Chapter 521
Quarry Bay Park.

Huatian, Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi sat in the grass in embarrassment, looking back at the sudden danger before.

They were preparing for tomorrow's operation in the room, and they were inexplicably surrounded by the police.

If Hua Tian hadn't woken up with a start, he might have been made dumplings by the police, and none of them would be able to escape!
"How did Tiaozi know we were there?" Tian Yangyi said incredulously, "We are already so careful, how can we still be found by Tiaozi?"

"It's useless to worry about this now, there are too many possibilities!" Hua Tian said in a deep voice, "The most important thing is to contact the other five people to make sure there is no problem with them!"

"What do you mean?" Tian Yangyi shouted angrily when he heard the words, "You doubt my brother?"

"Yangyi!" Tian Yangsheng stopped him, took out his phone, and said, "If it weren't for Huatian, none of us could have escaped! Apologize to him!"

"No need!" Watson shook his head and said, "I'm afraid that the five of them will also be attacked by the police at the same time. If this is the case, the situation will be terrible. It means that the police have fully grasped our whereabouts and movements, and it will be terrible. !"

Tian Yangyi was stunned, and took a breath: "No, can't you?"

He looked at Tian Yangsheng in horror.

At this moment, Tian Yangsheng has already dialed the phone: "Hey, Yangzhong, how is the situation with you?"

"Everything is normal, brother, I am preparing to do something, how is your side?"

"It's a little trouble, but it's all resolved. Be careful, change the group number and wait for news." Tian Yangsheng hung up the phone, dialed another, and said to the other two: "Yangzhong is fine."

"Hey, Yangshun, is everything going well... Change your number and wait for news!"

"Hey, Yangzhi, have you and Yangxin got the car yet... Change the number and wait for news!"

"Hey, Yanglian..."

Tian Yangsheng made a round of phone calls, but everyone was safe and sound, which made the three of them heave a sigh of relief at the same time.

"That is to say, we are the only ones exposed." Hua Tian's eyes flickered with thought, "And our actions should not be exposed, otherwise the police just need to set up an ambush in the vault, and we will be finished. They don't need to encircle us in advance .”

"But how did the police know about our place?" Tian Yangyi wondered.

"The note should be aimed at you." Tian Yangsheng said to Hua Tian, ​​"But there are too many possibilities of exposure, and now is not the time to worry about this. Yang Zhi and the others have already taken action. We are on the right track and according to the plan Action, or self-examination before canceling the action? What do you think should be?"

Angel Hua rubbed his face vigorously, gritted his teeth with ferocious eyes, and said, "We can't delay! Since the police don't know our target yet, why don't we act? Especially if we act when we just escaped from birth, it will definitely surprise us." They didn't expect it! We did it as planned!"

Tian Yangsheng nodded with a smile: "I think so too. Don't miss this opportunity. Don't miss it. Ma Jun should not be underestimated. Who knows what he has found? Now we delay for an extra minute, and we are in danger for an extra minute."

"Okay, since we have the same idea, let's start!" Hua Tian looked at the time, "It's eleven o'clock now, and we still have one night to prepare. At half past five, the official action will begin!"

After the three made an agreement, they stopped talking, took the big and small bags from the car, set fire to the car, and then walked away.

On the other side, Ah Hu quickly found Su Yi and Ah Di in a white SUV. There was no nonsense when the two met. Su Yi directly took Ah Di into the car, and then told Ah Hu: "Take a taxi and go back."

"Oh." Ah Hu stood on the side of the road in a daze, scratching his head, watching his elder brother and sister-in-law get into the car and drive away, disappearing by the road.

It was only when he regained his senses that this place was so remote, how could he take a taxi?

"Where are we going now?" Brother asked.

"Find a place to sleep." Su Yi said without thinking.

Ah Di didn't know what to think of, and couldn't help but blush.

Twenty minutes later, Biling Pavilion in East Tsim Sha Tsui.

Su Yi and Adi gave the security guard 1000 yuan, lied, and then drove the car directly into the underground garage and took the elevator to the 22nd floor.

This apartment building has a total of three units, one floor and two households.On the 22nd floor, Su Yi checked the direction, and then knocked on the door to the left of the elevator.

After a while, a handsome-looking man with glasses opened the door and looked at Su Yi and Brother outside the door with a puzzled expression: "Who are you looking for?"

Su Yi laughed and said, "You don't know our cousin? We are my cousin and sister-in-law. Let's go in and talk."

After finishing speaking, he put his arm around the shoulder of the man with glasses and entered the door, followed closely by brother, and closed the door.

Downstairs in the security room, the security guard who collected the money watched the scene from the surveillance camera, and muttered, "It's really a poor relative in the countryside..." Shaking his head, he stopped paying attention.

"Hey, hey, wait a minute, I don't recognize you!" The man with glasses walked into the house in the arms of Su Yi in a daze, and then he realized that he couldn't help shouting.

Su Yi smiled and took out the gun, put the muzzle of the gun directly into the mouth of the man with glasses, put his index finger between his lips, and made a silent gesture.

The man with glasses widened his eyes and his face instantly turned pale!

On the other side, Adi locked the door behind him, then took out his gun and quickly opened the doors of each room, searching and checking carefully.

Su Yi looked around, and his eyes fell on the huge photo hanging on one wall.

In the photo, there is a couple embracing each other. The man is naturally the man with glasses, and the other woman has a pretty face and looks very pure.

"Puff puff!" Su Yi made a sound, attracting brother's attention, pointing to the photo on the wall, brother immediately understood.

"Woooo..." The man with glasses suddenly cried out in horror.

"Relax, relax." Su Yi smiled and said to him, "As long as you cooperate, we won't hurt you, don't play tricks, nothing will happen, when we should leave, we will leave naturally, and you will be unscathed .”

The man with glasses trembled all over and nodded repeatedly.

At this moment, there was a scream from the bedroom, and immediately after, Adi tore a woman's hair, pulled her out roughly, and threw the woman on the sofa.

The man with glasses trembled as he watched this scene, not daring to move.

And the woman flung herself on the sofa and raised her head tremblingly, watching this scene with tears in the corners of her eyes in horror. When her eyes fell on the man with glasses, she called out "Aben" sadly.

"No, don't hurt us! Please, don't hurt us!" The man with glasses couldn't help but take a step back, raised his hands and shouted in horror, "I'll give you money, I can give you all, please, as long as you don't hurt us We can talk about anything!"

Su Yi didn't speak, but looked at Adi.

With a sneer, Ah Di removed the battery of a mobile phone and broke off the calling card inside.

"When I went in, she was about to call the police." Adi explained.

This sentence made the man in glasses startled, and couldn't help kneeling on the ground with a "plop", and begged Su Yi: "I'm sorry, she was just afraid, she didn't mean it, I promise, we will never dare to call the police, absolutely not Will call the police! Please forgive us, please forgive us!"

Su Yi smiled and said to the shivering woman, "You should be thankful that you have a sensible boyfriend, otherwise, you two would be dead now."

This made the couple even more terrified.


Su Yi motioned for both of them to sit on the sofa, but they hugged each other directly, shaking like chaff, and the man kept comforting the woman who was so frightened that she kept crying, looking affectionate.

Su Yi sat across from them and said with a smile: "For some reasons, we want to stay with you for a while, maybe only one night, maybe two or three nights. But no matter what, borrowing is our purpose , we don’t ask for anything, we don’t want money, and we don’t want to kill, especially an innocent couple, do you understand me?”

"Understood! I understand! I fully understand!" The man with glasses said tremblingly, "Don't worry, we will cooperate honestly and will never play tricks!"

"Very good, Ben, right? I have to say, because of your attitude, your chances of survival are constantly increasing." Su Yi smiled and praised him, "Actually, if you call the police, it's really not a good thing. Because before the police enter this room, the two of you will become our hostages. There is a high probability that we will kill one to vent our anger, and then hold the other to escape. Do you like this result?"

The man with glasses and the innocent woman hurriedly shook their heads together, their faces full of horror.

"You don't want to, and we don't want to. It seems that we can reach a consensus on this point." Su Yi said with a smile, "But in order for us to get along better, I have to say a few more words. You guys They are ordinary people, and my girlfriend and I are well-trained gangsters who can kill without blinking an eye. So don't take chances, think that you can defeat us with wisdom, and then escape."

"I can tell you responsibly that we are all cautious and not stupid. Any loopholes that you think may be an opportunity to escape may be deliberately left by us to tempt you. Once you are fooled, you must pay a heavy price. The cost of breaking the leg, such as cutting off the nose, or cutting off the fingers..."

Su Yi bared his teeth and smiled, his tone was gentle, but he said cruel words. The couple's teeth were already chattering in fright.

"Relax, relax." Su Yi chuckled, "As long as you treat us with sincerity, we will treat you with sincerity and will never hurt you. Therefore, let's respect each other and be sincere to each other, okay?"

"Okay, okay!" The couple nodded hastily.

"Very good." Su Yi gave them an appreciative expression, "Then let's make three chapters. First, as long as you don't play tricks, we won't hurt you in any way; All the tools are handed over to us for safekeeping; third, we eat and rest together, instead of going to the bedroom, and stay in the living room for the rest of the time except for convenience.”

How dare the man with glasses say no?
However, Su Yi's words also made them relax, and subconsciously produced a subconscious hint in their hearts that "as long as we don't mess around, we will be fine".

"My mobile phone, I'll leave it to you." The man with glasses took out his mobile phone and handed it to Su Yi, "There are landline phones in the living room and two bedrooms, and then there is nothing to communicate with the outside world."

"Very good, I think we will get along very well." Su Yi smiled and nodded to brother.

Brother immediately understood and went to deal with two landlines.

Su Yi sniffled and said, "I smell coffee, did you make coffee?"

"Yeah, I cooked it." The man with glasses explained hastily, "I, I have to work overtime at night to change a plan, so I made coffee for myself."

"Is it enough for two people?" Su Yi asked.

"Enough, definitely enough, I'll cook if it's not enough, it's okay." The man with glasses said.

"That's troublesome." Su Yi said with a smile, "Also, let's get some drinks for the two ladies."

"Should be, should be, I'll get it right away." The man in glasses ran back and forth to the kitchen.

Su Yi looked at the pure girl, who didn't dare to look at Su Yi, and lowered her head.

"Can you cook?" Su Yi asked with a smile.

"Yes, a little bit." The pure girl trembled.

"Although it's presumptuous to say so, please, get us some supper, we haven't eaten yet." Su Yi smiled, "Of course, you can make more, the four of us will eat together."

"Okay, okay!" The pure girl stood up tremblingly, and walked towards the kitchen.

"I'll help." Ah Di put away his gun and said to Su Yi.

Su Yi nodded, and then came to the balcony.

From here, you can have a panoramic view of half of Hong Kong Island.

Su Yi looked at the downstairs not far away, which is where the Hong Kong Island Treasury is located.

He deliberately chose such a place to live so that he could see the status of the Hong Kong Island vault at any time.

Moreover, the straight-line distance from here to the Hong Kong Island Treasury is less than one kilometer, and any relatively large movements from there can be heard clearly here.

Su Yi opened the window and let the evening wind blow in, feeling extremely comfortable and comfortable.

Half an hour later, the supper was ready.

The innocent girl cooked pasta, cut up ham, and cooked a mushroom soup.

The man with glasses also made coffee and made two cups of milk tea.

The ingredients are all semi-finished instant food, so the taste is not very good, but Su Yi feels that this meal is very comfortable.

"Come on, let's replace wine with coffee and milk tea, let's have a drink." Before the meal, Su Yi suggested with a smile, "Meeting is fate, I hope you can be safe and sound, and we can go smoothly, and everyone gets what they want."

"Cheers, cheers!" The man in glasses raised his glass with a smile.

Four cups clink together.

After putting down the cup, Su Yi continued to smile and said, "I haven't introduced you yet. My name is Ah Zha and her name is Ah Di. We are also a couple."

Ah Di glanced at Su Yi and couldn't help but smile.

"Hello Brother Scumbag, Hello Sister-in-law." The man with glasses said hurriedly, "I'm glad to meet you."

"Happy? If I were you, I would definitely not be happy." Su Yi shook his head and smiled, "But this experience will definitely make you unforgettable forever."

Brother suddenly said: "I can see that you love each other very much, I hope you can go on forever."

The atmosphere suddenly became very soothing.

The pure girl couldn't help but also said: "Ah, sister-in-law, I also hope that you can grow old together."

"To grow old together..." Ah Di laughed at himself, and couldn't help looking at Su Yi, "Will you?"

"I hope so." Su Yi said.

Brother was stunned, as if he didn't expect Su Yi to answer so simply, but looking at Su Yi's sincere eyes, she seemed to be touched, and her eye sockets were a little moist.She covered up a smile and said, "Sweet talk, I guess it's not that easy to be fooled."

The man with glasses looked at Su Yi, then looked at Adi, and said, "Brother scum, I should actually thank you. I was struggling with whether to propose to my girlfriend, but your appearance made me realize that I should cherish the things in front of me. people……"

(End of this chapter)

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