Chapter 551
The super cop and the first thief sit at a table eating noodles with soy sauce and drinking Bacardi rum.

If this scene is photographed and spread to the outside world, it will definitely cause an uproar.

However, leaving these two identities aside, it is actually just two actors sitting together to exchange ideas.

At this table, there is no fighting, no intrigue, just two hungry people chatting like old friends while gobbling.

In fact, think about it, if it weren't for the position, the two would have no hatred at all, and it's not that they couldn't sit and eat together.

"Honestly, your cooking skills are good." Ma Jun praised without hesitation while eating the noodles, "I have eaten soy sauce fried rice made by my wife, but this is the first time I have eaten soy sauce noodles. I didn't expect the taste to be so good. How do you Did you do it? Teach me, and I'll show my wife a trick when I get back."

"You have a wife?" Su Yi asked in surprise.

"Is it strange?" Ma Jun looked at him strangely. "I'm almost 30 years old. Isn't it natural to have a wife? Don't you?"

"..." Su Yi raised his glass silently and drank the wine in a gulp, "It's amazing to have a wife, I'll punish myself."

Ma Jun smiled: "Hurry up and start a family. Only when you have a family will you understand what responsibility is."

Su Yi smacked his lips and said curiously: "Actually, I don't understand. I've seen an actor with a family. He acted cautiously. He was afraid that something would happen to him, and his wife and children would not be taken care of. But you acted so hard, you really Aren't you afraid that something will happen to you, and your wife has no one to take care of you?"

"Afraid, why not?" Ma Jun smiled, "But is it useful to be afraid? If I am afraid, can I become a normal person?"

He picked up the cup and said to Su Yi: "You will know when you are in my state. Being an actor is like sailing against the current. If you don't work hard and move forward, you will only be struggling in danger forever. Rather than not knowing what Sometimes a little negligence will cost you your life, so it is better to go all out and fight! As long as you are on the front line, the future is bright. This is responsible for yourself and your family."

"It makes sense." Su Yi nodded, "Your wife can be regarded as a pillow person, how do you explain your abnormality to her?"

"I can't explain it." Ma Jun shook his head, "But she is very smart and knows that I am going through something unusual."

After a pause, Ma Jun said to Su Yi: "As someone who has experienced it, I advise you not to underestimate women's IQ and ability to accept. In their eyes, the excuses you thought were foolproof are actually riddled with holes. If you can't tell them the truth, It's better not to tell them anything, but don't deliberately hide it, they will understand."

Su Yi was a little lost in thought, at this moment Li Xiang's figure appeared inexplicably in his mind.

"Hey, to be honest, the way you escaped from my tracking this time is a bit insulting." Ma Jun said, "Damn it, when I saw that pit, I was completely dumbfounded, and almost died of anger."

"It's good luck and a flash of inspiration, and it's not what was planned, so what can I say?" Su Yi shook his head, "If there wasn't that trap, maybe I wouldn't be able to escape, and I would have to admit defeat."

"Anyway, you've offended me this time." Ma Jun said in a joking tone, "You still ran to my house to hide. If I hadn't been suspended and had nowhere to go, no one would have known you if you hid for a few days. It's really enough."

Su Yi smiled: "In the whole Hong Kong Island, you are the safest place for me. If I don't come here, where should I go? It's a pity that people are not as good as God. I didn't expect you to come back when I came here. Oh, eat This meal, I'm going to die again."

Ma Jun said: "If only I could be as chic as you, it's a pity that there are rules and regulations everywhere. I do things with my hands tied, otherwise I will send 10,000 people to block that area as soon as I know your whereabouts, and then directly Mobilize sea, land and air to encircle you, can you escape?"

"If you really have that much power, then the rules will not be like this now." Su Yi said with a smile.

"That's right." Ma Jun was taken aback, and laughed at himself, "It's about balance. If the performance is not exciting due to the disparity in strength, I will actually be the victim."

"But speaking of it, you really gave me the biggest surprise this time." Ma Jun looked at Su Yi with a complicated expression on his face, "You are the only actor among the ten opponents who has been nominated for the Best Newcomer Award. I tried my best to think of you very well, but I still underestimated you."

"I would rather you not value me so much." Su Yi sighed.

"Why, do you want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?" Ma Jun laughed. "Actually, when I first started, the person I valued the most was Hua Tian. This guy is too unscrupulous. .”

"In "Young and Dangerous", I am Chen Haonan's subordinate Da Tianer, and he is Dongxing Crow's subordinate. Our two gangs each brought hundreds of people to fight on the street. Do you know what this guy has done?" Ma Jun said, "He used his poison gas bombs to kill everyone! Everyone died, including Crow and Chen Haonan! As a result, my mission directly failed and he directly won."

"Does the director not care?" Su Yi couldn't help asking.

"The director doesn't have as much power as you think..." Ma Jun said something casually, then felt a slip of the tongue, smiled apologetically, and changed the topic: "In short, I thought my biggest enemy was Hua Tian, ​​but I didn't expect Hua Tian I was eaten to death by you, and I was directly cheated to death by you, so you said, how could I not value you?"

"Then I really appreciate it." Su Yi said.

"You're being polite." Ma Jun said with a smile, "Anyway, you and I don't show mercy."

"That's natural." Su Yi suppressed his smile, "We don't have the qualifications to show mercy."

When the subject changed, Su Yi raised his glass: "I should go, drink this cup, see you in Jianghu."

Ma Jun also became serious, he nodded solemnly, and said, "Okay! I'm desperate now, and I have nowhere to go. Ajah, I will find Tony in four hours, let's fight hard !"

"Is this a letter of war?" Su Yi said.

"Yes, I don't want to procrastinate any longer. I always feel that I can't play with you, so I just cut the mess quickly." Ma Jun said.

Su Yi sighed and said, "You don't give me time to breathe."

"You're out of breath, I should be out of breath." Ma Jun said, "In short, winning or losing depends on this one, I'm going!"

"Alright!" Su Yi also nodded heavily, "I won the young model in the clubhouse, but I lost and went to work in the sea."


The two cups touched each other, and they drank it all in one gulp.

Put down the cup.


Su Yi wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, turned his head and left.

Ma Jun watched Su Yi leave with a smile on his face.

He has no intention of notifying the police, nor does he intend to play any dirty tricks, just like what he said to Su Yi before, he doesn't think he can outplay Su Yi by playing with his mind.

He doesn't need to use his own weaknesses to compete with others' strengths.

So he just went upright, didn't give Su Yi time to breathe, and went straight all the way.

Four hours later, at sea.

Su Yi, Tony and Ah Hu meet again.

This time, Su Yi chose the battlefield on the high seas.

Tony expressed concern about this, because once surrounded by the coast guard in the vast sea, there is no way to go to the sky and no way to enter the earth.

Tony felt that Su Yi was committing suicide.

But Su Yi told him that Ma Jun had been suspended by the police, and he would find him alone.

Su Yi's words are convincing, coupled with his prestige as the eldest brother, even though Tony finds it unbelievable, he still chooses to believe in the eldest brother again.

At this time, Su Yi was standing on the bow of a fishing boat and making a phone call, Ah Hu was checking his weapons, and Tony was observing the movements along the coast with binoculars.

"Brother Scum, don't worry, my injury is fine, and Ah Qiang is right next to me, so he's fine. Besides, you just let us take care of the periphery, so it doesn't matter. I've rented a speedboat now, and I'm ready to go anytime." Chen Yiyuan at the head said straightforwardly.

"Okay, come here immediately when you hear the explosion." Su Yi nodded in satisfaction, hung up the phone, then pulled out the phone card and threw it directly into the sea.

Looking at the scenery of the sea and the sky, Su Yi felt a little emotional. He originally thought that the battle with the Ma Jun would be a protracted see-saw battle, so this time he returned to Hong Kong Island, he still saved the gold bars to clear the way, and took the upper-level political route. The general trend is to calculate Ma Jun's mind.

He has even found a cooperation target at the top of the Hong Kong government, and made a plan to win the power of the six major families. Unexpectedly, Ma Jun would not give him a chance to calmly arrange it. He, the number one thief king, lost his gorgeous Turn around, hope from black to white.

Ma Jun tried his best not to take advantage of his background in the police force, and wanted to fight Su Yi to the death. This made Su Yi, who was used to outsmarting first, had to confront Ma Jun this time.

Su Yi is not a person who hurts the spring and the autumn, but at this time, he feels inexplicably emotional. The struggle between people is really inexplicable. It seems that if you find any reason, everyone can fight together.


Suddenly, Tony not far away yelled, interrupting Su Yi's thoughts.

Su Yi was refreshed and immediately focused.

He walked over to take the telescope in Tony's hand and looked into the distance.

I saw a speedboat coming here at high speed not far away.

The speedboat driver was hidden behind the windshield, so he couldn't see his true face clearly.

But at this time, the goal is clear to come here, except for Ma Jun, don't think about it.

"Brother, he really came here alone!" Tony was astonished at Su Yi again at this time, "How can you guess everything recently?"

"Because I'm handsome!" Su Yi smiled, pointing to the gradually enlarged black spot at the sea level, "Tony, Ah Hu, fire two cannonballs first, and blow it away!"

"it is good!"

Soon, Tony and Ahu each picked up a bazooka and aimed it in the direction the speedboat was coming from.

The speedboat came at a fast speed, and gradually, its outline could be clearly seen with the naked eye, which also meant that it entered the range of the rocket.

Tony fired the grenade first.

The grenade whizzed away.

But almost at the same time as he fired the grenade, the Ma Jun driving the speedboat immediately gave a warning sign, turned sharply, and hid aside.

The howitzers made the water surface violently choppy, but the Ma Jun narrowly avoided it, turned around and continued to come here.

At the pier not far away, at the same time as the sound of the explosion came, Chen Yiyuan and Zhuo Ziqiang looked at each other, and they launched their speedboats together, rushing towards the depths of the sea.

Ah Hu also fired a grenade.

But this time Ma Jun didn't hide at all.

The howitzer landed directly behind Ma Jun. In the huge splash of water, Ma Jun continued to approach as steady as an old dog.

"Ahu, aim and hit again!" Tony said dissatisfied.

"Oh!" Ah Hu scratched his head and quickly reloaded.

At this time, Ma Jun was already relatively close.


The two grenades were fired again in tandem.

At the same time as the first grenade was fired, Ma Jun had a warning sign in his heart, and he slammed to the left.But he found that the second grenade was fired after he turned around.

Can't hide!

Fortunately, Ma Jun had expected this result a long time ago, so he didn't panic, grabbed the oxygen tube and diving equipment on one side, and jumped directly into the sea.

The second grenade hit the out-of-control speedboat accurately, blowing it to pieces.

"Dead?" Tony asked excitedly.

"It's diving!" Su Yi kept watching through the binoculars, and he could see clearly.

"Made!" Tony cursed, put down the bazooka, picked up an AK from one side, and started shooting into the sea, causing splashes of water.

Ah Hu did the same.

"Don't fight! It's useless!" Su Yi stopped their actions, "He will definitely dive from the bottom to the boat before surfacing! It is useless for you to shoot now! It is difficult for us to stop him from boarding the boat. Get ready for hand-to-hand combat!"

"Okay, then let him come!" Tony said fiercely, "I don't believe that Ma Jun has three heads and six arms!"

Although Su Yi no longer had any hope of preventing Ma Jun from boarding the ship, the three of them did not completely give up blocking and sat and watched Ma Jun arrive.

The three brothers stood in a triangular position with a tacit understanding. Each of them held a position and aimed their guns underwater. As long as there was any movement, they would shoot.

"Be careful that he shoots coldly from the water!" Su Yi reminded.

In fact, this possibility is very small, because in the deep water, you can't see the outside situation. If it is shallow, you can see the water outside, then Tony and the others will shoot, and it is basically impossible for Ma Jun to get out of the water. Shoot inside and out.

But this kind of situation has to be guarded against, after all, the person who cheats cannot use common sense to deal with it.

It's not that Su Yi has never thought about the feasibility of intercepting Ma Jun underwater.

Fighting an encounter in the water, with three against one, seems to have a great chance of winning.

But Su Yi and his two younger brothers have no experience in "underwater warfare", and they also lack professional diving equipment.

As for whether Ma Jun is good at water warfare or whether he has underwater combat skills, Su Yi doesn't know anything.

In case Ma Jun is very good at water warfare, the three brothers going into the water is equivalent to delivering food.

The risk was too great, so Su Yi decisively gave up the water battle.

Da da da……

Ahu and Tony shot one after another.

"Come out!" Ah Hu roared angrily.

In fact, it was an act of venting under too much pressure and anxiety, and he didn't even see Ma Jun's shadow.

Just when the three of them were waiting for each other, suddenly——

There was a loud noise at the bottom of the water, the fishing boat vibrated violently and tilted, and the huge shock wave set off huge water waves, which slapped hard on the deck from all directions!

(End of this chapter)

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