Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 466 The end of this volume

Chapter 466 The end of this volume

This is not the first time that Su Yi feels so shaken in his heart that he can't help himself.

This is not the first time Su Yi has been baptized and sublimated.

The person who made Su Yi burst into tears last time was Wang Tianxiang, codenamed Crow.

But this time, the soldier who sacrificed was Li Erniu.

Wang Tianxiang's sacrifice can be described as vigorous, just like his life, with ups and downs.

But Li Erniu's sacrifice was so natural, just like him, his name.

He is so simple, he is so great.

And such a great person, such a simple warrior, in this age of war and in this devastated land, how many thousands of them are there?
Everyone took off their hats and saluted, in this dark mountain stream, in this cold night where the wind and snow were whimpering.

But time is running out, and no one here has the right to grieve as much as he wants.

Another soldier who took the initiative to volunteer came to Su Yi.

"Chief, it's my turn!" the soldier said.

There was no fear on his face, no flinching, only determination to move forward.

Su Yi was silent.

He couldn't bear it in his heart, but in the end, he nodded slowly and said, "Be careful."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" The warrior saluted, then carried the ropes and pulleys on his back, prepared the climbing tools, and began to climb.

It is an unspeakable torment and a long wait to watch my comrades go all out.

Half an hour later, the fighter reached the same position as the first fighter.

His physical strength has long been exhausted, but he is still persisting.

He climbed hard on the net, every movement, every climb, touched everyone's heart.

One step, one step, one step...

When the figure of this warrior finally disappeared on the top of the cliff, almost everyone couldn't help but cheered in a low voice!

Everyone is waving their arms excitedly, and everyone's eyes are flickering and shining in the dark night.

After a while, the rope hangs down.

This means that the upper pulley has been installed.

Now everyone can follow the rope and use the pulley to easily send themselves to the top of the mountain!
"I'll go up first!" Yang Zirong was the first to stand up.

"Okay!" Su Yi agreed, the person who went up first was not only responsible for guarding the pulley, but also responsible for vigilance and investigation, and Yang Zirong was undoubtedly well qualified for this task.

Yang Zirong tied the rope around his waist, tugged at the rope, and signaled to the soldiers above that he was ready and he could pull.

But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement above.

Yang Zirong pulled it a few more times, but there was still no response.

A bad premonition permeated everyone's mind, and everyone's expressions became dignified again.

problem occurs!
Just don't know what's going on.

Yang Zirong gritted his teeth and said, "There is a rope, I can climb up to have a look!"

This is a very risky decision!
Because no one knows whether the rope above is fastened firmly, and no one knows whether there are enemies waiting on the ground, waiting to harvest heads.

But this is the end of the matter, and everyone has no choice at all!

Chu Hongshan showed hesitation, and hurried to Su Yi's ear and said: "Chief, Yang Zirong has a special status, why don't you ask others to take risks..."

Su Yi staggered him with a big-eared melon seed, stared at him fiercely, and pointed at his face with his hand.

He didn't say anything, but Chu Hongshan felt a fear of splitting his liver and gallbladder.

Su Yi quickly turned around and said to Yang Zirong, "If you're sure it's safe, pull the rope four times."

First agree on a secret code to avoid accidents, and then follow up one by one in a daze.

Yang Zirong nodded his head solemnly, then tugged on the rope vigorously, and finally climbed away on the net.

Behind him, Li Hongyi approached Chu Hongshan and asked in a low voice, "What did you say to the chief?"

Chu Hongshan felt a little resentful, and said, "It's nothing!"

He had already realized in his heart that what he said was inappropriate. If he was really immersed in such a situation, anyone's life counts, even if he is an actor, he can't be superior to others, especially when he witnessed the sacrifice of a soldier just now.

He knew very well that he was hitting the gun. If he said this normally, Su Yi might not talk to him, but at this time, under such circumstances, what he said just now was too inappropriate.

Yang Zirong's physical strength is very good, and with the help of a rope, he reached the top of the cliff in less than 10 minutes.

Soon, the rope was pulled four times, indicating that everything was safe.

"I'll go up first!" Su Yi stood up.

Someone wanted to persuade them, but Su Yi didn't give them a chance to refute, and directly ordered: "Bai Ru, take the soldiers who were injured before, and Dong Zhongsong's group, to build a fortification outside the main gate of Weihu Mountain. Fight, if there are bandits who want to escape, your task is to intercept, don't let a bandit go!"

"Yes!" Bai Ru was a little reluctant, she wanted to go up with Su Yi even more, but this was an order and she had to obey.

Su Yi looked around for a week: "Everyone is ready to pack, check the equipment again, this time the code is to pull the rope five times, remember?"


Changing the password again was just in case Su Yi was cautious.

Su Yi tied the rope, tugged it, and signaled to the higher-ups that he was ready.

This time there was an immediate response from above, and Su Yi felt a strong force coming, and his whole body was immediately pulled up.

Su Yi hurriedly walked on the cliff to reduce the burden on it.

The ascent was extremely fast this time, and Su Yi reached the top of the cliff in less than 3 minutes.

After going through a slope, Su Yi immediately found a huge door opening, which presumably was the exit of the airstrip.

The pulley is fixed above the door opening, the steel cable passes through the pulley, and Yang Zirong pulls the rope on the other side.

However, what Yangzi Rong pulled was not the end of the rope. Behind him, the rope stretched all the way behind a boulder.

Su Yi faintly saw a figure lying there.

Su Yi's heart sank, and while untying the rope, he walked forward: "Lao Yang, what's the matter?"

"Boss!" Yang Zirong burst into tears suddenly, "I'm such a fool! If I don't screw the mountain eagle's head off today, I will swear I won't be a human being! Woooooo..."

A man seven feet tall who cries like a child.

The crying had to be suppressed, not daring to be too loud.

Su Yi's heart had sunk to the bottom of the valley, he quickened his pace and quickly walked behind the huge boulder, and after just one glance, his heart was shocked suddenly, and he stood on the spot in a daze!
I saw the soldier from before lying silently behind the stone, with two loops of rope wrapped around his body, and an iron hook for climbing was tied to the end of the rope, and the iron hook was deeply hooked into the soldier's flesh and blood!

He has been dead for a long time!
Su Yi could easily guess the scene before the soldier died——

He tried his best to climb to the top of the cliff, hung the hook, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.At this time, he realized that he was covered in sweat, he felt cold, he began to sway, and his consciousness began to blur.

But he still tried his best to wrap the rope around himself twice, and tied the end of the rope to the iron hook.

Then he walked behind the boulder, maybe he wanted to hook the boulder with an iron hook, but eventually lost consciousness and fell down, and the iron hook happened to be hooked on him.

Perhaps, from the very beginning, he was afraid that the rope would fall off if he was hooked on the boulder, so he hooked the hook on his body, then lay down behind the boulder, pressed the hook with his body, and blocked his body with the boulder. fall asleep...

That is to say, just now Yang Zirong was pulling the rope to climb up, every time he pulled, the iron hook went deeper into the warrior's body.

Every time he climbed up a step, the soldier's blood flowed more, and the wounds were more torn.

How cruel is this?
How could Yang Zirong, who had caused all this unintentionally, not feel guilty about it?not painful?

The iron-like man also collapsed.

Su Yi pulled the iron hook out of the warrior and took off the rope.

He was silent for a long time before he said to Yang Zirong: "Come and help!"

Yang Zirong wiped away his tears, the two tied the rope, signaled to the people below, and began to pull people up.

The battle will continue, and the grief and remembrance should be left for later.

After four 10 minutes, everyone came up.

Sun Dade has already led people to investigate the inside of the airstrip.

"This airstrip was expanded from the air-raid shelter. It is very large inside. Food and other supplies are piled up inside. There are two bandits in charge of guarding. When we went there, they were sleeping. There was no movement. We took care of it directly. They! They have keys on them, and the door of the air-raid shelter is locked from the inside, that is to say, we can directly take the key to open the lock, and then attack!"

At this time, Su Yi was surprisingly calm. He went through the topographic map of the entire Weihu Mountain Village in his mind, and then went through the plan that had been discussed and formulated a long time ago. After looking around, he began to order: "Sun Dade, take two people with you. Go and occupy the No. [-] arsenal; Ma Baojun, you take two people to be in charge of the No. [-] arsenal; Chu Hongshan, take two people and go to the third lane to meet Gao Bo, be careful of dogs! Li Hongyi, take your group and get rid of the fence All the outposts above, occupy the main firepower points! Yang Zirong, can you drive tanks?"


Following Su Yi's methodical arrangements, the soldiers were divided into small groups and scattered in the cottage.

It was the middle of the night at this time, and all the bandits were sleeping soundly. The team members acted quickly and vigilantly, without any accidents. The secret posts and sentry posts at key positions were almost all wiped off their necks by the team members, and they died quietly in their sleep. !

Soon, the tasks of all groups were completed, except Chu Hongshan's group.

They couldn't find Gao Bo.

"Leave him alone!" It was impossible for Su Yi to think about Gao Bo's affairs at this time. He was leading two soldiers and arranging explosives everywhere.

"You go to Sun Dade and Ma Baojun, help them arrange the explosives in the two arsenals, and then ship out all the remaining explosives! Send them to me! Also, tell Yang Zirong to point the tank gun at Bawanggai Top, as soon as my side started to explode, he immediately fired and blasted this protruding mountain to me!"


The accident still happened. A bandit who got up at night accidentally found the soldier who was carrying the explosives. He was startled and shouted someone.


The bandit fell to the ground.

The sudden sound of gunfire was particularly rousing in the cottage, and most of the bandits were awakened.

"You, guide the fuse, you, inform everyone, all withdraw to the sentry on the outer wall! I will detonate the explosives immediately in 1 minutes!"

The two soldiers immediately took orders and went away.

The bandits got up one after another and came out to check, bluffing, the whole cottage came to life.

This process is not short, not long.

After 1 minutes, Su Yi decisively lit the fuse and led the soldiers back to the air-raid shelter.

The bandits didn't even realize at this time that disaster was about to come.

a moment-

boom boom boom...

A series of explosions erupted all over the cottage. Among them, the residential area and the arsenal were taken care of by Su Yi, and the explosions were particularly violent.

When the earth shook and the mountains shook, Yang Zirong pointed the tank gun at the peak on the top of Bawanggai, and directly fired two cannonballs.

The entire mountain suddenly collapsed and rolled down in large chunks, directly burying half of the Juyi Hall.

It's just that this wave of operations killed most of the bandits.

The rest of the bandits ran out of the house in disheveled clothes, running around in panic.

They wanted to steal guys to get weapons, but both arsenals were blown up.

He wanted to go to the sentry post on the wall, but before he got there, he heard a fierce "beat", and all the heavy machine guns on the eight sentry posts around the wall immediately burst into flames.

Da da da……

The bandits were like cutting leeks, screaming and wailing, falling down one after another.

The flames of war are burning, ruined walls and corpses everywhere!
It took Su Yi less than 10 minutes to turn this cottage into a purgatory.

Under the fierce firepower, the bandits could not organize any resistance at all.

In the end, some bandits seemed to break through the defense line and rushed out of the gate, but they directly ran into Bai Ru's defense line outside the gate.

Under the night, this group of bandits couldn't make any resistance, so they were all shot down by heavy fire.

There were more than a dozen bandits who fled into the air-raid shelter, surrounded by the embarrassed Zuo Shandiao and other leaders.

But here, Su Yi has long been waiting for work, waiting for a mountain sculpture.

He had already guessed that the mountain eagle would definitely escape from here. After all, the cottage was breached, and he had no choice but to escape by flying a plane.

bang bang bang...

They plunged into Su Yi's ambush circle, and after a round of shooting, only the mountain eagles held a woman hostage and stood there in panic.

"Back back! Back up! Or I'll kill her!" Zuo Shandiao roared ferociously. He carefully hid his whole body behind the woman so that the team members would not have any chance to shoot him.

The team members looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to shoot.

"Get out of the way! Make way for me!" Zuo Shandiao's eyes were fierce, and he shouted loudly, and slowly moved forward, while more than a dozen soldiers were forced by him to keep retreating.

Just at this moment, a gunshot rang out, and a lamp above Zuo Shandiao's head suddenly exploded.

Zuo Shandiao looked up subconsciously, and immediately revealed the back of his head.

Another shot, and his entire skull was torn off by this shot.

The mountain eagle froze, and then fell to the ground powerlessly. The woman held by him was unscathed and trembling.

Su Yi calmly put away his gun.

This thunder-like battle quickly ended.

The squad fell like a magic soldier, the bandits couldn't react at all, and all the firepower fell into the squad's hands from the very beginning, and even the tanks changed hands.

Everything seemed so simple, natural and smooth, the bandits in Weihu Mountain were taken over by a bunch.

None of the team members were injured or injured, as if this was a well-deserved victory.

Half an hour later, the two soldiers came back pressing Gao Bo.

"Chief, he used our pulley to let go of the iron lock of the old eighth boy in Weihu Mountain!" A soldier complained angrily.

Su Yi looked at Gao Bo, Gao Bo nodded to Su Yi with a smile, and then fell straight backwards.

It was only then that everyone realized that a large amount of blood was leaking from his chest, and the wound from the previous gunshot wound of the bitter trick had burst open again.

(End of this chapter)

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