Chapter 560

Correction: In the previous chapter, it was written that Wang Shihai’s younger brothers came out with machetes and axes. It was a mistake. It should be correct that they were holding wooden sticks and picks. Because according to the original plot setting, there are no irons on the streets of Jinmen. This is the rule.The following text:
As expected, things did not go beyond Brother Kuan's expectations, Liu Haiqing, a bastard in robes, couldn't stop the three brothers of the Wang family at all.

It was the huge reward that Li Yukun promised Liu Haiqing that stunned everyone.

You must know that before Li Yukun "offered a reward" to Wang Shihai in front of the Libas, he was only willing to pay five hundred oceans.But for Liu Haiqing, he is willing to go out to a thousand oceans.

Does he think that Liba and the others are worth five hundred even if they work hard?Still think that as long as Liu Haiqing can succeed, it will be a good deal to spend a thousand dollars?

Others have no way of knowing.

Wang Shihai was also taken aback. He looked at Li Yukun with a moved face, and said with a strange expression: "One thousand oceans! Li Yukun, you are really willing to spend money!"

Slightly pondering, Wang Shihai stretched out three fingers to Liu Haiqing: "Brother Liu, today I made you unable to make a fortune, so I ran for nothing, brother, I feel sorry for you, except for the rented room at Dengyinglou, I will give you this extra amount, it is considered as your transportation fee, brother." .”

"Second brother Wang is righteous! Then I'd rather be respectful than obey my younger brother." Liu Haiqing smiled and cupped his hands, turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing this, even if Li Yukun is a fool, he can understand it.

Liu Haiqing was afraid that from the very beginning, he had no intention of making Li Yukun out of this. It was he who went to the doctor in a hurry and let the surname Liu see the opportunity to make a fortune.

So when others were afraid to avoid it, this Liu Haiqing recommended himself, asking for a "sky-high price adjustment fee" of one thousand oceans, promising not to pay if the matter is not completed.

In Li Yukun's opinion at the time, this great thing was of great benefit to him and no harm at all.Liu Hai's halal work has been done, and he is willing to pay a thousand oceans.In case Liu Haiqing can't do it, he doesn't have to give him a penny.

That's why he brought Liu Haiqing back to help him settle the matter.

Unexpectedly, this Liu Haiqing came here to get things done!
He yelled a high price of one thousand oceans, just to hold Wang Shihai on the other side, and to ask Wang Shihai for more money.

If it weren't for the sky-high price of one thousand oceans, if Wang Shihai invited Liu Haiqing to have a meal and gave him another fifty or one hundred oceans at most, the matter would be considered closed.

But now, Wang Shihai is willing to pay [-] oceans because Liu Haiqing "lost" a thousand oceans.

From beginning to end, he, Li Yukun, was played like a monkey!

After figuring this out, Li Yukun was furious, his eyes were about to burst, he stepped forward, pointed at Liu Haiqing, and cursed: "Well, you picky bastard, I'm really confused by lard, how can I believe such a wicked thing like you! Liu, you are not human! You bastard! You fox in human skin!"

Liu Haiqing smiled wryly again and again, with a look of guilt, clasped his fists and said, "Brother Li, I really didn't get it done for you. I'm ashamed, but a gentleman breaks friendship and doesn't say bad words..."

"Fuck! What kind of gentleman are you..." Li Yukun jumped up and cursed, trembling with anger.

Liu Haiqing shook his head and sighed, waved his big sleeves away, beat the gong and sang as he walked: "I will not steal, I will not touch, I will not rob, and I will not seize. There is also Zhe, as long as I have a mouth, I can live..."

The sound of the gong faded away, Wang Shihai withdrew his gaze, and said to Li Yukun with a sneer, "Li, what else do you have to say?"

"Wang Shihai, are you really not going to give me a way out?" Li Yukun cried out in grief and indignation.

"I won't give it, what can you do?" Wang Shihai said disdainfully.

"I'll fight with you!" Li Yukun yelled in despair, pulled out a knife from his waist, and raised his arms and shouted wildly: "Men, charge with me..."

As he spoke, he yelled and rushed forward.

"No one move!" On the other side, Brother Kuan yelled in a low voice.

So Liba didn't move any of them, and watched Li Yukun rush forward alone, was knocked down by a man next to Wang Shihai, and then three or five people surrounded him and beat and kicked him.

"You're old enough, and you still dare to touch iron? Li, you broke the rules, so you can't blame me!" Seeing this situation, Wang Shihai smiled triumphantly, waved his hands vigorously, and shouted: "Small the shop for me!"

Someone asked, why do you have to smash the store?Since you snatched it and opened it yourself, why smash it?
This is because what can be in a porter labor service company?
At most, there are some tables, chairs, cabinets, trolleys, and books and so on.

These things are all useless to Wang Shihai, and the shop he robbed must be smashed and reinstalled, and it is not good to use old ones, so it is better to smash Liwei.

Following Wang Shihai's order, the Libas rushed into the shop like wolves and tigers, pounding and smashing.

Seeing dozens of trembling Liba standing on one side, not daring to raise their heads, Wang Shihai snorted and said disdainfully, "You guys are smart! Get out!"

"Yes, yes, big head." Brother Kuan laughed with him, and with a wave of his hand, he was about to lead his subordinates away.

The three brothers Wang Shihai didn't look at them from the beginning to the end, as if they didn't exist, and they didn't seem to be afraid that they would cause some troubles.

This was indeed the case, and dozens of Liba, led by the little leader, withdrew in a desperate manner.

After everyone left, Su Yi, who remained motionless, looked particularly abrupt and conspicuous.

Su Yi didn't look at the field, but at the pier not far away.

A group of onlookers surrounded it from afar.

There are few wharves in Jinmen, more coolies, less meat and more wolves. They all want to get some oil and water, so you fight each other between feet and feet. A small fight every three days, a big fight every five days, and street fighting with weapons are basically the norm.

In addition, Wuxing, Hanako, and gangs also have their own filth. If there is no movement on the streets of Jinmen for a few days, the common people will feel helpless. Out of moths.

Only when they heard the sound of fighting did they feel relieved.

Over time, watching the excitement has become one of the main ways of entertainment for the people of Jinmen. As long as you stand far away and watch, you are not afraid of bleeding.

But what Su Yi looked at was not the spectators, but farther away, where a cargo ship was berthing.

"Little Geng! Why are you in a daze!"

At this time, Brother Kuan found Su Yi who was still there, and his expression changed immediately. He hurriedly lowered his voice and shouted, waving his hands desperately at him: "Come here quickly! Still not leaving? Are you looking for death!"

Su Yi, however, acted as if he had never heard of it, and still stood there blankly, staring blankly at the pier.

Brother Kuan yelled a few times, his face changed, his eyes were full of anger, and he was in a dilemma.

The movement here quickly caught Wang Shihai's attention.Wang Shihai looked over with great interest, and his younger brother Wang Shiyuan said: "I'll go and have a look."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards this side, and the two younger brothers took the initiative to follow him.

"Little Geng, you really don't want to live!" Brother Kuan growled angrily, and was about to pull Su Yi away, but Su Yi seemed to have just recovered and dodged away.

Brother Kuan was taken aback for a moment.

Su Yi smiled at Brother Kuan and said, "Thank you, Brother Kuan."

Brother Kuan looked angry and indisputable: "What are you doing! Geng fool!"

"You go first." Su Yi said, "I have my reasons for staying."

"I don't care about you!" Brother Kuan was startled, his face changed several times, and he walked away.

Seeing Brother Kuan's weird expression when he left, Su Yi felt that Brother Kuan might have misunderstood something.

Soon, Wang Shiyuan came to Su Yi, raised his chin, and asked condescendingly: "Sun thief, why don't you leave?"

Su Yi didn't even look at him, turned his head and looked in the direction of the pier.

Then he was slightly taken aback.

He saw a middle-aged man in a suit, a top hat, and a civilized stick appearing on the dock, getting off the boat.

Su Yi smiled, the person he was waiting for finally arrived.

He seemed to think of what No. 032 said again: "Although your first performance mission is dangerous, as long as you do the following three points, you can minimize the risk and future troubles. First... last, the most critical What's more, this fight, you have to call someone, someone who just came to Jinmen, you have to impress him! He will take the cargo ship Baoshan and land at Dingzigu Wharf, and the time is..."

"Are you deaf or blind?"

Su Yi's thoughts were interrupted by a curse, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that one of the people brought by Wang Shiyuan had already walked in front of him and was grabbing Su Yi by the neck.

Su Yi's mind instantly cleared up.

He grabbed the man's wrist, pushed and twisted, and only heard a "crack", and his arm instantly changed shape.


The man screamed like killing a pig, Su Yi jumped up and kicked the man out.

The person who flew out directly hit the other person brought by Wang Shiyuan sideways, rolling to the ground together with him.

Su Yi kicked, and when he landed on the ground, he kicked his feet and rushed directly towards Wang Shiyuan!

At this moment Wang Shiyuan was still in a daze.

Not only Wang Shiyuan, but everyone was stunned.

No one would have thought that Su Yi would really dare to act at this time.

When Wang Shiyuan came back to his senses, Su Yi had already rushed in front of him.

This person is not a vegetarian, although he was a little surprised, he didn't panic. With a roar, he threw out both fists, and Ssangyong Tanguo broke the punch.

As soon as Su Yi made a move, he could feel that this guy was a man of kung fu.

However, Su Yi dived and slid close to him, making his attack miss.

Then Su Yi supported Wang Shiyuan's waist with his right shoulder, grasped the ankles of his feet with both hands, pushed forward and pushed forward suddenly, got up and leaned back, and fell backward.


This American-style backward fall caused Wang Shiyuan to land on the back of his neck, and then Su Yi's body weight was pressed down heavily, and his cervical spine was broken immediately!
After Su Yi rolled over, Wang Shiyuan was lying on the ground like a dead dog without making a sound.

This ups and downs can be said to have happened in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes widened in disbelief, and their brains couldn't react for a long time.

"Little brother!" Finally, Wang Shihai roared in shock and anger.

This sound seemed to be the press of the play button, and the Liba behind him rushed towards Su Yi at the same time.

Instead of retreating, Su Yi advanced, with the wind blowing from the soles of his feet, he rushed towards the crowd instead!

Go head-to-head with your opponents in the blink of an eye!

Seeing the ferocious faces of the Libas in front of them, they raised their pick handles or wooden sticks fiercely, and smashed them down fiercely, but Su Yi was one step ahead of them, with his elbows raised flat, and screaming, he pushed them across like a truck , the elbows kept bumping into the face and neck of the blocker, and everyone who passed by was overturned, and everyone was turned on their backs!

After all, Su Yi is also a professional MMA boxer. How can his power reserve be able to resist those who only have stupid strength?

This rampage really had the stance of breaking through a thousand troops alone, and the scene was immediately suppressed.

However, after all, manpower is limited.

Su Yi's speed slowed down a bit, and someone hit Su Yi's face with a stick. If the blow was hard, Su Yi's teeth would never be saved.

But Su Yi swung the stick past the stick with a simple tactical swing, and he punched the man in the jaw with an uppercut.

Then he kicked the stick that was drawn from the left with a flying kick, swayed to the right, and dived suddenly, making the sticks coming from all directions fly into the air.

When Su Yi stopped again, he had already rushed in front of Wang Shijiang.

"Go to hell!"

Wang Shijiang was terrified, but he didn't run away, and punched Su Yi hard.

This punch was no threat to Su Yi, Su Yi grabbed his arm casually and pulled it, breaking his arm.Then he stomped hard on his calf.

His calf was bent straight at ninety degrees.


Wang Shijiang screamed.

Su Yi sent him flying with a left swing, and the screams stopped abruptly.

When the wind came from behind, Su Yi leaned forward and rushed forward, and the four sticks whizzed past where he was originally standing.

Su Yi turned his head abruptly, swept his fierce eyes, and rushed back with a violent shout.

These Libas have long been frightened by Su Yi's ferocity. They just wanted to sneak attack just now, but now seeing Su Yi rushing over, how dare they confront him head-on?
The four turned their heads and ran away.

Su Yi didn't chase after him, but turned his head and continued to run towards Wang Shihai.

At this time, Wang Shihai's face changed drastically, and he took a few steps back. Seeing Su Yi approaching, he suddenly pulled out a gun from his back waist and pointed it at Su Yi's head.

Su Yi's footsteps stopped suddenly.

"Come on!" Wang Shihai shouted viciously, "Try again! I'll kill you with one shot!"

Su Yi smiled slightly: "Remember to open the insurance next time before saying this."

Before the words fell, Su Yi swung his hands forward, and the next moment the gun appeared in Su Yi's hand, and the muzzle of the gun was facing Wang Shihai.

Click, the safety is open.

Wang Shihai's face turned pale in an instant, and he hurriedly raised his hands as if he had been electrocuted, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother, you have something to say, be careful not to get angry."

Su Yi smiled and closed the insurance again.

Wang Shihai didn't wait to breathe a sigh of relief, he felt Su Yi's figure flash in front of him, and the next moment he felt his waist and legs tighten, as if he was being grabbed, and then his head was turned upside down.


Su Yi nailed a headstone to the tombstone, and Wang Shihai suddenly collapsed to the ground limply.

He clapped his hands, turned his head, looked at the Libas who were holding wooden sticks and looked at him in fear but did not dare to go forward, their eyes suddenly widened with anger, and their tongues burst into thunder: "Who else!"

After saying a word, there was no sound.

At this moment, Su Yi felt that he was the most beautiful boy in Ding Zigu.

(End of this chapter)

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