Chapter 454
When Luan Chao's family shot and killed the two bandits, the bandits behind became alert.

Under the call of the old cannon head, everyone raised their vigilance, concealed those who should be concealed, and investigated those who should be investigated.

But at this time, it was too late.

With the loud noise, the earth shakes and the mountains shake!
"The mountain is collapsing! The mountain is collapsing!"

"It's flooding! It's flooding!"


In the narrow valley, the cliffs on both sides rumbled down with the explosion!

This scene is like the sky!Like the end of the world!
Liu Xuncang didn't know how many explosives were placed here, the power is huge!
Everywhere is collapsing, and the bandits have nowhere to go!
They cried for their father and mother, and ran around, but how could they escape?
Huge boulders fell, trucks were overturned and smashed, and people were instantly reduced to flesh.

The smoke, dust and snow were stirring, and this valley had turned into a purgatory on earth.

When the collapse stopped and the smoke dissipated, when I looked again, the original valley had become a rocky pit!

There were more than five hundred bandits, most of them were killed or injured, and the survivors were at most a hundred fools, and the rest were all crushed to death on the spot or buried under rocks and soil.

Among them, the old Paotou, the old Wuyangzifang and the old Qihuatongzi all died tragically on the spot in the big collapse just now!

Of the five King Kongs who came, only the second child turned over and the eighth child Tiesuo survived.

"It's dynamite! We've fallen into the trap of jumping together! The bastard surnamed Luan tricked us!" The second child yelled as he rolled his eyes, "Brothers, the wind is tight, blah blah!"

Although he was furious, he also knew that the real danger had just arrived.

Immediately lead people to rush back.

In the valley where landslides are everywhere, it can be said that it is difficult to move an inch, and it is difficult to get off everywhere.

The bandits turned back with difficulty, but at this moment, a machine gun was set up on the back road, and before they could react, they fired "da da da"!
Caught off guard, seven or eight bandits were beaten into sieves and fell to the ground. The rest of the bandits hurriedly fought back, but the muzzles of their guns popped out from the tops of the cliffs on both sides and shot downwards.

They feel like they're stuck in a pocket with no way out.

"Second brother, you're in the trap! Withdraw! Withdraw!" Old Eighth and Little Iron Lock shouted while beating, "Go from the other side!"

"Brothers, bullshit!" Seeing that the second child really couldn't attack, the opposite was one man guarding the gate, and ten thousand men couldn't open it, and there were a few people killed from time to time on the top of the two sides. retreat.

But is there a way out on the other side?

They came to the other side despite the casualties. On the opposite side of the collapsed valley, two machine guns were set up, and they frantically fired at the rushing bandits.

The bandits paid a heavy price and were beaten back again.

They lay on the gravel beach and did not dare to show their heads. If they were exposed a little, bullets would fly from the top of the cliff on both sides.

But they are below, but they can't even hurt the enemy above.

The bandits still had the spirit of bravery, and they were red-eyed when they were in a desperate situation, so they sacrificed themselves and re-charged to the rear.After paying more than [-] lives, and even the second child died on the charge road, he finally repelled the machine gunners guarding the rear, and finally the remaining forty or so people escaped along the opened gap.

But what they didn't expect was that Liu Xuncang had already prepared a second line of defense when he saw that they were attacking hard.

Before they could run to the mouth of the valley, there were two loud bangs, the broken rocks flew, and a large area of ​​the cliff collapsed.

The surviving bandits tried their best to dodge, but still more than a dozen people were crushed to death, and the rest continued to run out, but the two machine guns in front of them set up and "suddenly" on them.

"Brothers, you are dead anyway, fight them!" A bandit was shocked, and rushed out with a dynamite bag on fire.

He charged in a snake shape, and after running more than [-] meters, he was beaten into a sieve, but before he died, he threw the explosive package to the machine gun position on the opposite side with a sigh of relief!

"Ugh!" The actor on the opposite side let out a desperate and terrified scream.

But the next moment, they were blown to pieces with an explosion.


Old Ba Xiao Tiesuo roared angrily with red eyes, leading the rest of the group to continue to break out.

Bang bang bang!
There were still people intercepting in front, but the bandits cast a meat shield to cover the brothers behind and continued to charge forward.

The actor who intercepted was terrified by this cruel scene, put away his gun, turned around and ran away.

This is courting death!

They were beaten to death by the red-eyed bandits on the way to escape.

"Trash! It's just trash!"

Liu Xuncang, who saw this scene through the telescope, was furious.

"They hold on a little longer, and the support will arrive! It's good now, once they die, how can the machine gunner intercept them without cover?"

At this time, the shortcomings of the small number of people were fully exposed, and Liu Xuncang couldn't spare any manpower to pursue him, so he could only watch helplessly as Lao Ba successfully broke out with the remaining ten or so bandits.

"We have done well enough, team leader." The team members on one side comforted, "Ten people, only three died, and more than [-] bandits were wiped out! After this battle, the leaders of the military division should also I understand, who is the real hero and who is the pompous idiot!"

"Ma De, if those two idiots don't run away, not only will they not have to die, but the last dozen or so people won't be able to run away either!" Liu Xuncang cursed, still dissatisfied, "I can't even carry them like this, what a waste!"

"Trash snacks are always available, so don't be angry." The team member said with a smile, "I will call you the chief in the future, and I don't know if Shao Jianbo is dead or not."

After hearing this, Liu Xuncang stopped worrying about what happened just now, and said with a sneer, "Even if he doesn't die, what else can he cause?"

But having said that, Liu Xuncang is still eager to know the situation of the battle at Shanlan Station.

"Why hasn't Luan Chao's family come yet?"

"Zhao Yangxin is over there. He and Luan Chao's family should have met."

On the other hand, Luan Chao's family did meet with an actor named Zhao Yangxin.

Luan Chao's family was escorting Gao Bo forward, when Zhao Yangxin got out from behind a snowy slope and waved towards him.

Both of them were startled, then Gao Bo noticed that there was an extra pistol in his hand, and he heard Luan Chao's family whispering in his ear: "Be careful, this guy is very smart, he has never dealt with me..."

Gao Bo quietly slid the gun into his sleeve, loaded it quietly and opened the safety.

Zhao Yangxin scrutinized this side, frowned and said, "How do you bring a bandit here?"

Luan Chao's family said: "He has important information on him."

Indeed, as expected by Luan Chao's family, Zhao Yangxin looked at Gao Bo and immediately sensed something was wrong. He directly reached out to touch the gun, wanting to control the situation first.

But at this moment, Gao Bo, who had been prepared for a long time, killed Zhao Yangxin with a "bang" shot.

Zhao Yangxin died in a pool of blood.

Luan Chao's family stood still for a while, and said angrily: "Who told you to shoot? Who told you to shoot? Now Liu Xuncang has the final say here! Before Shao Jianbo arrives, how will we deal with them!"

Gao Bo glanced at him coldly, and said: "Soldiers come to cover up the water and soil, at worst, we will fight! Wouldn't it be more dangerous for you to treat Liu Xuncang as a prisoner?"

"I'm sure..." Luan Chao's family had just finished speaking before being interrupted by Gao Bo.

"Don't fool me like a fool!" Gao Bo impatiently waved his hand, "You're sure, I'll hang up! Luan, take me to see Liu Xuncang, when the time comes, it won't be clear Xi Tou is bright, you swing the grass on the wall with the wind, there are talkers on both sides, I am treated as a tool by you, if you say I am beaten to death, I will be beaten to death, who should I talk to for reasoning?"

Luan Chao's family was dumbfounded.

He really had this intention, he wanted to pressure Gao Bo to fool Liu Xuncang first, and then depending on the situation, he would choose to join Su Yi or continue with Liu Xuncang.

Although he felt that Su Yi was more likely to win, it was always right to leave an extra way out for himself.

Gao Bo was indeed regarded by him as a tool man who could be sacrificed at any time.

What he didn't expect was that he was shrewd and Gao Bo was not stupid. Gao Bo easily saw through his small thoughts and shot Zhao Yangxin dead, forcing him to stand in line.

What he didn't even expect was that the reason why Gao Bo was so decisive was because Su Yi reminded him to be careful of Luan Chao's family from the very beginning, so he remained vigilant towards Luan Chao's family from the beginning to the end.

" really don't know good people!" Luan Chao's family scolded angrily, and then changed the subject, "What should we do now? Liu Xuncang must have heard the gunshot..."

Before the words fell, there was a gunshot not far away.

The two were stunned for a moment and looked at each other.

Bang bang bang!
Intensive gunfire came again.

"Let's go and have a look!" They had already guessed what was going on, and couldn't help becoming nervous.

The first shot was, of course, Su Yi.

When Su Yi came, it was the moment when the second child overturned and led his troops to break through.

He came here on a small road over the mountains, while Ma Baojun rode a horse on the official road, and the two sides almost reached each other.

Chu Hongshan, who was in charge of the break, waved to Ma Baojun and the others from afar, motioning for them to join Su Yi.

The two sides converged in the dense forest when the artillery fire was raging not far away.

Both parties were very excited to meet each other, and greetings were indispensable.

But the situation was urgent, Su Yi quickly got to the point: "It is now confirmed that Liu Xuncang is the one who betrayed us!"

"He used more than [-] of our lives as a bait to deceive the trust of the bandits in Weihu Mountain, and then set up a trap here, intending to wipe out all the bandits who came down the mountain! Then, with this credit, he will take my place!"

"What a cruel heart, what a big ambition!" Bai Ru said bitterly, "This person is too bad, he usually looks amiable, but I didn't expect him to be so selfish and doesn't take the lives of revolutionary comrades seriously , only caring about my own ambition and future!"

Su Yi glanced at her and said, "Sun Dade, you take Bai Ru, Chu Hongshan and the two of them, plus Li Hongyi, to intercept the bandits' breakout!"

"No matter what our internal conflicts are, we must not miss the task of suppressing bandits! Let's go now!"

"Yes!" Sun Dade took the order, and glanced at the people who were called one by one, "Come with me!"

In fact, Bai Ru wanted to go to Liu Xuncang with Su Yi to settle the score, but the military order was like a mountain, and she couldn't violate it, so she suppressed her reluctance and hurried to go with Sun Dade.

Su Yi watched them leave, his expression gradually turned cold.

"It's time to settle the accounts!" Su Yi said sternly, "There are all of them, listen to my orders!"

"Yes!" Seven or eight people roared in unison.

"Follow me to eradicate the traitors, Liu Xuncang's gang!" Su Yi said, "If it weren't for our fate, we would all be dead now! So this group of people deserves to die. Except for Luan Chao's family who surrendered before, there will be no one left in the second group!"


Some people couldn't bear it, but when they saw the murderous look of everyone around them, they didn't dare to speak.

Instead, Ma Baojun asked: "Chief, in today's battle, Liu Xuncang can be regarded as capable. Our manpower is small. Should we keep him and let him make meritorious deeds?"

Su Yi glanced at him, and said: "If you fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside! Old Chang at least said that right."

Ma Baojun stopped talking immediately.

Su Yi drew his gun, loaded it, and growled, "Let's go!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked forward through the dense forest.

Behind him, Ma Baojun and others followed in a mighty manner.

Su Yi didn't intend to play any tricks of siege and ambush, he just wanted to kill Liu Xuncang in this open and aboveboard way!
Not long after the group walked, they met a person from the second group.

This man had just ambushed on the cliff and killed many bandits. At this moment, he got up and was about to go back to join Liu Xuncang. When he turned his head, he saw Su Yi and others coming in a mighty manner, and he was stunned.

Before he could react, Su Yi, who took the lead, raised his hand and "bang" a shot, which directly blasted his head, and then walked forward without looking.

This scene made everyone who followed him tremble with fear.

From this shot, they felt Su Yi's determination and murderous intent.

bang bang bang...

After the gunshot, there were intensive gunshots not far away. It was obvious that Sun Dade and the others had exchanged fire with the fleeing bandits again.

Liu Xuncang also heard the dense gunshots.

He wondered: "Who? Who is shooting?"

The team members around him also looked confused, hearing the sound was the direction of the bandits fleeing away, who could it be?

"Quick, get out! Blow the whistle! Tell everyone to get out!" Liu Xuncang's face changed drastically at this moment, and he already had a premonition that something was wrong.

At this moment, four people had come back one after another beside him, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

While hesitating, he saw a group of people coming up from a dirt slope not far away, striding towards this side.

Who is not the leader Su Yi?
Su Yi also saw Liu Xuncang from a distance, and immediately shouted: "Liu Xuncang!"

The people here looked over subconsciously.

Over there, Su Yi raised his gun and shot without hesitation.

Bang bang bang!

Four gunshots rang out, and all four of Liu Xuncang's subordinates were shot in the head!
Blood splashed all over Liu Xuncang's face and body!
His liver and gallbladder were torn, and he was about to pull out a gun as soon as he fumbled for the waistband of his trousers. ,but--

With a gunshot, a bullet hit his hand accurately.

"Ah!" Liu Xuncang screamed in pain, his index finger was actually cut off!
He screamed and rolled to the ground in pain, trying to hide.

But while Su Yi was striding forward, he shot again and again with a blank expression.

Puff puff puff!

The bullets hit Liu Xuncang's hands and legs mercilessly, bursting out in clusters of blood.

After Su Yi finished firing a shuttle of bullets, Liu Xuncang also screamed and rolled into a ditch.

Su Yi casually tucked the empty magazine into his waist, took the rifle from Ma Baojun's hand, loaded the bullet, and pointed it at the forest 50 meters diagonally behind Liu Xuncang's hiding place, and there was a "bang" gun!
A team member of the second group who was hiding there immediately fell to the ground.

With a stern face, Su Yi loaded the gun again, aimed at Liu Xuncang's hiding place, and shouted coldly: "Get out!"

(End of this chapter)

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