Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 553 Missed Opportunity

Chapter 553 Missed Opportunity
How powerful Ma Jun is can only be known by fighting him with his own hands.

What he used seemed to be traditional martial arts routines, but those ordinary moves were used by him superbly. For Su Yi, what made him fear the most was Ma Jun's speed.

This guy punches too fast, so it's hard to guard against.

The second is strength. Ma Jun knows how to use strength. In the MMA arena, Su Yi has also come into contact with strong men, but those strong men use brute force. Unlike Ma Jun, he uses strength entirely by technique. He has a complete set of force methods.

So Su Yi is very sure that it is difficult for his twisting skills to lock Ma Jun.

At this moment, Ah Hu had obviously been beaten to the point where it was difficult to stay awake. Tony could still fight, but he was stunned by Su Yi's grenade just now, and he looked dizzy, as if he had a concussion.

And Su Yi knew himself well, it was impossible for him to subdue Ma Jun with twisting skills, even if Ma Jun still had a dagger pierced through his left arm.

In this case, as long as Ma Jun takes a little time, he can completely kill Tony and Ahu.

Su Yi didn't want his desperate efforts to be meaningless, so he asked Tony and Ah Hu to leave immediately, so as not to be affected and be cleaned up by Ma Jun.

Ah Hu and Tony helped each other up. At this time, they had a gun and could kill Ma Jun.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing!

The moment the ship was blasted, the hull tilted violently, and all the weapons prepared by Su Yi fell into the water, leaving only the guns and ammunition he carried with him.

The guns on Ah Hu and Tony had been taken off by Ma Jun long ago, and the two of them were beaten so badly that they couldn't even stand still. It would only be a burden if they stayed.

On the contrary, after they left, Su Yi had no scruples before he could fight Ma Jun freely.

Apparently Tony and the others were also aware of this, and the two struggled to lower the lifeboat. Ahu jumped off the boat first, and was about to turn around to meet Tony, but when Tony looked around, he picked up a length of cable and headed over here. come.

He was not reconciled and wanted to come back to help Su Yi.

"Go! Go!" Su Yi shouted angrily.

Almost at the same time, on the horizon, two speedboats were rapidly approaching. Chen Yiyuan and Zhuo Ziqiang were almost there!

Ma Jun obviously became agitated, he struggled hard, Su Yi gradually exhausted, but still tried his best to lock Ma Jun.

Su Yi never wants Tony to come back to help him at this time, but compared to Ahu, Tony obviously has more ideas of his own. He hopes that he can play a role at this time, not like Ahu, what Su Yi asked him to do , what he does.

"Ah ah ah..."

Feeling the crisis, Ma Jun exploded with great strength, but still couldn't break free from Su Yi's shackles.

At this moment Tony was in front of Ma Jun. Ma Jun tried his best to kick Tony, but Tony easily dodged it. Instead, he wrapped the rope around Ma Jun's neck and strangled him hard.

While Tony was exerting force, Ma Jun was also exerting force. He actually used the strength of his neck to pull Tony staggering.

Then at this moment, Ma Jun drew out the hand that had been wrestling with Su Yi.


Ma Jun gave up his resistance, causing Su Yi to directly twist his left arm.

"Ugh..." Ma Jun screamed miserably, his left arm had been twisted to a strange angle, and his entire arm had long been soaked in blood.

But he ignored it, pulled out the dagger that had been stabbing his left arm, and first slashed viciously towards Su Yi behind him.

At this time, Su Yi's body was unstable, and he couldn't do a block at all, so he had to roll around in embarrassment to dodge.

But this is what Ma Jun wanted, and he stabbed Tony who was strangled by his neck.

Tony fled back in shock, but Ma Jun kicked his feet suddenly, made a diving posture inconceivably, caught up with Tony who flew back, and pierced Tony's throat with the dagger in his hand!

Fantastic jump!
Incredible jump!
Both of them fell on the deck.

Ma Jun turned over and fell off Tony, roaring and grabbing the dagger and slamming everything down. Half of Tony's neck was cut off by him.

Tony's body twitched, he had completely lost his strength, and he was dying!

A few seconds later, Su Yi and Chen Yiyuan and Zhuo Ziqiang who were coming all received a message from the terminal that the second thief king Xian Weiliang had died!
Under such a difficult situation, Ma Jun still accomplished his goal of killing Tony!

Su Yi watched this scene in shock, feeling unspeakable powerlessness and frustration in his heart.


The taste of failure is so bitter and unbearable.

"Damn it!" Su Yi rushed towards Ma Jun furiously.

Ma Jun grinned grimly, with blood on his mouth, and swung his dagger at Su Yi vigorously.

The two hit it off again.


At this moment, Chen Yiyuan and Zhuo Ziqiang arrived in two speedboats. They circled the half-sunken fishing boat, trying to wait for an opportunity to shoot and kill Ma Jun, but Ma Jun and Su Yi fought endlessly. They shot, and it was difficult to guarantee that Su Yi would not be injured.

Su Yi's heart was full of excitement. Although Ma Jun was desperately clinging to him, he knew very well that this deadlock would soon be broken!
Sooner or later, he will create an opportunity for Chen Yiyuan and Zhuo Ziqiang below to shoot Ma Jun!
Just when Su Yi was full of hope, there was a sudden gunshot, and the bullet grazed Su Yi's left rib and accurately hit Ma Jun's lower abdomen to the right.

Su Yi and Ma Jun, who were fighting, were startled, they separated with a tacit understanding, and the two retreated to hide.

Bang bang bang!
Zhuo Ziqiang, who fired that shot just now, kept shooting at the boat, so that Ma Jun and Su Yi didn't dare to show their heads.

"Ah Qiang! What are you doing!" Chen Yiyuan shouted angrily.

"This is the best chance to kill Ma Jun!" Zhuo Ziqiang roared.

"You will hurt brother scum!" Chen Yiyuan shouted hastily.

"You fucking motherfucker!" Zhuo Ziqiang yelled in embarrassment, and continued to shoot with his submachine gun.

Da da da……

The submachine guns began to fire, and the bullets poured crazily on the fishing boat.

At this moment, with a gunshot, the sound of the submachine gun shooting stopped abruptly.

Zhuo Ziqiang turned his head in disbelief, covering the part where he was shot. He yelled at Chen Yiyuan in shock and anger: "You hit me? You shot me!"

"This is your helper?" Ma Jun on the boat suddenly sarcastically said something to Su Yi, and then took advantage of the gap and threw himself into the sea!
The news of Ma Jun falling into the water alarmed Zhuo Ziqiang and Chen Yiyuan, and they all looked this way.

Da da da……

Ma Jun hurriedly shot into the water.

At the same time, he did not forget to keep shooting at the boat.

Su Yi looked around and found the unexploded grenade lying quietly in a corner not far away. He rolled over and grabbed the grenade.

Hearing the direction of the machine gun fire, Su Yi pulled out the pull ring and threw it with all his might!

With an explosion, water sprayed into the sky, and the speedboat was thrown high by huge waves. Zhuo Ziqiang screamed and was overturned into the water.

Only then did Su Yi poke his head out quietly, and saw Chen Yiyuan standing on the speedboat not far away, looking at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

After a long time, Chen Yiyuan seemed to come to his senses, and hurriedly aimed his gun at the water surface, searching for Zhuo Ziqiang, and at the same time started the speedboat to approach the fishing boat. powerful."

But how could Su Yi trust him so easily at this time?

"I don't have a gun! Give me a gun!" Su Yi shouted without showing his head.

A moment later, with a "gudong", a gun was thrown onto the boat.

Su Yi picked it up and checked it hastily.

The gun is a good gun, loaded with bullets, no problems.

Chen Yiyuan below was shouting: "Brother scum, I put down the gun in my hand and turn my back to you, don't worry? Come down quickly, I promise not to move!"

Su Yi quickly looked around, and as expected, Chen Yiyuan put down his gun and raised his hands, standing inside the speedboat.

In order to win Su Yi's trust, he still turned his back on the fishing boat. At this time, Su Yi wanted to kill him easily.

It is impossible for Chen Yiyuan to act with his own life, Su Yi felt relieved, it seemed that the two hadn't discussed it in advance, but Zhuo Ziqiang himself was hotheaded and anxious to kill Ma Jun at any "price".

This "price" is of course Su Yi's life.

"Okay, A Yuan, I believe you!" Su Yi didn't jump off the boat, but loaded the bullet and searched the water carefully.

Chen Yiyuan looked back and met Su Yi's eyes. Su Yi nodded to him, and he immediately smiled.

"Zhuo Ziqiang is such a badass!" Chen Yiyuan yelled as he picked up the gun, "I really misunderstood him. Is Ma Jun so easy to kill? He is a good guy, and he still wants to take advantage of it? Fuck him Yes, what an idiot who accomplishes more than fails!"

He scolded very indignantly, obviously he was really angered by Zhuo Ziqiang.

Facing the powerful Ma Jun, even if the three of them work together, the outcome is uncertain. In the end, Zhuo Ziqiang thought he could kill Ma Jun when he saw the opportunity, but even Su Yi, the most powerful ally, also wanted to kill him.

The results of it?
Because of his stupid behavior, he really missed the best chance to kill Ma Jun, and even himself was blown into the sea by Su Yi's grenade.

How can this kind of self-righteous idiot who destroys the Great Wall not make people angry?

Su Yi was expressionless at the moment.

Ordinarily he should be the most angry one, not to mention saving a white-eyed wolf, this white-eyed wolf also wasted the best chance to kill Ma Jun, the anger in Su Yi's heart has already exploded!

But he must calm himself down now, because Ma Jun is still in the water, and he still has a chance to kill Ma Jun!


At a certain moment, a figure suddenly turned onto Zhuo Ziqiang's yacht over there.

bang bang bang...

Su Yi and Chen Yiyuan decisively fired their guns there immediately.

Puff puff……

The bullets kept hitting this man, making many blood holes.

But this person is not Ma Jun, but Zhuo Ziqiang!
Zhuo Ziqiang with a dagger stuck in his chest!
After Su Yi and Chen Yiyuan saw it clearly, Qi Qi was startled, and they immediately hid their bodies.

Da da da……

Sure enough, the next moment Ma Jun jumped out of the water, took the AK that Zhuo Ziqiang was holding before, and fired in the direction of Su Yi and Chen Yiyuan.

While shooting, he also flipped onto the speedboat and kicked Zhuo Ziqiang off the boat.

Then he dropped the gun and quickly launched the speedboat.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, Su Yi and Chen Yiyuan fought back together.

But Ma Jun tried his best to hide his body. From Chen Yiyuan's angle, he couldn't see him at all. Su Yi was condescending, but he could only see the left half of Ma Jun's body.

Bang bang bang!
Su Yi shot Ma Jun on the left back shoulder several times in succession, but Ma Jun didn't care at all, and drove the motorboat through the water and went away.

"Brother scum, hurry up!" Seeing Ma Jun running away, Chen Yiyuan yelled anxiously.

Without saying a word, Su Yi jumped onto the speedboat.

The speedboat shook violently and shook.

After Su Yi stood firm, he saw Ahu struggling to stick his head out of the lifeboat not far away. He seemed to be dying.

"Wait here for me!" Su Yi yelled at him.

I don't know if he heard it, but Chen Yiyuan had already launched the speedboat.

The speedboat turned a corner and was about to catch up. At this moment, the two saw Zhuo Ziqiang paddling out of the water not far away.

Blood stained the water around him red, but this guy is still alive!

When he saw Su Yi and Chen Yiyuan not far away, his eyes suddenly burst into surprise and hope.

"help me……"

Su Yi shot without hesitation.

A bullet precisely passed through Zhuo Ziqiang's forehead, his whole body shook, staring unwillingly, and slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

"It deserves it!" Chen Yiyuan cursed and looked away, the speedboat accelerated, and chased in the direction where Ma Jun was fleeing.

However, after only chasing for a certain distance, Su Yi saw several large ships appearing on the sea level not far away.

"A Yuan, turn around!" Su Yi's heart sank, and he said decisively.

"Is it a coast guard ship?" Chen Yiyuan was a little confused.

"Regardless of whether it is or not, don't chase, we can't catch up!" Su Yi said.

Ma Jun fled so fast that Su Yi felt that there was no hope of catching up with him.

Chen Yiyuan obviously knew this too, it was just a great opportunity, which made people very unwilling.

"Made! Zhuo Ziqiang is a big bastard!" He cursed angrily, and then turned around.

"Brother scum, where are you going?" Chen Yiyuan asked.

"Go pick up Ah Hu!" Su Yi said.

"You have been shot, you must deal with it immediately!" Chen Yiyuan said.

Su Yi casually grabbed a bullet stuck in his flesh, and pulled it out with bare hands.

He was shot underwater, and the bullets were not very powerful, and they were all stuck in his flesh, not very deep.

This made Su Yi heave a sigh of relief. If he had been hit by a lot of bullets, he could only use the exemption card to quit now, undefeated and defeated.

The speedboat sailed into the depths of the vast sea.

On the other side, Ma Jun drove the speedboat straight to a patrolling coast guard ship, which really made the coast guards on board nervous for a while. When Ma Jun showed his identity, the coast guards looked at Ma Jun covered in blood on the speedboat. Suddenly everyone turned pale with shock.

They hurriedly rescued Ma Jun on board.

"Ma sir, what happened?"

"I met the three brothers Xian Weicha, as well as Zhuo Ziqiang and Chen Yiyuan, about ten nautical miles southwest from here." Ma Jun had already lost a lot of blood at this moment, and he was a little dizzy, "Hurry up now, Xian Weiliang has already Killed by me, Zhuo Ziqiang... I don't know if he is dead or not, the rest of them should be fleeing now..."

"I'll ask the other brothers to follow up. I'll send you to the hospital first, and I'll notify brother one!" The matter was so important that the commander of the ship did not dare to neglect and immediately reported the situation to his superiors.

Ma Jun couldn't bear it any longer, and fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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