Some team members suddenly shouted out in surprise!
This almost inaudible slight hum lifted the spirits of the team members who had given up hope.

Now they were no longer digging to accompany Su Yi, but spontaneously took the initiative to speed up the digging.

Soon, the last buried child was dug out.

This is a little girl of four or five years old. I don't know if it's her luck or misfortune. A wooden pole is placed on top of her body, coupled with the surrounding large earthen bricks, so that her weak body is not completely buried. It leaves a small space.

But her two legs were all broken.There were also scratches on his body from being hit by shrapnel, and half of his face was bloody and bloody.

She is still alive, but has passed out due to excessive blood loss.

The good news is that her two legs are not seriously injured and can be saved.The injuries on the body are not serious.

As for disfigurement...

Being able to survive is stronger than anything else.

Bai Ru quickly got busy, Su Yi sent two people to help her, then simply patted the dirt on her body, and followed Sun Dade to the group of crying old people and children.

Ma Baojun came up to Su Yi from a distance, and reported with a serious expression: "Chief, the situation has probably been clarified."

"Nangang Tun'er was slaughtered by more than [-] bandits. They claimed to be from Weihu Mountain and were ordered by Cui Sanye."

"They only kill young and middle-aged people, regardless of gender. They say they want to prevent the villagers from being drawn in by our Labor Party and fight against them, so they strike first. They only leave the old people and children, and tell them that if they want to blame, they will blame us. Labor Party..."

"A total of 37 corpses were found, including the four that were dug up just now. I don't know if there are any others that we haven't found. The villagers know our identities and are very resistant to us. I think they must be because The words of the bandits, and blame us."

"Made, they don't know right from wrong?" Liu Xuncang shouted angrily, "What does it matter to us?"

Su Yi glared at him, then turned to Ma Baojun and said, "Go on."

"Yes!" Ma Baojun continued, "The massacre happened two hours ago. When the bandits left, they also took away all the food in the village. After they left, the most respected old man Ge in the village called everyone into the brick kiln. It is said that it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, and there is not even a grain of grain left. The old and the young are left, and they can't survive anyway, so it's better to die together, and it's clean..."

"Old Man Ge's house has always been hiding a grenade that the devil got when he was still alive. He gathered everyone together and then detonated the grenade."

"But he overestimated the power of the grenade, and it is said that before he died, he put the grenade in his arms, so the grenade only killed the old couple, and the three people closest to him, and collapsed half of them." The brick kiln, everyone else is fine."

"Sir, that's how it is."

After listening to Ma Baojun's words, all the team members fell silent.

They looked at the weeping old people and children not far away, and at the corpses that had been carried out and neatly placed on the roadside, the sympathy and anger in their hearts could not be added.

Human tragedy!

Overnight, all the young and middle-aged people in a village were slaughtered, leaving only the elderly and children who had little ability to survive.

Even so, they did not leave a morsel of food to these people.

Even if it's hell, I'm afraid it's nothing more than that, right?

"This group of beasts!" Sun Dade gritted his teeth, "They are no longer worthy of being called human beings!"

"They all deserve to die!" Liu Xuncang said bitterly.

The rest of the team members also shared the same hatred and cursed endlessly.

Su Yi frowned and looked around. Seeing Ma Baojun frowning like him, his heart moved and he asked, "Ma Baojun, what are you thinking?"

Everyone immediately quieted down and looked over together.

"Chief!" Ma Baojun said hastily, "I'm thinking that the last time the bandits were handed over was half a year ago. They haven't moved in the past six months. We just went down the mountain today, and they slaughtered Nangang Village. In addition, the villagers also said Well, the reason why the bandits slaughtered the village was to prevent the villagers from being drawn over by our Labor Party and against them, so they acted first..."

Speaking of this, Ma Baojun's train of thought seems to have been completely cleared up. He looked at Su Yi in surprise and said, "If I'm not wrong, Chief, the bandits probably already know about our team going down the mountain to suppress the bandits!"

"They know that the decisive battle between our engineering army and the fruit army is imminent, and they can't mobilize the manpower to destroy them now; they also know that the instructions given to us by the superiors are to fully mobilize the power of the masses to deal with them, so they simply draw from the bottom..."

"How did the bandits know? Could there be a traitor among us?" Liu Xuncang asked in surprise.

"Someone got a special status and pretended to be loyal?" a team member exclaimed in surprise.

The team members were all surprised and looked at each other suspiciously.


Su Yi snorted, and after everyone looked over, he said: "When I came in, the director made it very clear that this time the scene is not a confrontation between camps, and all the actors will form a team. So, don't doubt yourself." , no one pretends to be loyal!"

"Of course, Team Leader Ma's analysis is very reasonable, and I agree with him." Su Yi said in a deep voice, "Our information has indeed been leaked, and the bandits already knew of our existence. The tragedy in Nangang is their response."

"But the traitor should be in the base area, not among us. Because if there is a traitor among us, just now, as long as he informs the bandits to set a trap, are we still alive?"

The team members suddenly realized that Ma Baojun followed Su Yi's train of thought and said, "And the identity of the person who leaked the information should not be too high. If the bandits knew that we only came down with more than [-] people, they would not have such an extreme reaction. What they should do more is to ambush us and kill us!"

"That's right! That must be the case!" Sun Dade agreed, "But this traitor is very dangerous. As long as he exists, I'm afraid he will reveal our details sooner or later. get rid of."

"How did you find out?" Liu Xuncang said disdainfully, "There are nearly [-] people in the base area, and there are nearly [-] people in our regiment headquarters. Although our training venue is completely closed, but to be honest, the secrecy is not very good. The whole regiment does not know us. There are very few people! If it is suspicious, everyone is suspicious, how do you investigate? Get rid of it?"

"Group Leader Liu is right," said a member of the team, "and our task is to fight bandits, so we can't suspend the task and find the mole first when we go back, right?"

Sun Dade said nothing with a cold face.

Su Yi said: "It is true that the traitor must be eliminated, but this is not our task. I agree with Team Leader Ma's analysis. The identity of the traitor should not be too high, otherwise he should reveal our situation. I will not come to Nangang alive."

"In this case, we have left the base area now, and this traitor can no longer contact us. His threat to us is actually not great, so we don't need to worry too much about this traitor. Moreover, once we report our suspicions to Above, let them investigate secretly, maybe this traitor will be caught immediately when he inquires about us again!"

Su Yi's analysis dispelled everyone's worries.

He continued: "The question we should consider most now is not what went wrong, but where are the bandits in Tucun now? What are they going to do next!"

"Since the purpose of the bandits is to strike first, then they should not only harm a village in Nangang." Su Yi looked serious, "I seriously doubt that they will harm all the young and middle-aged people in the nearby ten miles and eight towns! "

Everyone's scalp was numb and their hearts were cold.

Some people don't believe it: "It shouldn't be the chief, it's fine to slaughter a village, they won't really be like devils, and implement the three-light policy?"

"These beasts are inhumane, they can do anything! I think the chief is right!" More people supported Su Yi's opinion, "They will definitely slaughter the village! Chief, what should we do?"

"Of course we must stop them! You can't let them go, right?"

"Yes! Although we are actors, we are individuals first!"

"I think things have gone beyond our capabilities, and we should ask the base for help!"

"The bandits deliberately provoked us and lured us into the bait. I think we should be cautious."

When it came to the question of what to do, everyone's opinions immediately became varied.

This is the biggest disadvantage of the cast team. Everyone has their own ideas, and it is difficult to unify their ideas.

And everyone has their reasons for shrinking or avoiding, and this reason cannot be refuted at all.

"I received the task of destroying Xu Da Ma Bang's forces, how about you?"

"I have it too."

"I have it too, should everyone have it?"

In the end, everyone's eyes fell on Su Yi's face.

"Me too." Su Yi nodded and admitted.

"That's good." Someone breathed a sigh of relief, "This is Xu Da Ma Bang's territory. It stands to reason that people from Zuo Shandiao shouldn't come here. I think we are using this to provoke The conflict between Xu Da Ma Bang and Zuo Shandiao, and then take the opportunity to destroy Xu Da Ma Bang and complete our own performance mission?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I agree, this is the right way!"

This proposal immediately aroused many people's support.

In the end, even Liu Xuncang hesitated slightly, then looked at Su Yi and said, "Chief, I think this proposal is good and very reasonable."

"Then what about the villagers who died tragically?" Sun Dade questioned angrily, "Also, we know that the bandits are going to slaughter other villages, so why don't we just let them die tragically for the sake of performing tasks?"

"How dare you pretend to be great here!" Liu Xuncang has been quarreling with Sun Dade all the time, and he directly responded, "Are we not caring? We are paying attention to strategy! Of course the mountain eagle can't spare him, but not now, we have to take a step forward One step!"

"When you finish step by step, all the young and middle-aged people in these ten miles and eight villages will die!" Sun Dade said coldly.

He looked at Su Yi and said, "Chief, I think we should pursue it. We are indeed actors, but we are individuals first! Why don't we do what we can when we have the ability to prevent the tragedy from happening?"

"Group Leader Sun is right! I think we should avenge the name of the village and kill these evil bandits! Cut them into pieces!"

"That's right, not killing is not enough to anger the common people!"

"These beasts don't die, it's the law of heaven! And we must never let such a tragedy happen again!"

Sun Dade also has a group of supporters.

"Chief, what do you think should be done?" Liu Xuncang sneered and asked Su Yi the question.

Su Yi, who had been watching coldly, did not answer directly when he heard the words, but looked at Ma Baojun who had been silent all the time: "Team Leader Ma, what do you say?"

"Me?" Ma Baojun was startled, then said in a deep voice, "I'll listen to the chief."


(End of this chapter)

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