Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 494 Target Champion

Chapter 494 Target Champion
In the entire second round, the combined time the two of them could fight while standing would definitely not exceed thirty seconds.

Li Zitian is determined to resolve the battle on the ground. His own strength is not comparable to that of Su Yi. Su Yi can't stop what he wants to achieve.

It's a pity that he can't do anything to Su Yi.

After five minutes of stalemate, the bell rang for the end of the second round. The two let go of their opponents and returned to their rest area panting.

The iron cage opened, and the coaches and assistants of both sides rushed in.

"You played very well, Ah Hao. If you can still stalemate with him to the end in the third round and compare points at the end, your counterattacks will give you extra points. You must be higher than him! As long as you last until the end, this You win the game!" Luo Ge said excitedly.

"Brother Luo is right, the initiative is in your hands now." It is rare that Cheng Hui agrees with Brother Luo this time, "Ah Hao, after the start, you take the initiative to fight the ground with him!"

One minute is very short, and it will pass quickly, and the third round will begin.

According to the competition system, this is the last round. After five minutes, if the two sides have not yet decided the winner, they must follow the rules to compare who has higher scoring points.The one with the higher score will be judged as the winner.

Although Li Zitian suppressed Su Yi almost all the way in the first round, almost all of his attacks were effectively blocked or dodged by Su Yi, which belonged to ineffective attacks. On the contrary, it was Su Yi's several counterattacks that caused Li Zitian a big loss. Li Zitian was even almost KO'd before the end of the first round, so if points were awarded for the first round, according to normal circumstances, Li Zitian could get up to 8 points, while Su Yi could get 10 points.

In the second round, although in most cases Li Zitian was locked and Su Yi was unlocked, until the end, no one could do anything to the other, and both sides performed well, so there is a high probability that this round will be evenly divided.

If there is no obvious loss of points in the third round of Su Yi, then he will win the game.

It is equivalent to qualifying for a tie in the national football team.

Therefore, the initiative is now firmly in the hands of Su Yi.

The two commentators were naturally aware of this scene, and said with emotion: "Li Zitian is considered an old boxer and has won many honors, while Yang Zihao is a rookie who participated in the MMA competition for the first time. It is hard to imagine that in such a In an important match, Li Zitian will be forced into such a passive situation by a rookie. What kind of tactics do you think the two will adopt in this round?"

"I think Li Zitian will continue his strategy for the second round. The reason is simple. Li Zitian still has the upper hand when it comes to floor skills. As long as Yang Zihao can't defend once, he will lose. Round will try to avoid ground combat as much as possible. He is better at standing than on the ground, so he definitely hopes to be able to resolve the battle standing up. But how to avoid being dragged into ground combat by Li Zitian is a test of his tactics and ability... "

The two commentators spoke clearly and well-founded, but when the game started, it was not the case at all.

As soon as the bell rang, the first person to dive down and throw his opponent to the ground was Su Yi!
After falling, Su Yi directly used the guillotine, while Li Zitian struggled desperately to break free. The two were entangled on the ground and became stalemate from the beginning.

This scene caused an uproar at the scene, and the two commentators were also very shocked.

"Did I read it wrong? Yang Zihao is actually actively fighting on the ground? Is he facing the difficulties? What kind of tactical thinking is this?"

"Maybe Li Zitian returned without success in the second round and gave Yang Zihao confidence?" Another commentator speculated, "But Yang Zihao is too risky to do this. Domain challenged Li Zitian, I suddenly had a lot of worries about Yang Zihao..."

Everyone couldn't understand why Su Yi did this, but on the court, Li Zitian spent some energy to untie Su Yi, and immediately rolled back and got up.

Here Su Yi got up together, and Li Zitian rushed over there, raising his fists and attacking like a storm.

Su Yi tried several times to dive down to bring Li Zitian down, but failed.

"It's really strange. Now it seems that Li Zitian is avoiding hitting the ground. He seems to be standing up to fight? The more the commentator looked, the more confused he became, "They did it out of..."

"I see!" Another commentator suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "I know why they have to be uncharacteristic!"

"Yang Zihao hit the ground because he was confident that he could guard against Li Zitian. He wanted to delay the time. As long as he did not make any mistakes after this round, the final winner must be Yang Zihao. He played so beautifully in the first round. Extra points."

"As for Li Zitian's fight to stand up, I'm afraid it was based on the same idea. He didn't have the confidence to defeat Yang Zihao on the ground. He knew that it would be bad for him if he continued to entangle, so he changed his mind and simply stood up and fought!"

The first commentator suddenly realized: "Yang Zihao obviously has the advantage in fighting standing up. Isn't Li Zitian doing see this attack!"

There was another sudden change on the court. Su Yi didn't have any psychological pressure. He played relaxed and in great condition.

But Li Zitian played a little impatiently and frivolously.

Su Yi resolutely seized an opportunity to fight back, and hit Li Zitian's face and head one after another with a combination of virtual and real punches, and finally knocked Li Zitian to the ground!
There was an uproar at the scene.

Su Yi rushed forward and wanted to punch the ground to seal the victory, but Li Zitian reacted very quickly, raising his limbs high, like a hedgehog, preventing Su Yi from approaching him, and not giving Su Yi a chance to press on him.

Su Yi surrounded him looking for opportunities, but he was not in a hurry to press on him.

After the encounter just now, his chances of winning are even greater.

Sure enough, he was not in a hurry, but Li Zitian was.

Li Zitian suddenly rolled to the side and grabbed Su Yi's left ankle.

Su Yi raised his leg and kicked.

This kick hit Li Zitian's face hard, but what Su Yi didn't expect was that the opponent didn't dodge at all, he gritted his teeth and dragged Su Yi to the ground!
Li Zitian was desperate to hurt both sides, so he took this opportunity!

Su Yi lay on the ground and was about to prop up his body to stand up, when Li Zitian hugged him from behind, making a naked twisting movement.

Su Yi was startled, and hurriedly leaned back, taking precautions to prevent Li Zitian's naked twist from forming.

Unexpectedly, Li Zitian suddenly let out his energy and asked Su Yi to stick to him directly, and then he hugged Su Yi's waist and held it up high!
In this way, from the original naked twist, it suddenly became an overturned pile!
And it's an already formed toppled pile!
It's hard to guard against!

It's impossible to guard against!
Su Yi was careful again and again, Cheng Hui and Luo Ge repeatedly explained, but in the end, Su Yi still couldn't prevent Li Zitian's ultimate move - the butt!
If he falls this time, Su Yi will lose all his advantages, and he will be directly KO'd!

And once he falls, his neck bone will definitely be broken. If he is lucky, he will end up like Lin Siqi in the original plot. If he is unlucky, he will be killed on the spot or completely paralyzed!

This kind of move that is forbidden in the real world, like all lock techniques, once it is formed, there is no solution unless it is broken or dislocated to break free!

At this time, everyone almost exclaimed. Seeing that the outcome would be reversed in the next second, Su Yi, who had been thrown into the air, suddenly punched Li Zitian on the nose with his right fist. superior.


Li Zitian fell to the ground on the spot!
Su Yi was also thrown out by him, but with his back on the ground.

Su Yi who fell down quickly got up and rushed to Li Zitian.

At this moment, Li Zitian, who had been beaten into a daze, just got up, Su Yi didn't say anything, he swung his right fist with all his strength, and directly sent Li Zitian flying, and fell heavily to the ground, without a sound!


The referees were a little stunned. Obviously, they didn't expect the situation to turn upside down again and again.

When Su Yi was about to continue to rush up and throw punches, he suddenly woke up and blocked the two of them, and hurriedly squatted down to check Li Zitian's situation.

At this moment, Li Zitian's face was covered with blood, and he had been beaten into shock and lost consciousness.

The referee made a decisive gesture to stop the game.

As the bell rang three times, the next moment, the whole scene turned into a boiling ocean.

At this moment, Su Yi's blood boiled with enthusiasm, he frantically raised his arms and ran wildly, and finally jumped on the cage net, waving his arms and roaring at the audience, venting his excitement and joy in his heart.

This game is not considered the most difficult game played by Su Yi, but it is definitely the most dangerous. The reason is Li Zitian's previous stumble!
Fortunately, Su Yi listened to Cheng Hui's words, and when Li Zitian was doing the naked twist, he squatted down a little and made a horse stance, so that he didn't lose his balance immediately after Li Zitian lifted him up from behind. Moreover, the body position was not turned over so quickly, so he had the opportunity to throw that punch!

If it wasn't for that punch, the person lying unconscious on the ground now would be Su Yi!

"Unbelievable! It's incredible! How did Yang Zihao hit that punch?" The two commentators on the stage were shocked, they couldn't imagine how Su Yi did it.

They didn't see the clue until the actions before returning to defense were repeated on the big screen.

"It was the action of diving into the horse, saving Yang Zihao, and kicking Li Zitian into hell. Oh, this squat is too smart! It's too cautious..."

"That's right, this is definitely the best defensive move in this tournament! Yang Zihao played so well, he deserves this victory!"

"At the same time, because Yang Zihao has become the winner of this match, then tomorrow afternoon, he will face the winner of another semi-final match - Zhukov!"

"We just got news that Zhukov sprained his waist in the previous game. Although he can still play on stage, his strength and performance will definitely be affected by the waist injury."

"Ah? Doesn't this mean that Yang Zihao's chances of winning the championship have greatly increased..."

At this time, the entire stage and audience became a sea of ​​victories. It took a while for the referee to announce Su Yi's victory, and the fireworks suddenly burst into bloom with a "bang", and the cheers were like mountains and seas.

The whole city is cheering for Su Yi!

And in that room filled with the smell of tobacco and alcohol, Amin stared at the scene on the TV with resentful eyes and distorted face, and the jealousy in his heart could not be added.

At the press conference after the game, Su Yi looked forward to tomorrow's final, answered some questions in a satisfactory manner, and then returned to the club.

The boss set off fireworks, celebrated again, promised a lot of benefits, and then let Su Yi go to train and prepare for the battle.

"It's confirmed that Zhukov is indeed injured, not a smoke bomb!" Luo Ge said to Su Yi excitedly, "His waist is injured, which will definitely affect his turning. You can definitely defeat him by using this!"

"Is the news reliable?" Su Yi asked.

"Of course!" Luo Ge said, "This is Haojiang, the territory of our Chinese people! Everyone wants you to win the championship! Do you think it is reliable?"

Su Yi understood in seconds, so it seems that there is no problem.

At this point in the game, Su Yi's victory or defeat is no longer his own business, but has been endowed with a lot of meaning and benefits.

He didn't think it was unfair or produced any other hypocritical emotions. In the world of adults, where is there so much purity?

"Zhukov is very strong. Even if his waist is injured, he must not be underestimated." Su Yi said, "And this is a championship, with a bonus of more than two million yuan. If you win a few more defending battles, the bonus will be even more. So Great benefit, if I were him, I would probably play closed, so his weakness would disappear.”

Brother Luo was startled when he heard that, and said: "Yes, it is very possible... No, I will inquire in detail, you should do regular training first."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

If the tactics formulated at the beginning were wrong, the consequences would be fatal, and Luo Ge naturally had to figure out everything about the opponent.

After a while, Cheng Hui came back. Seeing that he seemed to be worried, Su Yi asked, "What's the matter, Brother Hui? Did something happen?"

Cheng Hui hesitated slightly, and said: "Actually, it's nothing. You also know that I came to Haojiang only because I owed gambling debts. I won the bonus and called the person who lent the money. Get through. Just now I asked a friend of mine to ask on Hong Kong Island, and only then did I know that the person who lent me money has come to Haojiang."

Came to Haojiang?

When Su Yi heard this, his expression changed immediately.

In the original plot, Cheng Hui's creditors also came to Haojiang, and ran to Cheng Hui's rented place to make trouble. As a result, Xiao Dan was thrown down the stairs by them, and the creditor was stabbed by Xiao Dan's mother. Finally, the police came That's right, this group of people ran away cleanly.

This incident also made Xiaodan's mother's condition worse, and she even had to separate from Xiaodan.

But now Xiao Dan's mother and daughter are renting together with Su Yi. Except for Cheng Hui's visit to Xiao Dan once, and the last time he played with Su Yi at the gate of the school, he has almost no interaction with them. Naturally, their mother and daughter should be fine. Yes.

And Cheng Hui has saved enough money to repay the debt. If the creditors really come to him, just return the money to them, and nothing will happen to him.

Su Yi thought so, so he didn't take this matter to heart, until after seven o'clock in the evening, he received a call from Xiaodan.

(End of this chapter)

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