Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 448 Very Sudden

Chapter 448 Very Sudden
Using the well-known trick of the prisoner's dilemma, Su Yi successfully got the seven captives to scramble to confess all the information he knew, and obtained a lot of valuable internal information from Weihushan.

This includes but is not limited to the terrain, deployment, deployment of troops and munitions inventory of Weihu Mountain, the preferences and personalities of the Zuoshan Eagle and the Eight King Kongs, their close and distant relationships, conflicts and gossip, and so on.

This information will undoubtedly be of great value to the 203 team in dealing with Weihushan in the future!
The interrogation took more than three hours. After all seven prisoners were interrogated, the sky was already gray.

Bai Ru, who was in charge of recording, wrote dozens of pages of densely packed small print, which shows how much information he got.

Although Bai Ru's wrist hurts from writing, she is very excited, because as a soldier, she knows the importance of these information too well!

At this moment, in her mind, Su Yi's image is infinitely tall, he is the embodiment of wisdom and courage, and he pays equal attention to talent and appearance.

She looked at Su Yi with undisguised admiration, and said: "Chief, with this information, we will be able to completely eradicate Weihushan, a stubborn bandit force that has been entrenched in Mudanjiang for decades! You are so powerful Already!"

Su Yi was not so optimistic.

"Whether we can destroy Weihu Mountain or get rid of the mountain eagle is not enough if we have enough detailed information." Su Yi said, "This is at most just to increase our confidence. Whether it can be done or not depends on all the soldiers working hard." .”

Su Yi could see clearly that this team won this beautiful battle, but firstly, the enemy only had more than [-] people; Such a victory.

And it's not wrong to wipe out the enemy, but it also depends on how much ammunition is consumed.

This team composed of all actors does not have the careful planning of real industrial soldiers. When a battle starts, bullets are poured out for free. With twice the number of bandits, one can imagine how wasteful it is.

This encounter, at best, only accumulated experience and strengthened the morale of the army, and it did not mean that the team had undergone a transformation.

To turn this team into a strong and capable team, at least a few tough battles are needed.

Among the missions of the performance was "elimination of Xu Dama's forces". Presumably, the director specially released this mission for this reason, so that the bandit suppression team could use it for training.

So Su Yi would not be blindly optimistic because of this victory, because of the information.Not to mention, there are two groups led by Liu Xuncang who are separated, waiting for Su Yi to suffer enough before completely subduing him.

There is still a long way to go to wipe out Weihushan.

"Comrade Bai Ru, I will leave this information to you for safekeeping," Su Yi said.

After a pause, he looked at the sky, turned around and asked Li Hongyi on the side: "Is it the turn of Sun Dade's group to change shifts now?"

"Yes, Chief." Li Hongyi stepped forward and replied.

"Except for the comrades guarding the captives and a few sentry posts, let everyone come over, and I will arrange the next action task." Su Yi ordered.


After Li Hongyi left, Su Yi helped Bai Ru pack up the materials.

Bai Ru hastily refused: "Chief, let me do these things, you don't have to..."

Before the words were finished, a stack of documents was scattered on the ground in a modest manner.Bai Ru felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly squatted down to pick.

Su Yi also shook his head, and began to help pick it up from the other side. Soon, the two picked it up from both sides to the middle, and when picking up the same piece of paper under an iron shelf, their hands touched together.

Both of them were startled and stayed where they were.

At this moment, the deer bumped against Bai Ru's chest, her face was visibly stained red.

"Huh? What is this?"

Su Yi suddenly pointed to a gap exposed on the ground and said.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pick at the gap, and actually moved a large piece of "ground" covered with snow.

It turned out that this was actually a large piece of wood. Below the board was a nearly one-meter-deep pit. Both sides of the pit were slopes, and the inside was empty.

Associating that this is the entrance of the hangar, Su Yi quickly guessed the purpose of this pit—this should be a pit specially designed for loading pallets. Some goods, to avoid workers moving up and down.

But in normal times, this pit will be covered with wooden boards, which is convenient for people to walk around on it.

Bai Ru didn't understand, so Su Yi explained the purpose of this pit, in exchange for the other party's admiring eyes: "Chief, you really know a lot..."

Su Yi smiled and restored the board to its original shape.

Soon, most of the people gathered, including the two team leaders.

Su Yi looked around for a week, and the team members all consciously quieted down.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate all comrades, congratulations to everyone, you fought a beautiful battle of annihilation!" Su Yi suddenly smiled and said with a smile.

He took the lead in applauding: "Come on, everyone applauds for me, it's an encouragement and praise for me."

clap la la...

The applause immediately rang out, and everyone's emotions were extremely high.

Su Yi didn't play any routine of raising first and then lowering, and followed closely: "Li Hongyi, you are in charge of reporting to everyone what we have gained from this battle!"

"Yes!" Li Hongyi answered loudly, and he came out and said loudly: "In this battle, our team will wipe out the bandits together..."

He recounted all the achievements and gains, so that all the team members had a deeper understanding and understanding of the situation of this battle.

Finally, Su Yi briefly told everyone about the large amount of information obtained from the seven captives, and finally said: "Comrades, this time we chased down the bandits who committed blood debts, and not only successfully completed the established strategy. The target, and additionally obtained a large amount of arms and intelligence, it can be said to be a great success!"

"Now, it's time for us to retreat. Although we cut off the claws protruding from Weihushan, but now, it's not the time to deal with Weihushan. We have to turn around and pull out Naitoushan first. Xu Da Ma sticks this thorn." Su Yi looked around, "Otherwise Naitoushan standing behind us would be like a thorn in our throat, very dangerous!"

"As for Weihu Mountain, I believe that after this battle, before the mountain eagle has figured out our situation, it will never dare to send people to die easily." Su Yi sneered, "More than fifty people have been wiped out, even if we can't let us die." His injuries are enough to make him heartbroken! He never wants to suffer such a loss a second time."

"If he dares to send someone again, he will never come back!" Sun Dade shouted with a smile.

"That's right! What kind of mountain sculpture, I think it's a sand sculpture!" Someone responded.

Everyone laughed in unison, a happy atmosphere.

"I think you deserve the first victory in this battle, Chief 203!" Ma Baojun laughed, "I have also seen what it means to strategize this time, Chief, after this battle, I am completely convinced by you!"

"What do you mean, Team Leader Ma?" Sun Dade said immediately, "What do you mean by that, that you were dissatisfied with the chief before?"

"Leader Sun, don't make trouble." Ma Baojun said, "We are all revolutionary comrades, we must unite closely and seek common ground while reserving differences! Look at me, I have never criticized your bad atmosphere of excessive flattery. Why? Isn't it just because of fear? Does it affect unity?"

"Hey? How can I be flattering? I'm being friendly!"

"But you are too friendly to the chief!"

"That's because I adore him..."

Everyone laughed.

Su Yi smiled and didn't stop immediately.

Although Sun Dade was flattering, his heart was still righteous and he had abilities. In Su Yi's view, his flattery was more of a subconscious behavior of self-protection, and it was harmless.

Ma Baojun is a bit arrogant. He had always been a little lukewarm towards Su Yi before, but he still carried out Su Yi's orders meticulously.Now that Su Yi has won the approval of Ma Baojun through such a war, the change in the latter's attitude is actually a matter of course.

There are also two people, Li Hongyi and Dong Zhongsong, who Su Yi wants to focus on training. These two people train very hard, and they have a kind of drive to face difficulties.It was precisely because of this that Su Yi liked them, and he focused on using them more after he went down the mountain.

And this time the two of them took a huge risk to be the bait and lead the battle, and they did not disappoint Su Yi's expectations, so Su Yi has tried to delegate more tasks to them, letting them gradually replace Liu Xuncang, who Su Yi didn't like.

"Okay, everyone be quiet, let's get down to business!" Su Yi clapped his palms, and everyone immediately became quiet and stopped laughing.

Bai Ru looked at Su Yi with admiration. She had never seen such an atmosphere in other teams. She always felt that this group of people was very special, and Su Yi was the most special one among them.

This particularity is both mysterious and wonderful, and she has been deeply involved in it unconsciously.

"We must rush back to Nangang and join the second group before it gets completely dark." Su Yi looked around and said, "Fortunately, we have captured 53 horses, so if all goes well, we will be there in less than an hour at most."

"In the previous training camp, we specially strengthened the training of horse riding. I believe everyone has no problem. The problem now is that the seven captives cannot be allowed to ride alone, nor can they be untied. The seven of them must have better riding skills. Comrade with them..."

Before the words fell, only a gunshot was heard, resounding through the air.

Su Yi was startled, then shut up immediately, his expression changed drastically.

This is the guard post set up in front of Shanlan Station, and there was a warning gunshot.

The sound of gunfire as a warning meant that the situation was urgent. What happened to make the sentry so tense?

"Everyone is on combat readiness and standing by!" Su Yi reacted very quickly and immediately ordered, "Two team leaders, as well as Dong Zhongsong and Li Hongyi, the four of you come with me!"

The five of them hurried through the cargo area, came to the front door guard post set up earlier, climbed up the shelf, and took a look, their hearts sank immediately, and they were so shocked!
I saw more than a dozen military vehicles parked one mile ahead, surrounded by dense crowds of people, at least hundreds of people, four cannons lined up, and their thick muzzles were being calibrated to this side!

"Chief, after the convoy stopped there, they immediately got out of the car and set up their guns. They must have come at us! I saw two people who wanted to rush over. I didn't have time to notify you, so I had to shoot as a warning. As soon as I opened Gun, those two people who were coming to explore the way immediately retreated!"

The sentry reported in a hurry, with a trembling voice.

On a very cold day, he was sweating profusely.

Su Yi took out the binoculars to check, his heart sank, he was shocked and angry.

"It's a bandit!" He said, the people on the opposite side were all armed with guns and dressed in various clothes, they were obviously bandits on the mountain.

What surprised him was that the bandits shouldn't have appeared here, especially with so many bandits, who belonged to these bandits?What a great horse?Or a mountain sculpture?
What made him angry was that as soon as these bandits arrived, they made it clear that the chariots and horses pointed their guns at this side, obviously knowing that their enemies were here, and they were here to kill them.

But why are the bandits so sure that this side is their enemy?Why did they come straight here?

This situation was completely beyond Su Yi's expectations!

But now he has no time to think about it, he must make a decision immediately!
The opponent has guns, cars, and a large number of people. Don't think about it, he must be defeated, so he can only withdraw!

His mind was changing rapidly, and he quickly made a decision. He gritted his teeth and said, "Retreat! Inform everyone and retreat immediately! Let's ride horses and go from behind!"

Fortunately, there are horses!

As long as you don't take the avenue that a car can walk, there is still a high chance of escaping.

"You stay here first, and observe the enemy's situation at any time. Once they are ready to fire, shoot as a warning immediately, and then withdraw!" Su Yi quickly ordered while holding the sentry post, and immediately took the lead and turned around and ran back.

The four followed closely behind.

No one rushed back to the hangar door, Su Yi yelled and ordered: "Ma Baojun, go and execute those seven captives immediately, they can't stay anymore! Then take all your people out of the hangar, those ammunition only take grenades and the dynamite pack, give up everything else!"

"Yes!" Ma Baojun hurriedly led away.

"Sun Da..." Su Yi was just about to give the order——

A gunshot came again from behind the warehouse.

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, his heart trembled, and an extremely bad premonition came to his heart.

"Chief!" Sun Dade's face was pale, and he looked at Su Yi in disbelief. Obviously, he also guessed a very unfortunate possibility.

There were two more gunshots in succession, and the guard posts at the east and west sides also fired warning shots.

At this moment, everyone panicked!
"It's not good! Commander, it's not good!" Some team members screamed and ran towards this side, yelling in horror: "Chief, there are enemies on all sides! At least there are seven or eight hundred people! Chief, we Surrounded!"


It's like five thunders hitting the top, a bolt from the blue!
Su Yi could hardly believe his ears!

How could it be suddenly surrounded by enemies?

Why is this ridiculous thing happening?
(End of this chapter)

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