Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 451 Traitor

Chapter 451 Traitor
Before the bandit suppression team broke through from the east, some of them ran away, and the rest were first internal strife, and then they were all "suppressed". The bandits really saw it, so they thought that there would be no more enemies in the hangar , is also reasonable.

A group of bandits were almost unsuspecting, and they searched around the hangar with a lot of noise.

In the dimly lit hangar, there were shadows and figures walking around.

Someone shouted: "Hey? There are a lot of guns here! Come and see!"

Immediately surrounded the past a lot.

"How do I look at it, it looks like our gun?" Someone picked up one and asked in doubt.

"It's not that bad? It looks like it." Su Yi mingled in the crowd, nodded in a serious manner, and touched Sun Dade next to him with his elbow, "Look!"

Sun Dade was terrified. He never expected that Su Yi would dare to join the crowd. If he was found out, he would be looking for death.

"Yes, yes, like..." He mumbled.

"Put it all away, and give it to the uncle later." A little leader shouted, "Stop surrounding it, and keep searching!"

"Go away!"

The bandits scattered again.

At this time, four people including Su Yi came out, but everyone noticed that there were four more people among them.

"Hey hey hey, come a few people and follow me to have a look at the back!" Su Yi greeted loudly, staggered and walked to the back, cursing as he walked, "I'm so numb, I'm black, I don't even have a light No……"

"Hey! There are grenades and explosives here! Damn, I found out, this is really our Weihushan ammunition! Come and see, there is our mark on it!"

Someone screamed again.

The bandits immediately surrounded Wuyang Wuyang again.

This time Su Yi didn't join in the fun, he strode out through a gap in the back wall, and looked around vigilantly, as expected, there was not a single ghost!
The other three people followed Su Yi and got out. Su Yi beckoned them to follow him. Just as he was about to speak, a fourth person came out of the gap!

Su Yi was taken aback, but he reacted very quickly, and immediately rushed forward, took out a gun and pointed it at the man's head, and shouted sharply, "Don't move!"

Sun Dade and the other three were taken aback, and then they realized that they drew their guns one after another!

This person followed closely behind the three of them, but they didn't notice it at all. This is too inappropriate!

"It's me, Chief!" Su Yi was thinking about how to kill this man without making a sound, but when this man spoke, it was a familiar voice.

Su Yi was startled, took off the man's hat and saw that it was Gao Bo!

The long-lost Gao Bo!
How could it be Gao Bo?

How could he be in the team of bandits?

Could it be that he betrayed everyone?

After all, this is the person the director clearly wants to clean up. He holds a grudge and wants to ruin the director's play. It is not impossible!
Is he a traitor?
Su Yi's mind was changing rapidly, but the surface reacted quickly.

Without further ado, he put away the gun, waved to the other three and said, "Your man, put down the gun!"

He chose to believe in Gao Bo, he believed in his previous judgment.

Sun Dade and the other three were in shock.

They had never met Gao Bo, and they didn't know the existence of Gao Bo, because Gao Bo had been assigned to scout the enemy long before Su Yi found them.

All along, Su Yi never contacted Gao Bo at all.

But when Su Yi spoke, they still put down their guns in doubt.

At this moment, Gao Bo's heart was full of enthusiasm. He didn't expect that Su Yi would trust him without hesitation.

Before deciding to meet Su Yi, he had imagined countless scenes, and every scene had Su Yi doubting himself. After all, if he put himself in his shoes, he would doubt himself too.

But he didn't expect that as soon as Su Yi recognized him, he chose to believe him.

"Chief, Luan Chao's family betrayed you!" Gao Bo lowered his voice and said directly, "He exposed his identity when he came, but I know him, he doesn't know that I am also an actor... This person also came today, and he must not Let him see you!"

"Luan Chao's family? It's from the second group!" Sun Dade was frightened and angry, "Is he the only one who rebelled? Or did the whole second group rebel?"

Gao Bo glanced at him, shook his head and said, "Then I don't know."

Then he looked at Su Yi again and said quickly: "Chief, the bandits thought that you would run away or die, and there would be no survivors! It is right for you to go here! Now everyone is looking for things everywhere, and there is no time to search. People. I came to see you to tell you two things, first, the name of the traitor. Second, I went to Weihu Mountain for various reasons, and now Qi Ye and I are safe for the time being!"

Having said that, he looked around vigilantly, and said, "I didn't bring any food this time. We will return to the mountain soon, and we won't stay for long. You don't need to run too far, just find a safe place to stay. !"

"Chief, do you have any instructions?" Finally, Gao Bo looked at Su Yi.

At this moment, Su Yi's thoughts turned sharply. He looked at Gao Bo and asked, "Who are the bosses here?"

"The old Paotou, the second child turned over. There are five people in the old five Yangzifang, the old Qihua Tongzi and the old eight Xiao Tiesuo." Gao Bo said quickly, "Weihushan is considered a big move this time, because the Guojun is alone. The commissioner surnamed Hou took the advance map to Mount Weihu, Cui Sanye wanted to be the commander-in-chief of the advance army of the Guo army, and also wanted the advance map, this action is to submit a certificate!"

"So, now that the task is completed, Luan Chao's family is useless to the bandits?" Su Yi followed up and asked.

Gao Bo was startled, his heart skipped a beat, but he still said truthfully: "It's useless, but Mr. Cui won't cross the river and tear down bridges! He won't smash his own signboard."

"Find a way to lure him here! Then try to disregard his disappearance as much as possible." Su Yi slapped Gao Bo on the shoulder, "I'll give you five minutes, go!"

Gao Bo was stunned for a while, then hurriedly said: "Chief, what are you going to do? This..."

"Don't ask why, don't make excuses!" Su Yi interrupted him, "Go and execute the order!"

"...Yes!" Gao Bo took the order and left depressed.

In his opinion, the most important thing for Su Yi now is to take people away and escape quickly, not to fix some moths.

To lie to Luan Chao's family?
Luan Chao's family is now with several heads of the family, and they are under strict guard. How can they be deceived?
What's more, only five minutes?
Moreover, Gao Bo felt that this move was very dangerous, and if he was not careful, he would get himself involved.

He went up to Weihu Mountain due to some accidents, and now he is struggling every step of the way. He lives very cautiously, for fear that if he makes a wrong step, he will be doomed, and he has to think twice about every word he says on weekdays.

But now, Su Yi actually asked him to do such a dangerous thing?

But is it okay not to do it?

Su Yi was waiting there. He didn't lie to Luan Chao's family. What if they didn't leave until they were discovered and arrested?
Will Gao Bo be sold by then?
Thinking of this, Gao Bo couldn't help regretting, why he couldn't help but hear Su Yi's voice, so he ran to meet him at the risk?

Sure enough, you can't do anything out of line, otherwise it will be troublesome!
Gao Bo was full of thoughts, walked through the hangar to the main entrance, almost bumped into someone, looked up, and was stunned.

Who is this person in front of Luan Chao's family?

Next to him, no one followed, he was alone!

At the same time, outside the courtyard wall at the back gate, Su Yi said to the other three people: "Now there is no doubt that we have been betrayed! If we don't know what's going on, even if we escape this disaster, we won't be able to escape the next one, or even the next one." Whether we can contact the organization again is a problem! We are too passive!"

"We can escape now, but we can also seize this rare opportunity and take the traitor Luan Chao's family away!"

"As you all heard just now, the enemy is busy looking for things and can't take care of us for the time being. In other words, we still have some time to take risks..."

"Chief, we all listen to you!" Sun Dade was the first to express his opinion, and said bitterly, "I also want to find out whether this Luan Chao family alone is a traitor, or the entire second group is a traitor!"

"Yes, that's right!" A team member responded, "We must not let any traitor go!"

"But, can that buddy lure the traitor over?" Another team member questioned, "How long do we have to wait?"

"It won't be too long!" Su Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, "At this time, Luan Chao's family is anxious to confirm whether we are dead or not. He is more deceitful than ever!"

outside the front door.

"Boss Luan?"

Gao Bo was surprised and puzzled, but he didn't reveal the slightest bit. He smiled and said, "It's a mess inside, why do you want to go in yourself? The manager said, you are a distinguished guest, if you need anything, just give me an order."

Luan Chao's family said absent-mindedly: "No need, I am the only one who recognizes the identity of the Labor Party—by the way, are there any corpses of the Labor Party inside?"

Gao Bo woke up instantly!

At this time, Luan Chao's family must be eager to confirm whether the head of 203 died here!
Because they did kill a group of workers, the leaders of the family at this time must have more trust in Luan Chao's family. Let him act alone for a while, and they are not afraid of him playing tricks.

Gao Bo was overjoyed immediately, he was acutely aware that this was an excellent opportunity!
"Corpse... oh! Did you say it was a dead person? Yes." Gao Bo nodded and said, "I was about to report to the head of the family, when the back window was opened, and there were three dead people. I looked like they were officials. -"

When Luan Chao's family heard the words, their faces were filled with joy, and they grabbed Gao Bo's hand and said eagerly, "Brother, what did you find from them?"

"I haven't had time to search yet," Gao Bo replied.

Luan Chao's family was dubious, but they didn't seem to have the heart to pursue it. Instead, they said "I'll go and see", and hurried to the back.

Gao Bo's heart was pounding. He looked around vigilantly, but found that no one was paying attention, so he pretended to be nonchalant and wandered back to the hangar.

Then he watched Luan Chao's family walk out of the gap in the back wall alone and disappeared from his sight.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he was always vigilant in his heart.His current task is to try to ensure that there are no bandits who are too idle to run to the back for no reason.

On the other side, just as Luan Chao's family was breached, a gun was put on his head immediately. He was startled, he was so clever!
The next moment, someone grabbed his neck from the other side and stuffed a stinky stuff into his mouth.

Luan Chao's family almost vomited.

He wanted to struggle, but he was violently pressed to the ground, and his whole head was stuffed into the snowdrift. The opponent's movements were extremely nimble, and he was severely tied up.

who is it!who is it!
Luan Chao's family was inexplicably terrified, and then he heard a voice so familiar that it knocked him out of his wits.

"You two, carry people away! Sun Dade, you deal with the aftermath, and get rid of our footprints!"


It's the voice of Chief 203!
Luan Chao's heart sank to the bottom, his body trembled violently uncontrollably, his eyes were full of despair.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that his body was lifted into the air suddenly, and he saw the snow field retreating rapidly, and he had already been carried forward.


Luan Chao's family had a premonition of their fate and struggled like crazy.

The back of his head was hit hard, and he was stunned. In the howling cold wind, he gradually lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Luan Chao's family felt a sharp pain in his thigh. He screamed in a daze and woke up.

Taking a closer look, there was a knife stuck in his leg, and Qi Gen sank into it.

Now he was even more terrified and screamed even louder.

Sun Dade stepped forward, slapped him hard on the face, and said coldly: "Screw again, you'll have to deal with the trouble!"

Luan Chao's family was beaten to the point of staring. Frightened, they didn't dare to scream any more, they only made whimpering noises, tears streaming down their cheeks.

He looked up with tears in his eyes, only to find that Su Yi and Sun Dade were looking at him as if they were dead people. After looking at him again, he realized that he was actually in a narrow cave.

"Chief! Team Leader Sun! Forgive me! I'm just following orders! It's Liu Xuncang, he made up everything! I don't want to either! I tried to persuade him, but he insisted on forcing me to do it. If I don't do it, he will kill me, chief..."

The two of them didn't ask anything yet, and the Luan Chao family had already said everything like beans in a bamboo tube.

Although some words were incoherent, at least it was clear that everyone was betrayed this time, not because of Luan Chao's family's personal behavior, but because of Liu Xuncang's mastermind behind the scenes!

"Made, Liu Xuncang! You bastard!" Sun Dade was furious, gnashing his teeth with hatred.

Su Yi's expression remained calm.

He didn't have much anger in his heart. In his heart, he didn't give Liu Xuncang much trust. Now that he was betrayed, he only blamed himself for not being careful enough, but he didn't have much anger.

However, the murderous intent was already pervasive in the bottom of my heart, and it was difficult to melt away.

He looked at Luan Chao's house and asked, "Has everyone in the second group participated?"

"All participated, all participated." Luan Chao's family hurriedly replied, "In Nangang, as soon as you left, Liu Xuncang gathered all of us together, saying that we are seeking wealth and wealth, and with you here, we will We can only play soy sauce, only if we kill you, we will have more scenes and be able to stand out. He also said that you are not authentic, and let us stay behind, just because he doesn't want us to have a good evaluation and surpass you..."

"Made, are you all fools? How can you believe what he says?" Sun Dade couldn't help cursing.

(End of this chapter)

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