Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 516 Trouble

Chapter 516 Trouble
Su Yi never expected that he would accidentally discover the big case that Huatian and the others were plotting.

Obviously, Hua Tian and the others probably didn't expect that someone would actually follow them and sneak into their room.

Could this be a fishing trap?

Su Yi was startled suddenly, thinking of this possibility.

But soon he denied his guess. Hua Tian and the others got rid of the police, and they didn't find themselves following along the way. There was no need or motivation to set up a trap to wait for the volunteers to take the bait. He thought so purely to scare himself.

In other words, their plan to rob the Hong Kong Island vault is true!
At this moment, Su Yi's mind changed rapidly.

The ten kings of thieves became famous and strived for rankings. The first king of thieves rewarded 200 director points, and the tenth king of thieves got nothing.

The director used such a method to force the accompanying actors to involve wildly.

Want to get rewarded?

If you kill a lot of people and grab a little money, you don't even have the qualifications to become the king of thieves, let alone rank high.

So the accompanying actors showed their talents and were doing big things.

Hong Jipeng bombed the Mong Kok police station, Chen Yiyuan robbed three gold shops in a row, Guan Zu robbed Huifeng Bank in Causeway Bay for hundreds of millions of wealth, Zhuo Ziqiang kidnapped and extorted half a city in cash of one billion!

So far, the most popular one is He Guohui, who let a member of the Hong Kong government die at the live TV election site.

But if Tianyangsheng and Huatian succeed in robbing the Hong Kong Island treasury, then everyone will stand aside under their "great achievements".

As long as the eight of them can escape from Hong Kong Island alive, they will all be among the top ten thieves!

Because this thing is too big.

Can you imagine the Fed vault being robbed?
The Hong Kong Island treasury is the Federal Reserve of Hong Kong Island!
Su Yi looked at the map in his hand and thought of the bomb bazooka in the bedroom next door, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of mission.

Will Huatian and the others succeed in the robbery?
Su Yi thinks it is very possible.

But if he set a trap in this room according to the previous plan, then there is a high possibility that Huatian and the others will die before they leave!
In this way, Su Yi indirectly saved the economy of Hong Kong Island. Didn't he become a great hero of Hong Kong Island?

But what would happen if Su Yi gave up his idea of ​​killing Huatian?

He now knows Huatian's plan, and even their retreat route. If he allows Huatian and the others to rob the Hong Kong Island treasury, if Huatian and the others really succeed, then they will evacuate according to the established retreat route... …

Thinking of this, Su Yi's heart pounded.

He suddenly realized that he was facing a unique opportunity!
Compared with this great opportunity, just killing Hua Tian is not worth mentioning at all, it's too petty!
Su Yi's mind was changing rapidly, and then he made a decisive decision!

He decided to overthrow all previous plans and become an unknown oriole.

He forcibly suppressed his excitement, calmed himself down, carefully checked the two maps, and memorized the marks on them in his mind.

Then he carefully restored the two maps and tucked them back into the pocket of the coat.

Then, under the guidance of anti-espionage experts, he carefully restored all the furnishings in the room and erased the traces of his presence.

After exiting the door, he still walked around the doormat outside the door, carefully took out a rolled up tissue from his jacket pocket, took out the hair that had been caught in the crack of the door from the tissue, and put it in place.

Su Yi looked around vigilantly, and then retreated quietly.

He deliberately took a detour, and after making sure that no one was following him, he returned to the room he had just rented before.

The first thing is to take out the map and restore all the marks and arrows Tian Yangsheng and the others put on the map from memory.

He looked at the marks on the map and gradually fell into thought.

Half an hour later, a van slowly drove into the community and stopped at the gate of the building.

The seven brothers Huatian and Tianyangsheng got out of the car one by one, looking around vigilantly.

"Yangyi, you park your car in the parking lot on the next street." Tian Yangsheng ordered, "Yangzhi, you go to the small shop opposite and ask about the situation."

After the two younger brothers took the order to leave, Hua Tian smiled and said: "You are really cautious. I should learn from you in this regard."

"It's just that I'm afraid of death." Tian Yangsheng said lightly.

After a pause, he looked dissatisfiedly at Tian Yanglian, the only younger sister, and said, "There is such an important thing in the coat, and you forgot it at home?"

Tian Yanglian was a little dissatisfied and said: "Brother, you are saying that I have gone all the way! What can happen? We are already so careful, it is only a ghost if something goes wrong!"

"Don't be afraid of [-], just in case." Tian Yangsheng said coldly, "If something goes wrong, you will kill us all! What I hate the most are careless people! Yangzhi didn't listen to me before, I forgot to change my mobile phone number, what happened? We almost got caught by the police! Such a serious matter has already happened, why haven’t we learned our lesson?”

Tian Yanglian fell silent, and Tian Yangshun on the side scolded: "Little sister, don't talk back to big brother! Isn't big brother doing it for us? Apologize to big brother!"

"I'm sorry, brother." Tian Yanglian said in a muffled voice.

Just as he was talking, Tian Yangzhi on the other side came back and said, "Brother, the boss said that he has been sitting on the counter all the time, and he didn't see the lights in our house turned on."

Tian Yangsheng nodded and said, "Go, go upstairs!"

Before leaving, he asked Tian Yangzhi to go to a small shop in the name of buying cigarettes, and paid 100 yuan more to ask the boss to help, saying that his child was sleeping at home and he was going out to work, fearing that his son would secretly watch TV and let him go. The boss helped to watch.

If the light is on, it means that the son has been up, otherwise, it means that the son has been asleep.

Naturally, there is no son, Tian Yangzhi said this just to make sure that no one entered the room after they left.

This is a very cautious little trick, if Su Yi finds out, he will be very happy.

A group of eight people went upstairs and carefully checked all the organ furnishings.

Fortunately, Su Yi was very careful and evacuated very cleanly, they didn't notice anything.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Tian Yanglian returned to the room, took out two maps from the coat pocket she forgot, looked at them carefully, they were exactly the same as the original ones, so she took them out.

"Brother, the map."

Tian Yangsheng didn't answer, and ordered: "Burn it!"

Then he looked at Huatian: "Just now we went to the foot of Maohu Mountain to experiment. This thing you made can indeed burn concrete and steel bars, but it is too slow. It takes [-] centimeters to completely burn through a steel plate with a thickness of [-] centimeters." How many minutes, if it was so slow, the police would have surrounded us by the time we entered the vault."

"This is just a backup plan." Hua Tian frowned, "In fact, according to our plan, we will use the key and password 90.00% of the time when we open the vault door. Unless we are particularly unlucky, we will use trifluoro Chlorine."

"We are going to risk our lives!" Tian Yangsheng looked into Hua Tian's eyes and said seriously, "There is only one life. If it can be done perfectly, why not do it? In case the situation is really bad, let's prepare a little more now. Time will be the key to survival! Then why are we lazy because we are afraid of trouble?"

"OK, OK!" Hua Tian made a gesture of surrender, "I was persuaded by you, well, I can change the formula to make it more corrosive, so that the time it takes to burn through the steel plate will be cut in half. It would be faster if they exploded at the same time. But in this case, our action can only be delayed by one day."

"Then postpone it for a day and take action the day after tomorrow!" Tian Yangsheng made a decision.

"You are the boss, you have the final say." Hua Tian said with a smile.

At the same time, the upstairs opposite.

"There is no time for them to act now." Su Yi took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

According to his original plan, he would leave Hong Kong Island the day after tomorrow with a boat full of munitions.

But now, Su Yi had to abandon his original plan.

Change step by step, change step by step.Su Yi's original plan to make a name for himself was to get out of the cage of Hong Kong Island, make a name for himself in the outside world, make a sensational event, and then "export to domestic sales", make a sensation in Hong Kong Island, and become the king of thieves.

The reason why he did this was because he found that there was very little room for him to perform on Hong Kong Island, and it was difficult for the three Vietnamese brothers to make a big difference.

If you want to join the club, there is a mountain like Wang Bao.

If you want to switch careers and run a single gang, you are afraid of making mistakes easily.

On the contrary, leaving Hong Kong Island, relying on his mind and the skills and abilities of the three brothers, it is easier to accomplish great things.

He originally planned to kill Da Xia and the other three, complete the deal with Ah Shan, and leave Hong Kong Island first.

But now that Huatian is involved, if he can really be the last oriole, it's totally worth him changing all his previous decisions!
Huatian robbed the treasury of Hong Kong Island, and he robbed Huatian again, which means that everything Huatian and the others did was making a wedding dress for Su Yi.

But when will Huatian and the others act?

This is a problem!
Just when Su Yi was frowning and thinking hard, he received a call from Tony.

"Brother, someone found Nanshengwei."

Su Yi was taken aback by Tony's words.

"Can you get away?" He asked in a deep voice, thinking a lot in his mind.

Tony was stunned and quickly explained: "There are only two of them. I have controlled them, and they haven't had time to report to the top. They said they came to take a look after they received a report from a nearby fisherman, but I don't think so. Because I think they recognize me."

"Are you sure there are only two?" Su Yi asked.

"Sure!" Tony said, "Fortunately, brother, you let us install alarms around the perimeter, otherwise we would be in big trouble!"

Su Yi breathed a sigh of relief, he thought the brigade police had touched it.

But he still didn't relax completely, thought for a while, and said: "If you think they recognize you, it should be from O's note. Only the notes from O's note will recognize every club boss."

He expanded his thinking and guessed: "I probably know what's going on. You can trick them and see if they are sent by Ma Jun."

"Okay, brother." Tony agreed.

"No matter what the result is, you can't stay in that place!" Su Yi said, "You ask Ah Hu to prepare the car, and you move immediately! I rented a boat during the day, I will contact you and call you back, you take everyone with you All aboard..."

Speaking of this, Su Yi suddenly froze, and said: "Forget it, don't get on the boat, you guys leave Nanshengwei first! As for the two policemen..."

"Kill them?" Tony asked calmly.

"Don't make extra trouble, let it go." Su Yi said, "There have been a lot of things in the past two days, so don't irritate the cops. It's nothing if they touch Nanshengwei, even if they kill them, it's useless. If something happens to them, the cops will still know , so there is no need to silence at all.”

"Okay, brother." Tony said, "I'll ask them about their situation first, and then I'll call you back."

"Okay." Su Yi said, "When you leave Nanshengwei, change your number immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi didn't raise his eyebrows, but instead became more serious.

Soon Tony called again: "Brother, I figured it out, these two guys are indeed from Mr. O, and they are the subordinates of the Ma Jun you mentioned. They said they came to find us specially, and guessed that we might be in South China." Shengwei. But how did they guess it, they don’t know...Brother, is there a ghost inside?”

Tony's tone was a little suspicious, obviously frightened.

"You guys have all your mobile phones these days, even if there is an insider, there is no news." Su Yi said, "There should be something wrong somewhere else."

Su Yi has already thought of a loophole at this moment - Wu Jinfa, the manager of the Tsuen Wan shopping mall who sells security equipment.

Su Yi's face became more solemn: "This group of numbers can't be used anymore, but don't change to a new one after you hang up. You leave Nanshengwei immediately with everyone, and change to a new number after you leave. And brother, Give her a new number too!"

"Okay, big brother." Tony said, "When are you coming back? I heard from Ah Hu that you were doing something outside. Big brother, what is it?"

"It's a big event!" Su Yi said, "Maybe we will be able to use it in the next few days, but the key is that you must hide well, and you can't be bitten by the tail by the police again. Specifically, we will talk about it when we meet."

"Okay, big brother, then I will take someone to transfer now."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yi let out a long breath and couldn't help laughing at himself.

One hundred secrets and one sparse, or something went wrong.

At the beginning, Wu Jinfa, the manager of the security equipment company, should have also given an unregistered phone card. After making the call, he would immediately shut down the phone and destroy the card, so that nothing would go wrong.

If it was really exposed because of this Wu Jinfa, it must be located through the mobile phone number.

Su Yi can even imagine the process - Ma Jun first located his previous number through Wu Jinfa, and his previous number was only called by Ahu and Adi.

Then, that set of numbers is all destroyed.

But Brother's phone number was not destroyed!
Ah Di returned to Nam Sang Wai, but her number did not change.

Then, through the communication records of his last phone call, Ma Jun located the only number that was not turned off-Adi's mobile phone number, and found that Adi was in Nanshengwei, so he immediately sent someone to investigate.

The course of the matter is inseparable, and it should be like this.

But there's more to the trouble than that.

Chickens don't lay eggs, birds don't shit, and there are few people around Nanshengwei. Once Ma Jun checks the communication situation in the vicinity, he will definitely find out the call Tony just made to himself.

In other words, Su Yi's current location has also been exposed to the police's sight!

Not only that, Su Yi rented a boat during the day, which was originally prepared for himself as a retreat, but now, it may also be exposed!
This is the thing that annoys Su Yi the most, and it is also the biggest trouble that Su Yi will face!

(End of this chapter)

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