Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 523 Cruel

Chapter 523 Cruel
Repulse Bay is located in the south of Victoria Peak on Hong Kong Island. It is surrounded by mountains and sea. The most famous wealthy area on Hong Kong Island.

Most of the six major families and people from all walks of life on Hong Kong Island live here.

At a certain moment, there was a loud noise, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and half of Mount Taiping burned!

The blazing flames dyed half of the sky red in an instant, billowing thick smoke covered the sky and covered the sun, just like the end of the world, the momentum was extremely frightening!

Not only that, but there were also people who fired rockets at the villa area not far away. From time to time, some villas were turned into sea of ​​flames, and many distinguished upper class people were killed on the spot.

Under the escort of the bodyguards, the rich people hid in the emergency air-raid bunker in the Qingshuiwan villa area in embarrassment. They didn't notice that a woman sneaked in with them in the chaos. When the bodyguards found her, she suddenly pulled away her Clothes, revealing the gas bombs strapped to his body.

This woman is Tian Yangsheng's younger sister - Tian Yanglian!

"Don't move! Whoever dares to move, I will detonate the bomb and die with you!"

Da da da……

On the other side, Tian Yangshun also appeared and fired his gun into the sky, immediately causing everyone in the air defense bunker to squat on the ground with their heads covered in fright, not daring to move.

Tian Yangshun also smirked and tore off his clothes, shouting: "We are all covered with gas bombs! If anyone dares to move around, everyone will die together!"

The rich and senior officials shivered and huddled together.

At the same time, on the first floor of the police headquarters, Tian Yangyi walked into the hall with a cardboard box in his arms, put the box on a trash can, then turned around and left.

Coincidentally, Ma Jun had just walked out of the elevator with his men, because the first brother of the police force had just informed him to go to the Repulse Bay villa area to participate in the rescue of the hostages.

Ma Jun happened to see Tian Yangyi's back, and seeing his hurried expression, he immediately realized something was wrong, and yelled "stop".

Tian Yangyi not only didn't stop, but ran out of the gate instead.

Ma Jun's heart suddenly became alarmed!

Originally, according to the procedure, he had to draw his gun to warn before he could shoot, but he directly omitted this procedure and just raised his gun to shoot.

A shot hit Tian Yangyi's back heart, and Tian Yangyi froze and fell to the ground, motionless.

All the policemen present were stunned. No one expected that Ma Jun would shoot and kill him as soon as he got off the elevator.

Ma Jun was extremely vigilant at the moment. Although he didn't recognize Tian Yangyi, he was keenly aware that it was definitely not a good thing for this person to appear at the police headquarters at this time.

He looked around vigilantly, and when his eyes swept over the cardboard boxes on the trash can, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In the next moment, he was in a panic, and he stepped back while shooting, screaming frantically: "Bomb! Evacuate!"

Puff puff!
The bullets hit Tian Yangyi's legs, buttocks, and back, leaving bloody holes one after another.

Tian Yangyi, who fell on the ground, turned over with difficulty, and let go of the remote control button in his hand with a smirk.

next moment--

Tongues of flame engulfed everything here in an instant.

Although Ma Jun noticed it early, he didn't have time to escape. He just jumped behind a desk and shrank back in. The next moment, raging flames swept in, and even the desk flew out with him, smashing the huge The glass fell to the ground, and the whole person was thrown into the grass outside, and passed out.

Ma Jun underestimated the madness of Tian Yangsheng and Huatian, and he paid the price for his momentary negligence.

The location where the explosion happened almost at the same time was one of the [-] explosion locations reported earlier——Tsuen Wan Yujing Garden.

With an explosion, a residential building in this residential area that was being urgently evacuated collapsed into a raging sea of ​​flames, burying all the people who hadn't had time to fully evacuate in it.

Billows of smoke and dust surged up and swept all around.

"Gas bombs, it's poisonous smoke! Run!" Someone in the crowd yelled, and the orderly evacuation suddenly became chaotic!

The police couldn't maintain order at all. Everyone was crying for their father and mother, scrambling to run to a distance. Soon, some people fell down and a stampede occurred. The scene was horrible and chaotic.

When the explosion happened, the first brother of the police force was rushing to the vault. He kept calling on the phone all the way, commanding all kinds of people to rush to the vault, and blocked the roads around the vault.

But when he received gas bomb explosions and armed attacks in the Repulse Bay villa area, and most of the surviving rich and high-ranking officials were all held hostage by two bandits, a man and a woman, who were strapped with bombs, the first brother of the police force suddenly had a thought. The urge to shoot yourself.

He stood there in a daze, unable to utter a word for a long time.

Until the police headquarters exploded and the news came that the police officers had suffered heavy casualties, he hugged his head in pain, wishing that the whole world would be destroyed.

Under repeated urging by his subordinates, he waved his hands powerlessly, and gave an order: "All except the Flying Tigers and PTU will follow me to Qingshuiwan Villa, and the rest will continue to the vault."

The subordinates were taken aback. The Flying Tigers and PTU were the most elite core units of the police force. If these two units were transferred away, would the remaining police be able to deal with the treasury robbers?

"Sir, didn't you say before that you can't lose gold even if you lose your life?" the subordinate said tactfully.

The first brother smiled bitterly: "It depends on whose life is lost."

His heart was already cold, because he knew that after this matter was over, no matter what the result was, he, the first brother of the police force, would definitely be pushed out as a scapegoat.

The fourth explosion was naturally the explosion of the vault.

Huatian used chlorine trifluoride bombs to carry out a second blast, causing less than half of the vault to collapse, but finally opened up the vault completely.

The four first sprayed their bodies with flame retardant spray, and then Tian Yangzhong, who couldn't wait, rushed into the vault first, but was forced to retreat by a burst of gunshots, and he was shot in the shoulder and right arm.

"Made, they also have gas masks!" Tian Yangzhong yelled angrily, his eyes tearing open.

This was indeed unexpected, because in Huatian's original plan, no matter how many people hid inside, they would all be suffocated to death by the poisonous smoke.

Unexpectedly, gas masks were prepared in the vault, so that no one who hid in before died.

"I'm going to Nima!" Tian Yangxin angrily pulled out a grenade and threw it in.

Neither Huatian nor Tianyangsheng stopped it, because the explosion of the grenade would not cause major damage to a high-strength building like a treasury. Only chlorine trifluoride bombs have such power.

But the explosion of the grenade in the enclosed space inside is absolutely fatal to the people inside.

Several of them were so shocked that their internal organs ruptured and died tragically on the spot, and the rest almost lost their ability to move.

When Hua Tian and Tian Yangsheng rushed in, Tian Yangzhi had already killed them all with one shot.

"Ma De, dare to hit me..."

bang bang bang...

After a while, there was no living.

At this time, everyone's eyes were dazzled by the golden gold on the shelves in the vault.

The four of them stared blankly at the golden gold in the storeroom. This picture had a huge impact on their hearts, and their inner shock could not be overstated.

After a long time, Hua Tian and Tian Yangsheng were the first to react. They looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes.

"Load the car!" The two said almost at the same time.

Meanwhile, the first police officers have arrived.

However, they were helpless in the face of the vault surrounded by billowing smoke and raging flames.

One is that there are not enough gas masks, and the other is that there are gas masks, and there is no way to get in.

There is nothing in the flame that does not burn, and water cannot be extinguished. Spraying it with a fire extinguisher can only make the fire bigger, and it has no effect at all.

Even if something made of steel is contaminated with flames, it will burn immediately.

There were two policemen who wanted to take the risk of driving in, but they taught all the policemen a painful lesson on the spot!
They rushed in with full horsepower, and as soon as the car entered the flames, all four tires caught fire immediately.

The flames splashed onto the fuel tank, and it took less than five seconds for the fuel tank to explode, and then the entire car was blown up to the sky, and the two policemen inside were dead beyond measure.

They can't get in at all.

"Don't rush! Surround here and set up roadblocks! Wait for the fire to subside before attacking again!" Seeing this, the on-site commander decisively issued an order.

The four people on the other side hurriedly loaded the gold into the car.

They were very well prepared, loaded with pulleys and trolleys, and went very quickly.

Some of the gold was buried under the collapsed wall, but most of the gold remained, about seventy or eighty tons.

Seventy or eighty tons of gold, how much is there?
In fact, there are not many, a large suitcase can be fully packed in four or five.

Because there was less gold than expected, they decided to load all the gold in the same car and use the other car as bait.

At the same time, the fire on the outside became smaller, and the police began to try to rush in for the second time.

Hua Tian sneered and directly detonated the bomb they had planted before, and the fire suddenly became bigger again. The police had to retreat again, while Hua Tian and the others continued to load cars and prepare for the breakout.

On the other side, in the Qingshuiwan villa area, the first brother led a brigade of police to surround the prevention and control bunker, surrounded it tightly, and then dispatched negotiators.

Tian Yangshun shot and killed two hostages in front of negotiators, and told the first brother that if Hua Tian and Tian Yangsheng on the other side were not allowed to leave, they would kill two hostages every 5 minutes, and they would also Detonate the gas bomb.

There was a confrontation here, and the gas bomb in Tai O exploded again, causing serious casualties.

The good news is that the gas bombs in Tuen Mun and Mong Kok have been successfully dismantled by bomb disposal experts, and they are in danger.

Now Zhang Zaishan, the most powerful bomb disposal expert on Hong Kong Island, blatantly rejected the order of the first brother of the police force asking them to rush to Repulse Bay, and is taking his partner to other explosion sites that have not yet exploded to dismantle the bomb.

The governor of Hong Kong, the six major families, and the first brother of the police force had urgent discussions. After a lot of wrangling and quarreling, they finally made a decision—the hostages must be rescued, the gold must be preserved, and the gangster must die!

Their demands are very clear, but how to achieve their goals is the business of the first brother of the police force.

The first brother of the police force offered to resign on the spot, and no one in the police force dared to take over the situation. Faced with such a mess, the six major families were finally forced to make a compromise.

First pretend to promise to save the hostages, let them transport the gold away, and then take advantage of the gangsters' relaxation, and then attack.

So the negotiator who was delegated power came in for the second time to negotiate with Tian Yangshun.

In the end, the two parties made a compromise together: Tian Yangshun released ten hostages, and the police surrounding Tian Yangsheng and them on the other side must all withdraw, and they must not prevent Tian Yangsheng from leaving.

For the treasury, the commander who received instructions from his superior had to direct the police officers to retreat.

Tian Yangsheng, who had already loaded the truck, and the other four sprayed the truck with flame retardant spray again, and then drove out of the flames.

The police gave way, but still pointed their guns at the two trucks in unison.

Huatian and Tianyangsheng drove the first truck loaded with money in front.

Tian Yangzhi and Tian Yangxin followed behind in another empty car.

Two heavy trucks swaggered out of the police encirclement and drove away.

The commander gritted his teeth with hatred and said, "Come on!"

At this moment, it was already daylight, and somewhere in the high seas, Tony, who had been waiting for a long time, finally saw the trading ship approaching.A man on the bow opened his arms coquettishly, who is it not Ah Shan?
"Ah Hu, let the brothers get ready." Tony said with a smile in his eyes.

"Understood, second brother."

Soon, Tony took some people on a speedboat to the other party's boat.

"Tony!" Ah Shan happily hugged Tony, "Long time no see Tony, how are you? Why don't you see Brother Scum?"

"My elder brother has something to do, and he wants me to represent him in a deal with Brother Shan. Brother Shan won't mind?" Tony said with a smile.

"No, why would you mind?" Ah Shan smiled, "I just want to thank Brother Scum in person, for eliminating harm for the people last night."

"It should be done, thank you." Tony said, "Can we start the inspection?"

"Of course." Ah Shan said.

Tony said: "Then brother Shan, please only keep one logarithmic number of people here, and the rest of them will go to our ship as guests."

"Do you know what I admire the most about you three brothers?" Ah Shan said with a smile, "It's just being careful, cautious! Haha, don't worry, we will never do anything wrong."

Tony smiled, but did not compromise at all, looking at Ah Shan firmly.

"OK, OK! Listen to you." Ah Shan raised his hands, "But I told Brother Scum before that you need to speed up the delivery, and the price will be [-]% more expensive..."

"The money is ready." Tony interrupted him, "Go to our boat and you can see it."

A Shan spread his hands: "That's good, no problem. Come on, everyone get off the boat with me, and let the benefactor order the goods!"

Watching Ah Shan take his men away in a speedboat, murderous intent flashed in Tony's eyes.

Half an hour later, with a burst of rapid gunshots, Ah Shan and his men fell into a pool of blood.

Ah Shan was fatal, and he was still alive after being shot seven or eight times in his body. He struggled to climb in front of Ah Hu, hugged Ah Hu's leg, and asked resentfully, "Why? Why, why?"

Ah Hu grinned at him, then shot him in the head.

(End of this chapter)

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