Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 461 Drinking

Chapter 461 Drinking
"Okay! Brigadier Xu deserves to be Brigadier Xu! Dealing with smart people is refreshing and transparent!"

Seeing that Xu Da Ma Bang agreed, Su Yi also looked happy for him and was overjoyed.

"Brigade Commander Xu, without further ado, I'll go down the mountain to report this matter to Commander Li, and ask him to write down all the things we negotiated just now on paper, and then both parties will draw and sign!" Su Yi said with a smile, "Brigade Commander Xu also knows that our engineering army has always kept its word, especially when we reach an agreement with others, we must fulfill the agreement. There has never been a precedent for going back!"

Xu Da Ma Bang smiled and waved his hands, and the bandits immediately put down their guns. He smiled and stretched out his hand from a long distance, shook hands with Su Yi tightly and said, "Young staff officer... oh, I am an idiot Xu!" How old are you, I will ask you to call you young brother, don't you mind?"

"Brother Xu!" Su Yi hit the snake with a stick, and held the opponent's hand, "From now on, we will be our own family, and you and I are brothers, so it should be!"

"Yes, yes, my family, my family!" Xu Da Mabang smiled very happily, "My brother, to tell you the truth, I have longed for the industrial army for a long time, but my own family knows my own affairs, I know you don't like me..."

Su Yi shook his head and said solemnly: "Brother Xu, look forward in everything! Don't look back! These years of wars and chaos, in order to protect themselves, who can guarantee that the bottom of their buttocks is absolutely clean? I don't think anyone can! I don't care. Jianbo can't, I've done bad things too!"

"But brother Xu, you are too honest!" Su Yi sighed, "You said that we do bad things secretly, for fear of being found out, why are you afraid that people will not know when you do bad things? I Shao Jianbo has also stayed in Mudanjiang for nearly ten years. Who knows what I have done? But you brother Xu, who doesn’t know the things you have done? Brother, you are too honest..."

Xu Da Ma Bang was taken aback by Su Yi's words, and said a little embarrassedly: "Yes, yes, I am a straightforward person, a real person."

"Absolutely a real person!" Su Yi praised seriously, "That's why I didn't lie to you when I came here, and I told you the truth! Brother, if I lied to you that you came to work in the industrial army Is it possible to lie to the commander of the army? But I will not lie to you! You have done too many bad things, and everyone knows it. Our engineering army dare not accept you for the sake of reputation! But we will not accept you , I can send you away safely, right? You helped us this time, and that’s something to be credited with. Our engineering army is most particular about rewards and punishments. Brother, let me tell you..."

Su Yi's "telling the truth" made Xu Da Ma Bang nod again and again, the scale of trust had been completely tilted, and his favor for Su Yi had also greatly increased.

But believe in faith, favor in favor.

When Su Yi said that he wanted Xu Da Ma Bang to take two hundred brothers to accompany him to fight Weihu Mountain, Xu Da Ma Bang woke up immediately.

"That's not okay, young brother..." He flatly refused.

"Brother, you have to express some sincerity..."

Su Yi broke up with him.

The two went back and forth like a seesaw, and finally Xu Da Ma Bang agreed to take 100 people and Su Yi to deceive the mountain gate of Weihu Mountain.

But Xu Da Ma Bang also has conditions, saying that Su Yi must be asked to provide arms.

"Munition..." Su Yi pondered slightly, "We seized more than [-] guns from Weihu Mountain, [-] rounds of bullets, as well as grenades, explosives, rocket launchers..."

Xu Da Ma Bang's eyes were straightened when he heard it, and he said in his heart that he had made a fortune for a long time, and he was so jealous.

"These things are at the bottom of the mountain." Su Yi said, "I planned to bring this batch of arms back when I went back to report our matter to Commander Li. Well, let me make the decision, how about giving you a hundred guns, ten thousand bullets, one hundred grenades, and one hundred explosives?"

What is the most lacking thing about being a bandit?
It's ammunition!

They are not short of food, because if there is no food, they can go to grab it.

But where to get the arms?
The mountain eagle has no shortage of arms, because Weihu Mountain is originally an arsenal.

But Naitoushan is not!
Xu Da Mabang has accumulated a lot of money over the years, but more than half of the money has been used to buy arms. The ocean of white flowers is flowing out. If you say you don't feel distressed, it is definitely a lie!

Now that there are ammunition delivered to the door, if he Xu Da Ma Bang didn't hit him hard, he wouldn't be a bandit.

"200 guns! [-] bullets!" He said loudly, "Young man, if you promise me this condition, I can send [-] people to fight Tiger Mountain with you!"

"Brother, are you too ruthless? No, no!" Su Yi shook his head hastily, looking startled.

The two started arguing again.

In the end, the quantity was set at [-] guns, [-] rounds of ammunition, [-] hand grenades, and [-] explosive packs.

"Brother, I'm bleeding a lot this time." Su Yi sighed, "My sincerity is definitely in place, right?"

"It's in place, it's in place!" Xu Da Ma sticks Lianlian's fingers, grinning from ear to ear, "Brother, one word is enough! You brother, brother, I'm committed!" Don't worry, what you said Son, my brother will definitely do his best and make it clear for you! "

"I hope brother, you keep your word, otherwise I really can't explain to the higher-ups! Brother, don't lie to me!" Su Yi asked worriedly.

"Look at what you said, brother, I can't cheat anyone, I can't cheat you!" Xu Da Ma stick patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said boldly.

"Success, it's fine with your words!" Su Yi clasped his fists together, "brother, then I'll go down and prepare arms for you, and I'll send someone to deliver them to you later, and put them on the opposite side of Shenxiandu, and then my people Go down, and your people will bring the ammunition to count, so you can rest assured, and I can rest assured that we will be peaceful and safe."

"Zhouquan!" Xu Da Mabang couldn't help stretching out his thumb again, "Brother, you are simply too thorough!"

Su Yi laughed and said: "It's okay to be incomplete, don't do this, brother, can you rest assured that my people will send arms to cross the fairyland?"

"Hahaha! Brother, I don't believe in anyone, but I believe in you!" Xu Da Mabang vaguely dismissed the topic.

He was really worried, but the method proposed by Su Yi was so wonderful, which made Xu Da Ma stick very relieved.

He was relieved of Su Yi, and believed in Su Yi's sincerity and methods.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first." Su Yi said with a smile, "In order to negotiate with you, Brother Xu, I didn't even eat something hot this morning, so I came here in a hurry. I'll go down to eat first, Then let the brothers send you the ammunition."

After all, he made a gesture to leave.

Xu Da Ma Bang hurriedly stopped him: "Brother! Brother! You didn't eat? Why didn't you tell me earlier? You have come to my Naitoushan, and I can let you go down the mountain hungry? Hey, it's my fault !Blame me!"

While apologizing, he turned his head and scolded: "I'm so numb, I don't give a wink! Why don't you get some food quickly? It should be rich, good wine and meat, and serve everything you have! Today I will treat my brother well. , If you don't get drunk with him, you won't return!"

"This...Brother Xu, don't you want to eat? Let's get down to business!" Su Yi hastily "refusal".

"That's not bad for this meal!" Xu Da Ma sticks his eyes, "If you think highly of me, brother, stay! If you look down on me, I won't stop you either!"

Su Yi smiled wryly and said: "Okay, big brother Xu's kindness is hard to turn down, but younger brother, I will turn down my disrespect."

"Hahaha, that's right!" Xu Da Ma Bang laughed and said, "Let's go, let's go into the cottage!"

"Wait!" Su Yi stopped him and said, "Well, let me tell my subordinates to bring the ammunition up first. In this way, after we finish eating, the ammunition I promised to give to Brother Xu will arrive at the door , Brother, you just accept it."

Xu Da Ma Bang was overjoyed immediately: "Okay! Let's do it like this!"

Su Yi smiled, turned around and walked to Shenxian Ferry, but did not go there, and shouted like a trumpet with both hands: "Where is Adjutant Chu?"

On the other side, the members of the Bandit Suppression Squad have been paying close attention to this side all the time, and when they heard this, they all looked excited.

Because they know that at this point, basically the matter is half done.

"Chu Hongshan, don't be nervous, be natural, say what you want, understand?" Yang Zirong explained hurriedly.

Chu Hongshan was disdainful in his heart, I am an actor, can you explain it to me, a native?
But on the surface, he nodded meticulously and seriously, walked out of the army formation, saluted, and said loudly: "Chief, Chu Hongshan is here!"

"Brigade Commander Xu and I have successfully negotiated!" Su Yi continued to shout, "Go down the mountain immediately, count [-] guns, [-] rounds of bullets, [-] grenades, and [-] explosive packs" from the spoils, and send them up the mountain Come.Put the ammunition where it was, and after the signal was sent, everyone went down the mountain to show their sincerity!I mean, do you understand? "


"Repeat it!"

"Yes, Chief! Go down the mountain immediately... to show your sincerity!" Chu Hongshan repeated what Su Yi said just now, and then said loudly: "Please give instructions, Chief!"

"Okay, let's execute it immediately!"


After shouting, Su Yi smiled and turned around, and said to Xu Dama: "Brother Xu, are you alright?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, there's nothing wrong with it at all!" Xu Da Mabang was really moved, "Brother, you've handled this matter too openly! You really have a heart-to-heart relationship with me, brother, I really hate you It's late! Don't say anything, brother, let's go up the mountain! I must beg you today!"

Up to now, all of Su Yi's words and actions have been frank and open, so that Xu Da Ma Bang can't find anything worthy of doubt and vigilance.

It can be said that he has completely believed in Su Yi's sincerity.

At that moment, Su Yi and Xu Da Mabang, surrounded by his confidants, left behind the sentry and patrolling bandits, and headed for the depths of the stronghold.

An hour later, when the wine and meat were on the table, Xu Da Ma Bang took the lead to hold the wine bowl in front of Su Yi, and said: "Brother, after drinking this glass of wine, you and I will be brothers and sisters from now on!"

Su Yi looked at the wine in front of him and smiled unabated.

At this moment, the first thing that popped up in his mind was the image of his former boss reprimanding him in the real world.

"Su Yi, you are in sales! Drinking with customers is your job! It's fine if you don't smoke. If you don't drink, how can you do this sales well? Let me tell you what's good about you!"

"Manager, I still don't believe it. If I don't drink this wine today, my order will definitely fail?" Su Yi replied stubbornly.

Society is a big dye vat, but not everyone wants to be dyed the color of society and lose themselves.

That deal, Su Yi really made the deal.So he still doesn't smoke or drink.

But what he had to admit was that because he didn't drink with his clients, he did sign a lot less.

You can do sales without drinking, but can you be an actor?
He thought so before.

The pictures in my mind flew by like a horse watching flowers, and finally all disappeared in the rippling wine.

Su Yi smiled, took the wine bowl, drank it without saying a word, poured the bowl, and looked at Xu Dama stick.

"Okay! Good brother!" Xu Da Ma Bang was overjoyed, and he took out his gun and shot the sky.

When the gun rang, Xu Da Ma Bang slammed the gun king's table heavily, and shouted vigorously: "Brothers! From now on, Shao Jianbo is my brother of Xu Xingren! On Naitou Mountain, what he said, Just like what I said!"

"Aww! Don't be the master, be the master!" the bandits shouted loudly.

Su Yi laughed loudly and waved his hands, and said loudly: "Forget it, you should stop calling me the head of the family! To save face, just call me a young staff officer! You are the head of the family—haha, my surname is too disadvantageous. It sounds like your big brother!" The son of the head of the family is numb, this is not allowed!"

"Hahaha..." The bandits roared with laughter.

Xu Da Ma Bang couldn't help laughing, he patted Su Yi on the shoulder and said, "Brother, I didn't mean to take advantage of you! But being the head of the family seems to have some meaning... Haha, okay, let the brothers Tell you to be short of staff, you are not only the staff of the industrial army, but also the staff of Naitoushan! Under one person, you are above ten thousand!"

Su Yi raised his glass with a smile: "Brother Xu praises you, brother, I'll do it!"


For a while, the atmosphere was extremely enthusiastic.

Su Yi was originally worried that he would make a mistake by drinking, so he planned to drink two glasses and then found an excuse not to drink.

But he found that he didn't seem to feel much about alcohol except that it was unpleasant to drink.

He drank more than a dozen cups, but the more he drank, the more sober he became.

Could it be that he is quite talented in drinking?
Su Yi felt strange in his heart, but on the surface he pretended to be overwhelmed with alcohol, staggered, his eyes were slack, and he started to bluff, flutter, and start bragging.

In the past, he was always the most sober one at the drinking table, so he knew very well what a drunk person looked like, and when he pretended to be drunk, no one could tell.

Su Yi began to tell vividly about the battle that he led dozens of people and wiped out hundreds of people in Weihu Mountain.

Three points are true, seven points are false, and the bandits were taken aback for a while, calling it "pissing" and "exciting".

Just as they were playing brilliantly, the bandits came to report that the industrial army had sent the ammunition and placed it opposite Shenxiandu, leaving only one person watching, waiting for the people here to receive it.

(End of this chapter)

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