Actor's reincarnation

Chapter 563 Su Yi's Capital

Chapter 563 Su Yi's Capital

"I'm the top card in Jinmen, and I can't take the lead in breaking the rules, otherwise it will only make outsiders laugh." Zheng Shan said proudly, "I have been the top card for 30 years, and now I just want to retire Now, do something that will truly benefit future generations, as long as you promise to teach the truth, I will let you open the museum."

"Benefiting future generations..." Chen Shi looked at Zheng Shanao, "30 years is not short, why not do it sooner?"

Zheng Shan smiled proudly: "There are so many things that I can't remember forever."

He said this with some emotion and some melancholy.

Do it early?

Can he still be the top card of Jinmen Wuxing for 30 years?
Who doesn't seek fame and wealth when they are young?
People are old and kind-hearted, because when they are old, they will consider the name behind them and think about the younger generation.

On the stage, the three Belarusian women were still spinning and jumping, while Chen Shi and Zheng Shanao in the audience were no longer interested in admiring, and each had their own thoughts.

"Actually, these three White Russian women only worried me, but didn't surprise me." Chen Shi said suddenly, "Instead, it was the other person I saw today that surprised and frightened me."

Zheng Shanao cooperated authentically: "Tell me about it."

"Curator Zheng invited me to watch a dance, and it's not rude to come and go." Chen Shi said suddenly, "I want to ask the curator to see someone. I wonder if you are interested?"

Zheng Shan's proud smile was not a smile: "Is this person good-looking?"

"It's so beautiful." Chen Shi replied.

"Then where do we go to see this person?" Zheng Shan said proudly.

"Please move to the roof terrace first, I will bring this person to you later." Chen Shi said.

Zheng Shanao seemed to have guessed something, looked thoughtfully at Su Yi who was not far away, nodded slowly and said: "Okay, it's okay to have a look."

At this time, Su Yi and Liu Haiqing on the other side were still drinking and watching the performance by themselves, and there was no communication between them.

Su Yi had ulterior motives, but Liu Haiqing responded with a way of responding that it is better to be quiet than to move, so he remained silent.

At this moment, Chen Shi came over and stood in front of the table for the two of them.

Both of them looked up at him.

Chen Shi first nodded slightly to Liu Haiqing, then looked at Su Yi.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you rashly." Chen Shi said slowly to Su Yi, "Is this gentleman surnamed Geng? An hour ago, I happened to be in Dingzigu, and I witnessed Mr. Geng showing off his posture and coercing everyone. I was fascinated by the first scene, and I wanted to make friends at that time. Mr. Geng, I, Chen Shi, is a warrior from the south. If there is any presumptuousness, please forgive me."

With that said, Chen Shi solemnly clasped his fists and saluted solemnly.

Su Yi also hurriedly got up, bowed back, and said: "I don't dare to take the word Mr., if you don't mind, just call me Xiao Geng."

"Then I won't be polite." Chen Shi breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, "I dare not hide it from you. After seeing your martial arts skills, I actually have something I want to ask you, Xiao Geng, so I just want to say a few words. As for the conversation, I don’t know if it’s convenient for you, Xiao Geng?”

"If you have anything, just ask, don't ask for advice." Su Yi said.

"Cheerful." Chen Shi gave a thumbs up, "But this is not a place to talk, why don't we go to the terrace to chat? It just so happens that there is a senior who is highly respected in Jinmen martial arts and wants to meet you."

"Okay, then go to the terrace." Su Yi said briskly.

Then he looked back at Liu Haiqing, whose eyes were shining, and said, "Brother Liu, please wait a moment, I will go back as soon as I go."

"Brother Geng, just go, don't worry about me." Liu Haiqing said with a smile.

Su Yi smiled at him, then followed Chen Shi and turned to leave.

Liu Haiqing looked at the backs of Su Yi and others going away, and couldn't help muttering: "Did you catch up with Mr. Zheng? This is for me? Geng Liangchen, what are you going to do..."

Su Yi followed Chen Shi to the terrace, where Zheng Shanao had already been waiting.

"Let me introduce. This is the owner of Jinmen Shenzhou Martial Arts Academy, Mr. Zheng, the top brand of Jinmen Martial Arts." Chen Shi stood between the two, "This is my friend Xiao Geng, whose name is Geng Liangchen. .”

After Su Yi saluted Zheng Shanao, Chen Shi immediately told the process of getting to know Su Yi.

"I only met Xiao Geng today. An hour ago, I disembarked from Tingzigu..."

Zheng Shan'ao was not interested in fighting on foot, and only when he heard that Su Yi was facing more than [-] people alone, and dared to capture the thief first and capture the king first, and abolished the three brothers of the Wang family, he praised "good courage".

When he heard that Su Yi was also proficient in western boxing, Siamese boxing, karate, jujitsu, as well as Korean taekyon and Mongolian wrestling, Zheng Shanao looked at Su Yi even more.

"You are knowledgeable and talented." Zheng Shanao looked Su Yi up and down, "But why are they all foreigners' stuff? Where did Xiao Geng learn from?"

"I met a lighthouse man last year." Su Yi said, "I didn't even learn from him, but I learned from him for a few months. I practiced whatever he taught. Later, when the lighthouse man returned to China, I continued to practice on my own. From the time I learned martial arts So far, it’s only been a year since it’s full.”

"You're really talented," Zheng Shan said with a proud smile, "Your body size has also been cultivated in this year?"

"It took almost half a year." Su Yi said.

Zheng Shan raised his eyebrows and was about to speak when Chen Shi suddenly said, "Xiao Geng, do you mind taking off your shirt and showing us your muscles?"

Su Yi was taken aback.

"It doesn't mean anything else. They are all martial arts practitioners. We are also happy to see Lie Xin. We want to see the difference between those who practice Chinese martial arts and those who practice Western boxing." Chen Shi said sincerely.

Su Yi smiled casually: "Okay, they are all men, look at me and I can't miss a piece of meat."

After all, he looked around, stepped forward and locked the door leading to the terrace, and then began to take off his shirt, revealing his upper body muscles.

Both Zheng Shan'ao and Chen Shi are masters in martial arts. When they observed Su Yi's muscles at close range, they were instantly moved, and their eyes sparkled.

How could they fail to see the particularity of Su Yi's muscles?
This body of muscles is simply born for martial arts!
It is true that as long as a person is willing to work hard, he can build muscles, but it is not certain whether the muscles he develops will be useful.

For fighting, it doesn't mean that as long as a muscle is trained, it will definitely help.On the contrary, if some muscles that do not need to be trained are too developed, it will affect the effect of punching force.

This principle is easy to understand. For example, long-distance runners also need to exercise their muscles, but they don't need to run with two pectoralis major muscles weighing several kilograms. For long-distance runners, pectoral muscles are a burden.

The same is true for fighting sports. In bodybuilding, you need to develop large chest muscles, but in fighting, you don't need to train them to be too developed.

One is because the main exercise for exercising the chest muscles is the bench press, which is basically useless in fighting, and it is useless to practice.

The second is that most of the pectoral muscles are concentrated in the front of the chest, which is protected by the ribs, and the arms can be used for simple and effective defense, so no matter whether it is offense or defense, there is no need for a large number of pectoral muscles in fighting. OK.

Even the biceps, which appear to be very powerful to ordinary people, do not need to be developed much in fighting.

Instead, the deltoids, trapezius, and thighs are more important than the pecs and biceps.

In modern sports, no matter where the muscles need to be exercised, there is a set of efficient and scientific exercise methods to specifically train specific sports needs.

But in the period of the Republic of China, such a method was not summed up at all, and even except for a few martial arts masters, people did not have the awareness and concept of this aspect at all.

For the vast majority of people, in terms of physical fitness, there are probably only two types: strong and thin.

A person who looks strong should be able to fight well; a person who looks thin must not be able to fight well.

In a way it's true, but it's too general.

Each school of martial arts has its own training methods, which are used to exercise the body and build muscles.

But these methods are generally very inefficient and can easily hurt themselves.

The most unacceptable thing is that without professional, systematic and scientific training methods and the cooperation of related training equipment, it is actually impossible for warriors at this time to develop the perfect muscles they need throughout their lives, because We don't know how to exercise some muscles properly without affecting others while exercising them.

For example, Chen Shi once said that since he was 14 years old, he swung his knife [-] times a day.

This may sound like hard work, but it is not.

Swinging the knife five hundred times was the limit for Chen Shi, but if he were replaced by Su Yi, he could swing the knife two thousand times a day without any problem, and it would not cause muscle strain.

This involves the issue of scientific exercise. The more scientific the exercise method, the more efficient it is.

In traditional martial arts, especially Neijiaquan, there are "pile exercises". The purpose of practicing pile exercises is to exercise body coordination and deepen understanding of oneself, and the second is to exercise specific muscles.

The advantage of Zhuang Gong is that if the standing posture is solid, the physical and mental realms will be improved, and people can practice to a higher realm.

The downside is that the efficiency is too low, often three to five years, or even "not going out for ten years."

But if you exercise specific muscles according to the training method of mixed martial arts, maybe only the realm of the body will improve, and the realm of the heart will not keep up.But it must be more efficient to do so. When others are still standing, you may already be very good at playing.

If you don't care about time, in the long run, it's better to stand up.

But life is limited after all. In terms of efficiency and practicality, scientific exercise is undoubtedly more advantageous.

To say so much is just to show how unbelievable it is to Zheng Shanao and Chen Shi that Su Yi has developed muscles specially developed for fighting in just half a year.

Normally speaking, according to the methods they have been teaching and practicing, it will take at least three to five years to achieve Su Yi's physical fitness.

And he must not be as perfect as Su Yi.

For Zheng Shanao and Chen Shi, the muscles on Su Yi's body, one point too much is too much, one point minus is too little, it is simply the most perfect and just right artwork.

Such muscles satisfy all the needs of a warrior for his own body, and are definitely the most dreamed body of any warrior.

What Zheng Shanao and Chen Shi desire most is the method of precisely training the muscles of this body!
This is the core they desire most!
If you can master this method...

The two of them became excited just thinking about it.

"In half a year, how did you manage to develop this body of muscles?" Zheng Shanao asked the question that both of them wanted to know.

But Su Yi didn't intend to answer their questions.

After showing off his figure, he immediately put on his clothes again.

"Director Zheng, Brother Chen, I still have friends waiting for me, I really can't continue chatting with you two today." Su Yi said with a leisurely smile, "If I have time some other day, I will accompany you two Enough talking."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands to the two, reopened the balcony door, and left in a hurry.

Both Zheng Shanao and Chen Shi did not stop them, they watched Su Yi's leaving back in a daze, and remained silent for a long time.

After a while, Chen Shicai said, "Director Zheng, what do you think of this little Geng?"

"It looks good." Zheng Shanao said with a solemn expression, "but it's also scary! The most terrifying lighthouse boxer who taught him, foreigners have obviously mastered more advanced and effective training methods than ours. They have already walked in our ahead!"

"If you want to leave blessings for future generations, having a Geng Liangchen in your hands is thousands of dollars better than me, Chen Shi." Only then did Chen Shi slowly say what he really wanted to say, "Although Wing Chun is a small sect, , but I dare not forget the oath of the master."

Zheng Shanao came back to his senses, glanced at him, and pondered: "These two things don't conflict. My proposal is still valid. I'll give you three days to think about it. You can start Shilin in three days. See, Jinmen's top western restaurant, it's easy to inquire about."

Zheng Shan smiled proudly and patted Chen Shi on the shoulder: "Promise or not, you and I have a meal friendship."

After all, turn around and leave.

When leaving, Zheng Shanao went straight out without even looking at Su Yi, as if he didn't recognize this person at all.

Su Yi said to Liu Haiqing: "Brother Liu, the show is over, why don't we go to the first floor for dinner?"

"Your field, listen to you." Liu Haiqing smiled and got up, and followed Su Yi downstairs.

Su Yi called the waiter and asked him to help remove the wine and snacks, and the two sat down in a secluded booth on the first floor.

When Chen Shi came out from the balcony, he couldn't see Su Yi's people, thinking he was gone, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

He didn't use Su Yi before, he really wanted to make friends with Su Yi.

But fortunately, if you know the root cause, it is not too difficult to find it if you really want to.

During the meal, both Su Yi and Liu Haiqing opened up their conversation boxes. They talked about the past and the present, and talked a lot, but most of them were chatting and bragging, without much practical significance.

But both of them are smart people, and they both felt the other's observation, probing, and active understanding and intimacy of themselves.

Satisfied with wine and food, Su Yi wiped his mouth, his face slightly serious.

Liu Haiqing, who was on the opposite side, immediately felt tense.

He knew what kind of medicine was sold in Su Yi's gourd, and it was about to be revealed now.

"The three brothers of the Wang family have been dismissed, and I have talked with Li Yukun and Li about the business of walking at the Dingzigu and Baihe docks." Su Yi said in an understatement tone, "Although I am born walking, but when It was the first time for a lot of people, and they had no experience, so I persuaded Li to stay and help me, and I gave him [-]% dry shares. Brother Liu, what do you think of my deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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