Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 525 Trap

Chapter 525 Trap
"They must die! None of them can leave alive!"

The governor's tone on the phone was full of resentment and hatred, which made the first brother of the police force shudder.

"I won't let them leave alive!" The first brother of the police force promised word by word.

He didn't think it was a trivial matter for the majestic Governor of Hong Kong to care about a few robbers, because he knew very well that after this incident, someone must be responsible for this disaster.

He is bound to take the blame, but what about the Governor of Hong Kong?

The Governor of Hong Kong is just a watchdog launched by the six major families. A watchdog failed to keep an eye on the gate and caused heavy casualties to the owner's family. What good will happen to this dog?

He and the governor of Hong Kong are brothers and sisters, don't laugh at the elder brother.

Taking advantage of the power now, the only thing they can do is to kill this group of vicious gangsters and make these bastards pay the price!

"Flying Tigers, PTU, Explosives Disposal Division, and Major Accident Division, all chase the gangsters for me! Once you meet, kill them all without any warning!" The first brother of the police force picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered through gritted teeth.

"Yes, sir!"

The situation has become so corrupt that the police will no longer have any scruples.

This is also something that Huatian and the others did not expect. They did not expect that things would become so difficult and bad.

At the West Wharf, three cargo ships were moored side by side.

The one on the far left is the Panamanian cargo ship Tony was looking for, and the cabin is full of munitions.

The ship in the middle was the cargo ship that transported the ammunition after the deal with Ah Shan. The ammunition on this ship was basically emptied by Tony with more than [-] younger brothers, leaving only some explosives.

There is also the cargo ship on the far right. The owner of this cargo ship is a Cambodian. At this moment, there are several dead bodies lying on the deck. Down.

After Tianyangsheng and the others started to rob, Su Yi and Adi drove to the pier in the West District, and at the same time called Tony and asked them to bring the boat over.

After arriving at the pier, Su Yi keenly noticed that something was wrong with a ship. He observed secretly for a while, and he really noticed that the people on this ship were sneaky, as if they were anxiously waiting for something.Especially when fierce gunshots and explosions came from the direction of the city, these Cambodians became more nervous and even quarreled.

So Su Yi was basically sure that this ship must be the escape route prepared by Tian Yangsheng for themselves. After they robbed the treasury, they planned to leave Hong Kong Island on this cargo ship.

As soon as Tony arrived, Su Yi took Tony and Adi to board the boat immediately. The few people who died were all trying to resist.

After killing a few people, the rest immediately became honest, and the three of them, Su Yi, drove everyone on board to the deck and centralized control.

"Mr. Wen Maitai, Gulin Harun Maitai, Hayi Maitai's family..." The dark fat man at the head shouted in horror with a begging look on his face.

Su Yi and the other three looked at each other. This guy spoke Khmer. Tony just tried to ask, but he didn't understand English, Chinese, or Baiyue.All other crew members can only speak Khmer.

"Brother, I don't understand the language, what should I do?" Tony had a headache, "Just kill them all!"

When Tony said this, Su Yi carefully observed the expressions of everyone below, and found that they didn't have any special reaction to these words.

He was a little helpless. It was basically certain that these people did not understand Chinese at least.

"It's okay, I understand." Su Yi said.

Tony was a little surprised: "Brother, when did you understand Khmer?"

When there are fans worth.

Su Yi curled his lips and muttered in his heart that he spent [-] fans to buy "One Hour Khmer Real-time Translation Tool".

When Su Yi wants to speak, with a thought, the Cambodian translator in his mind will automatically express what Su Yi wants to say. Su Yi only needs to follow suit and read along.

At the same time, as long as someone speaks Khmer, the translator will immediately translate into Chinese for Su Yi.

"Please, don't kill us! We don't know anything! We are just part-time workers, please..." The dark fat man was still pleading.

"Shut up!" Su Yi opened his mouth, speaking old Cambodian, with a pure Phnom Penh suburban accent.

"Why are you here? I want to listen to the truth!" Su Yi deliberately asked in a vicious tone.

The dark fat man was stunned, and immediately said excitedly: "You can speak Khmer? That's great! We just listen to Tikun's seven brothers' orders. He told us to wait for them here and send them back to Cambodia. In this case, We can get 10 million riel! We are only for money, we know nothing!"

Tikun, I think it is the name of the Cambodian village of Tianyangsheng.

10 million riel, according to the current exchange rate, equivalent to more than [-] Hong Kong dollars, Tianyangsheng they are black enough...

But Su Yi is sure that this person is not telling the truth.

Su Yi directly shot and killed a person behind him, then pointed the gun at him again, and shouted viciously: "Nonsense! How dare you lie to me! How could Tikun arrange such a dangerous thing on his last retreat? So hasty? You better tell the truth, or I'll kill you right now!"

"What I said is true! I'm not lying to you..." The dark fat man defended in horror.

Su Yi killed another person.

He has a cold face, knowing that life and death are at stake at this time, and he can't tolerate any soft-heartedness.

The dark fat man was stunned, his lips trembled, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

"I said! I said! Please don't kill me!" Finally, a young man with small eyes burst into tears and broke down and shouted, "Weng Sakun is the uncle of the Tikun Seven Brothers, and he and them are like father and son... "

"Shut up! Idiot!" The dark fat man twisted his face and turned around and yelled at him, "They are not Hong Kong Island police! They want black people! Do you think they will let us go if you tell us?"

Su Yi killed the fat dark man with one shot.

Then put away the gun, dragged the limp young man with small eyes from the ground, smiled and asked, "What's your name?"

"Bu, Brasokun" said the young man with small eyes chattering his teeth.

"Bula Sokun, do you want to live?" Su Yi asked with a smile.


After 10 minutes, Brasokun directed the remaining people to tie the dead body with heavy objects, sank it into the sea, and washed the blood on the deck with water.

Su Yi and Tony stood on the unloading deck, watching Ahu lead people to plant bombs around the pier.

"Brother, I'm afraid that group of Cambodians will be unreliable and will play tricks..." Tony said worriedly.

"Don't worry." Su Yi said, "As long as Huatian and the others come to the pier in the West District, they will be dead! I used those Cambodian people just to make things easier, and it doesn't matter if they turn their backs or not."

Tony seemed to understand a little bit.

In fact, he always thought that he was a smart person, but he couldn't understand what his elder brother was doing more and more.

"Brother, are there really dozens of tons of gold?" Tony hesitated.

Su Yi glanced at him: "Of course, otherwise, who do you think would make such a big deal and mess up the whole Hong Kong Island?"

"The current price of gold is more than one hundred and ten Hong Kong dollars per gram, and tens of tons, how much does it cost!" Tony couldn't help but get excited, his face was a little red.

Su Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Finish this sum of gold, and I will earn a bright future for our three brothers!"

"Brother, don't worry, even if you work hard today, you have to get this done!" Tony said decisively.

Da da da, boom...

The fierce exchange of fire and explosions were getting closer and closer, Su Yi frowned and looked not far away, and could faintly see a helicopter hovering not far away.

some trouble...

Su Yi murmured a little in his heart, if this matter is not done well, he will receive a hot potato, so he must be cautious and careful.

Three bows and nine kowtows are all over, if the last trembling is anything but faulty, it would be too bad.

"Hurry up!" Su Yi clapped his hands vigorously and urged loudly.

"Tony, go, get on board!"

He took Tony back to the Cambodian boat.

When Brasokun saw the two coming back, he trembled immediately, hurried up to meet him, nodded and shivered and said, "Brother, brother, I've done everything."

"Very good." Su Yi smiled and patted Brasokun on the shoulder, "You tell everyone, if you do what I told you before, after it is done, everyone will get a gold bar each! And you, I My friend, I'll give you ten! Don't worry, I'm very trustworthy and will do what I say, otherwise I'll..."

Su Yi made a very long and poisonous oath.

Brasokun, who was a little uneasy at first, gradually became emotional, and greed gradually appeared in his eyes.

"So, Brasokun, don't let anyone ruin your business, do you understand what I mean?" Su Yi put his arm around his shoulder and said, "Our interests are the same, I don't want anyone to be calm, Let you and I not be able to make a fortune, in that case, I will be very angry."

"Brother, don't worry, I will never let anyone make you angry!" Brasokun clasped his hands together and bowed firmly.

"Very well, you should make preparations first." Su Yi said, "They should be here soon."


Su Yi winked at Tony, and the two got into the cabin together.

After Ah Hu and the others loaded the bombs, they all returned to the other two ships.

Another 5 minutes later, gunshots and explosions were approaching.


Through the window of the cabin, Su Yi saw with his own eyes that a helicopter was hit by a grenade and turned into a cloud of fireworks.

A horrific truck smashed through the locked gate of the terminal, and flew straight to the unloading platform.And the road behind the truck has long since turned into a sea of ​​flames.

The truck slammed to the brakes, making a harsh and sharp sound, and left two long black marks on the unloading platform, and finally stopped when it was about to rush into the sea.

As soon as the car stopped, the three jumped out of the car.

Now only Huatian, Tianyangsheng and Tianyangxin are left.

The three of them were covered in blood, all of them were wounded, and they looked in a panic.

Tian Yangzhi, who was originally in the car, was shattered by a sniper when he fired a grenade at the plane. Knowing that he would not survive, he jumped off the car with poison gas in his arms and detonated the bomb when the assault car rushed up from behind. , They blocked the latest wave of pursuers.

"Huatian, pay attention to the helicopter! Yangxin is going to drive the forklift!" Tian Yangsheng quickly assigned tasks.

As he spoke, he walked towards the boat.

After Huatian opened the door of the container, he immediately stood at the door of the container with a howitzer on his shoulders, looking vigilantly at the mid-air not far away. Over there, several planes were circling and did not dare to approach.

Tian Yangxin rushed to the dock warehouse to drive the forklift, while Tian Yangsheng ran quickly to the boat, and asked in Khmer to Brah Sokun standing on the deck: "Where is my uncle?"

"He's inside!" Bratsokun said, "Some people don't want to wait for you and think you will bring trouble to us. Ong Sakun is trying to convince them, but they are very tough."

When Tian Yangsheng heard this, his face showed murderous intent. When is it? Are there still people who are retreating at this time?


He didn't have the time and patience to wait for his uncle to suppress different opinions.

"Where is it, take me there!" Tian Yangsheng said solemnly.

"Okay, come with me!" Brasokun hurriedly turned around and walked quickly into the cabin with Tian Yangsheng.

In his anxiety, Tian Yangsheng didn't notice the unnatural look on Brasokun's face.

The two entered the cabin one after the other. Brasokun stopped suddenly when he walked to a cabin door, knocked on the door and said, "Weng Sakun, Tikun is here."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for a reply from inside, he opened the door and walked in.

Tian Yangsheng did not doubt that he was there, and followed him in.

As soon as he entered the door, he glanced at him and was stunned.

Because this room is empty!
Except for Brasokun who just came in, there is no one!
Tian Yangsheng's heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

He flew into the room almost without hesitation, and at the same time turned around with his gun in mid-air.

However, when he just made such an action, two figures appeared behind him, one on the left and one on the right, shooting at him again and again!
Puff puff……

Tian Yangsheng was immediately beaten into a sieve. He was shot three times in the head alone and was killed on the spot. He couldn't die anymore.

This actor, who has always been cautious first, lost his life as easily as a dog because of one carelessness.

Not even a last word was left.

Inside the cabin, Brasokun was trembling with fright, hugging his head and crouching in the corner.

Su Yi winked, and Tony immediately went in and lifted him by the back collar, and brought him in front of Brasokun.

Su Yi slapped him across the face, and asked coldly, "Are you awake?"

Brasokun nodded again and again: "Clear, sober."

Still trembling badly.

Su Yi said: "Go and ask another person to come over, according to what I taught you before."

"I, I..." Brasokun trembled more and more, with a look of rejection and refusal on his face.

Su Yi didn't give him a chance to refuse at all, he pointed the gun directly at his head, and said solemnly: "Go, ten gold bars! If you don't go, I'll kill you right now!"

"I'll go, I'll go..." Brasokun yelled in tears, turned and ran outside.

"He's so scared, can he still fool them?" Tony asked a little worriedly.

Su Yi sneered: "It's because he was so frightened that he was able to deceive him. He was shot and killed. If he is not afraid, there will be a problem!"

(End of this chapter)

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