Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 541 Rescue

Chapter 541 Rescue
Su Yi hardly hesitated, and agreed to Chen Yiyuan's request for help.

"Clean up guys, follow me to save someone!"

He didn't act alone, but called everyone—Tony, Ah Hu, and the five loyal younger brothers who had gone through many tests.

He and Ma Jun would always run into each other. Instead of waiting for this guy to finally break through the obstacles and approach with a streak of victories, it would be better for Su Yi to train his troops now.Let's have a head-to-head with him to get to the bottom of it.

So the main purpose of rescuing Chen Yiyuan this time is to train the team, and use the opportunity of rescuing Chen Yiyuan to train the team.

Whether or not Chen Yiyuan can be rescued is the next thing to do, do your best.

Now Su Yi has established absolute authority in the small group, so as soon as he spoke, everyone immediately began to prepare weapons.

"Abin, Agou, you two go drive!" Tony ordered the two younger brothers while loading the bullet.

"Yes! Brother scumbag!"

The car was not bought on the black market. Su Yi is sure that Ma Jun must have grasped the current trend of the black market on Hong Kong Island. If he buys a car on the black market, Ma Jun will know about it.

The origin of the two cars is the same as the minivan that Huatian bought after breaking out of the encirclement. They were bought directly by Su Yi from ordinary citizens at a high price.

Even threats and lures basically guaranteed that they would never and would not dare to speak too much.

After distributing the prepared walkie-talkies and debugging them, the two vehicles quickly waded towards the deep water one after the other.

In the car, Su Yi briefly explained the purpose of this operation and the enemies he would face to everyone.

"Have you all heard of Ma Jun? The super police launched by the police station is also the main force to deal with our top ten thieves this time. This guy is like a mad dog. The person being targeted has never been seen before." One who can escape, he is now targeting us! He and his counter-strike force are our worst enemies on Hong Kong Island!"

"Super cop?" Tony was very disdainful, with mockery in his eyes, "Tiaozi always likes to deceive himself and others, and loves to pack himself. I don't believe that this Ma Jun has three heads and six arms."

"Don't underestimate him!" Su Yi's face was serious.

"A few hours ago, our top ten thieves were all gathering on the high seas." Su Yi said, "But I just got the news that Ma Jun has already killed two and captured one! Now there are only ten thieves left. The seven kings of thieves!"

Everyone is moved!

"So soon?" Ah Di gasped, "How long have you been separated from them, Ah Zha?"

"Which two are dead?" Ah Hu asked curiously.

"The fifth king of thieves, Feng Yuxiu, is the one who claims to be the best fighter in the world; and the tenth king of thieves, Wang Jie. These two guys are dead, and one was arrested, who was going to bomb the Central Shopping Center some time ago. That Hong Jipeng."

"It seems that this Ma Jun does have two brushes, and he is ruthless..." Tony put away his underestimation.

"This person can't be taken too seriously." Su Yi continued, "The person we are going to save this time is also one of the top ten thieves, the guy who touched the buttocks of the governor's wife."

"Chen Yiyuan?" Tony asked.

"It's him." Su Yi nodded, "You also know that the ten kings of thieves were going to join forces this time, but they broke up in the end. This Chen Yiyuan is one of these people I can admire As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. If he calls me for help, if I ignore it, doesn’t it mean that we are afraid of Ma Jun?”

"So, I'll bring you here to save people! But this time, let's do our best to save people, don't be too brave! The only purpose is to see if we can kill Ma Jun!"

"Even if we can't get rid of Ma Jun, if we can fight Ma Jun this time and get to know him, our goal will be achieved. Do you understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone said in unison.

Unified action thinking, the next thing is much easier to handle.

Soon, Su Yi received a second call from Chen Yiyuan.

"Brother scumbag, I was bitten by Ma Jun!" Chen Yiyuan's tone was urgent amidst fierce gun battles and explosions on the other end of the phone.

"I'm on the viaduct next to the Christian Church. I can't go down now. They dispatched a helicopter!" Chen Yiyuan said.

The topography and map of this area quickly appeared in Su Yi's mind, and his thoughts changed rapidly. He suddenly said in an unquestionable tone: "Break out! You must break out! Otherwise, they will blockade them back and forth, and we will not be able to get on the bridge when we arrive. There is no way to rescue us." you!"

"More than [-] meters away from the bridge under your position is the street park of Gehe Old Street. Come here, and I will meet you!"

"Okay, I'll do my best!" Chen Yiyuan also knew that his friendship with Su Yi hadn't reached the point where the other party risked his life to save him.

The other party's ability to achieve this step is considered to be the best of benevolence, and the help of outsiders is only auxiliary, and people must rely on themselves after all.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yiyuan fought back while thinking about ways to break out.

But what made him more and more desperate was that Ma Jun led his men, and the encirclement became smaller and smaller, but he was forced to a corner and blocked all the way out.

"Chen Yiyuan! It's still too late to surrender, the future is bright, there is no need to die here!" Over there, Ma Jun has already started shouting.


At this moment, Chen Yiyuan was really shaken in his heart.

He is an actor, not the real Chen Yiyuan, so there is no concern that his life will be over if he is caught.

He can surrender now without any danger, and the price he pays is at most no reward.

If you take a step back, the sea and the sky will be brighter, and there will be many dangers in the next step. It seems that there is no need to worry about how to choose.

But Chen Yiyuan was a little unwilling.

He didn't want to leave a stain in his career as an actor that he would throw the shit out of him as soon as he was intimidated by others.

He wants to break through!

He wants to fight for a chance!
He took out the last grenade, saw the timing, and threw it out suddenly.

At the moment when the grenade exploded, Chen Yiyuan rushed out of his hiding place, pressed his hand on the fence of the viaduct, jumped over and jumped down!

A bullet flew from behind and hit him accurately on the back right shoulder.

It was Ma Jun who shot.

Chen Yiyuan felt as if he had been bitten by a mosquito, and he had already descended rapidly.

There is also a highway under the viaduct, and there is a lot of traffic on the road!
Chen Yiyuan's body slammed heavily on the roof of an SUV that was driving at high speed, and his whole body directly smashed the roof into a big hole.


With the screeching sound of brakes, the car suddenly lost control and slid forward across the road, and Chen Yiyuan's whole body was thrown out immediately.

His body kept rolling, narrowly passing by several speeding cars, and finally rolled into a ditch by the side of the road.

bang bang bang...

At this time, the cars on the road collided in a series and made a mess.

Chen Yiyuan was thrown in a mess, but he still struggled to get up immediately, and staggered and hid under the bridge.

bang bang bang...

A few bullets were almost chasing after his shadow, dangerous and dangerous.

Seeing Chen Yiyuan jumping down, the policemen on the viaduct were not as overwhelmed as ordinary policemen. Under the leadership of Ma Jun, they immediately took out the hook line, and quickly used the hook line to descend and chase him down.

After the police went down, Chen Yiyuan had fled again.

"Chase!" Ma Jun waved his hand, and a group of policemen quickly chased in the direction where Chen Yiyuan disappeared.

This is an old block, the terrain is very complicated, coupled with the dense population, it brings obstacles and difficulties to the pursuit work.

Although Chen Yiyuan was injured, he burst out with unparalleled potential.

He ran crazily, bleeding and then half of his body without feeling it.

He was a very smart person, he knew how to run so that he would not be shot easily; or he knew how to run so that there was no chance of shooting him from behind.

Soon, he was getting closer and closer to Gehe Old Street Park.

And here, the place gradually became remote, and the flow of people became scarce.

Chen Yiyuan gritted his teeth, accelerated his speed suddenly, and made the final sprint.

Finally, he climbed up the wall of the park before the police chased him down the alley.

Bang bang bang!
Ma Jun, who was catching up, fired shots one after another. Two bullets hit Chen Yiyuan's arm and thigh. The latter was shot and rolled down from the wall.

Ma Jun secretly cried out that it was a pity that he missed the point, and he wanted to catch up immediately.

But at this moment, there was a warning sign in his heart!
Ma Jun's expression changed drastically immediately, he stopped abruptly and raised his arms.

The men behind him gave orders to stop, and they all stopped immediately, looking at Ma Jun curiously.

"There is an ambush!" Ma Jun said in a deep voice.

This sensitivity and alertness to danger is not Ma Jun's innate talent, but a permanent prop he has obtained.

This kind of prop is called "on a whim", which can send out warning signs and remind him to pay attention before he enters a dangerous situation.

This is a very practical prop. Ma Jun has relied on the skills of this prop to overcome difficulties many times without any danger.

But this prop is not a panacea, and it does not mean that you can sit back and relax with it.

After all, it is one thing to know the danger, but many times, in order to achieve a certain goal, knowing that there is danger, one must also step into danger.

For example, now that Ma Jun knew there was danger ahead, could he just let Chen Yiyuan go after him?
Impossible, he must step into danger.

And what kind of danger is ahead, props will not tell him, Ma Jun does not know.

He made several tactical gestures, signaling the players behind to disperse, approach carefully, and sneak into the park ahead from multiple points.

And he fell far behind to guard and cover.

He is a commander, and he doesn't need to take the lead at all times. He often directs his men to die, which is his real job content.

The players quickly climbed over the wall.

But as soon as a few team members took their heads, bullets flew over.

Puff puff……

Some team members had their helmets knocked off, but luckily they were fine.

But two of them were directly headshot.

"There's a sniper! The opponent has a sniper!" A subordinate hurriedly reported.

"Shock bombs, smoke bombs cover, charge forward!" Ma Jun calmly gave the order.

At this time, his terminal has received a reminder message - the first thief king Xian Weicha is attacking you, for this person, you have an additional 8 hours of legitimate defense counterattack time from this moment.

Su Yi on the other side also received the message - you take the initiative to attack Ma Jun, and from this moment on, the opponent has an additional 8 hours of legitimate defense counterattack time.

swoosh swish...

Seven or eight tactical bombs were thrown into the park, and they all exploded.Suddenly, bright lights flickered and smoke filled the air.

This time, the team climbed over the wall and entered without encountering any obstacles.

Ma Jun also quickly rolled into the park at the end.

The team members approached slowly in a fan shape.

"Find the position of the opponent's sniper!" Ma Jun gave the order again, and he himself raised his gun to observe the front calmly.

At a certain moment, a team member fell to the ground.

At this moment, Ma Jun's eyes were brightened, he moved the muzzle of the gun sharply, aimed in a certain direction and pulled the trigger decisively.

The sniper over there was immediately shot in the head!
The one who was killed was one of the five younger brothers.

No one, including Su Yi, expected the downsizing to happen so soon.

Apart from the awe in everyone's hearts, they all had a deep fear of the enemy they faced.

"Hit!" Su Yi gritted his teeth and growled.

da da da da...

The next moment, the bullets intertwined like a net and shot into the smoke ahead.

The dense rain of bullets made Ma Jun and the others afraid to show their faces, and they were suppressed to death.

"Ah Gou, bring people into the car first!" Su Yi ordered while shooting.

"Thank you for your kindness, brother scum!" Chen Yiyuan, covered in blood, left quickly with Agou's support.

Just then, a grenade shot out of the smoke.

Seeing this, Su Yi only had time to yell "get down", and the next moment——

The grenade exploded not far behind them, and the violent shock wave spread out suddenly. One of the subordinates who hadn't had time to lie down suddenly vomited blood in pain and fell to the ground, being directly stunned.

Su Yi raised his gun and pulled the trigger.

The policeman carrying the howitzer was immediately hit in the nose by the shot, his nose was shattered on the spot, and the bullet penetrated into his skull.

bang bang bang...

The next moment, countless bullets poured in the direction of Su Yi, but Su Yi was extremely vigilant, and immediately shifted away after firing the shot, letting the opponent's hail of bullets go to nothing.

The two sides came and went, and the fight was very fierce.

In terms of numbers, the police have the upper hand.

But in terms of firepower, Su Yi's firepower is stronger.

In terms of tactical literacy, the police are better.

But when it comes to experience, the people on Su Yi's side are all killed from the hail of bullets, and they have more experience.

For a while, the two sides were evenly matched.

But this stalemate was only temporary, and soon the Ma Jun on the other side came up with a way to break the situation.

He suddenly increased his firepower and attacked so that Su Yi could not be distracted. At the same time, he asked some of the team members to outflank Su Yi from both wings, trying to surround Su Yi.

The number of the police is superior, and Su Yi is naturally unable to stop this situation, so he has only one way, which is to retreat strategically, so that the enemy's intentions can be evaded.

Su Yi quickly gave the order to retreat, and led his men to retreat quickly while fighting.

Just as the Ma Jun in front was about to pursue, the warning signs in his heart rose again.

"Advance from the two wings and go around!" He ordered decisively.

On the other side, seeing his trap being bypassed by the opponent, Su Yi couldn't help shaking his head.

But he wasn't too disappointed. He knew that Ma Jun would be difficult to deal with.

He decisively pressed the detonation button.

Not far away, a violent explosion suddenly occurred at the position bypassed by the horse army.

 Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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